03x12 - The Saxon Mystery

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Doctor Who: Confidential". Aired: 26 March 2005 – 1 October 2011.*
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Series is described as focusing on the human element of the series, Confidential features behind-the-scenes footage on the making of Doctor Who through clips and interviews with the cast, production crew and other people, including those who have participated in the television series over the years of its existence.
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03x12 - The Saxon Mystery

Post by bunniefuu »

The Doctor is distressed,
the Captain incapacitated,

and Martha is missing.

The master plan is working.

MUSIC: "Mad World"
by Gary Jules

The Master is literally in control
of everything, he literally
has power over the world.

'I really don't know how I'm going
to get out of it.'

Join Confidential as we examine
the historic return of the Doctor's
greatest enemy.

♪ Mad world... ♪


Following his election triumph,

Number is now Saxon's den.

And on location, the Doctor Who team
prepare for the moment the new Prime
Minister is presented to the world.

I think the kiss can happen...
Where did the kiss happen?

Here. Take it two steps down.

Two steps up, even more.

Yes, it's nice, cos then we
can separate you from them.

So, have the kiss there, and then
come to this step instead.

Just even need to be
just a fraction higher.

I stay here? With you there,
exactly. OK?

It's just thrilling to bring
back the Master, actually.

It's always part of the game plan.

Bring back the great, big icons
of the series.

He's gonna be on you. You'd still
be on him all the way.


'It was an inevitability
that he had to come back.'

Because you do need a Ying
to the Doctor's Yang.

The Daleks are
one particular type of threat.

The Cybermen are
a different type of threat.
The Master is the Doctor's equal.

This country needs healing.
This country needs medicine.

In fact, I'd go so far as to say
that what this country really needs,
right now,

is a Doctor.

A glorious day.

Let the work of government begin.

The Master that Russell's
written in episodes and
is madder than before.

Whether that's the Time w*r,
or just time to write him that way,

he is a lunatic.

Oh, go on, crack a smile.

That makes him scarier because he's
a lunatic with enormous power.

Excuse me, Prime Minister, would
you mind my asking, what is that?

Why, it's a gas mask.

I beg your pardon? It's a gas mask.

Well...because of the gas.

What gas? This gas.

You're insane!


He is unhinged.
And it is quite unusual to have an
evil genius that is just unhinged.

That is just...bonkers.

Thank you.

He's a very tortured,
tortured soul,

who has this constant drumming
in his head.

The drumming, Doctor...
The constant...


He's all about, you know,
presenting this veneer of

respectability, but underneath,
he is insane.


You are trying my patience, sir.

I like it when you use my name.

You chose it.
Where's my Master, pretty please?

Oh, all right then, it's me.

He's crazy!

Hi, guys!

Are you taking this seriously?

Why don't we stop and have
a chat, while I tell you

all my plans, and you can work out
a way to stop me... I don't think.

What if I could help?
Oh, how to shut him up?

Tomorrow...we take our place
in the universe.

Funny...is like this.

End of the world.

Ho-ho! I love saying that.

Not funny, is like this.

You're insane!

Here come the drums.

And I looked down upon my
new dominion, as Master of all.

And I thought it...good.

How did he become so barking mad
in the first place?

You know, why is he the absolute
antithesis of all that is good

and all that is normal
in the universe?

He has a bit of the back story,
that we hear about -
his childhood - in episode .

I wanted to do that in
a very slight way.

Some say that's where it all began.

When he was a child.

That's when the Master saw eternity.

Some would be inspired...

..some would run away...

..and some would go mad.

It's all evident on the page,
when you read his scripts.
He's quite clear what he wants!

I did not know about
Saxon from the start but,
in hindsight, how clever is that?

But hold on...if he could be anyone,

we missed the election.
I like it when you use my name.

You chose it.

♪ Things can only get better... ♪

Order from Mr Saxon. Fire at will.


Harold Saxon's been ticking away for
a long time. He goes all the way
back to series one when we had

the first Prime Minister m*rder*d.
It's the Prime Minister!
We are the Slitheen.

In Torchwood, in episode ,
I think, of that you see a "Vote
Saxon" poster in the background.

♪ ..Things can only get better... ♪

The Saxon references are in there
for the audience to see,

but the Doctor doesn't clock them.

♪ ..Now I've found you
Things can only get

♪ Can only get... ♪

You come back to Earth in episode
and it has been the Master

all along who has actually been
on Earth for months

setting up this whole
fake persona as Harold Saxon.

I think it's a great device
to have those little gentle

story arcs ticking away, um, and
it just adds to the epic proportions
of the finale

when suddenly
everything starts to make sense,
and suddenly everything is revealed.

- That was the voice
of Harold Saxon.
- He's Prime Minister.

The Master as
Prime Minister of Great Britain.

I give you the Toclafane.

My name is Arthur Coleman
Winters, President elect

of the United States of America,
and designated representative
of the United Nations.

And cut!

There's something brilliantly
circus-like about what he does.

He gets the American President,
who has put him down
systematically, really,

and he gets him up there addressing
the world and obliterates him.

k*ll him.


DAVID TENNANT: He's gonna build a new
Time Lord Empire. He's gonna rule
the whole universe.

He's gonna be...high president
of everything if he gets his way.

Peoples of the Earth,
please attend carefully.

Stop him! Get off!

'He's unstoppable,'

and he can floor the Doctor.

He can render
the Doctor incapacitated with
one flick of his laser screwdriver.

Laser screwdriver -
who'd have sonic?!

On the day the laser screwdriver
arrived on set,

I was getting texts off David
saying, "His screwdriver
is bigger than mine."

Why don't I reverse it?

What do you say, Doctor?

Another years?


It's a terrifying position to
be in at the end of episode .
Where do you go from that?

The Doctor's years old, the
Master rules everything, literally...

Tonight, Martha Jones, we've flown
them in, all the way from prison!


'It's the ultimate cliff-hanger
because he's facing'

his arch nemesis, this guy who is
every bit as clever as he is, and
every bit as charismatic, actually.

So, Earthlings...basically,


end of the world.

It's a very scary place to be
at the end of episode .

It's not looking good, really.

Here come the drums!

♪ Here come the drums
Here come the drums

♪ Baby, baby, baby... ♪

Down you go, kids!

♪ You are my voodoo child
My voodoo child

Here come...the drums.

♪ It's supernatural
I'm comin' undone

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ You are my voodoo child
My voodoo child... ♪

You're insane!

♪ ..baby, baby, baby... ♪

What's going on?!

k*ll him. # ..Here come the drums
Here come the drums

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ You are my voodoo child,
my voodoo child

♪ Don't say maybe, maybe

♪ It's supernatural
I'm coming undone

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ You are my voodoo child
My voodoo child

♪ Don't say maybe, maybe... ♪

You did this!

♪ Here come the drums,
here come the drums

♪ Baby, baby, baby

♪ You are my voodoo child
My voodoo child

♪ Don't say maybe, maybe... ♪

And the Earth was no more.

♪ ..Baby, baby, baby

♪ Don't say maybe, maybe... ♪
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