02x53 - Enter the Oración Seis!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x53 - Enter the Oración Seis!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Fairy Tail!

The Oración Seis dark guild is
comprised of only six members.


And to defeat them, a coalition
force of official guilds was formed!


"Can never love"

"Can never love"
Lyon and Sherry too?!

Lyon and Sherry too?!


Even Ichiya, a man I can't stand...!

Handsome... man!

When I'm with you, my love and dreams

become magical

Now, let's cast the magic of a smile

I always sort of longed for a powerful world

filled with problems

Once-frozen time has begun moving again

ever since I met you

Why were we born? Why are we alive?

There's no need for complicated answers to that

Let's just laugh and cry,
while being true to ourselves

It's the simple feelings that
are the most important of all

They turn the tears we shed on sad nights

into strength

Now, I'm going to cast the magic of a smile

H-Hold on...

Just how crazy is this guy gonna be?!


I'm from Cait Shelter. My name is Wendy Marvell.

It's nice to meet you all.

A girl?

A kid?

A-A child...?

I'm surprised. So this girl is...



All the guilds are now present.

You're just gonna move on like that?!


Sending such a tender child
on a major operation like this...

"Piled high"

"Piled high"
What in the heavens is Cait Shelter thinking?

What in the heavens is Cait Shelter thinking?


She isn't alone, gaudy woman.

"Enter the Oración Seis!"
Enter the Oración Seis!

--A cat?
--Looks like it.

She's just like Happy...

She talks...

--How terrible! I am not gaudy!
--That's what you're focused on?!

Charle! You followed me?

Of course. I would never be able
to rest easy if I let you go all alone.

--A cat!
--Only now you notice?!


"Thump thump"
Thump, thump, thump...!

"Thump thump"

Hey, Lucy. Go give her my fish...

Huh? Is this love at first sight?!

Oh, but now's my chance!

You're in loooove!

You stole that from me!

Plus you said it three times stronger than I do!

U-Umm, I can't fight at all,

but I can use all kinds of helpful support magic...

So please...

So please don't leave me out of the group...

That timid attitude is why
people look down on you!

I-I'm sorry...

Quit being so quick to apologize.


My apologies. I was a bit surprised,
but I didn't mean to offend you.

It's a pleasure to meet you, Wendy.

It's Ms. Erza! It's really her, Charle!

She's prettier than I expected.

Hey! Hey! Do you know who I am?

I'm Happy, the Catmander!


She's shy... That's so cute!

I dunno. If anything, I'd say she's ignoring you.

You're hopeless, Lucy. You don't
understand how girls work at all.

Uhh, I happen to be a girl too,
you know... But whatever.

That girl is going to be
gorgeous when she grows up.

She's already very cute!

Come, Miss. Right this way...

Oh, uhh...

Talk about fast!

That girl... What a parfum she has.

She is no ordinary person...

So you've noticed, Sir Ichiya...

She possesses magic somehow
different from our own.

It appears Lady Erza has taken notice as well...



Is orange juice okay with you?

Honestly, you're too cute.

Have a wet hand towel.

Umm... Uhh...

What's with these males?!

Huh? What's wrong, Natsu?


I could swear I've heard
that name somewhere before...


You know her?

--Can you remember for me?
--How am I supposed to do that?!

--You're so cute...
--You're cute...

So, who is she, again?

Oh, geez...

You shouldn't smile at men so much.

I-I didn't mean to...!

What kind of man is your type?

Would you like some cake, too?

Seriously, you're too cute.

I told you before!
They aren't here to pay a visit!

Clean up at once!

Certainly, our dear master!


They called him something different again...

It's remarkable how
consistently inconsistent they are.

Now, then.

As it appears everyone is here,
allow me to explain the operation.

Are those poses really necessary?

First is the location where the Oración Seis--

the "six demon generals"--have gathered...

But first, I require use of the toilet parfum...

Hey! Don't add "parfum" to the end of that!

That's our sensei for you!

They changed his title again!

Piri piri...

To the north lies the enormous Worth Woodsea.

The ancients sealed a
powerful magic deep inside it.

It was known as... Nirvana!

Seriously, we can do without the poses.


I've never heard of it.

--Have you, Master Jura?
--No, I haven't.

Have you heard of Nirvana? Anyways, want a fish?

"Look away"
No, thanks.

All we know is that it was
a destructive magic so powerful

that the ancients had to seal it away...

But we don't know what
kind of magic it actually is.

Destructive magic?

I get a bad feeling about this...

We can only assume the
Oración Seis have gathered in the forest

in order to obtain Nirvana.

To prevent that from happening...

...we will destroy the Oración Seis!

--Of course they had to strike a pose...
--I've given up complaining about it.

There are twelve of us, and six of them.

But we mustn't take them lightly.

Those six are tremendously powerful.


That's magic you don't see every day.

I've never seen it before.

Only recently did we manage
to obtain these sh*ts of them.

Cobra, a wizard who uses a poisonous snake.

Man! That slanty-eyed jerk looks mean!

You don't look very different yourself.

Next is Racer, who, judging from his
name, likely uses speed-related magic.


For whatever reason,
I don't like the way he looks.

I agree.

Next is a wizard so powerful that he'll annihilate
an entire military unit if the money is right...

..."Divine Eyes" Hoteye.

--For money?

Next is Angel, a woman who's
said to peer into people's hearts.

I dunno why, but I think I'm probably
naturally weak against people like her...

We have little information on this man...

...but he's known as Midnight.

Midnight? That's an odd name.

And this is Brain, their commander.

On their own, they each possess magic
powerful enough to destroy an entire guild.

We'll have to rely on our numerical advantage.

Umm, could you please leave me out of the count?

Fighting isn't really my thing, either...

Wendy! No complaining!

Hey! Hey! Do you wanna do something?
We're not included in the count, you know!


Never fear. There is more to
our operation than just fighting.

You can help us locate their stronghold.


Yes, that's right. We still have yet to locate it...

But it would be logical to assume

they have a temporary base of
operations somewhere in the woodsea.

If possible, we would like you
to gather them all in that base.


By beating their brains out, obviously!

So it does all boil down to fighting...

Why do you want to gather them?

We will use our guild's prized
Pegasus, which we call Christina,

to utterly annihilate their base and them with it!


Are you referring to the magic bomber?!

More importantly... you'd go
that all-out on other people?!

That's the type of people we're dealing with!

Y-Yes, Sir!


If you do find yourself in battle,
whatever you do, do not fight alone!

There must always be at least
two people when taking on a foe!

This sounds too dangerous...

Th-This is too much...

Stop acting pathetic!

All right! I'm all fired up!

I'm gonna take on all six of you jerks together!

Hold on, Natsu!

He's unbelievable...

I'm not sure if he's impatient
or something else altogether...

Man, he didn't even listen to the strategy.

That's Natsu for you.

Oh, man...

That wasn't nice...

At least open the door first...

We have no choice. Let's go!

Urgh! That idiot!


We can't let Fairy Tail outdo us.

--Let's go, Sherry!

Lyon! Sherry!

--Let's go, too!

Angel, huh...

Come on! Pull yourself together!

Don't worry!

I'll be right there with you!

Let's go, Wendy!


Wait for me! Don't leave me behind!



In any case, the operation
has begun. Let us go, too.

First things first, Mr. Jura...

I hear you're one of the Ten Saint Wizards.

Indeed, I am.

Meaning that your skill is on par
with that of Master Makarov?

Nothing of the sort.

The council decides who is granted the title.

I'm only at the bottom rung.

Although we share the same title,
comparing me with Master Makarov

would be like comparing
the heavens with the earth.


I'm relieved to hear that.

I wasn't sure what I would do if
you were as powerful as Makarov.

Wh-What is this smell?!

A magic parfum that causes one's
opponent to lose the will to fight.

S-Sir Ichiya...!

What on earth are you...?!

Piri... Piri...

Additionally, the entire body is
subjected to every manner of pain,

all courtesy of this fragrance...

...I mean, parfum!

Or so we're told!

Back to normal!

Perverted stuff is all that Ichiya guy thinks about!

That's for sure! He's hopeless as a grownup!

--Now, now. No complaining.

Piri piri!

Wh-What is this...?!

Ah. We took the liberty
of copying that filthy man.

Now we know all about your little mission.

--When we copy someone...
--...we can even read their thoughts!


Okay! That's two down now!


--Such shame...
--Piri piri!

I won't let you interfere, children of light.

Angel will bring down judgment
on those who stand in our way.

There it is! The woodsea!

--Wait, Natsu!

You fool! Don't rush ahead by yourself!

You hate the idea of me
one-upping you that much?!


How dare you suggest that I...!

--Oh, man! He fell over!
--That hotheaded fool!

I see he hasn't changed at all...

I'm filled with confusion when I stop to
think about how I once fought that imbecile.

That's just another form of love!


Uhh, not really!

Wait for me! You guys are too fast!

Whatever happened to "ladies first"?!

Shall I carry you, my princess?

I can hold your hand for you!

Don't be leavin' my side.

You're obnoxious!

--Wendy! Don't lollygag!

I'm gonna try extra hard, too!


Man, this place sure smells weird...

Have you noticed?


Not sure what it is, but
something feels "off" here...

--Don't let your guard down, Sherry.

Pick up the pace, you guys!

You're one sturdy freak, you know that?!


What's the big idea?!

Don't just stop in your tracks like that!


--Sir Lyon!

The magic bomber, Christina!


That's the "heavenly horse"
I've heard so much about?!


Sure is big!

Looks reassuring.

All right! Let's split up and
search for their base of operations!

--Huh? We're doing what now?
--Oh, geez...


Oh, no!

What's going on?!


Yeah! Someone's here!

Stay sharp!


"Six Demons"


...the Oración Seis!

Lowly maggots, all swarming together...

We know exactly what you have in mind.

We even took care of Jura and Ichiya!

Whadya think of that?!

--That can't be!

You're flustered. I can hear it...

The quicker the work, the better.

And you people are in our way.

Money gives one strength! Yes!

Let me give you a tip:
money is everything in this world.

--Shut up, Hoteye!


Umm, one of them is asleep...

I never imagined you
would show yourselves to us...


I can hear it.

You saved us the trouble of lookin' for you!

--Get them.


Natsu! Gray!


Wh-What the...?!

How am I...?! Wha...?! Huh?!


I see you! Yes!

Money is all you really need, not love! Yes!

What the...?! The ground is...!

Love is more important!

Sir Lyon!

--I'll take care of Angel!
--No fair!

I'll handle the head honcho!


Eve! Ren!

So fast...!

He's so fast I can't even see him!

Fast is good.


I can hear it...

Dance, my swords!

What?! He can see through my swordsmanship?!



Hey, you! What are you sleeping for, you jerk?!


Flight Armor!

Oh, you're fast!

Fast is good!

Unfortunately, I can hear them, Titania...

I can hear your next moves!

He is reading me!

Reading? Nope.

I just told you--I hear you.

Wake up, dammit!


What was that...?

My magic didn't hit him?

Forget it.

Midnight's scary if you wake him up.

Ice Make...


--Ice Make...
--Marionette Attack...

--...Mud Doll!

Money is stronger than love! Yes!


So this is Erza Scarlet...

I can hear it all...

Your movements, your breathing,
your muscles contracting,

even your thoughts...

I see... So you're also...

You're wide open!

I saw it! Yes!


Quit actin' like a slowpoke!


Cuberos' poison isn't fast-acting.

Enjoy writhing in pain before you perish!

Pathetic trash. Prepare to be no more.

Wh-What is this magic power...?

The air is shuddering...

This isn't good!

Dark Rondo!

What's the matter, Brain?

Why'd you stop the spell?


Huh? Huh...?

I want to tell you now

that our hearts are connected

As I hold on tight to keep
my dreams from getting away

I have feelings hidden in the scars
deep in my heart that can't reach you

My footsteps tremble, yet I won't turn back

Instead, I'll take one step toward tomorrow

I want to tell you now

It's okay, hold my hand

Let's start all over again

and strive for the future we always wished for

I can't believe everyone
was beaten so suddenly...

The Oración Seis are too strong!

They haven't beaten me yet!

What? You were the very first one they took out!

I haven't lost until I say I have!

I'm gonna have a rematch soon enough!

Isn't that your usual pattern of getting
your butt kicked trying to get revenge?

"Next Episode: Maiden of the Sky"
Next Episode: Maiden of the Sky.

When did I ever get my
butt kicked in a rematch?!

Huh?! You don't remember?!

I make it a habit to only look straight ahead!

You haven't made any good points at all.
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