05x39 - The List

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
Watch on Amazon Merchandise Collectibles

Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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05x39 - The List

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Upbeat music plays ]

Darwin: Why do we have to
give them away?

These toys
have sentimental value!

It's not like anyone else
will love them like we do!

Dude, we've locked them in the
attic for, like, seven years.

Wow! Why did we ever stop
playing with this thing?!

It was awesome!

[ Up-tempo music plays ]
Twist me!

[ Voice deepening ]
Hold me...

[ Music slowing ]
Squeeze me...


It never sounded as kid-friendly
after we dropped it.

But, look, remember
our old digi-pet?

We had to feed it and change
it's diaper and stuff!

Out of batteries.

[ Gasps ]
Mighty Flyz!

♪ The warriors
that rule the skies ♪

[ Screaming ]

[ Bird squawks ]

Mighty Flyz
takes no responsibility

for any limbs, eyes,
or innocence lost

when enjoying the Mighty Flyz
line of products.

What else
could we give away?

You've not seen them yet,
but, no.

Seen what?

[ Grunts ]

[ Gasps ]
Grady, Frank, and Howdy!

Aw, Gumball,
we have to play with --


But why?

'Cause we're too old
to play with toys and dolls.

Playing never goes
out of date.

Playing with dolls means
you'll never go out on a date.

[ Whimpers ]

Come on, man.
Time to grow up.

[ Sighs ]
You're right.

I need to learn
to let things go.

That's it.

Trust me,
you'll thank me

when your teenage years
kick in.

I know.
[ Door closes ]

[ Chuckles ]

Hello, guys!

[ Throwing voice ] Hello!
[ Coughing ]

[ Normal voice ]
Ew! What's that smell?!

[ Throwing voice ]
Morning breath can be quite bad

when you've been asleep
in a shoe box for seven years!

Come on, Frank, I'm sure Darwin
had a perfectly good reason

to leave us in there
in endless darkness

with only dust mites for food

and our love
for him to keep us warm, right?

[ Crunch ]
What was that?

[ Normal voice ] That was
the weight of guilt, Howdy.

[ Inhales ]

I'm sorry.
We ditched you guys

the Christmas we got our first
game console.

[ Throwing voice ] That's okay.
We still love you.

And you'll never put us back
in the box, will you?

[ Normal voice ] I promise.

[ Throwing voice ] And we'll
have fun forever and ever?

[ Normal voice ] I promise.

[ Throwing voice ]
And you'll never take us

off your hands again, right?

[ Normal voice ] I promise.

[ Toilet flushes ]

Sorry, but you did
make me promise.

[ Upbeat music plays ]

[ Gasps ]

Ooh! Where have you been
all my life?

Mmm, sitting here, wondering
what went wrong with mine,

while eating cheese.

Well, one ticket
to kiss-town, please.

[ Romantic music plays ]

[ Humming romantic tune ]

What the?!

[ Truck horn blares ]

[ Screams ]

[ Crash ]

[ Whispering ] Call me.

[ Growls ]

[ Grunting ]

Dude, the school bus
is a total write-off!

I guess that's what happens
when you put a -ton vehicle

in the limp little hands
of a ventriloquist's dummy.

[ Imitating Rocky ]

[ Throwing voice ] Hey, what's
wrong with being a puppet?!

Big talk
from someone so short

you can see his feet
on his yearbook photo.

What's your problem,

And what's with
the voice?

My problem
is that your butt

is twice as wide
as your shoulders,

but your brain is half the size
of your head.

Anything else?

No. I could try
to insult your face,

but I think nature's
already done enough damage.

At least
that solves the problem

of how to eat
without your hands.

Darwin: Oh, my goodness!

Who skinned those puppets?!

[ Normal voice ]
Shh! Those are my socks,

and keep it down
or Gumball will hear you.

Did you say something?

Then who were you
just talking to?

[ Gurgling ]


[ Straining ]

[ Gasping ]

Ah, I knew it!

Guys, you don't even
have lungs.

[ Throwing voice ]
Oh, yeah!
we've been over this.

You don't understand!
They're more than just --

Darwin, dude, can you cover
yourself up first?!

Oh, yeah, sorry.

[ Throwing voice ] But Gumball,
we're more than just puppets!

Darwin, you know
who talks through puppets?

Crazy people and people
who want to make a living

as a ventriloquist.

So, yeah, crazy people,

we need you, too.

Who's gonna play
with Grady?

Dude, no,
just take them off.

The fun will never end!

Darwin, stop!

What are we doing?!

[ Muffled ] Finally!
Thank you.

You're supposed to fold over,
not under!

[ Grunts ]
Frank, stop it!

No, you stop!

[ Normal voice ]
You both stop!

[ Throwing voice ]
Ow! No, you stop!

[ Grunting ]


[ Sighs ]
You used up all the water.

[ Grunting ]

[ Panting ]

when I said grow up,

I didn't mean
go straight to the part

where you're
in a retirement home

screaming at chairs
and biting the nurses!

[ Normal voice ]
No! Please, don't do this!

You don't understand!
They're alive!

No, they are not!

[ Throwing voice, muffled ]
No! Not the shoe box!

It's almost as dark
as your soul in here!


[ Normal voice ] Oh.

Yeah, uh, dude, they're not
the ones who need help.

[ Whimpers ]

[ Snoring ]

[ Clanging ]

Frank, you okay?
You don't look quite yourself.

Maybe there's something
I haven't digested properly.


Frank, wrong body!


Okay, let's go.

[ Grunting ]

[ Door creaks ]

Okay, the bedroom's
just at the top of the stairs.


[ Crashing ]

[ Gasps ]


Come on, breathe!

What have you done?!

We taught that thing a lesson
for replacing us.

I'm not talking to you!

I'm talking to Darwin!

Why did you go fish them
out of the trash?!

He made a promise
never to abandon us.

You can't make a promise
to an object!

That's like getting married
to a fridge,

or keeping a secret
for a shoe.

And please stop talking
through these puppets!

He can't.
He lives in our world now.

And if you want to
see him again,

you, too, will have to come
and play.

[ Gasps ]
Darwin, wake up!

Wake up!

Thank you,
Master Gumball.

I missed you greatly
all these years.

Now, shall we go and find
Master Darwin?

Wait, how do you know
what happened?

Just because
I've been unable to talk

does not mean
I've been unable to see.

Remind me to apologize
to Anais' dolls.

They're right next to my
underpants drawer.

They've seen a lot.

[ Screams ]
What the what?!

What happened to me?!

[ Screams ]

If that worried you, sir,
I advise you not to look down.

Okay, Gumball.

Focus on the task at hand --
not hand!

Focus on the task a-hand.
Ahead -- task ahead!



Can you hear that,
Master Gumball?

[ Distant conversation, music ]

This way.

[ Both grunting ]

Wow! Look at all the things we
imagined when we use to play.

Hey, look!
High-five Guy!

Ah, good to see you,
[ Groans ]

[ Gasps ] It's Sammy Sunscream,
the screaming sun!

[ Sammy screaming ]

The Tree
of Permanent Happiness!

I wish I could feel
other things.

[ Gasps ]

[ Squawks ]

Please stay focused,

Master Darwin needs you.

Yeah, you're right.

So stop distracting me,
Keyboard Dog.

[ Barking ]
[ Random piano notes ]

Here we are.

♪ Dance around
and sing a song ♪

♪ The fun
will never stop, yeah ♪

♪ We have fun
all day long ♪

♪ It says so
on the clock ♪

♪ So wear a hat,
wear no hat ♪

♪ Wear two hats,
if you'd prefer ♪

♪ We only have two hats,
so those are your only options ♪

♪ So put them on
and bake a cake ♪

♪ And while you wait
for the cake to bake ♪

♪ Begin to prepare
a second cake ♪

You did it wrong
with that first cake.

♪ It's your turn
with the balloon ♪

♪ The fun will never end

♪ Organize a spoon

♪ The fun will never end

♪ Count to
the funnest number ♪

♪ The fun will never end

♪ Go to
your favorite corner ♪

♪ The fun will never end

♪ I don't know
what's going on ♪

♪ The fun will never end

♪ I'm not sure
this is that fun ♪

♪ The fun will never end

[ Needle scratches ]

What was that?

A dramatic
record scratch sound.

Dude, we gotta go!

This is all a trap to keep you
playing with them forever!

Grady: You're wrong.

You see, there are three of us,
Master Gumball,

and Darwin only has
two hands.

This was a trap for you.


What was that?

A dramatic music cue.

It would've been better
if my voice wasn't so flat.

[ Doors slam ]

♪ You always used to
play with us ♪

♪ And now it's our turn
to play with you ♪

♪ So play along,
don't make a fuss ♪

♪ And we'll come up
with things to do ♪

♪ We'll make you dance,
we'll make you fight ♪

♪ You'll smear yourselves
with worms all night ♪

♪ We'll make you
eat toenails and grease ♪

♪ We'll make you wear
an itchy fleece ♪

♪ We'll see if you break
when you bend ♪

♪ The fun will never end

♪ The fun will ne--

Wait, what's that?

The end of the fun.

[ Gasps ]


[ Both panting ]

[ Screams ]

All: No!

Is it me, or is that kind of

Yeah. I sort of thought

everything would explode
or something.

Isn't this all imaginary?

Oh, good point.

All: No!

I will have my revenge!


Sure you're okay with me
giving away your old toys?

[ Screaming ]

Both: Yeah, pretty sure.
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