03x98 - Who's the Lucky One?

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x98 - Who's the Lucky One?

Post by bunniefuu »

The port town of Hargeon...

A Fairy Tail ship has just set sail from here.

With eight wizard teams aboard,

the ship makes way for Tenrou Island.

Carrying a slightly dirty suitcase

I fell out of the sky without a clue.

Beyond the map is where I now stand

The place I only used to dream of

Yea Yea Yea (Yea Yea Yea)

The Rock City Boy (The Rock City Boy)

Yea Yea Yea (Yea Yea Yea)

The Rock City Boy (The Rock City Boy)

Oh baby let's scale these walls with my guitar

until we reach it, oh yeah, let's sing

With just music, that's all

I dedicate it to you, oh yeah

Seriously, with my guitar we actually
have a lot in common, y'know?

While searching, yeah, let's sing

With just love, that's all

Chase and be free!?

My perfect dream

Yea Yea Yea

The Rock City Boy

Whether we're asleep or whether we're awake

let's make our dreams our allies yea

I wanna believe the singing on beat

most recently is like recess for me

pretty pretty please, no birds and the bees

but ecstasy with extra cheese

rhyming rhino sounding like Bono

all smacked up with a black Jack bottle

when I say ho you say hey

You got no idea what I'm saying, eh?

The S-Class Wizard
Promotion Trial is a major event

that Fairy Tail holds once a year.

Natsu and the seven other
participants have selected their partners

before undertaking the trial on
Tenrou Island, the guild's sacred ground.

Only one person will pass.

Just who will open the door to the S-Class rank?

I-It's so hot...

What's the deal? It's supposed to be winter...

I think I'm gonna melt...

I'm gonna turn into ice cream
and Happy's gonna eat me...

Sounds yucky...

You look like a slob like that, Lu...

Apparently the currents around here
cause this weather to last year-round.


I'm melting into ice cream...


This heat ain't nothin'.

Aren't you hot dressed like that, Juvia?


But, if anything's hot...

...it's my dear Gray's naked body!

So hot!

I don't feel so good...

Natsu! Could you please stay away from me?

Wendy won't cast her Troia spell on me...

You can't blame her.
She's Mest's partner and all.

I'm sorry, Mr. Natsu.

Oh, brother.

Look at us, getting intimate with each
other just before we become enemies...

It's hot! It's manly!

You don't make any sense, you know.

I want... ice cream...

Please don't eat me...

I can't even imagine you in ice cream form...

There it is.

Oh! So that's it!

"Who's the Lucky One?"

"Who's the Lucky One?"
Who's the Lucky One?

We made it!

So that's Tenrou Island?!

Talk about crazy-looking...

An island on top of an island?!


Even from here I can sense magic
power in the air around the island!

Truly impressive.

We're almost there, Natsu!

It used to be said...

...that fairies once existed on that island.


And it is where Mavis Vermilion,
Fairy Tail's first master, rests.

What's with those clothes?!

It's hot! Gimme a break!

You're in no position to talk. You're naked...

I will now reveal the first round of the trial.

First round?

The trial's usually split into
multiple parts each year.

See the smoke coming from the shore?

You'll start by heading there.

Eight routes lead there.

Each route can only be taken by one team.

And, along each route are these...



"Intense Combat"


"Intense Combat"
"Intense Combat" "Intense Combat?"

"First Round Passed!!"

Only the teams that get through here

will pass the first round of the trial!


It says "Intense Combat" next
to Erza and the others' faces!

Does that mean...?

There's also a "Serenity."

On Combat routes, two teams will
run into each other and fight it out.

Only the winning team can move on.

Intense Combat routes
are the most difficult of all,

as they require defeating
a current S-Class wizard.

On the Serenity route,

you'll get to pass the first
round without fighting anyone.

The point of the first round is "might"...

...and "luck"!


Luck might be perfect for us!

We only have a 1/8 chance
of getting the Serenity route.

So, strictly speaking,
only six teams at most can pass.

Th-There's no way!

There's no getting through
the routes with Erza and the others!

What kind of wimpy nonsense is that?

In the worst case scenario,
only three teams will pass...

I like it! I'm gonna give
everyone a serious beat-down!


Now get started!

Let the trial begin!


But we're in the middle of the ocean...

You know what that means, Happy!


Let's take first pick!

Aye, Sir!

Whoa! That's not fair!

Natsu! You little...!

An enchantment?!

Fear not. It's set to disappear in five minutes.


Why, you...!

Can't you just keep 'em in there forever?

It wouldn't be much of a trial then.

Hey, Gramps! You're just gonna allow that?!

Well, it's not a race or anything.

If we let him get there first,

the whole island will end up
covered with enchantments!


Oh! This calls for Levy!

Yeah! I can rewrite it!



...only for me and Gajeel!



Sorry, Lu!

See you later, everyone!

You jerk!

I have known Fried for a long time and all...


I can handle even more complicated traps;

rewriting a simple enchantment
like this will be a cinch!

Okay! Let's go, Elfman!



--How much longer are we stuck here?
--Four more minutes.

Then ol' Levy undid the
enchantment in just one minute?!

Five minutes later...

It's gone!

Let's go, Lucy!


Let's go, Loke!

At least put on some underwear!

--Aye, Sir!

Ice Make...


Whoa! He froze the water's surface!

Ms. Lisanna! Are you keeping up with me?

Of course!

The ocean and a fish?!

Whoa, Cana! We're the furthest behind!

Mest and Wendy are still here!

--They vanished?!


We better hurry before all
the good routes are taken!

This island...

I sense a ton of magic energy from the earth...


Let's go!

Routes H, F, B, and A are sealed off.

Oh, man!

Four are already closed off!

Which do we take, Natsu?


It's E for Erza! No doubt about it!

Why do you wanna choose Erza?

'Cause I wanna beat her, obviously!

I'm comin' for you, Erza!

Whoa, he's already decided that Erza's here...

Route E is sealed off.

Seven are crossed out.
I guess we are last after all...

Don't worry! It's like they say,
the best is saved for last!

If I have anything, it's good luck!

Let's get you that S-Class rank, Cana!

Yeah. Thanks, Lucy.

It's surprisingly bright in here.


They're summer insects that give off light.

Oh! Those voices!

Who's there?!

Don't tell me this is...?!



I knew it! Cana and the cosplayer!

My name's Lucy!

So we're to fight you, huh?

Fried and Bixlow of the Thunder Legion...

Previously, during the Battle of Fairy Tail,

Lucy and Cana squared off against these two.


What's saved for the last again, Lucy?

The Thunder Legion...

She was completely helpless against Fried.

And Bixlow would've trounced
her had Loke not intervened.

Tenrou Island.

The first round of the S-Class
Wizard Promotion Trial.

Lucy and Cana have entered
the last of the eight paths here.

It turns out it was a Combat route,
which entails two teams fighting it out.

And this trial is meant to test "might"...

...and "luck."

Apparently only the winning
team gets to move on ahead!

Ahead! Ahead!

I'm sorry, but this is the end
of the line for you, Cana.

I'm the one who is going
to follow in Laxus' footsteps.

Bring it on!

I have my own reasons for
needing to become S-Class too!

You're going down!

But first, perhaps you
could put on some clothes?

Huh? They're better this way, Fried.

Better! Better!

No! It's distracting!


In that case...!

Sexy Girl Cards!

Girls appearing from cards?!

How indecent!

Pull yourself together, Fried!

What's going on?!

I knew it! He's actually weak around women!


I'll have to handle this then...


Open, Gate of the Maiden!


Max service version!

A-Another one?!

Seriously, that doesn't work on me!

Go, my babies!

Virgo's tenets!


"Leave restroom cleaning to me!"


"Serve Mistress Lucy again today!"


"Always separate trash and recyclables!"

So weak!

Why did you summon her?!

I figured a girl would be best...!

I don't wanna hurt you too much.

So just hurry and go to sleep.


You missed!

Go, my babies!

Help, Aries!

I-I'm sorry...

Do something!

Right! I'll try!

Wool b*mb!

--What is this fluffy stuff?!
--Fluffy! Fluffy!

I-I'm sorry!


Wool Wall!

I feel woolly-headed...

Just looking makes me
feel woolly in the head...!

Hey, you idiot!

You're really starting to lose
focus of the situation we're in!

Trouble! Trouble!



Yes! The plan worked!

I actually remembered this time
that the actual guy isn't all that tough!

Was that acceptable at all?

I'm sorry...

Seriously, though... "Lucy Kick"?

Stop, all of you!

Oh, no! The effect wore off!

How humiliating!

I let myself get fuzzy-headed, but now...

Have at you!

He's mad!

Dark Écriture: Wings!


I refuse to lose here!

Prayer's Fountain!

It's no use!


Lucy! No!

This water is for attacking!

It's dangerous to touch!

It's okay!

Open, Gate of the Water Bearer!


Another swimsuit?!

Aquarius! Get 'im!


What's the big idea?!

He's the enemy!

What's with the outfit?

Never in a million years will you
seduce a man with a swimsuit!

What the hell do you think you're doin'?!


Uhh, Cana...

Can't you even tell the difference
between friends and enemies?!

All little girls are my enemy!

You think lookin' all sexy makes you a good guy!


That's why you can't get a boyfriend.

You're a zero. As a girl, you're a zero.

You think you're hot stuff just
'cause you have a man, huh?

You're nothing but a run-of-the-mill hussie.

A zero.


Is it me, or are they a lot alike?

I'm outta here. I have
a date with my boyfriend.

--My boyfriend.
--You're repeating yourself!

She's so self-centered!

We aren't finished here, actually...

Oh, right!

What's the plan, Cana?!

All right! I'll go with this again!

It won't work anymore!

This is Fried we're talking about!


It worked again!

P-Please stop! I can't fight like this...!


Fried, my love!

Quit it!

You big meanie! You big meanie!

This is really creeping me out here...

All right!



Look! Look! Fried, my dear!

Look here too! Look!

You're such a cutie-pie, Fried!


A wall... of girls...?!

Whadya think?!

You're amazing, Cana!

This was a piece of cake!


Trapping him is good and all,
but now what do we do?!

We haven't really solved anything... have we?!

How can I break free?


I can escape through there!

--He fell for it!

Oh, no!

Summoned Lightning!

W-We won...

Look! The path's opened up now!

Does that mean...?

We did it!

We cleared the first round!

--Let's go, Lucy!

Was this really for the best, Fried?


I would've fought seriously
had it been anyone else.

I owe those two.

I decided to do this if I ran
into them on a Combat route.

Still, isn't having a weakness
for women pushing it a bit?


Man, and you were so set on
following in Laxus' footsteps too.

Following in his footsteps
isn't what's important.

Being a member of Fairy Tail is.

Laxus will return, without fail.

Still, to think that Lucy and
Cana would run into us...

They're lucky, all right!

Meanwhile, on Route E...


Come out already!

Fight me!

We still don't know for sure
if Erza's on this route or not.

No! I chose E for Erza!

I'm gonna defeat Erza up ahead

and become an S-Class wizard!

Natsu! The path's opened up!


Someone's there.

I wonder who it is...


Yo, Natsu.

Seems luck wasn't on your side.

We're done for!

I've never been fond of cutting
corners in my work, you see...


Now I'm fired up!

Chance! Tears spill out with each passing night

I want to grow strong

Don't make a comparison; you're you,
your own original megahertz

Unleash it far off! Let's send it
straight to the future now!!

A chance miracle glitters brightly in my heart

There's nothing to be afraid
of now; we're not alone

The goal isn't in sight yet,
but we can make it anywhere

At all times, don't think. Feel!!!

Start running!!!

There are no answers to dreams or love

So let's get started right now, in "our" way

Only our hearts know where we're headed

At all times, don't think. Feel!!!

Start running!!!

Good work, Natsu!

Huh? Good work doing what?

Well, the first round's over and all!

No, what are you talking about?! It's just started!

You're up against Gildarts, though.
The outcome's plain as day...

You'll be sorry for saying that!

I am gonna beat Gildarts and make you pay!

"Next Episode: Natsu vs. Gildarts"
Next Episode: Natsu vs. Gildarts.

If anyone's gonna pay, it'll probably be you.

You talk big, but you're gonna
have to fight too, you know.

You're my partner and all.
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