05x139 - The Moment That's Activated

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x139 - The Moment That's Activated

Post by bunniefuu »

Bring it on!

The clock piece...

It's resonating...

Time... is about to tick...!

The chaos--the everlasting
midnight--is coming!

Let me... hear your voice.

Who are you?

Tell me...

Who are you?

dare ka no tame dake ni namida
o nagasu koto ga dekiru kimi da kedo

naiteru kao o miteru to waratte shimaun da

kimi o ai shite yokatta to

da kara douka semete kono te ga
todoku kyori ni ite hoshii

namida nagasu toki wa kono te ga
sore o sotto nuguu kara

dare ka no tame dake ni namida
o nagasu koto ga dekiru kimi da kedo

mou sukoshi jibun jishin no tame ni
namida o tsukatte mo iin da yo

da kara douka semete kono te ga
todoku kyori ni ite hoshii

namida nagasu toki wa kono me ga
kawari ni namida nagasou

da kara douka soba ni ite

You've done well, Kanaloa. Now get some rest.


That octopus shrunk!

It's bite-sized and yummy-looking!

What are you, some kind of monster?!

"Time Begins to Tick"

"Time Begins to Tick"
Time Begins to Tick.

Fire Dragon Roar!

He neutralized it?!

I guess magic won't work on him!

Neutralize, smeutralize!

He can't stop me!

Why, you...!

He doesn't stand a chance!

Open, Gate of the Sea-Goat!

It's no use.

No way!

The neutralization of any type of spell...

That is what my magic can do.

That's not fair!

He's just like his Edolas version, then!

You're really getting on my nerves!

--Big Brother Natsu!

This ain't nothin'.

Fistfights are my thing! I already
slug it out with Gray all year long!

This kind of fighting...

Oops! I overslept, yeah!

Man, it was just a dream,

but I can't believe the Titania
confessed her love to me too...


Aye, Sir!


Good grief.

Even my Aera magic vanished...

--I figured it wouldn't work!

I clearly said I can neutralize all magic.

Are you not paying attention?

We're completely helpless without magic...

There's gotta be something we can do!

Natsu. What's our plan of attack?

I just got an awesome idea!


Gildarts used magic when he fought
this guy to a draw, remember?!

Then I'll beat him without magic!

That'll mean I'm better than Gildarts too!

All right! I'm fired up now!

You have a positive attitude,
for the better and the worse.

The fate of the world hangs in the balance,
yet you care only for personal affairs?

Somethin' wrong with that?!

The burden we bear is far heavier than yours.

We are prepared to sacrifice
our lives for our mission.

Not this again.

Watch closely, Coco.

He's our enemy, but he's
also got some serious guts.

The real fight's just starting.

This is hot, hot, hot!

Ain't it, Salamander and pipsqueaks?!

Here's hoping you get a real
thrill out of your ultra-hot battle.

What... happened to me?

You fainted from anemia.
You need to rest a while.

You're lying.

This is somehow related to
the spell that was cast on me.

I can't remember anything
at all from when I was a snake.

But... what'll happen to me
if I ever do remember?

Should I really be here?

You were changed into a snake?!


I don't remember anything during that time,

except that a friend made a promise to me, kina!

A promise?

My friend promised that
even if we wound up far apart,

he'd come back for me someday
atop a sh**ting star, kina!

That's crazy talk.

Master. Who is she?

A snake we spotted out and about.

The snake showed signs of being
under someone's curse, you see...

So when you lifted the curse,
it turned out to be a girl?

It was a powerful curse, though,
placed for reasons I can't tell.

Even now, it's in an unstable state.

That's why she can't remember anything?

As such, I've decided we
should keep an eye on her.

Man, you're one helpful geezer, that's for sure.

This voice that only she can hear...

I hate to say this, but things might
not be so bright and cheerful for her

when her memory as a snake does return.

Poor girl...

Her memories could ruin
her new lease on life, huh?

Well, let's all look after her, shall we?

Forget about that lousy curse!

There's no reason to worry about it now.

Because we will keep you safe, no matter what!

So just get some sleep now.


Did you hear something?

Not really...

You're ready to sacrifice your
lives for your mission, you say?

That's a bunch of crap.

Lives ain't somethin' you
toss aside just like that!

We fight 'cause of our friends.

The bonds we share are what keep us going!

Friends ain't "things" or "tools."

You can't just throw them
away any time you want!

That's how important lives are!

He's had a few of his bones broken.

Still, check him out.

He doesn't got the look
of defeat on his face at all.


Stay out of this no matter what...

I'm gonna take this guy down...

As a Fairy Tail wizard, I'm absolutely...

...gonna beat hi--

Big Brother Natsu!

He can barely even stand up now.

Even so, he won't keep his head down.

He will look forward!

He's admirable, even as an enemy! Yeah.

I don't understand it, Mr. Dan.

Is that really an enemy of Zentopia? Our enemy?

He's got a pretty messed-up face, though.


He got him!

Not good enough!

It's strange.

Looking upon you fills me with
emotions I had long forgotten.

Anger, is it?

You spout some compelling ideas
about friends and lives and such.

But you are nothing more than
guild wizards motivated by money.

That you would belittle our
noble mission is unthinkable!

Say what?! We're not in this for the money!

Don't insult our guild!

--What about rent?

--And food money?

Big Sister! Say something back!

Uhh... Umm...

Didn't think he'd make that argument...

Don't give us that crap.

You're the ones who stole from Lucy in the f--

This world is already in chaos;
the Infinity Clock isn't needed for that.


Zentopia's doctrine is to minimize that chaos

and demonstrate instead the
righteous course of action.

And it is the Legion Platoon that
puts that doctrine into practice.

Uh-huh. Sure.

You don't get it, either, do you?

--He's suddenly better.
--I wonder how...



The tomb's candles!

Yeah, and there's tons of 'em!

Consuming the tomb's sacred fire...!

You're blasphemous to the core!

Where's the rest of your lecture, Octo-jerk?

None of that nonsense made it inside my head.

All I remember hearing is "friends,"
"lives," and you insulting our guild.

Now it's payback time, times 100!

--He's provoking him...
--He doesn't need to make him mad.

That's Natsu for you!


I can hear it... I can hear it...

The end is within our grasp...

The end is within our grasp!
The end is within our grasp!

What is the Archbishop's condition?!

It hasn't improved at all.

And the Founding Festival
is about to begin, too...

There's nothing we can do.

The cardinals have convened...

They're selecting the next Archbishop.

Don't be silly.

--Sir Lapointe!
--You've returned!

Replacing the Archbishop is pure nonsense.

We have a greater problem to deal with now.

What do you mean?

We have traitors to Zentopia in our midst.

Information has leaked out about the
Infinity Clock, a dark spot in our history.

On top of that, there are also
the att*cks on regional parishes.

I am told these acts are the work of an insider.

--That can't be!
--That's too hard to believe!

Have I a reason to lie?

--Of course not...!

I am suspicious of the priest
who survived one of these att*cks.

I will question him personally. Bring him to me.


I'll tend to the Archbishop myself.

As of now, absolutely no one
is to enter his chambers.

This is a holy w*r!

The retrieval of the Infinity Clock...

That is our Legion Platoon's sacred mission.

The principles of a measly guild
do not even compare to it.

If consuming fire is another manner of magic,

then I will simply neutralize it, too.

Why, you...!

--That's cheating!
--Fight him fair and square!

Actually, though...

Lord Byro hasn't used
even one attack spell yet...

What are you talking about?

You know Lord Byro's one of the five
toughest fighters in all of Fiore, yeah.

The weak and helpless are
unfit to rule this world.

Say what?!

The weak and helpless...

We are perpetrating no wrong.

People need something to cling to to survive.

And if that something is Zentopia,
then cling to it they shall!

In which case, if the Archbishop
tells us to find the clock,

then that's what we'll do!

And if that requires us to resort to
any means necessary, then so be it.

For that is our duty.

That didn't make any sense!

I don't get it, but you're definitely wrong!

Yeah! Don't you care that lots of people
are suffering because of you?!

It is foolish to act on emotion.

To reveal the course of righteousness--

to walk the course of righteousness...

...we are forced to make difficult choices!

The world is always filled with contradictions.

Even I am aware of that much.

Therefore, it is only logical that
the path I've chosen ends in sacrifice.

Oh, man. The cryptex in my head
is all jumbled up now, yeah.

Making difficult choices...?

That must be rather easy for you.


Your follow your "cause" or
whatever to make choices

instead of listening to your feelings, right?

Decisions are easy to make when
you can cast heartache aside.

--Can you explain what's goin' on, Loopy?

You dare dispute the
principles of righteousness?!

Look out!

What kind of righteousness brings
people suffering and sadness?!

We saw lots of suffering people
and distressed Exceeds in Edolas!

Any path that causes suffering and sacrifice

will eventually collapse and disappear!

Who would ever want to
follow a path like that?!

Even fish swim freely in water!

We're the same way!

We help people who come to us for help.

They get happiness out of it,
and we get compensated!

That's how we got to where we are!
That's how a guild works!

Fairy Tail will never lose to someone
who wields fake righteousness like you!

Fake righteousness?

How dare you deride us--
no, Zentopia--to that extent!

You don't know anything about
righteousness! You should be ashamed!


You tell 'im!

Yeah! Our guild is about feeling, not reasoning!

It's all about maintaining our pride!

Enough of this nonsense!

It's time for your divine punishment!

--That's what you think!
--Why, you...!

--That's reckless!

That light... It can't be!

Divine Arrow?!

If that's used on people...!

I shall turn you to dust.

Burn and be purified in
the fire... of your own sins!

Divine Arrow!

He missed?!

Coco! What are you doing?!

Zero points, Lord Byro!

Please stop this!

Causing pain and suffering

isn't what the Legion Platoon--
or Zentopia--stands for!

With our strength, isn't leading the
way for the weak and helpless lambs

the righteous course to take?!

Yet, we're sacrificing
those very people instead.


I can't accept that contradiction anymore!


You dare turn your back on our doctrine?!

I'm fully aware of the penalty
for betraying the Legion Platoon.

But... I can no longer see the
righteousness at the end of this path!

Righteousness is a single arrow.

It pierces all in a straight,
unwavering line to arrive at the truth!

Do not pretend you have
forgotten that teaching!

If that arrow means many helpless
lambs must be sacrificed...

...then it should be snapped in two!

Lord Byro...

I've come to realize that there's
more to me than just "doctrine."

Seeing the way these people act,
experiencing the things they feel...

It fills me with such a warm,
cheerful feeling...

I'm sure you'll feel it too,
if you open your heart to them!


You've been corrupted, you wretched traitor!


There's no need for a tribunal!

I shall administer justice right here, Coco!


Thank you, Princess.


...really wished we could've been friends...



We didn't have the chance
to cross swords before...

...but at last we meet, Byro Cracy.


Do not call my name!

That you would turn your wrath toward an ally...

It makes me sick!


Quit actin' like a bully, you!

Gray! Juvia!

Huh? Why is Lyon here?


I rush here 'cause of a bad feeling,
and this is what I see?

Shut up! I'm just getting started! So butt out!

They found the clock pieces!

Gajeel's with 'em?

Charle's group found one too!

Look, everyone! We found one too!

As you can see, we've
obtained all five clock parts.

That just leaves the clock
hand you took from Lucy.

I want it back.

Then you'll have to take it from me, Titania.

You are greatly outnumbered.

We'll take all the parts, seal them away,
and watch over them ourselves.

So... hand it over quietly!

I'm afraid I can't do that.

The Infinity Clock was
originally Zentopian property.

It is our destiny to watch over it.



Is that true?!

Actually, this is news to me, yeah.

You people have become
too deeply involved with this.

You have glimpsed into darkness
that should not be seen.

You cannot be allowed to leave alive!

Enough of this!

Prepare yourself!

Wait, guys!

Magic doesn't work--!

You too?!


This is what Gramps was talking about?!

Even with our numbers?!

--Magic doesn't work on him!
--To think it would be this ineffective...

This guy is definitely annoying.

Right? I'm basically just a normal cat now...

It makes no difference how
many of you attack at once.

In my presence, wizards cease to be wizards.

What about cats?

Then there's only one choice.

We'll just beat you with our bare fists.

Give me your best shot!

I've been trained to fight barehanded
against 50 opponents at once!

Sounds like Octo-geezer is fired up too!

Stay alert. He's a very proficient fighter.

Bring it on!




I told you... not to...

Time has ticked. Chaos has come.

This is... the beginning of the end?

This is bad. This miasma...!

Big Sister!

Look! The clock!


What's happening?!

--What's that sound?!
--It's ringing inside my head!

--My head's splitting!
--Please help us!


--There's a deluge of them!

We can't open the gates yet!

--What do we do?!
--Please, at least show yourself!

I hear it... I can hear the
everlasting midnight...


Lousy insects, swarming together.

It's too loud!

--An alarm clock?!
--The tomb is falling apart!

What is this?

Hey! Quit spacin' out! Let's scram!

What the...? This smell...

No doubt about it!

They're here!

tatoeba to ka iiwake to ka sonna koto ja nakute

toki wa itsumo byoudou ni tada mirai ni mukau

toomawari de ii sa chikamichi ja nakute mo

chiisa na hikari wa ima de mo tooku de kagayaku

dare mo ga yume ni deaete
tsukameru wake ja nai kedo

nakama ga iru sa daijoubu

kimi wa yume o oi tsuzukete

dare ni mo yuzurenai omoi
kokoro de sakebeba ii sa

nayami mo fuan mo zenbu

kimi ga itsuka kagayaku tame no mono Oh

kimi ni kimi ni tada "yell" o okuru

Huh? It looks like the
clock's started ticking...

And is that the Oración Seis?!

I don't see that guy with the blocky face!

Oh, the guy who always goes, "Yes!"

Hmm? Yeah, yeah, him.

But that was a hopelessly bad impression.

That's not true! It's not, yes!

Okay. You can stop now.

"Next Episode: Enter the Neo-Oración Seis!"
Next Episode: Enter the Neo-Oración Seis!

It's a good impression, yes! It's perfect, yes!

Yeah, you're right. You totally sound like him.

Hey, now! Don't just give up like that!
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