05x138 - The Whereabouts of the Crusade

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x138 - The Whereabouts of the Crusade

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh, here you are.


Whatcha reading?

"Key of the Starry Heavens."

Oh, right, she borrowed it
from the cathedral's library

to try and help the guild.


The book ends like that?

That's right.

Is something wrong?


The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

Whenever I see you cry, I can't help but smile

and feel glad that I love you

So all I ask is that you stay close
enough for me to reach you

because I'll gently wipe away
your tears when you do weep

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

But it's okay to use tears
for yourself too, you know?

So all I ask is that you stay
close enough for me to reach you

When you do need to cry,
I'll do the crying for you instead

So, please, stay by my side


What's wrong? You seem down...

Hmm? Oh, it's nothing...

Just admit it! You're worried about Romeo!

So what?! I am his dad, you know!

Natsu's with him, though.
There's nothin' to worry about!

That's just it.

What if Romeo ends up as some lowlife punk?

Check it out, Romeo!

That guy's actin' all high and mighty...
on top of an octopus!

But he fought on even terms
with Gildarts, remember?

So what?

He's on an octopus! An octopus!

Natsu's turned into a jerk of a role model.

I'm worried about Romeo's future!

Wait, that means if I beat this guy...

...I'll have beaten Gildarts too!

I will eliminate you.

"The Course of the Holy w*r"

"The Course of the Holy w*r"
The Course of the Holy w*r.


That's some dangerous ink, all right!

Be careful, Natsu!

--It looks so tasty, too...
--Maybe save the cravings for later!

Get back, you guys!

Fire Dragon Iron Fist!


Umm...! Uhh...!

What now? What should I do?


Look out!


You okay?

Umm... 7 points.

--Oh! Mr. Dan!
--Over there!

Hey, Octopus! Can't you at least tell
who's on your side and who isn't?!

Seriously! Coco and Dan are
your own platoon members!

As proud members of the Legion Platoon,

they are prepared to sacrifice
their lives for this holy w*r.

Some holy w*r this is, acting like
you own other people's lives!

This girl's life doesn't belong to
you or Zentopia or anyone else!

You are without a cause.
You're in no position to talk.

There are many more lives at stake in
this holy w*r than you people realize.

It's resonating...

Looks like I better take off with it now.

As a man, I won't let you have it!

Then, like, how about some
brother-sister rivalry!

You're mistaken!


When referring to a rivalry
between brothers and sisters,

the more proper term to
use is "sibling rivalry"!



Like, who cares about that?!

I'm takin' the clock piece now!

Why are you doing this?


Like, how should I know?

Everything will totally work if
we do what the archbishop says!


If you're only doing what someone says...

...that makes you nothing but a puppet!

You don't say.

In that case, I'll totally
make you a puppet too!

--Big Sis! What's wrong?!
--Big Sis Mira!

Conducting Art, Second Movement!

It's a prohibited technique, but I'll
totally make a special exception for you!

--Something's coming out of her body!
--Her Satan Soul?!

--Big Sis!
--Big Sis Mira!

Now, take care of these adorable "siblings"!

This can't be!

Beast Soul!

Totally awesome!

No way! What do we do now?!

This is so totally great!

Everyone who defies the archbishop is bad.

And bad people totally gotta be punished!

That fight between you and
Sammy was somethin' else, Lily!

I'd never seen a fight between Exceeds before!

You're from the same race and all.
It's a shame you aren't friends.

He's a rather impertinent fellow, I'm afraid.

While we're on the subject...

Why exactly is Sammy following us again?

He's stubborn.

I'm not following you. I'm merely observing.

Just so we're clear, you can forget
about taking this clock face!

According to my calculations,
I don't need to be the one to retrieve it.

What does that mean?!

I can't say with certainty, but...

Do you have a moment, Brother?

Oh, look!

There's a table just asking
for us to take a rest here!

That sounds nice!

Shall we stop here for lunch?!

That's fine with me, I guess...

But why are we wearing
Butt Jiggle g*ng uniforms?!

And why do we have one in my size?!

"Preparation is salvation!"

Preparation for what?!

This will also help you
overcome your trauma, Charle!

This can help overcome it?

You guys are surprisingly into this...

Besides, if we're to attempt the first
picnic of our lives once more,

our minds and bodies must be as one!

If you say so...

You're that focused on your first picnic?

Still, as I recall, the last time
we tried to have a picnic,

this was when...

Now! Let us begin!

Stop right there!

Who said you could have a picnic here?!

Hey, anyone want mayo?

Lackey A! Lackey B!

Teach these twerps whose grassland this is!

Right, Boss!

This grassland...

...belongs to us!

Diets?! Low-cal?! Get real!

Our mantra is, "Are you gonna eat that?"

Yes! We're the...

...Chest Jiggle g*ng!

Th-The Chest Jiggle g*ng?

This grassland has some rules!

Stylish girls aren't allowed to have picnics!

Hey, anyone want mayo?

I expected as much...

I even wore a spare flower!

So you forfeit all your food!

Where's the meat?!

Hey, anyone want mayo?

Don't blame us for what happens next!

It was my...

It was my second attempt at
the very first picnic of my life...!


You will pay!

Come forth...

...Spectral Sword, Crimson Blossom!

Now you will learn, with
every fiber of your being,

the meaning of "Hindsight is twenty-twenty!"

Anyone want mayo?!

I expected as much...

Elfman? Lisanna?

L-Let go!


Like, I'm totally bored of playing now.

It's time to finish all three
of you all friendly-like.

Stop... How is there any enjoyment in this?

I'm, like, no longer a helpless lamb.

Now that I have power,

my only duty is to wipe out those
who oppose the archbishop.

Now you'll experience firsthand

how grave a sin it is to defy Zentopia!

--Not if I can help it!
--Don't bother!

Your magic power is under
the control of this Sacred Baton!

Dance pitifully, Fairy Tail wizard!

Totally strong!

Like, maybe I overdid it a bit?

Uh oh...

Big Sis!

Not that! Stop!

Impossible! There's totally another Satan Soul?!

No one said anything about this!

Big Brother Elf! What is that?!

Not good...

Let's get away from here, Lisanna!

That's different from a Satan Soul.

You've never seen it before, but our master
banned her from ever from using it!

It's known as...

...the Archfiend Halphas!

Man, you got heavy legs!

Just a minute, Octopus!

This'll neutralize the poison
effects of that ink!

Nice timing!

And what's the big idea,
summoning me from a measly puddle?!

Sorry! It was all there was!

Thanks, Lucy!

And... Aquarium?


It's Natsu-fishing!

I'll let you off the hook this time
for calling me from a puddle,

but I expect you to learn to
summon two at once soon.

--And then you can call me and Scorpio...
--I-I'll do my best...

The celestial spirit is
suddenly acting like a punk...

Romeo! Can you get Octopus' mouth open?

Leave it to me, Big Brother Natsu!

Purple Net!

All right!

Fire Dragon...

He's gonna blast fire down the octopus' mouth!

That's kind of cruel!

I bet it'll taste great freshly-grilled!

She's cruel, too.

How naïve of you.

Kanaloa here is a veteran warrior as well.

Such childish tactics will not work.

Oh, no...

This isn't good!

He's already sick?!

It appears victory is ours.

Now then, Kanaloa. Retrieve the clock piece.


My father gave me that clock hand!

So it belongs to me! Give it back!

Why are you people trying to steal
the clock pieces in the first place?!

"Steal" isn't what I'd call it.
"Oversee" is better.

What does that mean?!

The clock in question is
known as the Infinity Clock.

We've been tasked with retrieving it
by the Archbishop of Zentopia.

Infinity Clock...

Why would the Archbishop of Zentopia want it?

"Time ticks forward, toward inevitable chaos."

Do you understand what this means?

Do you mean the line
that repeats in your dream?

I'm afraid I haven't the slightest.

It is said that once every 100 years,

the Infinity Clock releases its accumulated
magic power and begins to function.

And, if all six scattered clock pieces are
brought together while it is active...

What happens?

The clock will begin to tick... and
eventually usher in the end of the world.

My word!

According to the cardinals, a wizard
guild is looking for the Infinity Clock.

We are the only ones who can stop them.

In other words...

You could even consider this
the "purpose" we have been given.

Byro. This is a holy w*r.

If all the clock pieces are gathered together...

...the world will end.

The "inevitable chaos"...

Is that what it means?

Things have suddenly gotten way more serious!

Do you understand now?

This is not meant to be kept by
the likes of a mere wizard guild.

That's true... If we let even
one little slip-up happen...

...the world will end up in serious trouble?!


That story seems a bit iffy, if you ask me!


I mean, gathering the clock parts will
make something bad happen, right?

Then the answer is to not gather them.

Besides, do we really want Zentopia to
hold the fate of the world in its hands?

Yeah! You don't even know
how to use 'em, right?!

If Zentopia messes up somehow...

...the world will end?!

Our teachings are not mistaken.

And it is impossible for
the archbishop to be wrong!

That's not true.

Everyone makes mistakes.

That's why fighting never goes away.

Everyone knows that.

You got lots of nice words to say,
but you're obviously up to something!

I'm sure of it!

If not you, then this "Archbishop"
or whatever guy of yours!

Let me beat him up!

S-Such blasphemy!


Big Brother Natsu!

What a waste of some cool-sounding lines.

What's wrong, Kinana?!

Are you okay?

It's close...

It's close!

The end... is within our grasp...

I can hear it...

I hear--!

Don't worry! It's one of her usual fits!

Wakaba. Where's the old master?

In the East Forest, gettin' healed up.

This is bad...

Now, of all times...

Run, Lisanna!

Uhh, you're carrying me, actually...!


This is totally cheating!

Like, she's an actual demon!

How sinful! How wicked!

In all honesty, I like Zentopia's teachings.

Acknowledging and baring
your inner wickedness

and devoting every ounce
of your love to others...

But, that said...

The fact that people who think
like you are a part of Zentopia...

...is very sad.

That's it!

I've had enough of you!

Oh, Archbishop!

Please forgive my sin, for I'm
about to violate this taboo!

Now what?!


Merging with someone under your control...

Conducting Art, Third Movement!

Yes! I now control myself!

This is a forbidden technique!

You call this...

...a sin?

They're moving so fast I can't keep up!

Big Sis Mira is... kind of scary...


No way! I can't even scratch her!

You've committed an even greater sin.


...you dared to take my magic
power and openly use it...

...to hurt my little brother and sister.

That, more than anything else,
is absolutely unforgivable!

Stay away...!

This is it...

Just remembering it makes me ready to faint!

What's she going to do?




It's horrific...

She once wiped out an entire
town just to do that...

It's no wonder she's banned from using it, then.

You now understand the point of the holy w*r,

yet you still insist on opposing us?

Honestly, I don't really understand
this stuff about the end of the world.

I just want to keep my dad's memento safe!

So we're going to take that clock
hand and the rest of the parts!

We're going to gather them all!

Such sinful drivel.

Run, Michelle!


Open, Gate of the Golden Bull!



And some moore!

Octopus tentacles wrapped around you...
That's too awesome, Miss Lucy!

Just calm down and help me!

How indecent.

I'm back in action!


All right! It's payback time, times a hundred!

--All right!
--Aye, Sir!

--Fleuve d'étoiles!
--Purple Wire!


--Big Brother Natsu!

--Here goes!
--Max Speed!


...Fire Dragon...

...Sword Horn!

They worked in harmony to
offset Kanaloa's flexibility

and narrow their focus...

Is this what guild wizards, no,
Fairy Tail wizards are capable of?

Now, then. It's time to give
back what you took from Lucy.

The time is near.

As we speak, the rest of
the scattered clock pieces

are likely on their way here.

I'll have to take care of you
before they're all gathered.

Bring it on, then!

What is it you wanted to talk about?

While I am a member of the Legion Platoon,

I can't deny that I'm also
an Exceed, as you have stated.

Even a musclebrain like you
knows that our sense of time

is different from that of humans, yes?

Are you trying to pick a fight?!

Just hear me out.

Something's been bugging me
ever since I deciphered that book,

precisely because of our unique sense of time.

So, just to be safe, there's
something I need to tell you.


You mean "Key of the Starry Heavens"?

I hate this book.


It's got a weird story.

What are you doing?!


It's close...

It's close.

Time ticks forward... toward inevitable chaos...

The end will begin!

The end...

There's still something hidden in the book?

As a member of the Legion Platoon,
I will fulfill my duty.

But... it's just like Edolas.

No one knows what course the holy w*r in
this human world will take. No one, Brother.

It isn't about excuses and "what ifs"

Time simply moves toward
the future, equally and always

It's okay to take a long way around;
it doesn't need to be a shortcut

Even now, a tiny light shines in the distance

Not everyone will find and
grab hold of their dreams

but you'll be fine - you have your friends

Just keep following your dream

and shout your unconquerable spirit
from the bottom of your heart

All your problems and all your worries

are there to help you shine someday Oh

So I give to you my "yell" of encouragement

Hold on! Nullifying magic is cheating!

Hmph. We don't need magic to beat this guy!

He's given you a pretty
good beating, actually...

You've been basically helpless, in fact.

D-Don't be stupid!

A real hero doesn't save the day
until things look bad first!

Uh-huh, sure. Hero.

"Next Episode: Time Begins to Tick"
Next Episode: Time Begins to Tick.

If anything, I'd say you're a dark hero.

Hey, now! I'm clearly a standard, classic hero!

That would require you
to be more sophisticated.
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