05x129 - Raging Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x129 - Raging Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus

Post by bunniefuu »

Well, Big Sister Lucy?
Have you matched the ancient text?

Nope. No luck at all.

Lucy. We got a job.

Sounds like we're off to
catch some gold robbers.

Don't tell me it's the Butt Jiggle g*ng again?

Dunno. But we'll find out soon enough.

Sorry! I have to pass this time!

We haven't made any progress
deciphering the text on the metal rod.

Where is Natsu?

I don't know. I think he left to go somewhere.

Very well. We'll go by ourselves.


Huh?! H-H-Hold on!

By "ourselves" do you mean just you and me?

Is there a problem with that?

Huh? Oh, no, uhh...


If we're lucky, we'll be
back before the day is out.

Let's make haste.

There is a problem with that, my dear Gray!

Why didn't you invite Juvia along?


Toward the beginning sky...
Toward the shining light...

There's nothing to fear... Because I'm here...

Even if you've fallen to your knees
over and over, had your pride spoiled,

and garnered nothing but doubt,
don't shut your eyes just yet

There's no way to assess the
possibilities right here and now

When your tears turn to rain,
I want you to realize that

Rather than abandon your frustration

taking it with you has a meaning of its own

So even if you can't grab hold
of everything you wish for

take hold of the one thing you can't give up

Let's go welcome the beginning sky

looking straight ahead

When you feel the wind at your back,
all your troubles will surely go away

When I look across the way,
I see that usual smile

so don't bottle everything up inside

If we're patient, we'll find
the answer as we go along

I'm sure of it

Nothing's biting...

My lunch hangs in the balance here!

Take it more seriously, will you?!

Yeah. You can count on me...

Wake up!

You want somethin'?

I got a bit of a score
to settle with Fairy Tail.

You're a member too, ain't ya?

And what if I am?

Why, I'd squash ya flat, of course!

You're annoying me.

Is that...?

No doubt about it.

Huh? What's the matter?

It's Laxus.


I was wondering where that jerk went
off to; I didn't know he lived around here!

But Laxus is still exiled from
the guild. Are you sure it's him?

I'm gonna find out!


Wait for me!

"Turbulent Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus"
Turbulent Showdown! Natsu vs. Laxus.



--Where are you going?
--Where are you goin'?

--I can go wherever I want!
--Then so can I!

--Quit following me!
--You should get lost!

--You spoilin' for a fight?!

Quit it, you guys!

We're going to see what
that lightning was, right?!

Yeah! And if it turns out to be Laxus,
I'm gonna challenge him to a fight!

You don't got what it takes to beat Laxus yet!

Did you forget that one time?

I lent you some serious help, and
that was still the best you could do.

Shut up! I didn't need your help!

I will beat him next time!

I'll beat him too!

Cut the crap, you guys.


It really was Laxus!


Oh, Natsu's here too?

And Gajeel?!

Quit actin' like rowdy brats.

I didn't know you lived around here, Laxus!

I just happened to end up living near here.

You should just come back to the guild already.

Mind your own business.

I don't care whether you come back or not.

Since we're here, let's see's who's
the strongest once and for all!

I feel the same.

I know what you guys are up to.

You wanna get me angry and battle me.

But that ain't gonna happen.

--You're gonna run away?

You ain't the type to turn your back
to a fight, and you know it, Laxus!

What do you think you're doing, Natsu?!


All right!

There's no need for Laxus to fight.

The Thunder Legion will take you on.

We shall share fates with Laxus!

No, I'm gonna teach these two
a lesson with my own fists.

Bring it on!

All right, Natsu. I'll start with you.

Hold it!


I really feel things like this
should be properly arranged first!


What are you talking about?

The match will take place tomorrow!

You're not making any sense, but okay.

So, our fight's tomorrow!

Under the Sola tree in South Gate Park!

After that, it's my turn.

Suit yourselves.

Seriously? A showdown?

Those guys just never learn.

Apparently Laxus has been living
in a corner of Magnolia for a while.

Who cares about that!
A challenge to fight is manly!

But will Natsu and Gajeel be okay?

Isn't that obvious?

Well, if they're going to battle the Laxus,

I'd say they're in for a world of hurt.

Is Laxus that tough?

Are you kidding me?

When he was a member here

he was probably second
strongest, behind Gildarts.

All right! As the master,
I better get this party started!

A party! A party!
Nothing's manlier than a party!

Ooh, that's great! Let's take
this chance to have some fun!



What the heck? Is there a
festival going on or something?

Everyone's partying it up!

Actually, you're the cause of it, you know.


This is amazing! There are
so many shops and stalls!

She's been eating non-stop.
Talk about an appetite...

What's this festival for, anyway?

Apparently, they heard about your showdown...

...and decided to hold a
festival on the eve before it!


Yeah, everyone does love to party!

Well, we've been having a hard time
with the text deciphering anyway,

so this is a perfect way to unwind.

That looks yummy, too!

Cool! Cool! Cooool!

Long time, no see, everyone!

It's me, Jason, reporter for Sorcerer Weekly!

A reunion seven years in the making!
And a showdown festival!

I've been waiting forever for this day to come!

--Shut up!
--Just get to it already!

All right! It's time to bring out the
guest you've all been waiting for!

The eternal diva, Mirajane!


Today, I'm gonna rock!

All right, Big Sis!

Go all out!

Or so I planned, but my
throat's a little sore...

Natsu. Shouldn't you prepare for
tomorrow's fight in some way?

No need. I'm just gonna hit him
with everything I already got.

I see. So you don't have
anything in mind, basically.

Come to think of it,
I wonder what Gajeel's doing...

That jerk really hates to lose...

...so I bet he's doing
special training somewhere.

So, let me introduce a singer of
the soul who will perform in my place!

Go ahead!

That's Gajeel!

That's his special training?!

Thanks for comin' to see me today.

We didn't come for you...

All right! By request, here's
a little ditty I personally wrote.

No one requested anything!

This is "Best Friend." Give it a listen.

That one again?!

♪ Colorful, colorful, shoo-bee-doo-ba! ♪

♪ Shiver with love! ♪

--♪ Iron-colored and metallic! ♪
--Gajeel is out of place with a guitar

and a white suit...

--Plus his singing is weird...
--Yeah, it is!

Oh, Levy! You're back!

Yeah, we went on a job as Shadow Gear
for the first time in a long time.

Actually, there's this text I was
hoping you could decipher!


Thank you!

We're campin' out tonight, huh?

I was hoping to be finished
while it was still light out.

At least we've located their hideout.

Now we simply wait for them
to return with the gold in tow.


Man, now what?

Being stuck alone with Erza...

I never know how to fill the time...


--You're not going to strip?

You feel most comfortable
when sleeping naked, yes?

What kind of development is this?!

No, err, it depends on my mood.

I mean, look at you.
You're camping in your armor.

Indeed, you have a point.


--Let's sleep.

What's going to happen?!
What's going to happen?!

She just straight-out says, "Let's sleep!"

Oh, if he said something like that to Juvia...

Juvia. Let's sleep.


Wait, this is no time for such fantasies!

Whoa, she's asleep already...

Talk about some seriously thick skin.

Man. She's actually pretty when
she's nice and quiet like this...

--They've returned.

Let's go.

All right!

What a relief that nothing happened...


Who are you?!

Erza Scarlet of Fairy Tail.

You don't need to give your
name to guys like these!

We've been hired by the owner
of the gold you stole.

Resistance is useless.
Return the gold peacefully.

We thought this might happen...

...so we hired a bodyguard!

You're up!

We expect you to live up to your high fee, Sirs!

Good evening.

We're the infamous Vanish Brothers.

The Vanish Brothers...

That sounds familiar.

If I remember right,

Natsu once beat 'em senseless
at Duke Everlue's place.

That was a long time ago.

After much training,

we've gained so much skill that
not even Erza of Fairy Tail scares us.


Let's see just how much skill
a mercenary guild possesses.

No. I'll handle these guys myself.


Natsu beat you all by himself.

So, naturally, I will too!

Brother! He's totally mocking us!

Cool down.

He can't get to you if you simply
think of this as a business matter.

Basically, beat his brains out?

Yes. Come on!

Ice Make...

An ice wizard, huh?

My frying pan once absorbed fire att*cks,

but it can now handle ice as well!


And it can double its strength,
transform it, and release it!

You can't hit me with that!

--Brother! Let's do it!

Heaven and Hell Annihilation Technique!

Face the heavens...

...and I'll be on the earth!

Face the earth...

...and I'll be in the heavens!

No one can escape...

...from this combination technique!

Although Natsu once defeated them,

I suppose they've improved
over these past seven years?

Gray, my darling! Juvia's coming to save you!

Stay away!

You haven't...

...hurt me one bit!

Silence! This is the end!

If heaven and earth is how it's
gonna be, then try this on for size!

Ice Bringer!

Why, you...!

That's my dear Gray, all right!

But I guess Gray has improved as well.

For such weaklings,
they gave you too much trouble.

I felt like playing a bit.

You will return the gold
you stole to our client.

Is that clear?

O-Of course!

Now Juvia can return without worry, too!

What is all this?

They heard you're gonna fight,
so they've been partying since last night.

I guess they're all pretty
happy to see you again.

I see they're still a bunch of fools.

But that's the way Fairy Tail is.

You should know that more than anyone!

If you say so.

...bought this for me!

Oh, good for you!

Now what do we do?

I only told them to fight the next day
to try to cool off the situation...

Who knew it'd become such a big deal?

I never meant for this to happen...

Is something the matter?


Sheesh! We looked everywhere! Where were you?!

Has something happened?

Mr. Natsu and Mr. Gajeel
are going to fight Mr. Laxus!

Say what?!


Laxus waits quietly! He's way imposing!

Sweet! Gajeel arrives first!

The two glare at each other!
The air is filled with tension!

Natsu arrives next! The g*ng's all here!

Watch this, Happy.

Aye, Sir!

Laxus stands up!

It appears Natsu gets first dibs!

Let's get started.


No holding back. You cool with that?

You bet I am.

Don't blame me if you end up losing your life.

Same for you, Laxus!

Get back, Happy.

Good luck, Natsu!


It's started!

This is intense!

The first to move will lose.

And it's over!

A one-hit knockout after all.

An instant win as usual.


Way to go, Laxus!

You're on totally different levels.

So, you're up next, right?


No! Gajeel has vanished!

Don't tell me that jerk ran away?!


Find 'im! Don't let him get away!

Nothing manlier than a manhunt!

I misjudged you, Gajeel!

Natsu. Are you okay?

I got it!

This is ancient Potamelian!

I've never heard of that.

So, what does it say, Levy?

"Time ticks forward, toward inevitable chaos."

Time ticks forward...

Toward inevitable chaos...

I've heard that phrase somewhere before...



Let me think...

Wait, Laxus!

Come back to Fairy Tail!

Master! Just let Laxus
back into the guild already!


It's not this. Or this.

Here it is! This is it!

That "Time ticks forward, toward
inevitable chaos" phrase is in this book.

What's the book about?

Hmm, if I remember right...

It's about a clock that passes
from one owner to the next

over a long period of time and
through many strange circumstances.

Oh! This wall clock!

--What is it?
--Look at this drawing!

This isn't just some rod.

It's a clock hand...

Does it still hurt?

It's nothin'...

Now where is that lousy Gajeel hiding?

Macao and the others are searching
for him, but they might not find him.

Is it Gajeel?! Is he back?!

Hey! Gajeel!


Our cold, lifeless world

was made from the outline of a glittery time

A decayed metropolis

No relief to feel

This is what you wished for

Overflowing grayness

This is a utopia?

Let's take everything that's wanted

Let's give everything that's wanted

As we live and obey the unseen voice

lurking within our unconscious minds

Who in the world is trying to
pick a fight with Fairy Tail?

Huh? These guys seem familiar somehow...

Sheesh! You must be blind, Natsu!

They're the guys we met in Edolas!

Really? Is that how they looked, though?

Oh? Now that you mention it,
they do seem different...

You must be blind too, Happy.

"Next Episode: Target: Lucy"
Next Episode: Target: Lucy.

Wait, it seems they're targeting Lucy.

It's like someone's always
out to get her. What gives?
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