01x42 - Battle of Fairy Tail

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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01x42 - Battle of Fairy Tail

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, everyone watching!

Whenever you watch Fairy Tail,
be sure to turn on the lights in the room

and sit away from the TV, okay?

Hey, girl! That's dangerous!

Whew, that was close...!

I didn't find any good work at all...

What am I going to do about this month's rent?

Huh? You think it'll work out somehow?

You're surprisingly optimistic, Plue!

Yo Ho let the rudder go, turning hard to port

Yo Ho frantic confusion makes for a snazzy life

We'll have a farewell party when the sun sets

No need to be sad;
if we live we'll meet again somewhere

We journey forth, pushing through the headwind

Tears, tears... A real man
will act tough until they dry up

My friend, my friend... Someday we'll laugh

as if making sure of our strong, strong bond

Now reach out and grab
the map of our shining future

"Sudden stop!"

Whew, no one's here...

Why does coming back to my own home
have to be so nerve-wracking?

Well, I guess I have been through a lot...

Okay! Time for a bath!

Ah, I feel alive again!

What, you were dead this whole time?!

Poking fun at myself isn't the same...

Wow, you really get wrinkly
when you soak in hot water.

How cute!

"Battle of Fairy Tail"
Battle of Fairy Tail.




Good night.

Is this what I think it is?


Morning, Lucy...

I'm over here!

You're in my house, you know! In my bed!

--Get out!

No good...

Are you even listening to me?!

Give Natsu's scarf back...

Huh? Oh...

Come to think of it,
he always has this with him, huh?

He told me Igneel gave it to him.


Hey... Is Natsu okay?

Aye. It looks like he's having
side effects from eating that Etherion.

What? Really?

Aye. The same thing happened
when he ate Laxus' lightning.

So it's bad for him to eat any magic but fire?

Wait, why did he eat Laxus' lightning?

Natsu challenged him to a fight a long time ago.

He got slaughtered in an instant, of course.

Laxus is that powerful...?!

Aye! He's super strong!

Oh, but there's Erza and Mystogan too.

Mira used to be a force to be reckoned with too.

She was known as the "She-Devil"!

Mira was?!

I wonder who'd win in a Fairy Tail tournament!

I don't like the idea of ranking
my fellow members like that...

Don't forget people like Gray and Elfman!

And Gajeel and Juvia are definitely strong too!

Yes, yes, they're awesome.

Well, see you tomorrow!


What is this?

Oh, I wanted to give that to you.
You need money, right?

Fairy Tail is participating
in the harvest festival too.


Check the bottom right.

Miss Fairy Tail Contest?


The winner gets 500,000 Jewel!

500,000?! That's seven months' rent!
And it's the perfect contest for me!

Mira and Cana are gonna be in it too,
but you still have a good chance!

Oh, man. Mira is?

She does glamour modeling for Sorcerer Weekly...

B-But I'm younger...! I have fresh charm!

I can do it! I can win that 500,000!

It will be mine!

Huh? Didn't you just say you
couldn't rank your friends, though?

Happy! Want some fish?

Natsu... I'm suddenly seeing
the human ego at work...

This is the town of Shirotsume.

In the northwest area of town
stands the Ghoul Spirit dark guild.

You laughed at us, didn't you?

--You think you can raid us?!
--Don't let 'em leave alive!

Dear me.

A guild that slinks around in the shadows,

trying to stand up to an official guild?

--They turned to stone?!

Get 'em!

Go, my babies!

That's enough, Bixlow.

Huh? We're done already?!

I'm amazed such weaklings were
able to form a guild in the first place.

My babies say they haven't had enough action!

We haven't! We haven't!

In that case, we have just the thing.

Ah, are you referring to Laxus' idea?

So we're finally going to do it?

I've been waiting forever for this!

My babies, too!

Our Ghoul Spirit guild...
wiped out by only three people...?!

They're the Thunder Legion...

Members of Fairy Tail and
Laxus' personal bodyguards!

The Thunder Legion has returned.
The time has finally come...

Soon, you fairies will cannibalize each other...

Your era is over, old man!

The town sure is getting into
the harvest festival spirit!

It sounds like everyone is busy
getting ready for the Fantasia parade!

Indeed, it's Fairy Tail's grand parade

and the pride of everyone on the continent!

It'd be nice if Laxus participated too.

Don't mention him.

I heard from Levy that he's back in town.



Of all the times, it had to be now...

Grandpa... Grandpa...


Oh, Laxus!

You're not gonna be in the Fantasia parade?

I promised to watch it
with you this year, remember?

Hurray! Hurray!

I can't wait to join Fairy Tail too!

You've still got a long way to go!

H-Hey! I can't see!


What do you think, Laxus?!
Those are Fairy Tail wizards!

Amazing! They're amazing, Grandpa!

My grandpa is the greatest master ever!

When I grow up, I'm gonna join Fairy Tail!

Oh, that's great!

The day of the harvest festival...

--It's a festival...

Gonna eat... all the food...!

All the food!

He still doesn't look so good...

--Will he be all right?
--He'll be fine on his own.

You haven't changed a bit!

Warren! Long time, no see!

I managed to get here just in the nick of time.

Man, you take on too many jobs at once.


Umm, I'm Juvia, a new member.

Oh, you're the one I've heard about!

This is Warren Rocko, a master of telepathy.

Nice to meetcha!

It's a pleasure to meet you!


Look at all these people!

Yeah, lots of people from other towns
are here for the Fantasia parade.

I wanna see it too!

You're in the parade.

Oh, that reminds me...

The Miss Fairy Tail Contest is
about to start! I need rent money!

Juvia will not be outdone by Lucy!

You're gonna be in it too?

Welcome, ladies and gentlemen!

Our fairy beauty pageant--
the Miss Fairy Tail Contest-- is about to begin!

I, the sand wizard Max, will be your host today!

Why would you be interested in this?

He's a man!

Entry #1! An exotic beauty
with an otherworldly stomach!

Cana Alberona!

Now she'll use her magic
to appeal to the audience!

Oh! The cards are concealing her body...!

And she's changed into a swimsuit!

The drinking money is as good as mine!

A swimsuit?! That's not fair!

Clever. Why didn't I think of that?

You're in the contest too, Erza?!

I can't help but get fired up
whenever there's a competition.

There goes my rent money...

Entry #2!

Although she's a newcomer,
she has S-Class abilities!

The breathtaking beauty of precipitation...

...Juvia Loxar!

May these feelings reach my dear Gray...!

Oh! She created the perfect scene for a swimsuit!

Are you watching, my dear Gray?!

Another use of sex appeal?!

Entry #3!

The guild's prized poster girl,

whose beauty has enraptured the entire continent!


--Been waiting for this!
--She's a top contender!

It's her, in the flesh!

Now for her appeal time!

Transformation magic is my specialty,
so I'm going to transform!

Happy face! Aye!

Gajeel face!

You're the only one who's enjoying this...

Big Sis...

There goes her chance at winning first place!

Entry #4! This Titania needs no explanation!

I'm up!

Erza Scarlet!

--All right!
--You're so cool, Erza!

The strongest woman in Fairy Tail!

"Excited roar"
She's really popular...!

Allow me to demonstrate a very special requip...


This contest is over.

That's... very different of her...


Entry #5!

A petite fairy with cuteness
and intelligence... Levy McGarden!


Solid Script!


Entry #6! The sexy sn*per, Bisca Mulan!


The Gunner!


S-So cute...!

They're all amazing...

Entry #7! Our super rookie!

That's me!

Her celestial spirits guide
the dazzling light she gives off!

Lucy He--

Ack! Don't say my last name!

--She's cute!

I'll lose the 500,000 if they find out about Daddy!

Okay! Now for your appeal time!

Umm, my celestial spirits
and I will now perform a cheer!

Entry #8!

H-Hold on! I still haven't done my thing yet!

I am the definition of a "fairy."

I am the definition of "beauty."

Yes... I am the definition of everything.

This victory...

...goes to me, Evergreen!

Okay! This ridiculous contest is now over!



She's back?!

Hold on! Could you please stay out of this?!

My very livelihood is at stake here!

Lucy! Don't look at her eyes!

Who's this brat?

--Wh-What?! Stone?!
--Is that her appeal?!

This is bad! Everyone, run for your lives!

What do you think you're doing, Evergreen?!

Are you trying to spoil the festival?!

All festivals need some sort of entertainment.

--Big Sis!
--Even Erza?!

You fool! Turn them back this instant!

Hey there, you Fairy Tail losers.

This festival is just getting started!



Bixlow too!

The Thunder Legion?!

They're Laxus' bodyguards!

Let's play, old man!

Cease this nonsense!

Turn them back at once!

Just how many of them will
survive until the Fantasia parade?


I'm taking these girls hostage.

Break the rules and they'll shatter one by one.

Like she said, this is entertainment.

I've had enough of your jokes, Laxus!

I'm completely serious.

Let's find out who the strongest
member of Fairy Tail really is.

Let's have some fun!

Fun! Fun!

The rules are simple.
Whoever's still standing at the end wins.

A battle of Fairy Tail!

Sounds good to me. Nice and simple.

I'm all fired up!

I like that "rarin'-to-go" side of you.


This is a festival, Gramps. I'm in!

H-Have you forgotten that
Laxus already beat you before?!

--I was a kid then!
--It was just last year!

I was a kid last year!

But what I don't like is how trite you are.

Just take it easy.


He's a real man.

Aww, he had finally just recovered, too...

If you want to turn these girls back to normal,

you will have to defeat us first.

There's four of us, and close to a hundred of you!

Of you! Of you!

You have three hours.

Take any longer and these girls will turn into sand.


All of Magnolia will serve as the b*ttlefield.

Once you find us, the battle begins.


I've had enough of this!

I told you before-- just simmer down.

It's entertainment for the festival.

Let's enjoy it!

Too bright!

Let the battle of Fairy Tail begin!

H-He disappeared!

He wants to play tag throughout Magnolia?!

Damn! We have to save my sister and the others!

Catch Laxus!


I will save you. I swear it.

That fool...!

I'll... I'll stop him myself!


An invisible wall!

What? There's no wall!

What's going on?!

What is that?

There's writing in the air...

One of Fried's enchantments?!

--A type of barrier.

Anyone who steps inside it is bound by its rules,

and the only way out is to obey those rules.

It's establishment magic.

What does it say?

"Exit is forbidden to stone statues
and those over the age of 80."

Sounds like whoever writes
the rules automatically wins.

It takes time to write an enchantment.

As such, it isn't suited for quick-paced combat

but commands tremendous power as a trap.

You can't break it, Gramps?!

Enchantment rules are absolute!

Man. Talk about being meticulous.

Guess there's no choice--
we'll have to take care of him ourselves.


I won't show mercy, even if he is your grandson.

Laxus is going down!

Is there anyone who can defeat Laxus?

It's possible that Erza could...

But in her current state...

Who's there?!

--Oh, it's you, Reedus!
--I-I'm scared of Laxus...

That's all right.

Go visit Porlyusica in the East Forest instead.


She may have a remedy for petrification.


You're awake!

Huh?! Where's Laxus?!
Wait... everyone's gone!

If he got serious, it's possible that Natsu could...

Gramps! Where did everyone go?!

I guess I can place my hopes
in his latent abilities...

Natsu! The festival has begun!
Laxus is in Magnolia!

Go defeat him!

All right!

I'm comin' for you, Lax--!

How come...?

--You find 'em, Alzack?!
--No luck here! You?!

Nope, no leads at all!

Damn! How dare they do that to Bisca...!

Hey! Take it easy, Alzack!

Take it easy?! We only have three hours!

What's that?!


There are enchantment
traps throughout town too?!

Is it Fried's doing?!

"Only the most powerful wizard here

is allowed to leave the enchantments"?

Is he telling us to fight each other?!

This is a dirty trick, Fried!

I'm sorry... I...

...have to save Bisca!

How can this be?!

Natsu! Are you 80 years old?!
Are you a stone statue?!

Don't look at me!

"Status update"...

Hmm? "Jet versus Droy versus Alzack"?

Wh-What in heavens?!

Why are they fighting?!

Falcon Soar!

Knuckle Plant!

g*ns Magic: Tornado Shot!

"Alzack wins. Jet and Droy KO'd..."


D-Damn! I'm sorry...

Just how long can you endure
this game of fairy-eat-fairy, old man?

The hell with this, Laxus!

Back then, when we laughed together
about how alike we are

you gently overlooked my little white lies

It won't matter to me if
we don't have a place to return to

because I'll protect that smile of yours

There are countless
encounters and farewells waiting

Not to mention many things I don't want to lose

But I don't feel any need for them anymore

All I want is to be by your side and gaze at you

through happiness, sadness, and everything else

Let's start right here and now

Let's start our future

Let's be true to our feelings

Like flowers swaying in the summer breeze,

let's use this moment to bloom in our full glory

"Fairy Tail"

The Thunder Legion is finally joining the fight!

Evergreen, Bixlow, Fried...

They're all crazy strong!

Man! I'm all fired up now!

I hate to burst your bubble, Natsu,

but there's no way for you to fight
if you're stuck inside the barrier.

Oh... Right...

"Next Episode: Defeat Your Friends
to Save Your Friends"

Come to think of it, apparently
Gajeel is stuck inside the barrier too.

You should have a nice cup of tea together!

I can't have tea with that guy!
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