05x38 - The Line

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "The Amazing World of Gumball". Aired: May 3, 2011 - June 24, 2019.*
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Revolves around the life of a 12-year-old cat named Gumball and his frequent shenanigans in the fictional American city of Elmore.
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05x38 - The Line

Post by bunniefuu »

[ Upbeat music plays ]

[ Sniffs ]

Oh, it's so nice to finally do
something together as a family.

[ Horn honks ]
Wait a minute.

We pitched our tent
at the front of the line.

Why are we all the way
back here?

Someone must've
moved us back in the night

to get themselves
a better position.

[ Chuckles ]
You snooze, you lose, guys.


Why did you put us back
in the line at all?

Now we're stuck next to you
all day.

I lost my place in line

while I was moving your tent,

It's awkward now,
isn't it?

-Kind of.

I'll go.

[ Panting ]

Is this the line for the first
screening of "Stellar Odyssey"?

Please, Colin,
use the full title.

"Stellar Odyssey -- colon --
The Force Rehashed."

Sorry, boys,
we camped out all night

and we're at the back
of the line.

[ Sighs ]
Since when did sci-fi become

so popular
with normal people?

What next, mainstream culture
making films

and hit TV shows out of
superheroes and dragons

and -- Oh, wait.
[ Both sigh ]

Ha! Can you imagine
the embarrassment

not getting into
the first screening?

[ Metal clinks ]

What's that for?

Uh, this rope means you won't
get into the first screening.


I think we will get into
the first screening.

Uh, no, you won't.

Yes, we will.

No. No, you won't.

[ Sighs ]
His powers are too strong.

Why do you all care so much
about a movie where

a guy hangs out with
a whistling trash can,

hates his robot dad,
and kisses his sister?

There's a second screening
in half an hour anyway.

Mom, the second anything
is pointless.

No one remembers the second guy
to invent the telephone.

That's because
he didn't invent it.

All right,
then no one remembers

the second guy
to walk on the moon.

Buzz Aldrin.
Now you're just
making up names.

Anais: If we see it
before anybody else,

think of all the power
we'll have at school.

The power to spoil
or not to spoil.

[ Voice deepening ] Soon
they'll be begging to find out

which of their dumb fan theories
was correct.

[ Laughs evilly ]

And that's why you don't
have any friends.

[ Normal voice ] Aww.

Those films
were so important to me.

The first one
changed my life forever.

Oh, honey.
Because it was our first date?

Yeah, sure.

I remember it
like it was yesterday?

Why don't you flash back to it
now, then?

All right.
[ Grunts ]

[ Techno music playing ]

[ Vocalizing techno music ]

Was I close?

I just hope
Chunky's in it.

He's so good at providing
the whimsical comic relief

that no one asked for.

Oopsa whoopsa!

We's a-outta oxygens!

[ Deep, robotic breathing ]
-[ Gasps ]

Gosh darn paramedic!

I go into respiratory arrest
for one minute

and he steals my place
in the line!

it's a dog-eat-dog world.

Who eats what?
Was that a spoiler?

A dog eats a dog?
-Way to spoil the whole plot!

-Called it!
-Come on, Siciliana.

Let's go see a movie where
a dog eats normal things.

That gives me an idea.

You gonna share it with us
or what?

Oh, yeah.

Dude, I can't wait
to see this movie.

I know, it's so exciting!
Anything could happen.

Yeah, anything.

As long as they keep it
exactly the same as it was

in the first three movies
and nothing changes at all.

I want surprises, but, you know,
only the ones I expect.

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

[ Gasps ]
The first review's online!

What up, Elmore Streamers?

It's DollyBoy ,
a.k.a. Pixel Donkey.

I just got back from seeing

"Stellar Odyssey:
The Force Rehashed."

No spoilers,
but it's so refreshing

to see less CGI space battles
and more sock puppets.

And what a brave decision
it was

to re-cast all the main
characters as female,

including the robots.

I can't believe it!

They've ruined
the whole franchise!

that was my phone.

You could've just
stopped the video.

Larry: , .

Wattersons, you're in.

Oh, this is great!

We're getting into
the first screening.

Where are we sitting?

here's the seating plan.

This is the screen,
and you are...


Mom: What are those
in front of our seats?

They're not holding anything up,

but this way we can charge more
for seats that

don't have columns
in front of them.

Uh, what row are we in?

Well, we ran out of letters
for the rows,

so we had to start making up
our own alphabet.

You'll be sitting
in row Cleft.

I hate Cleft!

That was my grade average
at school. [ Groans ]

We may as well be at home
watching the holiday special.

[ Gasps ]
How know you of this?

Only a true fan
would watch that special.

I think you'll find
I'm the number-one fan.

I'll have you know that
I'm the president

of the "Stellar Odyssey"
fan club. Elmore chapter.

Really? I thought you'd be into,
like, tea and stuff.

That's it!

There is but one way
to settle this.

A nerd-off.

Can we take your place
in the line if our dad wins?

More than that.
If I lose, the whole of

the "Stellar Odyssey"
fan club -- Elmore chapter --

will go to the back of the line
in disgrace.

[ Club members
shouting angrily ]

-I wanted to see the movie!

Colin: A nerd-off?

We, too, challenge you
in this mighty test of nerddom.

[ Laughter ]

you weren't even born

when the original trilogy
came out.

You have no idea how hard it was
for us fans before the Internet.

That's right.
You've got chatting rooms,

sociable medias.

Yeah. Now even the most facially
challenged nerd

can find love online
instead of

spending their life alone
like I do.

[ Laughter ]
-Come, Felix.

Society may laugh at us,
but we're used to it.

We're nerds.

Okay, whoever's done
the saddest,

most nerdiest thing
is the victor.

Biggest loser wins,
and commence.

I can't count to ,

but I'm fluent
in android binary!

I'm not actually pink.

I dyed my whole body to match
the coolest color laser sword!

I built a full-scale replica

of the Billennium Buzzard
out of my own hair!

I wore a gold bikini
under my suit on my wedding day!

I changed my middle name
to Bardadecca!

-[ Laughs evilly ]

I only adopted Darwin
so I could say I had two sons!

Nice try,

but I forced
my only school friend

to call me Imperial Highness
for years.



You had a friend?

No, no, no! Wait!
We're not even that close!

We have a winning loser!


Nice one, Martin.

We're gonna get front-row seats!

I don't think so.

I got the whole front row!

I've been camping here
since before

they announced
they were making a movie!

I missed my wife
and kid's birthdays,

a jury summons,
an emergency dental appointment.

Nothing is gonna stop me
from seeing this movie!

You think I'm not serious?

Would a guy who wasn't serious
do this?

[ Munching ]

Is this serious enough
for you?!


[ Munching ]

Well, we're at
the front of the line.

All: Yay!

[ Cellphone vibrates ]

Uh, guys,
what street is this?

-Elmore Boulevard.

Well, I just got a reminder
saying that

our tickets are for the cinema
on Elmore Street.

That's the other side
of town!

What? The screening is
on the other side of town?

We've only got minutes
to get there!

-All: What?!
-What are we gonna do?

How are we gonna get there
on time?

We make the jump
to light speed.

[ Engine sputtering ]

Piece of junk!

Hey, this piece of junk did
the school run in minutes.

It only takes the bus
five minutes.

I stopped at the drive-through
to get their breakfasts.

I know.
Let's use the mall speeders.

[ Grunts ]


Mom: Quick!
Let's cut through here!

Look, the exit!

-I have you now.
-[ Gasps ]

[ Deep voice ] I'll take these
myself. Cover me.

Pew! Pew! Pew!
Pew! Pew! Pew! Pew!

[ High-pitched squeal ]

I've got a bad feeling
about this.

Dad, do something!

Mystical Voice:
Use the sauce, Richard.

Use the sauce.

[ Gasps ]
I got it!

[ Grunts ]

-No, use the forks.


[ Grunts ]

All: Aah!

Both: Aah!

[ Crowd shouting ]

I'm gonna need a shortcut.

[ Pigeons cooing ]

Uh, maybe I'll cut through here

Uh, excuse me,

what's the quickest way
to Elmore Street, please?

[ Owl hoots ]

did you get the VIP seats?

Of course not.
It's a reboot.

Chances are we'll be out of
the theater in minutes.

I find your lack of faith

[ Gags ]

[ Panting ]

needs to stop Hector.

He's gonna get there before us
in two more steps.

Leave it to me.

Gumball: Oh, no!

We've only got a few minutes
to get there,

and now we're gonna be
at the back of the line again!

we're slowing them down.

Or more accurately,
you're slowing them down.


Remember when Ben Kenoli
sacrificed himself

at the end
of the first movie?

[ Gasps ]
You do care about them.

You've made me watch them
every year since we got married.

You even put them on when
I was giving birth to Anais.

[ Voice breaking ]
But they're good movies.

I know,
but it's their franchise now.


What are they doing?

Excuse me.

Is this the line
for "Stellar Odyssey"?


Look, over there!
There's the line!

[ Crowd shouting ]

They're forming a decoy line.
Don't look.

I love you.

I know.

[ Roars mournfully ]

Come on,
we got to go.

Can we at least go to
the second screening?


[ All panting ]

Gumball: Yes! We're here!
Elmore Street!

[ Gasps ]
What the?

[ Gasps ]
It's a trap!

it's more of a con.

There isn't a movie theater
on Elmore Street.

Yeah, and if Mom
booked the tickets,

why did Gumball
get the reminder?

And who sent it?

[ Both laugh ]

Hacking the theater's database

was easier than bull's-eyeing
a swamp rat from a T- .

To the real nerds everywhere,
space is for the geeks!

Ahh. Surely nothing can
ruin this for us now, Felix.

Oopsa whoopsa,
it's me, Chunky!

[ Laser fires ]

Me-sa been blasted in the face!
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