05x127 - The Terror of Invisible Lucy

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x127 - The Terror of Invisible Lucy

Post by bunniefuu »

He was a true incarnation of grotesquerie,

the likes of which the world
had never seen before.

All who laid eyes upon his bizarre visage

felt abnormal chills upon their bare skin.

There's no escape now, serial jewel thief!

Evildoer! Give it up and surrender!


Do you honestly think you can catch me?

--A monster!
--An invisible man!

Tremble in shock and fear!

For this is how I truly look!

Is there anything in this
world any more terrifying

than absolute emptiness,
everlasting nothingness?

As if having glimpsed inside a rip
in the very fabric of the world,

the people experienced fear such
that their very souls shuddered.

--And that's it.

So Lucy writes novels like this?

Hey, now!

Who said you could read that?!

Hey there, Lucy!

So this one's about an invisible man, huh?

Y-Yeah, I thought I'd take a s*ab
at a new genre, you know?

Everyone thinks at least once
about if they turned invisible, right?

So I felt I could make that into a good story!


Do you honestly think you can catch me?

Tremble in shock and fear!

For this is how I truly look!

Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!

Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

Why are you guys here, anyway?!

If it's for nothing, then get out!

We came to invite you on a job.

You're gonna end up flat broke
unless you earn some money.

I'm busy right now!

You two can just do it on your own.

No can do. We're a team, remember?


And working as a team
isn't the same without you.


Also, we're starving!

Can you feed us?!

Oh, man...

This isn't a restaurant!

"The Terror of Invisible Lucy!"

"The Terror of Invisible Lucy!"
The Terror of Invisible Lucy!

Urgh! Now I've lost my focus!

Guess I'll take a bath to get refreshed.

A magic potion...

Oh, yeah. I tried brewing one of my own before.

Using this makes your skin
look nice and clean and clear!

Maybe I should use it again!

Invisible man, huh...

I wonder what I could do
if that happened to me.

I could scare everyone!

And I bet it'd be useful on jobs!

That's so silly.

That bath might've been too long...


Huh? What the...? What is this?!

Did I really turn invisible?! Wha...?!

Oh, right. I made this seven years ago!

Could it be that it's so old
that its effects have changed?!

I can't just stay like this!

I hafta get Natsu and the
others to help somehow!

Oh no...

I'll cause a big scene if I go out looking like this!


That's strange. There's no one there.

They can't see me, so I have to
be careful not to run into anyone.

I know! I'll walk along the side!

I rushed out here,

but now that I think about it,
I'm completely naked, huh?

If the potion were to suddenly wear off...

...is what would happen.

On the other hand, since
no one can see me now...

...I can do weird poses like this!

And weird poses like this!

And this!

And no one can see me one bit!

It's embarrassing... but neat too!

Wait, that's ridiculous,
getting so excited by myself.

Hey! Stop! Shh!

What's the matter? There's nothin' there.

Whose voice was that?

That was close.

I need to get to Fairy Tail, and fast!

--What the...?! There's something here!

--You're right! Something's here!
--It's all soft and warm!

It's shaped like a person.

Uh oh...

Th-That tickles! Quit it!

Stop touching me!

Ahh! It ran off!

Get back here!

--It's an invisible ghost!
--Catch it!

This isn't funny! It's seriously humiliating!

That's it! I'll hide here!

Get back here!

What a relief...

F-Finally made it...

You're so lame, Natsu!

Big Sister Lucy sent you packing?

Yeah. And we just wanted
to go on a job with her.

Of course she was angry.

I hear you even use her bath
without asking sometimes.

Talk about bad manners!

I agree.

Even among teammates
a line needs to be drawn.

You're always welcome to come
here for food when you're broke!

Not that callous guys like you would
understand any of this anyway.

But I do think she could be a little nicer to us!

That attitude of hers is why
she can never get a boyfriend!

That's for sure!

And even when she does find guys,
don't they run off right away?

It's because she grew up a spoiled
rich girl but has a tough interior.

Mm. Only a man with true
ferocity could stand up to her.

Lucy could stand to learn a little
from Levy of Shadow Gear!

If only she'd act cuter!

She doesn't seem all that
ladylike to me, either...

I'll teach them to talk
about me behind my back!

Hey, you! What's the big idea?!

Huh? What are you talkin' about?!

Don't play dumb! You just
dumped booze all over me!

Don't go blamin' me!

--If it wasn't you, then who did it?!
--How should I know?!


--What do you think you're doing?!
--What are you doing?!

You started it!

We're fighting for whatever reason, huh?!

What's gotten into them?

Apparently someone dumped
their drink or something...

Hey! Fight outside if you must!

I was just on a roll, too!

What was that for?!

Ouch! Are you trying to pick a fight?!

Quit interrupting my meal!

Huh?! You're not making any sense!

--What's your problem?!
--Move! You're in the way of our fight!

Even after seven years
you still haven't found a job?!

I'm looking for a job only I can do!

What's gotten into everyone?!

Calm down, everyone! What happened?!

Leave them be. This is nothing new.

But they'll demolish the building at this rate!

We can simply have them repair it later.

Remaining unperturbed is what real adults do.

Honestly, now. They never mature.

In fact, after seven years
they've only grown rowdier--

That's it...

Knock it off, all of you!

Even Ms. Erza has joined in!

Well, I expected as much...

It looks like Erza hasn't matured either.

Whoa... This turned into a big mess!


Huh? Lucy...'s voice?

And her smell?


Watch where you're touching!


Are you here, Lucy?

--I can hear you...
--...but I can't see you!

Where are you, Lucy?

I've been found out...

I see. So this is what's up.

The more I look, the stranger this seems.

H-Hold on, don't stare at me like that!

It's embarrassing!

--Give me a break!

What a dilemma.

For now, it's better that
you're wearing clothes, but...

Can you not go back to normal?

No. I was actually hoping you guys could help...

There's nothing to worry about, if you ask me.

This is cool! You should do
a job with us just as you are!

You know I can't do that!

Does anyone here know a way
to undo invisibility magic?

Wish I could help you, but...

--All right! I got an idea!
--What is it?!

Burning her with fire should fix it, right?

I-Is there a reason to believe that'll work?

As I recall, he did the same thing with
me when I'd been turned into stone.

But if there are no other ideas,
we'll just have to try this one.

Mm. A real man shouldn't hesitate for anything!

I'm a girl!

Okay! Here goes, Lucy!

I'll help, Big Brother Natsu!

Wait! I'm not ready yet!

Ready... go!

Oww! Hot! Oww! Hot!

Hmm. Didn't work.

Of course it didn't!

Cheer up, Lu. There's gotta be some way...

Oui. I live for situations like this!


Do you have an idea?!

Leave it to me!

I simply need to paint a face for you!

It... sort of looks like her... Maybe?

You're prettier than real Lucy!


I feel so... conflicted...


Then how about this?!

I hate it!

--I can do better than that!
--Hey, you!

--All done! A perfect copy!
--I'm not a cat!

Yeah! Her face looks more
like this and this and this!

No, her eyes are like this.

H-Hey, now!

--Whadya mean, "Hmm?!"

Her nose and mouth are like this, are they not?

In that case, wouldn't doing
this have more impact?

You guys suck. Let me at 'er!

No, let me do it. I took art
classes when I was a kid!

This is how I'd do it. Individuality is important.

As a girl, she needs to be cuter!

Her eyes need to sparkle!

Better yet, why not give her black hair?

It might look good on her!

Personally, I'd like to see different hairstyles!

Like a really short cut or dreadlocks!

An afro might look good too!

Then we should do face paintings too!

My face isn't a toy!

--Oh! Manly!
--Why would you do this?!

This is too much work! Let me handle it!

It looks just like her!

Can't complain about this!


--Don't be so rude!

Whoa... What is this?

It's from an old glamor photo sh**t.

Try to put up with that for now, I guess.

Well, at least this is better than before.

D-Do you think so?

We're back!

Oh, where did you guys go?

Lucy's apartment.

--We brought her potion bottle...
--...and her celestial spirit keys!

Oh, yeah! I didn't think of
asking celestial spirits for help!

Thanks, Wendy! Charle!

But what kind of celestial
spirit should I summon?

I doubt Loke or Aquarius would
be much help at a time like this...

Lucy! Call Gemini!

Gemini? Why?

We're gonna have them transform into you!

Just try it!

A-All right.

Open, Gate of the Twins! Gemini!

Gemini's back at last!

Oh! It's Lucy!

She looks just like Lucy!

Way to go, Gemini!

Now, we do this!

I, am, Lucy.

Please, be friends, with me.

Now just do this forever!

Ooh! Nice idea!

That doesn't solve anything!

Man, you really do look just like her.

Yeah! When I transform into someone,

I can copy their look, memories, and abilities!

Then couldn't we just say this is the real one?

Yeah. She's got the same looks and abilities.

In fact, this one seems calmer and friendlier...

Hey, you!

Just joking!

What are you two doing?

Analyzing the potion's recipe.

Once I know how the magic works,
I can nullify it with an enchantment.

Analysis complete!

Here are the potion's components, Fried.


Leave the rest to me.

Whoever is within this enchantment...

...will have the effects
of magic potions nullified!

H-Hey. You see anything?


Are you sure that works?!

I am.

But, given that the potion
was left out for seven years...

...it'll take seven years to nullify as well.

I can't wait that long!

I'm sorry, Lu...

What's so funny, Lucy?

I'm crying! Because I'm pathetic!

Huh? What's going on?

Now my clothes are turning invisible too?!

Her existence is fading away!

What do you mean, Levy?!

Lu hasn't just turned invisible;

her very existence is starting to disappear!

It seems she'll be more than invisible;
it'll be as if she never existed at all.

The bottle disappeared?!

If Lucy will have never existed, it's natural
that her possessions would vanish too!

As we speak, I bet her
apartment's turning empty too!

I-I don't want this! I don't want to not exist!

I'm right here!

I'm still right here, see?!

What was I just talking about?

I'm not sure. About a job, perhaps?

I feel like I was just painting something...

But what?

I feel like someone was here until just now...

I have the same feeling. How odd.

It's strange. I feel like something is missing.

Same here. Is it just our imaginations?

Do you feel that way, Natsu?



I'm right here!

Guys! Have you forgotten me?!

Oh well. Let's get to work.

Sit there and continue to model for me, Fried.

--All right.
--Let's see...

What jobs can I do?

Natsu! I'm here!

Gray! Can't you hear me?!

Erza! Happy! Wendy! Charle!


It's no use... No one can hear me...

They've all forgotten me...

Because I never existed...

I'm basically like a ghost now!

I don't want this!

Okay! Let's get to work!

Happy! Lucy! Let's go!

Aye, Sir!



Oh, yeah! Lucy!

Our friend! Our teammate!

Oh, yes! Lucy!

Lucy was here!

Now I remember!

Ms. Lucy!



The magic's been lifted!

Maybe the potion wore off
because Mr. Natsu remembered her!

Yep, that might be it.

They do say magic is all in the heart.

It'd take more than ordinary magic
to trump our guild's bonds!

That's indeed a nice summary,

but you three weren't any help at all.

Thanks, Natsu!

Can't go on a team job without you, Lucy!



Turning invisible was kind of neat,

but not being noticed by your
friends feels way too lonely.

They might not always be reliable,

but they're all dear, precious friends to me!

Now to get rid of this.

I'm so glad, Lucy!



What the heck?!

Where'd my face go?!

--Who are you?!
--It's me! Who are you?!

I do wish everyone could get
their act together, though...

Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

Natsu. Have you seen Elfman?

I think he left to do an errand for Mira.

--I wish I had a little brother too...
--Huh? How come?

I could force him to go shopping for me,
make him carry stuff for me,

and I'd be allowed to have
one more fish than him!

"Next Episode: Father's Memento"
Next Episode: Father's Memento.

Is that really how you see those two?

Huh? Isn't that how they are, though?

Your heart is too twisted, Happy.
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