01x33 - The Tower of Heaven

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x33 - The Tower of Heaven

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Ouch! Hot!

--All right!

Lemme off...

You're the one who wanted to ride it!

It's okay, I'll shout out
thousands and thousands of times

I have faith that your
entire future is shining brightly

Everyone who's had their dreams
come true shares one thing in common:

The fact they never gave up. So don't give in!

When you feel the headwind
is about to make you stumble

grasp my hand-- Try to take a chance

You're not alone anymore

Keep moving forward and forward,
don't give up on your great dreams

Don't cry, keep moving ahead my way
Light is shining on you now

Forget all about giving up,
you'll grow stronger but get hurt again...

Even so, your honest eyes surely see the light now

This is Akane Resort,

the most popular seaside
tourist location in the kingdom.

It boasts an enormous theme park
with an adjoining luxury hotel.

One visit to its glamorous beach

and you'll want to visit again and again.

And then there's the beautiful ocean
that stretches as far as the eye can see.

Natsu and friends are enjoying a short
repose here using tickets Loke gave them.

--Gimme back my boxers!

Quit using Happy to cover up!

You're so bold, my dear Gray!

"The Tower of Heaven"
The Tower of Heaven.

I had a nice time today.

Very nice...


There is no such thing as freedom in this world...

Just a dream...

I must've fallen asleep at some point...

I feel much calmer with my armor on.

I guess I'm completely hopeless as a woman.


You should come downstairs!

Natsu and the g*ng are already there!
We're gonna play tons of games!

Oh, right. I forgot they have such a place here.

In that case...

...is this more suitable?

Umm... I'd say maybe that's a little too glitzy...

But whatever.

Come on! Let's go, Erza!

I guess it's okay to treat myself
to a nice day once in a while...

17! C'mon, 17!

Come on, 17!

--We got a 17!

--What the heck?!

S-Sir! Please don't do that...!

But it stopped on 17 for a second! That's not fair!


Y-You don't need to cry about it...

Put it back to 17!

Man, he's a lost cause.

My dear Gray!

Juvia is here.

Y-You're that Phantom member...!

--17! Come back!
--Please, don't do that...

Hold on, boy.

Grownup entertainment spots
should be enjoyed dandily. You know?

"Square" "Angular"


Let me give you a tip, boy.

There are only two paths a man can take.


--What are you doing?!

Live dandily...

...or stop in your tracks and die. You know?

So, I hear Phantom disbanded?

Yes. Juvia has become a freelance wizard.

So I take it you wanna join Fairy Tail?

Juvia wants to join!

I dunno, after all that happened...

I personally don't mind,
but who knows what the master'll say...

Juvia will do whatever it takes!

You shouldn't say stuff like that so lightly.

Gray Fullbuster.

What's all that noise?

Perhaps the parade outside has started?

--There you have it.


Who the hell are you?!

Where is Erza?

You know?


A straight! Way to go, Erza!

Today's my lucky day.

--Dealer change.

I feel like I'm on an invincible winning streak now.


In that case...

...how about we play a special game instead?

Let's play a game where
your life's on the line... my sister Erza.


Is that you, Sho...?!

It's been a long time, Sister.


You're... safe?


Oh... I mean...


Where is Erza?

You really think I'd tell you?!

I won't let you lay a finger on my dear Gray.

Juvia will take you on.


Go to Erza. Danger is fast approaching.

Seems so.

What? You found her already?

Ah, I see. So I can clean
things up here? Understood.

What is this?!

Darkness magic...

Dark Moment!

What the...?! I can't see a thing!

--Natsu! Where are you?!
--Over here! Wherever here is!

Good night, boy.

The hell with that!


--A g*nsh*t?!
--What happened?!


Over here, Sister.

--What the...?!
--The people are inside the cards?!

Help me!

Seem curious?


That's right. I can use it now too, Sister.

Just what have you--?!


Feelin' full of life?


You can use magic too?!

Long time, no see, Erzy!

Let Lucy go! She's my friend!


We used to be your friends too, remember, Sister?

They were friends...?!



Until you betrayed us, anyway...

Don't be so harsh on Erza, Sho.

A dandy man must keep his
emotions in check. You know?


It's been a long time.
You've gone and grown quite voluptuous.

Is that you, Wally...?

I don't blame you for not recognizing me.

Compared to the Mad Dog Wally you once knew...

...I'm a much more well-rounded person now...

...I'm a much more well-rounded person now...

You can use magic too?

It's nothing to be surprised about.

Anyone can use magic,
once they've figured out the trick.

Isn't that right, Erza?


Erza! Who are these guys?!
What is this "sister" business about?!

He's not my real brother.

These are my old friends.

Your friends...?

But I thought you were a member
of Fairy Tail since you were little?

This was before then.

Why are you here?!

--What do you mean, why?
--To take you back, of course.

Let Lucy go!

Never mind her.

Let's go home, Sister.

Better do as we say, or...

N-No! Please!


Erza! Erza!

--Target acquired. Let's head back.
--You're sure you did it right?

It was a tranquilizer shot. You know?

Hold on! Where are you
taking Erza?! Give her back!

Natsu and Gray are so gonna
kick your butts when they catch you!

Unfortunately, it was their butts
that were kicked. You know?

--They were nothing but talk.

Wh-What...? Then they're both...?!

Just as you surmise. You know?

Five more minutes until your body
is bent completely backwards!

That reminds me, Millianna.
I have a present for you.

A kitty!

--I can really have it?!

Millia. Tie Erza up.

--Kitty! Kitty!
--Millianna. Would you please?


You're finally coming home...
to the Tower of Heaven!

I'm sure Jellal will be ecstatic too...

The Tower of Heaven...

Th-They completed it...?




Urgh! I will tear through this stupid thing!

All right!


Open, Gate of the Giant Crab! Cancer!


Cancer?! How come?!

Th-Then... Taurus! Loke! Come out!

I can't use my magic! Is it because of this rope?!

--Ouch! What was that?!
--Oops, sorry!

Huh?! Did you do that?!


I thought maybe I could find a way out of here

by pricking stuff with this letter opener...

I must've accidentally poked you.

--I'll try it too!

I wonder if I can get out...

A knife in the card poked me...?

--So close up!

I don't really understand the how or why,

but are you saying stuff inside
the cards can affect stuff on the outside?!

I'm not sure. Does it look to you
like my knife is sticking out?

No, it's flat.

But the fact I felt pain from it
means it has an effect on the outside!

Please! Try cutting my rope with your knife!

All right! I'll give it a shot!

--Come on!
--You can do it!

--P-Please don't rush me...

Just hurry up!

You did it! It's off!

Thanks! I owe you one!

You're welcome! Could you help me now?

Sorry! I promise I'll help you later!


Natsu... Gray... Please tell me you're all right!

Gray...! Oh, no!

Hey! Say something!

He's cold...

I-I-It's okay! It's okay! I'll fix you somehow!

You may rest easy.

You're that Element 4 girl...!

Wait, Lucy!

She's not our enemy anymore.

That's right. Dear Gray was inside Juvia.


He was inside Juvia, not you.

Y-Yes... That's true...

After everything suddenly turned dark,

I created a double so I could
check out what was goin' on, but then...

Juvia protected her dear Gray

by using Water Lock to keep
the enemy from finding out.

I didn't need your lousy help.
He got away 'cause of you!

Lucy. Where are Natsu and the others?

I dunno where Natsu is.
But Happy and Erza were...


Wh-What a jerk!


What happened?!

Who sh**t people in the mouth?!

That hurts! It could really injure someone!

Uhh, I think that'd leave normal
people completely down for the count...

That's the Salamander for you...

That blocky bastard!

--You're not getting away from me!
--Let's go after 'em!

How? We don't know where they are...

Wild beasts have nothing on his sense of smell!


Master Jellal.

We've received word that
Erza has successfully been captured.

They appear to be on their way here now.

Still, why do you want that
traitor now, after all this time?

Eliminating her would've been
trivial for someone with your magic.

I couldn't do that.

It would've made this world too dull.

I see...

However, with the Tower of Heaven now complete,

continuing to let her live could prove problematic.

The time has come.

You will serve as a sacrifice
for my dream, Erza Scarlet...

Where are we?

On a ship, Sister.

A ship?


A ship bound for the Tower of Heaven.

Oh. So that's it...

Could you untie me? I've no intent to resist.

Afraid I can't. You are a traitor, after all.

It's no use.
Millianna's tubes are able to block magic.

There's no way to break free on your own.
Not even for you, Sister.

A-All right. Then could I
at least requip into my armor...?

I'm afraid... of returning to the tower...

I feel uneasy... without my armor on...

That outfit suits you well too, Sister...

To be honest, I really didn't want to do this...


I really missed you...!


Why did you...

...betray us and Jellal?!


Sister! Hurry! Over here!

Sho! Not so loud!

You're being even louder, Wally!

Sorry, Millianna!

Erza. They're going to catch us if we don't hurry.


B-But... what if they do catch us?

I know what happens to kids who get caught...

It'll be okay. Don't be scared.


We are going to have our freedom.

Our future... Our dream...

Let's go, Erza!


Once the ice cracked, I saw

an unhappy face in the small blue sky

I was caught so much by surprise
that I had to look away

Tell me, how are you doing now?

Is there still time? Or is it too late?

Honestly, it isn't just some whim

When did it become so hard to say, "I'm sorry"?

The midsummer in the glass starts to melt

When did "I'm sorry" become so difficult for us?

I want to say it, but I can't

Listen, I want to make you smile

Just hold on, I will make it happen

I'm sorry

I'm sorry

"Fairy Tail"

Since Happy's been catnapped,
I'm gonna do this preview on my own!

Okay! Time for the first "Operation:
Save Happy and Erza" strategy session!

The strategy is simple!

We just charge in through
the front and beat up the bad guys!

The signal word will be, "Charge!"

All right! Let's do this thing!

"Next Episode: Jellal"
Next Episode: Jellal.

Huh?! What are you doing here, Happy?!

Well, you know. Grownup stuff.

No, I have no idea what that means!
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