04x118 - The Man Without the Mark

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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04x118 - The Man Without the Mark

Post by bunniefuu »


Laxus is here!

He's our master's...?

So, you're a blood relative of Makarov...

Everybody Jump Up

Everybody Hands Up

Everybody Jump Up
Everybody Hands Up

Leaping across building-tops,
looking down at the city

A colorful world with umbrellas
blooming like flowers

Even on gloomy, rainy days,
if you can find one seed of happiness

it can make things even
better than the day before

You always give me important, valuable words

Is there something I can give you too?

I wish, thank you, it's a little embarrassing

but I want to tell you how I feel now

For you, I always want to give a smile

with our hands held together

Everybody Jump Up
Everybody Hands Up Everybody Pump Up


You all look like a bunch of tattered rags...

We sure do!

What are you doing here?

I came to visit the late master's grave.

I did used to be in Fairy Tail, after all.

I came to visit Mavis' grave,
so this is a real surprise.

Didn't think I'd find the second master here...

Since I'm here, I might as well dig a grave...

...for you.

"The Man Without an Emblem"

"The Man Without an Emblem"
The Man Without an Emblem.

My, my...

To think that that boy
had such pretentious kin...

Impressive poise and magic power.

I didn't realize that boy still had
other pawns of Gildarts' caliber.

Reminds me of something
the old geezer used to say...

"Whenever you face someone tough,
it doesn't matter how strong they are.

Standing up to them is what's important."

Ain't that right, Natsu?


That's nonsense. The excuse of a weakling.

Warm-up time is over.

Now come at me, sonny boy!

If you insist...

A defense enchantment is meaningless
if it has even the tiniest of holes.

Precision is key.

Double-check every little detail.


This time it's my turn to protect you, Gajeel...

Hmm? Did you say something?

If you want to say something, say it clearly.

It's not like that!

Okay. You should lie down now, Big Brother Elf.

I've already rested plenty.

I can at least keep watch...

You kept groaning in your sleep, you know!

"Ever! Ever!"

--No--! It's not--! That's not--!
--Oh, you! I was just kidding!

Man, you guys sure are carefree!

Carefree! Carefree!

You're one to talk! Where'd you go?!

I got rid of that knocked-out
guy with the glasses.

Can't risk him using a body link
spell to give away our location.

Good work. We're nearly done as well.

You guys are still hurt too.
You should rest a little.

Compared to those guys who tried to
set foot in enemy territory, this is nothin'--




...Orient Solid Script?!


Heavy Egg Rain!

--A surprise attack?!
--It seems they already had a trace on us...

Gajeel already defeated them, though!



Battle etiquette is unimportant to
a warrior who has lost his blade!


The enchantment!

Protect the injured!

I-I'll fight too...!

You can't!

Master Hades will be mad if we stay defeated...


That isn't all!

Thanks to all the bedlam you've caused...

...if we do good now, we'll be
promoted to the Seven Kin for sure!

--Why, you...!

Restoring the enchantment comes first!


How long are you going
to sleep?! They're all yours!


Leave 'em to me!

Go, babies!

Go! Go!

Seidhr Magic?!

In that case...


Wait! Stop!

That hurts!

What's with this guy? He's hard!

Of course I am. I've reinforced myself.

Huh? Didn't Happy steal that doll?!

I have a spare, naturally.

I call it Mr. Cursy the Second.

The Second?

And, being the skillful person I am,
I've already taken one of your hairs.

Oh no!

Take it easy.

I'm smart enough to learn from my defeats.

Cursy the Second, become iron!


Now, then. If you wanna get
back together with me, just say so.

What?! You're not making any sense!

Then you leave me no choice.

I learned this special technique through defeat!

Metallic Rocket the Second!

--Big Brother Elf?!

Look out, Lisanna!

This is the beauty of sibling love!

I'm often told, "I want to be your sister!" too,

but never mind that.


I am one of the Seven Kin, you know.

But, even though you're mere small fries,
I'm going to destroy you with all my might.

We won't lose...

We refuse to lose...


We're Fairy Tail!

Man. Romeo still isn't back?

He tagged along with Al and Bisca on a job.

They better not have ditched him
so they can go act all kissy-kissy!

Those two? Get real!

Is it me...

...or have we gained even more members?

I guess it's to be expected.

Our recognition and our jobs
just keep going up and up!

Just look at all these job fliers!

Why do you care? You never go on any jobs.

Take a look! I've finished my latest dance!

I call it the "Supreme Dance"!

Yeah, yeah. Good work.

Hey, Droy. Are you still feeding your belly?

It's fine! I eat big but never gain weight!

Laki! Long time, no see!

Yes, I had a lot of long-term jobs!

Keep bingin' like that and
you're gonna end up like Reedus!


I'm only big because of magic, actually.

I'm back, Dad!

It's about time, Romeo!

Yeesh, you've been going with
everyone on every job you can lately!

Well, he is the son of a wizard, y'know.

It's not his dad he seems to
be lookin' up to, though...

Get off my case!

Man, it's so boring
without Natsu and the g*ng...

You want to grow up to
be like Natsu, don't you?

Still, no matter how many
members we gain, with them gone...

Yeah, it's just so quiet...

With S-Class wizards,
our best team, and Dragon Slayers,

we're the strongest guild in Fiore now.

--But, with our main forces gone...
--...it's no wonder it's quiet.

S-Class, huh...

I wonder if there are any jobs on that level
that only I could do or that I'm suited for...

Uhh, maybe you could do
the jobs in front of you first?!

How many years are you just
gonna stand there like that?

Oh, err...

The S-Class trial's so awesome.
I wonder how it's going right now!

Another set of good contenders this year!

Which reminds me, why did Wendy go again?

She went as someone's partner, right?

No, wait, that's not it...

Were there seven entrants this year?

You've even forgotten who the
candidates are? You guys are getting old!

Think Big Bro Natsu can become S-Class?

When I grow up, I'm gonna
be an S-Class wizard for sure!

Hey, now. You need to
become a normal wizard first.

All right! I'm fired up!

Searching as a group isn't
going to get us anywhere.

Let's split up.

Yeah! I agree!

Split up...

Meaning we all go alone?

Are you scared?

Absolutely not! Let's split up!

Right. Sorry.


In here?

Sheesh! What kind of ship is this?!

N-Not afraid... Not afraid...

This room is suspicious...

I see. No luck, huh?

Very well, then. Let's continue
a little further ahead as a group.



You guys really know how to put up a fight.

Mess with Grimoire Heart and
you'll get paid back in double, peron!

It's time to finish you off. Are you ready?!

Who goes there?!

I've had enough of you...

You disrupt the trial...

You hurt my friends...

You go after the injured...

Paying back in double isn't gonna cut it for us!

Hurry to Lisanna.

What about your enchantment?

I've enabled its minimum level of defense.

But I'd say getting rid of
these scoundrels takes priority.

Let's go!



Now I see how they were able
to so soundly overwhelm Gajeel

despite not being elite material.

Them and their annoying team att*cks...

Stay strong, Big Brother Elf!

Listen, Lisanna...

The only way to deal with wizards
that keep changing their attributes

is with a coordinated team attack...

Even if you can't handle
'em alone, as a team you can!

I have a bad feeling about this!

Hold on--!

This is an Amaterasu Formula...!



Those hit by this lose all strength in
their limbs and become immobilized.

Even blocking it consumes so
much magic power that it's fatal...


I had no idea Laxus was so powerful...

That was only strong enough for one leg.

I still have the other.

And both hands.

And my head and my body.

All combined into one attack, it'd be more
than just a few times stronger than that.

Care to try me?

You talk big. I suppose it's the
confidence that comes with youth.

But youth is not what the
way of sorcery demands.

Youth matters not!

Enough of your crap!


You're in a sorry state.

But that's what you get for
trying to seduce pure little me.

S-Since when was I trying that?

Well, it's about time to finish you off.

I'll at least end you quickly, so you don't suff--


Hot! Hot! My bristles are burning!

Hey, dumpling! It's time
you drop the cocky attitude!

How dare you call me a dumpling! Grr!

Card Magic: Summoned Lightning!



Oh, have you fallen for my manliness too?

I'm not a picky guy,
so I never turn anyone down.


I mean, my attack has no effect...

Not when my Cursy the Second is a generator.

Self-reinforcement, lightning!

Ugh, you're a pain in the butt!

Not good enough!
That's easily dodged by changing--

Whoa! Cold!

Prayer's Fountain!

Wait! Cotton gets heavy when it absorbs water!


We're not finished yet!


Self-reinforcement, heat!

What amazing retaliation...

Cana has the skill to take
the S-Class trial, all right!

This is tough, having you both
approach me with such intensity!

I guess this is my so-called "popular period."

I'm honestly at a loss here!

It's obvious you're doing this
routine of yours on purpose!

--Sorry to keep you waiting!

The three of us might stand a chance!

The three of you might stand a chance?

What? You wanna go three-on-one with me?


A love confession from three girls at once...

This must be my really popular period!


But, I'm not a flirter!
I'm as much of a hard-liner as I look!

I can only go steady with one of you!

Whoever really wants to
date me, come forward!

No, thanks.


I'm not upset at all!

I asked on purpose because
I knew you'd answer that way!

Solid Script: Hole!

--expl*sive Flame!


--Lisanna! Th-That's...


Huh?! Why is it Big Brother Elf?!

S-So heavy...


This is a taboo technique!
Self-reinforcement Overlap...

...using Cursy the Third for replacement!

By using my hair and his hair,
I can switch bodies with him anytime!

And I've self-reinforced myself into mist!

Now all physical and indirect
att*cks will damage me much less!

Huh? Oo-wey?!

An enchantment?!

Where'd that one come from?

Fried thought this might happen,

so he set a couple of them
before the fighting began.

This enchantment trap prevents
people from using magic!



We can overlap too, you know!

Let's do it!



The flames in my right hand and the storm
in my left! Put them together, and...

Triple Unison expl*si*n!

Wait! Being defeated a second time...

That's not funny at all...!


He's flyin' off like crazy, pero!

Excellent. This is good for us.

Our chance at a promotion
just skyrocketed, peron!

They're happy their comrade got beaten...

They're a dark guild. I doubt
we could ever understand.

Only two are left now.

Let's make quick work of them.

All right!

Oh? What's the matter?

For all that big talk you gave, isn't it
a bit too early to fall to your knees?


Don't tell me he was...!

That last spell hit him!

The world really is a big place...

Never knew there were monsters
out there like this guy...

I still got a long way to go, too...

Don't be stupid!

Pull yourself together, Laxus!

Very impressive, Laxus
or whatever your name is.

But it ends now.

It's time for you to be gone!

Get up, Laxus!

I realize...

...that I'm not a member
of Fairy Tail anymore...

--Look out!
--Don't let it hit you!


But, if he took out the old geezer...

...I'm allowed to get angry, right?

Of course you are!




This one's... my treat...



Mr. Natsu?

Thanks... for the meal...

An electric charge?

It's... all of my magic power...


He gave his magic power to Natsu?!

Does that mean...

He ate lightning?

I heard he was bed-ridden
when he tried that before!

Does this mean ol' Laxus got hit by that
attack without any magic power at all?!

He was willing to go that far
to give Mr. Natsu magic power?

Why did you give it to me?

I'm weaker than you...

It ain't about being stronger or weaker.

Think about who got hurt.

What's the point unless someone with
the guild's emblem takes him down?!

Any pain the guild receives,
it needs to pay back...!

A hundred-fold.


A fusion of flame and lightning...

A Lightning Flame Dragon!

It's payback time... times a hundred.

Let's look up into the sky, arms opened wide,

and etch out ever-brighter dreams

Find a passion that matches your talent

then grab hold and put it in your heart

As time passes and you encounter
setbacks and tearful farewells

always embrace your unique ambitions

and race toward your dreams

We're still in the middle of a dream--
there's no answer to be had

But it doesn't feel bad; in fact, it's pretty nice

See? We're alive again today

Now it's your turn

Let's look up into the sky, arms opened wide,

and etch a dream of, "It really is possible!"

Find a passion that matches your talent

then grab hold and put it in your heart

As time passes and you encounter
setbacks and tearful farewells

always embrace your unique ambitions

and race toward your dreams

Paint a marvelous future, boy

Oh, man. Lightning Flame Dragon?
Don't you think you're showing off a bit much?

No, I'm not really trying to.

Personally, I think it's unfair
I don't get something like that too...

Even if you did have lightning,
you'd just be a flying thunder cat.

A thunder cat? Whoa, that sounds awesome!

"Next Episode: Realm of the Abyss"
Next Episode: Realm of the Abyss.

Lily hates thunder, so I could
do stuff he never could!

Then he couldn't copy me anymore!

That's been bugging you all this time?
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