05x15 - Wrongful Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Law & Order: Criminal Intent". Aired: September 30, 2001 – June 26, 2011.*
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NYPD detectives of the Major Case Squad use unconventional methods to solve crimes.
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05x15 - Wrongful Life

Post by bunniefuu »

In New York City's w*r on crime, the worst criminal offenders are pursued by the detectives of the Major Case Squad.

These are their stories.

One little African kid die in every 3 seconds because they ain't got enough food.

Man, that ain't right.

I mean, we t*nk and rip off what falls out of my mother-in-law's mouth.

Excuse me.

I'm locked out.

I went out the wrong door.

Could you let me back in?



- Sorry.

- It's all right.

Excuse me.

Is this the way to Human resources?

Down the hall, turn right.


- Here, let me give you a hand.

- Ah, thanks.

You can just dump that anywhere.

That's okay.

I'm on my break.

You're supposed to wear that badge where people can see it.

I forgot.

Better go get my badge before I get in trouble.

Good idea.


The duct's unsupported.

It won't hold your weight.

I can do it.

You'll stand lookout in the stairwell.

We'll have to move quick, so it's only gonna be the three of us.

Sorry, Drew.

We okay?


Don't confuse me with someone who cares, because I don't.

I know what this is worth to you.

You come up with the number, then we'll talk.

If I'm not back in ten, just get out.

What the hell are you doing up here?

Law & Order CI Start with complaint about a bad smell from the tap water.

Looks like he's been in there three or four days.

Any idea how he got up here?


Doors are locked and alarmed.

Roof's been secure since 9/11 on account of it has sight lines on four federal buildings.

All right.

Well, it could be an accident.

Nylon rope and climbing shoes.

This guy wasn't out for a stroll.

Wait a second.

Hey, let's see if we can something off this memory card.

/ Okay.

Hey, let's get these shoes.

Right there.

Flashlight, utility knife, and magnets?



Why is this fan off?

It should be turning.

Can we, uh, get this off?

Looks like somebody put this here to stop the fan from going around.

Where does this duct go to?

- It's just coolant.

- Yeah.

A lot of dust in here.

Looks like I got two sets of footprints.

Some going in, some going out.

Looks like the one going in matches the treads on the shoes of the victim.

The set coming out must have found another way up to the roof.

Where's the nearest access to this duct?

It's through here.

Oh, wait.

It's another magnet.

Marks from a shoe.

Number two climbed up through here.

Ah, uninvited guest.

I'm sorry it happened, okay?

But I can't have this following me for the rest of my life.

Can I count on you or not?

She'll say she was with me.


These from the victim's camera?


That's the last two he took, right there.

- Isn't that the top of the courthouse?

- Yeah.

The roof where we found the body offers the only clear view of that statue.

Courthouse makes a nice t*rror1st target.

Yeah, well, I'm not sure that's what we're dealing with.

Look, these narrow passageways.

Slime-covered walls.

Tile work in abandoned subway stations.

Look, these they might be trophies.

Thank you.

You know, the record of an urban explorer.

Maybe he saw something on that roof he wasn't supposed to.

Johnny Magneto's real name is Eric Newsome.

Engineering student.

His parents reported him missing Sunday.

Home of Ron & Christine Newsome East Meadow, New York Tuesday, March 14 A water tower.

That just doesn't make sense.

He wouldn't be where he had no business.

You know his friends?

Maybe other engineering students?

We don't know them.

Eric moved out three years ago.

Nikki, our daughter, might.

She studies architecture at the same college as Eric.

We told her you were coming.

We're very sorry about Eric.

When's the last time you talked to him?


He was supposed to come to dinner Saturday.

This is Nikki and her friend Drew.

The police asked about Eric's friends.

He, he didn't really have a lot.

He was kind of a grind.

Eric had to work part-time.

Unlike some people, he wasn't handed everything.

Did you talk to your brother on Friday night?


I was busy.

We went out to dinner.

I'll need to see Eric's apartment.

Maybe you could show us around.

If you want to bring Drew, that's fine with us.

Eric's papers are over here.

That shot from her father.

You get that a lot?

He thinks my family's rich.

Maybe it has something to do with where you take his daughter to dinner.

Where'd you go Friday night?

It was an Indian restaurant.

What'd you have?

Just be careful what you say.

Because my partner is asking Drew the same question.

Green stain on your necklace.

Did you get that in the utility room Friday night?

It's coolant, right?

Did you break into that building?

With Eric?

Was Drew with you?

Just Rafe.

He's a student with Eric.

You wanna tell us what happened on the roof?

I don't know.

Uh, Eric went up he went up by himself.

And Rafe was keeping lookout.

And when Eric didn't come back, we thought maybe he was caught.

So we took off.

Was Eric in trouble with anybody?


We don't hurt anybody.

It's, it's a game.

We like to break into places and just look around.

I got a problem.

Come over here.

Come here.


These are all the places where you've been.

/ Yes.

- Tell me about them.

- Well That is a drainpipe under the Cypress hill cemetery.

That is inside the roof of the Crown building.

Nobody's ever taken a picture of the aperture before.

My, my brother showed me places I've never seen.

There's a photo missing.

No, that's, that's all the places we've been.

This photo was on Eric's camera, and it's not on the board.

I've never seen this before.

All right, Nikki, you can go back over with Drew.

I guess it's a place that Eric went without the others.

Whatever secret he was keeping from his friends looks like it came back and bit him.

Is your brother buying a motorcycle?

He couldn't afford it.

Priced a couple of models.

Got loan rates.

Secret missions, big ticket purchases.

He was making his urban spelunking pay off.


These pipes in the chase, they carry oxygen.

Some kind of scientific facility?

A lab or a hospital?

Not too many of those in the five boroughs.

There was a photo that was taken five days before this one.

He's on a roof.



Building to the right.

That's Murray hill hospital.

He scouted it.

That's an access to that utility chase.

This is the only storage room that has one.

From one haystack to another.

- What's in these boxes?

- Just old patient files.

When's the last time someone was in here?

- May of last year.

- Yeah?

Look at this.

The back left-hand corner has been crushed.

And these boxes here have been moved over.

Well, someone's made a mess of this.

Maybe to keep these boxes from leaning into this one?

Maybe Eric wanted something in here.

This tape is new, it's not brittle like the others.

Box 4728-A.


Everett Janns' patient files.

He died a few years ago.

We keep his files for statistical studies.

Maybe we start by checking all the files are there?

You mind?


- Cadila, Anne.

- Okay.

- Cagney, Carla.

- Right.

Calos, Amy.

All the patients are women.


Janns was an OB/GYN?


He was with the hospital almost 30 years.

Cantola, Marcie.

Carson, Victoria.

Cohen, Shelly.

Hang on.


Victoria Carson's file is gone.

We find Victoria Carson, maybe she tells us why Eric wanted her file.

Any way of finding her address?

Home of Olivia Graham Thursday, March 16 Victoria Carson?

We bought the house three years ago, and we still get mail for her.

I forward it.

Let me see if I can find her address for you.

I'll just be a minute.


It's bigger than the one in my building.

Smells better too.

- It's built 15 years ago.

- Oh, I hate that thing.

It makes us so lazy.

Oh, Ms.

Carson's address.

Uh, I called her on the phone once.

She was very nice.

Asked how the garden was doing.

I could tell she missed having a garden where she is now.

Oh, here it is.

Um Apartment 410.

That's over the bridge somewhere, isn't it?

Queens village.

That's a lot more than a bridge away from here.

Mom should be back soon.

What do you want to talk to her about?

It's your mom's business, Lisa.

It's better you ask her.

Like she ever tells me anything.

We were at your old apartment in the city.

We like the elevator.

My parents put it in for me.

This place sucks, but at least it's all on one floor.

So Lisa, why are you in a wheelchair?

Spina bifida.

Everyone's always afraid to ask.

You moved to Queens.

Is that to be closer to your school or doctor?


We had to after dad died.

What were you doing at our old place?

We really can't talk about that with you.


You guys would get along great with my mom's lawyer.


Lisa! Would you come help me with this Victoria Carson?

I'm detective Eames.

This is detective Goren.

Your name came up during an investigation.

Uh, we need to ask you a few questions in private.

Oh, uh Lisa, put this in the kitchen.

How did my name come up?

In connection with a Dr.

Everett Janns at Murray hill hospital.

Murray hill hospital?

That was so long ago.

to their accounting department.


Janns was your obstetrician when you were pregnant with Lisa?

Uh, no, no.

I went into the, uh excuse me.

went into the ER with bad cramps one night.


Janns was on duty.

Uh, that's when I found out I was pregnant.

Um, I got my own obstetrician after that.

Is there any reason anybody'd want to steal Dr.

Janns' file on you?

I'm surprised there's even a file.

I only saw him that one time.

Your daughter mentioned, um, a lawyer.

You involved in a lawsuit?

As a matter of fact, um I'm suing the obstetrician I ended up with, Dr.


He never did the test that would have shown that Lisa had spina bifida.

If you had known, would you have had an abortion?

At least I would have been able to make an informed decision.

Lisa has had a terrible, painful life.

The lawsuit must have been hard on her.

She knows it's about providing for her future.

You sure there's nothing in Dr.

Janns' file that's relevant to the lawsuit?


All he said was, uh that I had cramps because I was pregnant.

Do you know an Eric Newsome?

He's an engineering student.


My son has a girlfriend with that last name.

Your son?

His name's Drew?

Yes, Drew Ramsey.

Both he and Lisa have my late husband's name.


Do you know my son?

I didn't tell him about the lawsuit.

I didn't even really like the guy.

Like him or not, you needed him to get the file.

I didn't even know that my mother saw that doctor.

You and Nikki, how long were you seeing each other?

Three months.

She wouldn't tell Eric.

About the lawsuit.

She knew.

She's helping me research it.

This lawyer my mom hired thinks we can get $20 million.

But we have to do a lot of the stuff ourselves.

What kind of research is Nikki doing?

She's going over old checkbooks and bills that my mother got from the obstetrician.

She works summers as a bookkeeper, so she knows what she's doing.

Uh, can you give us a minute?

So Nikki might have come across an old bill at Murray hill hospital.

Figured out that Drew's mother saw another doctor.

That would make a big difference to the doctor being sued.

$20 million lawsuit.

Maybe Nikki and her brother Eric figured that they could sell that file to the highest bidder.

And one of the bidders decided m*rder was more cost efficient.

Drew made me promise not to tell anybody about the lawsuit.

Your brother Eric found out from somebody, Nikki.

You're the obvious choice.

Your parents work hard.

Maybe you and Eric thought you could get money for that file, money for your parents.

That wouldn't be wrong, would it?

Yes, it would.

I'd be stealing from Drew.

That matters to you?


You've only known him for a few months.

He's a good guy.

I wouldn't do anything to hurt him.

And your research for Drew?

Is that on that computer?

Could we see?

What's that?

Did you type in an old password by habit?

Did you change your password?

Is that because somebody hacked into your computer?

- Was that Eric?

- Don't, please.

He was my brother.

When was he on your computer?

The Tuesday before he died, he said he was checking his e-mail.

You keep information about Dr.

Janns in here?

All I have is a spreadsheet of the bills Drew's mom paid to her obstetrician Dr.

McKenna, see?

McKenna's phone numbers and address.

Maybe this is how Eric found out who Drew's mother was suing.

Eric wouldn't take money that wasn't his.

Well, there's one person who'd know for sure.

Office of Dr.

Dominic McKenna Brooklyn, New York Monday, March 20 My lawyer advised me not to talk to anyone about the lawsuit.

You didn't answer the question, Dr.


Did you get a call from a young man offering to sell you a document?

My father doesn't need to buy documents.

- This lawsuit is a joke.

- We met Lisa Ramsey.

It doesn't seem very funny to us.

You're being sued for, um err, uh, wrongful life.

There's no such thing.

All life is sacred.

- Dad.

- Job was born 20 years ago.

Isn't there a statute of limitations for that kind of thing?

Victoria Carson claims she only just became aware of facts Dad, dad / that she said influenced my treatment of her.

- The woman is lying.

- What facts?

You can talk about it with the lawyer.

"In god's hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.

" Job.

Those facts, they're your religious beliefs.

If a test showed that Victoria Carson's baby had spina bifida, she might have had an abortion, which you oppose.

You probably didn't even tell her there was a test available.

I'm not some sunshine Christian.

I practice what I believe.

And her condition didn't warrant She told us she never got the chance to make an informed decision.

That's not true.

You were the first doctor she saw.

She was scared, and you have such a terrific bedside manner, everything you told her she bought hook, line, and sinker.

No! She didn't pick the first doctor in the phone book.

She made an informed choice.

Oh, she went looking for another doctor.

I, I didn't mean that.

Oh, so then you have something here, like a patient's file.

We don't have any such thing.

And we have nothing more to say.

Now, please leave.

Whatever they got from Eric, maybe he kept a copy.

No file here.

I'm running out of hiding places.


More magnets.

I got books on magnets and engineering.

A false door?

It's hollow here.


A magnetic lock.

Oh, brother.

We got rainy day money.

Old gold coins.

I got a letter here from Dr.

Janns to Dr.

McKenna dated 22 years ago.


Janns is concerned with Victoria Carson's cramps.

"Naturally, the tests we ran were not exhaustive.

" "To be on the safe side, I recommend you have all appropriate tests done" "to determine the health of the fetus.

" Janns warned McKenna something might be wrong, and McKenna did nothing.

This is the smoking g*n.

But the rest of Victoria Carson's file is not in here.

Eric wouldn't give McKenna the whole package without getting paid.

Unless Victoria Carson remembers seeing Janns.

But is not sure what's in the file.

I mean, it was 22 years ago.

Look, if she made a formal request for that file, Dr.

McKenna's lawyer would find out.

So maybe Drew came up with the idea of Eric stealing the file.

And Eric, before he turned it over to Drew he read it.

Realized its value.

He kept it.

If Drew found out Eric was trying to sell it to McKenna, that puts Drew at the head of the class to k*ll Eric.

Why are you looking at his shoes?

We want to see if the treads match the ones at the crime scene.

Crime scene?

You mean Eric, right?

I know what happened to Eric.

He fell.

He didn't have good balance.

He was misaligned.

How do you mean?

He had scoliosis.

You've met him.

No, I I saw him on a video of the birthday party my brother had for his girlfriend.

And you noticed that he had curvature of the spine?

Eric had one shoulder higher than the other.

I'm very sensitive to these things.


Do you know that 20% of healthy people are born with some mild form of spina bifida?

They go through their whole life and never find out.

What are you doing in my room?

We've got a warrant to search it.

I watched them, Drew.

They didn't take anything.

Look what I found.

"Love and rockets".

Number 48.

Ah, cool.

Come on, I'll get you something to eat.

Are you okay?

They didn't bother you, did they?


So, Eric's right shoe, there's wear on the inner sole.

He averted his right foot.

The leg was shorter than the left.

It would have thrown his spine out of alignment.

So she was right about him.

Yeah, but his scoliosis is so mild, she would have never picked that up on a video.

She would have had to meet him in person.

And she doesn't want anybody to know about it, not even Drew.

You saw how she changed the subject when he came in.

Maybe Eric came to see her about the letter before he went to McKenna.

Yes, and maybe selling the letter to McKenna was her idea.

To what, sabotage her own lawsuit?

Her mother's lawsuit.

A wrongful life lawsuit.

Maybe Lisa didn't think there was anything wrong with her life.

Maybe she didn't want to give the jury a chance to say that her mother should have aborted her.

They didn't find anything, mom.

You have got to be more careful, Drew! Just don't forget why we're doing this.

For Lisa, I know.

For her well-being.

We are not going to live in this dump forever.

Now go.

Get your sister ready for bed.

She's angry.

It's not about you, huh?

She loves you.



After you.

Why are you here?

Everybody knows me.

We know, you're here four times a week.

We could go next door to the diner, if you want.

Where you and Eric went.

The receptionist recognized Eric from the picture.

He met you here.

So, what'd you talk about?

The lawsuit?

Let's talk about the lawsuit.

Did you ever think that if your mother was tested when she was pregnant, that you wouldn't be here?

I had to be here.

Uh, I'm the one who brought mom and dad together.

Your mom tell you that?

Dad did.

She takes good care of you, your mom, right?

Well, she's organized your little saddlebag there.

You got books and snacks.


Drew does that.

He helped me with tagging my chair too.

It's my design.

I'm going into graphic arts next year.

So what is it that your mother does for you?

Does she help with your medical care?

Your hygiene?

She helps you dress?

Drew helps me.

Since dad died.

So maybe for your mother, the lawsuit was not just about getting money for your care.


It's just the money.

Well, maybe she thinks that she should have had the chance to stop you from being born.

That she wants a court to say that yours is a wrongful life.

No! My mother loves me.

She would have had me no matter what.

Why'd you meet with Eric?

'Cause you wanted to stop the lawsuit?


The lawsuit is about my life, and nobody tells me anything, not even Drew.

I heard him telling mom about something he and Eric did.

What, exactly?

Drew wouldn't tell me.

So I called Eric.

He said Drew asked him to break into someplace and steal a file.

It was just a big game to him.

I told him the lawsuit wasn't a game.

He acted like he didn't know what I was talking about.

I don't, um the lawsuit, Eric, he didn't know?

That's what he said.

Did he tell you what was in the file he stole?

He said he didn't look.

He just kept asking about the lawsuit, and how much it was for.

I just wanted information.

Sometimes people act like I don't exist.

Eric didn't know about the lawsuit until he spoke to Lisa.

He had no reason to steal the letter before handing the file over to Drew.

Meaning he had nothing to sell Dr.


Then I must be losing my mind.

Didn't you find the letter in Eric's apartment?

A copy of which we now believe is in Dr.

McKenna's possession?

Well, this letter might not be what we think it is.

Look, these are letters that Dr.

Janns wrote to doctors.

They're terse.

They're clinical.

These other letters he wrote to patients.

They're more conversational.

Like the letter in Eric's apartment.


"To be on the safe side," "I recommend you have all the appropriate tests done" "to determine the health of the fetus.

" Like night and day.

Could the letter have originally been addressed to a patient?

Well yeah.

I mean, they, they, someone might have changed them.

Readdressed it to McKenna.

And how did it get in Dr.

McKenna's hands?

Probably the same way it got into Eric's apartment.

I've never seen this.

I told you, I didn't know anything about Eric breaking into a hospital.

Eric told somebody he broke in because you asked him to.

You were even overheard talking about it.

That's a lie.

Drew, let me do the talking.

Eric told Lisa what he did.

You know how hungry Lisa is for information about things that affect her life?

She heard you talking to your mother about Eric.

She called him.

He told her what he did for you.

That's when Eric learned about the lawsuit.

How much money your family stood to make.

He called you, you and your mother, to shake you down.

The people you should be talking to are Dr.

McKenna and his son.

They had the most to fear from this letter.

/ This letter?

Your client fabricated this to throw suspicion on the McKennas.


McKenna's nurse remembers coming into work two days after Eric was k*lled and finding a letter in an envelope under the door.

Your client planted another copy in Eric's apartment.

You can hang a m*rder case on a nurse's memory?

Eric never had a letter.

Instead, he threatened to tell McKenna that your mother saw Dr.


Isn't that right?

Eric was a menace to the lawsuit.

You wanted money that belonged to your sister - Okay, this conversation's over! - That she needed for her care! You couldn't let him hurt Lisa.

You and your mother had to stop him.

Okay! Yes.

I did it.

- I k*lled him.

- Drew, stop right there.

It was my idea.

Nobody knew.

I went up to the roof through another vent.

- This is all off the record.

- I was there waiting for him, and then yes, I did what you said.

I sent this letter to Dr.

McKenna's office.

But it's not a fake.

It's real.

I found it in Dr.

Janns' files.

It's real.

Drew! That's enough.

I want to speak to my client in private right now.

Let's go.

If they were all that easy I'm starting to think you're overpaid.

He's lying about the letter.

You know, this m*rder confession is practically an afterthought.

His affect is one of convincing us that the letter is real.

The letter is not real.


Janns did not write McKenna.

This is a sidebar, detective.

We have our m*rder*r.

Drew could be lying to protect his mother.

Lisa overheard Drew talking to her about Eric.

Whatever you do, do not endanger this confession.

Drew rewrote a letter from Dr.

Janns to a patient.

Saying "the health of the fetus".

What if originally it said "the health of "your" fetus"?

The letter was to Drew's mother?

If Dr.

Janns told her to get tested, why didn't she?

What did Lisa's father tell her?

That she's the one that brought her parents together.

Brought Victoria together with a rich husband.

I wonder what Victoria's in-laws have to say about that?

I didn't say anything to the police about Drew.

Why, did he say I got him into trouble?

You know your brother better than that.

But you don't fool me.

How could you, after everything we've done?

Done for me?

I didn't ask to be here! Oh, that's good.

You remember to say that when you testify in the lawsuit.


I'll be in in a while! Apartment of Janice Ramsey Thursday, March 23 Victoria was seven months pregnant when she married your son.

These things happen.

Is that why they got married, because she was pregnant?

They were engaged for two years.

David was ready to move on, and then well, he didn't have the heart to talk Victoria out of having the baby.

It would have been easier if we knew then what we know now.

You mean about Lisa.

Your family's wealthy.

I mean, that's correct?

Well, we were.

I guess your son would have been seen as a good catch.

Especially by Victoria.

She doesn't seem to have any money now.

Did it all go for Lisa's care?

Oh, hardly.

My husband put everything, including David's inheritance, into high tech.

Boom to bust in 20 years.

I feel a little sorry for Victoria.

All that effort to snap up David and getting burdened with Lisa.

She doesn't have much to show for it now.

You'll be happy to know Victoria's making her own opportunities.

She's suing her obstetrician for not testing for spina bifida.

- The one in Brooklyn?

- You know him?


I gave her the name of three doctors right in her neighborhood.

But she felt that this Brooklyn doctor cared as much about her baby as she did.

Oh, excuse me.

A shotgun wedding.

Victoria might have been worried she'd never get to the altar if her groom found out their unborn child had a birth defect.

Yeah, Dr.

Janns suspected there was something wrong.

So he advised her that she should get tested.

So she looked for someone that wouldn't test her.

When Drew found Dr.

Janns' letter, he figured out what his mother did.

That's why he's lying about the letter, why he won't incriminate her.

He doesn't want Lisa to know she was just bait in a trap.

We're gonna have to give him a way out.

They're throwing you a lifesaver, Drew.

If you have anything to tell them about your mother, this is the time.

But she didn't do anything.

I don't wanna talk about my mother.

Send her in, please.

This shouldn't take long.


Have a seat, Ms.


I wasn't told my son would be here.

And you dragged my daughter down here?

We may have to speak to her later.

Drew, are you all right?

Everything's okay, mom.

Don't worry.

He hasn't implicated you.

Well, why would he?

I didn't have anything to do with this boy Eric.

And I'm sure what happened was an accident.

The only reason why he didn't implicate you is because if Drew goes to prison, well there's not gonna be anybody left to take care of Lisa.

He's got this idea you're gonna take care of Lisa.

Instead of dumping her at the first cut-rate group home on your way to the local wine bar.

I will absolutely take care of her.

Who takes care of her now?


And before him, your husband.

Lisa told us that.

Before I had to work for a living, I used to take care of her.

Lisa just doesn't remember.

Or chooses not to.

So she's ungrateful?

That's what you're saying?

She's moody.

Who wouldn't be in her condition?

I think she can get past that.

It's the lies.

Children know when you're lying to them.

I never lie to her.

You lied when you conceived her.

I mean, it wasn't through an expression of love or even lust.

Cold calculation.

That is a lie! Your pregnancy was your ticket to you know, the good life.

Even Dr.

Janns' warning didn't dissuade you.

Instead, you found a doctor whose beliefs stopped him from interfering with your plan.

If Lisa had to be born paralyzed, or broken, well, then, that's the price she'd have to pay for your happiness.

You shut up.

I will not have you spewing this bile in front of my son! He already knows.


Don't you?

I mean, you found the letter, right?

Letter that Janns wrote to your mother.

And you used that to fake the letter that you planted in Eric's apartment?

Isn't that true?

The two of you panicked, when, you know, Eric was threatening to tell Dr.

McKenna about his midnight excursion to Murray hill hospital.

I mean, you panicked because that would have torpedoed your lawsuit.

And you 'cause you didn't want Lisa to know why she was brought into this world.

'Cause it wasn't because she was the love child that brought her you know, her parents together.

No, she was just a spoke in this web that your mother wove.

So what are you gonna do?

You gonna leave Lisa with this, um, woman?

Take care of Lisa?

How would that work?

What, would that be out of the goodness of your heart?

Do you think you would trust this woman's maternal instincts?

Come on.

Huh, Drew?

Drew, I promise you, I promise you, I will take care of her.

We can offer better than a promise, Mr.


We can make her take care of your sister.

For as long as necessary as a condition of her probation.

If you testify to her role in Eric Newsome's death, I'll recommend she get probation on the condition she provide court-supervised care for Lisa.

Any sign of neglect, and your mother will serve the rest of her sentence in prison.

All Lisa has to do is pick up the phone and call Mr.

Carver's office.

Drew, it's win-win here.

Drew Drew! Don't you dare.

Don't you dare lie to them.

You know that I didn't do anything! You gotta speak up now.

Because soon she's gonna be beyond your protection.

You gotta do this for her.

Drew But then she's gonna find out what my mother did to her.

/ Yeah.

Why she was born.

She really believes what my father told her.

She's not a child, man.

She's a young woman.

She needs to know the truth.

You're the only one that's gonna tell her.

Drew! It would destroy her! You know that.

Just please keep your mouth shut, okay?

I told my mother what Eric wanted That he wanted money.

Or he'd tell McKenna about Dr.


She, um, she told me to get rid of him.

She said that people like Eric would get a taste of money and keep on coming back.

Well, she would know.

Victoria Carson, you're under arrest for m*rder.

You little bastard.

You ungrateful little All of your life, you have been nothing but a burden! You and your sister! Nothing but stones around my neck! Stones around my neck! Let go of me! Let go of me! Can I speak to my sister, please?


It's a heavy responsibility telling her the truth.

She can take it.

But him?

He might have a hard time admitting his family's just a get-rich-quick scheme.

It's already something more than that.
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