01x35 - Voice of Darkness

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x35 - Voice of Darkness

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Happy! Where are you?!


They just left me here!

I gotta get to Natsu and the others while I can!

Kitty-kitty, kitty-kitty...

Such childish kitty merchandise has
no effect on me, just so you know!


"Voice of Darkness"

"Voice of Darkness"
Voice of Darkness.

We stood up for our freedom... To save Jellal...

Don't underestimate Mad Dog Wally!

We're nice and strong, all thanks to you guys!


This one's no fun at all!
He won't even make a peep!

Keep up the tough-guy act

and you'll wind up in a world o' hurt,
just like that girl!

Hey, kid.

Do you not realize how sacred
this R-System's construction is?!

You'll all get to visit heaven
once this tower is completed!

The R-System is going to revive our god!

--Shut up, pig...
--What did you call me?!

Let him be. We gotta help deal with
the insurgents in the afternoon.

We'll keep on performing the ceremony
until you come to revere our god!


I don't need one...

Who needs a god who
can't even help a single child?

I hate it...


I hate it all...

Them... God... Everything in this world...

Hate... And I will consume your hatred...

People's hatred gives me strength...

Who's there?!

What an amusing lot they are...

Little do they know that I am right here...

Yet, they wish to go to the trouble
of reviving me? Of giving me flesh?

Where are you?!

All the faith in the world cannot help them.

Intense hate is the only
way to know my existence...


You are fortunate.
You have met the god they worship so.

My name is Zeref.
Hatred is my very existence...

We need to free Sector 8 today too!
Stay strong, everyone!

That's crazy! Their defense is too heavy there!

But we need to hurry and save Jellal before...!

Looks like there's no hope for you, my dear Simon!


D-Do you like Jellal?!

Huh? What kind of question is that?

This isn't the time for...

I've always really liked y--!



Magic soldiers!


Stay with us!

This is bad!

--We're no match for them!

No! Don't give up! We have to fight!

Outta the way!

Wait... Save Jellal...!


Grandpa Rob!

Withered as my magic may be,
I can still protect my friends...

I will not let such a young life be lost!


He reflected their magic back at them...!

What's wrong?!

Hopefully, this old man was of some use to you...

To a wizard, magic is
equivalent to the essence of life...

This became my fate once I lost that...

But you still possess limitless potential, Erza...


That potential lies in your heart...


Yes. Everything begins with a heart that believes.

For example, you can consider
fortunetelling, religious faith, and prayer

as a type of magic.

They're miracles that can
only be felt by true believers.

By true believers?

That's right.

And only those who believe in
the power of magic, believe in themselves,

and believe in living in harmony
with nature can use magic.

Magic! That sounds wonderful...!

Someday I wanna be a wizard
and fly through the sky on a broom!

You will! You'll be able to soar freely,
through the heavens...

And when I do, I'll let you ride too!

I never imagined I would see
such a smile in a place like this...


Freedom is in the heart.

There is no such thing as freedom in this world...

I'm certain that your dream will come true, Erza...

I will make your dream come true.



Freedom is here.

Erza! We're retreating for now! Hurry up!


--Just like that...

Even the magic troops...

Sis learned magic...?

This is magic...

I can do it!

With this power, I can save Jellal!

Flying will have to wait until later, Grandpa...


...going to obtain freedom!

Follow me!

--Oh, man! What do we do?!
--Run for it!


W-We were just following orders...!

Out of my way!


You're safe now! It's all over!

We fought, just like you said!

Simon's really hurt and Grandpa Rob shielded me...

A lot of other people were seriously hurt too...

But we won! We're free now!

Let's go!
Wally and the others swiped their boats!

We can leave this island!


There's no need to run anymore.

Real freedom is right here.

Oh! A movie lacrima!

What's that?

It's a lacrima with a movie in it!

What's a "moovee"?

It's a story.

People act out a story for us to see!

This is my very first one too, actually...

Too bad, Tony Joe.

The moment you met me...

...your future was sealed. You know?

So suave!

He seems kinda edgy...

--Being edgy is dandy!
--That makes no sense...

What's taking Sis so long...?

What are you talking about, Jellal?!

Let's escape from this island together!


There is no such thing as freedom in this world...

I've made a realization...

Temporary freedom is not what we need.

True freedom...

...is in Zeref's world.

I now begin to understand what was driving them.

They were trying to revive the legendary Zeref.

But they're nothing but pitiable believers
who can never feel his existence.

Isn't that right?

This tower is now mine.
I will finish it and bring Zeref back to life.



S-Stop, Jellal!


You don't hate these people, Erza?

I do, but this isn't...!

No! You'll never be able to feel Zeref like that!


Jellal! What's happened to you?!



Let us complete the R-System--
no, the Tower of Heaven-- together...


And then we will revive Zeref!

Don't be stupid! We have to leave this island!


If you want to leave that badly,
then you can leave this island on your own.

--On my own?!
--I'm going to keep the rest.

I need workers to build the tower, after all.

Don't worry. I'm not like them.

I'll feed and clothe everyone, and let them rest.

Ruling with force and fear does breed hatred,

but it also causes terrible work efficiency.

What are you saying?!

Everyone's on the boats already!
They're waiting for us!

There's no way they'd
come back to work here now!

That's where the others failed.
They didn't give purpose to this work.

I'm going to give them purpose.

I'm going to ask them to work for
the great wizard known as Zeref.

No one would willingly become a sacrifice!


That isn't what is needed now.
Zeref taught me that.

Jellal... Please, come to your senses...!

I have come to my senses.

You're no longer needed. But I will let you live.

You took care of those in my way, after all.

Leave this island and
enjoy your temporary "freedom."


But you will tell no one of this.

I can't afford to have the government
learn about the Tower of Heaven.

If word does get out,

then I will be forced to annihilate
this tower and everyone here.

You're also forbidden to come near here.

Set even one foot nearby, and...

Yes... Sho will be the first to go...


That is your freedom!

You will live bearing the weight
of your friends' lives, Erza!


...will fight Jellal.

Our only course of action now

is an Etherion attack from the Satellite Square!

The R-System is a forbidden magic

that must not become a part of the history books.

You do understand what that means, don't you?

An Etherion attack would obliterate everything.

Including any innocent civilians!

Plus, Jellal is your twin brother.

It goes without saying he would be k*lled as well.

That doesn't trouble you?

I am prepared for that.

We have all come this far
standing on the backs of sacrifices.

Such is the magic world of today.

Master Leiji!

If we do this, we'll go down in the history books

for the crime of attacking
Ka Elm territory without warning!

In that sense, we'll have made another
sacrifice of our own for progress.

Master Belno!

The dead cannot come back!

We must be able to say that when
we teach our children the value of life!

I've no choice.

I vote in favor of the Etherion attack.

One more to go...

One more, huh...

Just one more person until it's "game over"...


Whew... I played so much...

Say, where am I, anyway?

Hold on, Erza!
That Zeref guy you mentioned...!

Yes. I'm sure you've heard of him.

Th-That monster that came out of the Lullaby...

They called it one of Zeref's demons!

That's not all.

Deliora was most likely a demon
from the Book of Zeref as well.

Are you saying Jellal is
trying to revive that same Zeref?

I don't understand his motive,

but according to Sho, a former friend of mine,

they're supposed to become
rulers in heaven once Zeref is revived...

This "former friend" business
just doesn't make any sense to me...

Wasn't Jellal the traitor, not you?

He must've fed them false
information once I was gone.

But I did leave them here for eight whole years...

That still makes me a traitor.

But you did it for their sake!

--It doesn't matter now, Lucy.

If I defeat Jellal, it will all be over.

Is that really the case?

I'm going to vanish from this world,
whether I win or lose this battle...

Something about those words bothers me...

Wh-What's with that story, Sister...?


Are you trying to get your friends'
sympathy with that nonsense?!

It's a load of crap!
The truth was nothing like that!

You blew up our boats and escaped on your own!

We all would've ended up on the bottom of the sea

had Jellal not caught wind of your betrayal!

Jellal said this is the fate of those
who don't learn to use magic in the proper way!

He said you got drunk with the power of magic

and that now you're trying to cast off
everything in your past, us included!

Jellal said that?

Would the Erza you know really
have done something like that?

W-What would you know?!

You don't know anything about us!

Jellal's words were my only salvation!

That's why I spent eight
long years finishing this tower!

For Jellal's sake...

You're saying... it was all a lie...?

That you're right... and that Jellal is wrong...?!

That's right.

--Please wait, my dear Gray.

This gentleman knew he was
attacking your double back then.


As a dark spell-caster,
he surely saw everything clearly.

Ascertaining that truth was
another reason Juvia came here.

I'd expect no less from a member
of Phantom's renowned Element 4.

What does this mean?


I did it to bring everyone to this tower
without rousing your suspicions.

Wh-Why? Why would you...?


Jellal has everyone fooled.

I decided to play along until the time was right.

Simon... You were...!

I always believed in you, Erza.

For eight years straight...

I'm happy to see you again, Erza.
From the bottom of my heart.



How can everyone have so much faith in you?

Why... Why couldn't I believe in you, Sister...?

Damn it!

What's real?!

What should I believe in?!

I realize it's difficult to
accept everything all at once.

But I will say this...

Over the past eight years,
I never once forgot about any of you.

I'm sorry I was so helpless...

I'm sorry I was so weak...

But now you can do something. Isn't that right?

I've been waiting for this moment.

For mighty wizards to gather here...

Mighty wizards?

We're going to fight Jellal...

...all working together.

First, we must prevent the Salamander
and the others from clashing.

What's with this room? There's cats everywhere...

Oh! This is neat!

It's a costume!


Let's go, Happy!

Aye, Sir!



I-It's stuck! Oh, man...

But it's cool, so oh well!


"Fairy Tail"

All right! I win again!
That's nine wins in a row!

Let's go again!
I absolutely will beat you next time!

You've said that every time, Natsu. I'm tired now.

Oh, then I win by default! All right! I win!

"Next Episode: Heaven's Game"
Next Episode: Heaven's Game.

It's against the rules to go and change the rules!


Oh, man. He's completely lost it...
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