05x140 - Reborn Oración Seis Appears!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x140 - Reborn Oración Seis Appears!

Post by bunniefuu »


The Oración Seis?!


They seem pretty different, though.

They appear to have different members as well.

All lined up and hot, hot, hot!

"Six Demons"
All lined up and hot, hot, hot!

"Six Demons"
Please say hello to the Oración Seis!

No, no, no! Make that the Neo-Oración Seis!

Neo-Oración Seis?!

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

Whenever I see you cry, I can't help but smile

and feel glad that I love you

So all I ask is that you stay close
enough for me to reach you

because I'll gently wipe away
your tears when you do weep

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

But it's okay to use tears
for yourself too, you know?

So all I ask is that you stay
close enough for me to reach you

When you do need to cry,
I'll do the crying for you instead

So, please, stay by my side


We are the Neo-Oración Seis.

You're Midnight!

That name is from a time long ago.

I ask that you remember me as Brain II.

Don't give me that crap!

Waltzin' out here like this...

What are you up to?!

I've but one wish...

To achieve what my father sought to do.

To destroy all that which has form.

You're still spouting such nonsense?!

Legion Platoon. Fairy Tail.

Your roles are now over.

"Six Demons"

What is that?!

--Dan! They can't be allowed to have it!
--Gotcha, yeah!

Don't be stupid!

That's my line!

Stay out of this!

"Enter the Neo-Oración Seis!"
Enter the Neo-Oración Seis!

Hmph. Lousy insects, swarming together.

I'll bounce that right back at ya, yeah!

His shield couldn't reflect it?!

I can't believe this, Looly!

Don't cling to me during all the confusion!

--Get back, you!

All manners of magic are
ineffective against my--

What happened to his magic neutralization?!

That was...!

Distorting the range of Mr. Byro's magic
while attacking at the same time...

You're a genius, Lord Brain!

Do you sense it, Charle?!

Yes. Immense, ominous magic power...

The Infinity Clock becomes the property
of the wizard whose seal it bears.

Therefore, as of this very
moment, this clock is ours!

Such a pleasant tone.

That's not fair! Showing up out of
nowhere and stealing it for yourself!

I can hear it... The sound of your anger.

You're filled with confusion.

What a laugh.

We Dark Ones are forbidden
from touching this clock...

So we had you assemble it instead.

And there ya have it!

C-Curse you!

We were being used? No way...

Then... what about my dad?

Why did he do this?

I'm getting shivers on my spine...

These guys are scaring me!

The magic power I sense from them...

It's on a whole different level from before.

So what?!

You should feel honored to have
danced in the palms of our hands.

Enough of your crap!

He diffused Natsu's fire?!

--Wind magic?!


It is nothing so mild.

It is a storm. A brewing storm.

Wait, that face and that voice... Could it be?!


That's right!

This gentleman is a former
member of Eisenwald...

...Sir Erigor!

My name is Grim Reaper.


Your appearance...!

People sure do change...

Whatever! Just get down
here so I can beat you up!

Brain. How long are we
going to keep wasting time?

We have an important goal, remember.

I know. But...

Fairy Tail.

I've not forgotten the humiliation
from seven years ago.

Play with them a bit...

...Cobra. Racer.


Here they come!

Engage the enemy!

All right!

What was that? I didn't see a thing!

Damn! What was that?!

He's practically a different person
in terms of speed and power!

--Is he using a slow spell?
--I don't sense one!

He's like a wild animal.
A beast going after its prey.


It's been a while, Maiden of the Sky...

...and cat.

I got a question for ya, actually...

Oh, you don't know?

Then begone!

--I can't move!
--He's so intimidating!

Stop right there, Cobra!

You're dealin' with me!


That voice is still as annoying as ever!

...With me!

--Are you okay, Michelle?!
--I think so...

What in the world was that?

The sound... turned into
an intense wall of pressure...

Damn you, Cobra...

Your despair... I can hear it.

May your own voice destroy you.

Coco! Hurry to the escape route with Lord Byro!

But, I'm...

This isn't the time for making excuses!

Just look at how strong these guys are.

It's clear as papyrus dissolved in
vinegar how we'd fare against them!

Too slow.

Heavy gales from ahead, followed by a tornado.

What about you?

There's something I still need to do, yeah!

Something I hafta do as a man, even if
it means putting my life on the line!

Listen, you!

You're in possession of something
that's not lawfully yours!

I don't care how powerful you are;
I refuse to budge even an inch, yeah!


I guess he can be normal sometimes.

I dunno about that...

--How dim-witted. Don't you know it's pointless?
--Hey! Listen to me! Listen to...


You're my Rose Line, yeah!

Say what?!

What's your name?

Angel. I hate overly-friendly men.

--Lightning Bolt Bonus!
--Love at first sight?

He is definitely not a ladies' man.

She made me tingle all over...
This is love at work...

Uhh, actually, I'm the one who zapped you...

Our difference in strength is obvious.

What a joke.

Fairy Tail. Weak.

It's time for us to go.

Take care of them, Angel.


Cost, 30.

That's Angel! The celestial wizard!

I thought so! She seems different, though!

Hark, maiden who walks
with the celestial spirits.

I was but a child back then.

I am now literally an angel.

Do you think any celestial
spirit will defy an angel?

I'll show you the beauty of angel magic.

The sight of it makes
people fall to their knees,

lose heart, and give away their own lives.

Come forth from the light,
and in my name behold your might!

O angel that heralds victory, Baraqiel!

I summon thee!

Protect our seal and close the tomb!



What in blazes is happening?!

This is terrible. My bad feeling proved correct.

"Proved correct"? Hold on a minute...

Are you saying this is
what you calculated, Samuel?

My calculations didn't end up wrong.

They were arranged to be wrong from the start.

I don't follow you one bit...

What does that mean?

Don't you feel it?

The presence of an unprecedented evil...

Lord Byro... Dan... Coco...

What's happened to them?!

The Oración Seis?! How?!

They were incarcerated, were they not?!

How can this be?!

So... Who else was there?

Well, actually...

Fairy Tail wizards were apparently there!

Fairy Tail again?!

But, as I recall, they haven't
caused any serious trouble

ever since their new master took over!

Haven't you heard?

Makarov Dreyar has returned.

I've heard so as well.

And as soon as he returns, this happens?!

What is so funny, Org?

Oh, this is just like them, I suppose.

This is no laughing matter.

The chief marshal of the Custody
Enforcement Unit is here to see you.

Mm. Perfect timing. Send him in.

I, Chief Marshal Laharl of the 4th Custody
Enforcement Unit, have returned.

We've been expecting you. Speak.

Yes. I bring news.

Judging from your expression,

it was indeed the genuine Oración Seis
who appeared in the desert?

You have a truly keen eye, Sir.

I see...

I am truly ashamed to say

that four members of the Oración Seis--
Midnight, Cobra, Angel, and Racer--

along with Erigor of Eisenwald,
who has since joined their ranks...

...escaped from custody quite some time ago.

They had been replaced
with dolls made from magic.

First him, and now the Six Demons?

Personification magic?

But shouldn't magic be impossible
to use inside the prison?

I believe they may have had assistance.


During their seven years of imprisonment,

did anyone come into contact
with the Oración Seis?

Yes. Only one person.

A priest sent from the
Grand Cathedral of Zentopia.

I'm told he visited regularly

to hear their confessions and
facilitate atonement for their sins.

Who is this priest?


...there are no records of him.


Even if there are no records,
there are still the surveillance lacrimas.

They should still have images of this priest.

I'm told all the surveillance lacrimas
in the prison were recently replaced

and that the relevant ones
were sent out for disposal.

Trace the disposal route.

Locate the lacrimas and
identify this individual.

Perhaps it would be better to
consult the Zentopian officials.

I will personally visit the cathedral.

Mm. This priest is our only lead right now.

Do your utmost.

As you wish.


Natsu! Are you awake?

Huh? Where are we?

Blue Pegasus.

Blue Pegasus?!

Do you still remember my distinct parfum?

Oh, you saved us? Where are the others?

Fret not.

They were only unconscious.

No one's seriously hurt;
they're just resting a bit, man.


Oh! Are you wakey-wakey too, Natsu?

--It's about time you get up!

You need to offer your thanks too.

Talk about incredible!

Mr. Ichiya saved us from that huge cave-in!



We once fought side-by-side.
You needn't thank me.

So many handsome hunks!

Letting them die in battle would be a waste!

Now that you mention it...

I cared for you myself, Gray!

Shut your mouth...

He appreciates it, Master Bob.

He also slept by your side.

--Oh, my!
--Shut your mouth!

Say, what about those glittery guys?

Hibiki and the others are traveling
abroad on another matter, man.

What about Lyon?

Ichiya took him to Lamia Scale.

And the Legion Platoon?

You're the only people I found.


What's the matter?

Those jerks, having their
way with us like that...

We're gonna thrash 'em next time!

I've heard about the
Oración Seis' revival as well.

--I'll help you.
--We appreciate it.


Where's Michelle?

She left earlier to get
some fresh air or something.

It's my fault, isn't it?

I'm the one who brought the clock hand...

It's not your fault.

But so many people have gotten hurt

and the problems just get bigger and bigger...

No, I'm sure we'll solve the problems.

We will solve them!

Plus, just having met you
makes me happy, Michelle.

So stop blaming yourself. Okay?

Yes... Thank you...

I love you, Big Sister...


Why did you entrust that clock hand to me?

I can't figure out your intentions.

The same with "Key of the Starry Heavens."

What were you trying to tell me?

I told you... not to...

What is it?

Could it be...?

I'm going to re-read
"Key of the Starry Heavens"!

I want to rethink what my dad
might've been trying to say!

You hate this book? How come?

You can't tell?

They got it all wrong.

Tell us, Asca. What do you
mean they're "all wrong"?

They're supposed to not gather it together!

You mean the clock?!


It's written right in here!

Oh... We're not supposed to...

What did you just say?

I get it... I get it now!

We aren't supposed to assemble it!


What do you mean?

Just what I said... We weren't
supposed to assemble it!

That's what the real message of this book was!

It was telling us not to gather the clock parts!

Are you saying...

...we did the exact opposite of that?

Is that what Angel meant

when she said they waited
for us to gather them?

It seems so.

That image was actually a warning.

I got all cocky, thinking I had deciphered it...

I'm sorry... Guys... Dad...

I'm sorry...

It sounds like your good intentions backfired.

That's putting it lightly.

I just know something
bad's gonna happen now.

After all...

Man, your dad sure loved
doing stuff in a roundabout way.

Yeah, talk about beating around
the bush, what with anagrams and all.

How could he possibly expect
you to figure all that out?

If he didn't want you to gather 'em,
he shoulda just said so.

Some people simply get too
heated up and try too hard.

Who knows, maybe that heat
can help power up my magic!

Let's have a work retreat and play games!

All right! I'm fired up!

Oh! You're smiling, Ms. Lucy!

You're all acting strange, is all.

There's no point in broodin', y'know?

"Fortune comes to those who laugh."


Are you actually trying to be nice to me?

Get real.

Things are gettin' steamy in here!

Say what?! You wanna fight?!

That's fine by me!

All right, take it outside!

Besides, you shouldn't fight over little ol' me!

This ain't about you!

That's good ol' Fairy Tail for you.

Everyone fails at some point.
But it can always be set right again.


Just look at all these friends who adore you.

Nothing can change that.

If anything can help you get back
on your feet, surely it's that, yes?


Please let me through, Your Eminence!

I must speak with the archbishop immediately!

I'm afraid I cannot even
let you through, Lord Byro.

Only I, Lapointe, am permitted
to see the archbishop at present.

I'll convey your message to him.

We've no time to lose!

The Infinity Clock has been
taken by the Oración Seis!

This situation...

...is something we already know about.

You need not panic.

--So, like, he knows everything?

Sir Lapointe, huh...

Guys like him irk me, yeah.
Can never tell what they're thinkin'.

I hear he's an influential man the
archbishop plucked from a local parish,

but somehow I find it difficult to trust him.

So, what does the archbishop say?!

He stated that he has a new
task for the Legion Platoon.


I'm scared...

Coco, traitorous Legion.

Your Eminence!

I'm told you turned your back on
our doctrine, despite being a Legion.

Are you prepared for what awaits you?

Do with me as you wish.

I... regret nothing.

This sound...

The Infinity Clock!

It's ringing somewhere...

It isn't about excuses and "what ifs"

Time simply moves toward
the future, equally and always

It's okay to take a long way around;
it doesn't need to be a shortcut

Even now, a tiny light shines in the distance

Not everyone will find and
grab hold of their dreams

but you'll be fine - you have your friends

Just keep following your dream

and shout your unconquerable spirit
from the bottom of your heart

All your problems and all your worries

are there to help you shine someday Oh

So I give to you my "yell" of encouragement

I wonder what's "infinite"
about the "Infinity Clock"...

If we knew that, we wouldn't
be here lookin' for it!

--It think it's fish!
--It's not a fish. It's a clock.

No, I'm talking about an
actual Infinite Fish Clock

that always has fish inside
every time you open it!

Since when is it a fish clock?

"Next Episode: Get the Infinity Clock!"
Next Episode: Get the Infinity Clock!

Then why do you think it's "infinite"?

Maybe it's a clock within a clock
within a clock that keeps going.
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