05x150 - Lucy and Michelle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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05x150 - Lucy and Michelle

Post by bunniefuu »

Why are you crying?

Because everyone's gone...

Mommy, Daddy, and even
my precious little sister...

You remember me now?


I'm sorry... I...

Don't apologize.

I'm just happy that you remember me.



Haven't we demolished plenty of 'em by now?

Warren! What's the situation?

Over half of the chains still remain!

Hurry, everyone!

It's no use... It's just taking too long.

Even so, our only choice is to
accurately cut them one by one.

Now let's get to the next one!


Soon my father's will shall be done!


Princess! Wake up!

Natsu! At this rate, Lucy's gonna be...!


I won't let you disappear!

Just hang on, Lucy!

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

Whenever I see you cry, I can't help but smile

and feel glad that I love you

So all I ask is that you stay close
enough for me to reach you

because I'll gently wipe away
your tears when you do weep

The thing about you is that you're
only able to shed tears for others

But it's okay to use tears
for yourself too, you know?

So all I ask is that you stay
close enough for me to reach you

When you do need to cry,
I'll do the crying for you instead

So, please, stay by my side

Can you stand?

Michelle is...


But a real man saves his crying
until he's done what he's gotta do.

I know that!

Please wake up!

They're cutting the chains!
Why isn't it doing anything?!

We're not gonna make it in time!

We need to defeat the Seis!

We'll help you, Big Brother Natsu!

All right!


Just leave them to me.

I shan't let you interfere!

You guys focus on snapping that twig!

I'm gonna obliterate this guy
and the grin on his face!

--Let's do this, Romeo!
--Yeah! I'm fired up!

Lucy and Michelle.

Curse you, Titania...

Why didn't you finish me off?

I hear someone...

Who's there?

Your measly flames will never burn me.

Eventually, you will exhaust your magic power.

Oh, you don't say?

You do nothing but twist and avoid everything.

Just how much of a scaredy-cat are you?

Insult me all you'd like.

Loathe me, fear me, and then revere me.

It is through great sacrifice that
I've gained this magic power.

Magic power that is equal to my father's.

Sacrifice, you say?

Now you will become a dweller
of the void, Salamander.

Genesis Zero!

Open, Gate of Restless Wailing!

Travelers of the void!

Consume that man's soul!
His memory! His existence!

Cease to be! In the name of Zero!

--Big Brother Natsu!

How tight-knit you are.

You're trapped within the darkness,

while the girl is trapped within exit-less time.


Do you like it, Lucy?

Yeah! She's the best birthday present ever!

She's gonna be my little sister!

That's great. Be a good friend to her, okay?

I wonder what I should name her!

I know! Gonzales sounds good!

Err, I think something cuter would be better...

Those were fun times...

That big mansion practically felt like a castle.

You'd dress me up with
pretty paper and flowers...

We went everywhere together.

Wherever we went, you were all smiles.


I was always crying at Mom's grave.

I lashed out at everyone
and everything around me.

I think I really worried everyone...

And all I could do was watch.

It hurt, not being able to help you.

Every time I looked at you,
it reminded me of her.

It became too painful for me.


You stopped talking to me entirely.

Eventually, I...

Oh, yeah. I forgot all about you.

But you waited all that
time for me to come back.

I'm sorry. She hasn't
necessarily abandoned you.

It's just that the sorrow of losing her mother

has blinded her to you and
everything else for now.

I'm... not sure what I should
do for my daughter.

Someday, once she's grown up and
gotten over her mother's death,

could you be a little sister to her once more?

I waited many long years after that.

The once-lively mansion turned silent,

and eventually it became deserted.

When someone did finally come for me...

...it wasn't my big sister.

After being given life as Imitatia,
I did as I was told;

I took the name Michelle Lobster and
set out to obtain the Infinity Clock.

Then, what you said about
helping my father with his work...

That was the truth.

It was painful for me to use him...

...but I wanted them back.

I just wanted those old times back.

That's all that mattered to me.

I heard a lot happened
between you and your father.


A family is a curious thing.

No matter what happens,

there are always feelings that hold it together.

I'm sure she's still alive somewhere out there.

She'll be back someday, so I'd like
you to find her and give her this.



Magic is certainly a remarkable thing, though...

I'm sure that this time, for sure...

...you can be her little sister.

I'm sorry, Michelle...

It must've been painful for you...

You don't need to cry, Big Sister.

It's okay.

After all, you hear them, don't you?

The voices of the people who care for you...


I can hear everyone... I can see everyone...!

Hang on, Lucy!

Faster! We need to be faster!

Okay! Next one!

What's happened with the rest of the Seis?!

Warren! How is Natsu's team faring?!

Damn! What's going on?!

My telepathy with Natsu's been cut off!

We got no idea what's going on!

Natsu's vanished!

The boy's existence will be consumed
and annihilated within the darkness!

Hang on, Lucy!

I'm coming to get you!


It's no good...

I can't hold on to my mind...

I need...

I need to do something...!

There's no way out of there now,
however much you struggle.

This is goodbye, dragon wizard.

The hell it is...!

I'll teach you to make Lucy--and Michelle--cry!

I can't keep crying forever.

I demand you apologize to Michelle!

I demand you give Natsu back!

--What in the world is this?!
--It's so bright!

--That was...!
--Lucy's voice!

What is this?

The R-System?!

No, it's not! This is...

...the Real Nightmare!

Not good...

It's the girl!

Is my single seal not enough
to fully control her?!

I was careless!

I heard you, Lucy!

--What's happening?!
--It's Lucy!

She used the Infinity Clock to cast
the Real Nightmare spell on him!

You made a sacrifice? Don't make me laugh.

They say magic comes from the heart.

The greater the feelings you abandon,
the greater the power you gain!

My, oh, my! What a predicament this is!

This is literally an unforeseen situation!

To think the girl would seize
control of the Infinity Castle!

Well, be seein' ya!

--He's running away.
--And you call yourself a man?!

He's a stick.

One's feelings for another stem from
the hope of seeing them someday!

There is nothing more excruciating

than severing that hope and
possibility of your own accord!

Is that so?

Then what exactly did you sacrifice?

My future.

A future in which I see my father again.

Does that mean he took a future
possibility and made it an impossibility

in order to obtain power?

A backward view using forward thinking...

That's pretty impressive.

What does that mean?
You're not making any sense.

If you wanna see your dad,
why don't you just see him?

You're the ones who tore
me and my father apart.

Don't pretend you've forgotten.

So you resent us back, huh?

But you didn't have to go and make Lucy cry.

You and your roundabout tactics.

You sacrificed your future, you say?

You act like giving up stuff that
ain't happened yet is some big deal.

I can't stand you one bit!

--What is it?!


We double-checked some things and...

Actually, you see,

we discovered something of
utmost importance, actually!


Say that again!

This isn't possible?!
How am I being overpowered?!

Your feelings for your dad are
the only thing I can sympathize with.


...the power of feelings ain't something
you gain by throwing stuff away!

You gain it by making it a part of yourself!

You're wrong!

Abandonment and loss are
what make its grandness shine!

Why, you...!

You twist everything around so much

that even your viewpoint and
perceptions are warped now.

That's why you can never
be true to your own past,

your own future,

or even your own heart!

You're saying...

...that I'm not being true to my father...?

Lucy opened herself up to her dad,
and Michelle opened herself up to Lucy.

You're in no position to ridicule that.

When it comes to the power of feelings...

...you lost before you even started!


We beat the final member!

How's Lucy?!

Oh, no...

We're too late... What do we do now?

Lucy's totally gone...

How?! We got rid of all their marks!

Give Lucy back!

Someone answer me!

Huh? What are they talking about?

What is this about me being gone?!

Whoa, hold on! Don't tell me I'm...!

I got a really bad feeling about this...

--What the...?!
--That was Big Sister Lucy's voice.

I smell Lucy all around us now!

Huh. That wasn't telepathy.

Where are you, Lucy?

Oh, do you think maybe she's...

...completely merged with the Infinity Castle?!

Which means this humongous fish castle...

...is Lucy's body now?!


This is horrible...

I've turned into Happy's food...

Seriously, I won't eat you!

Calm down, Lucy!

You've simply sped up the merging process

by using the Real Nightmare to save Natsu!

You're blaming me?!

At any rate, I've finally got through to you!

Listen, everyone!

I received word from
the guild just a minute ago!

Jean-Luc and the others found
another way to save Lucy!


The "actually" guy.

If the seals aren't expunged in time
and the merging process is completed,

Lady Lucy must focus her mind and
control the Real Nightmare, actually.

This says that the Infinity Clock is
held in this world by the magic power

absorbed from the celestial wizards
who served as body links!

They're in chrysalis form now,
so first we need to lift their curse.

The process is simple.

She has to move their perception
of time 100 years forward?

Apparently, doing that will
break the clock back into pieces

and scatter them everywhere again.

Are you saying...?

Whoa! Hold on a minute!

What will happen to Lucy?

All we know for sure is that
this will undo the merging...

You mean she could fly off with
the pieces too if we're not lucky?!

Oh, no!

Isn't there any other way?!

I'll try it!

It'll free lots of people from
100 years of sleep, right?

So what if I get sent flying somewhere?
That's an easy risk to take!

I'm a Fairy Tail wizard.

I'm Jude and Layla's daughter.

I'm Michelle's big sister!

I'm going to do it!

Big Sister...


It's okay. I'm right here with you.


You're badly hurt.

If there's anything I can do...

Keep your dirty hands off me...

Tell me... Were you the one calling me?

I can hear it...



Your eye...

I lost it to gain power.

Don't worry about it.
Hearing is all I need, anyway.

What's your name?



Cobra of the Neo-Oracidn Seis, yes?

Most of the others are in custody.

We ask that you come along quietly.

The Council, huh...

Wait! He's...


--You intend to resist?!

That girl doesn't appear to be a wizard, but...

We got no choice.

If she's helping the Seis,
we'll have to seize her too.

All right, I'm coming.

--Get going, you.
--Huh? But...

Wait! You were the one
calling me, weren't you?!

Weren't you?!

I don't know what you're talking about.

--What about her?
--Is she an accomplice of yours?

No. I don't know her.

Apparently she was wandering
around looking for a friend of hers.

I see. All right.

You're sure givin' up nice and easy.

I guess.

Still, having a friend is a nice thing.

Just knowing you have
one out there is soothing.


You really were the one calling me.

I wonder if you heard my voice...

I finally got to hear it.

Your voice...


Glad you're okay!


...on top of the octopus?!

Worry not.

Kanaloa and I are now bound
by a parfum of friendship.

Oh. It's a friend now?

Umm, Natsu...


Where's Lucy?!

Calm down, Natsu!

Warren's group is looking for her now.

I can't just "stay calm"!

That's Lucy's smell!

I'm sure of it! Take us thataway, octopus!

If you would, Kanaloa!

Sheesh. After we had everything
all set, this is how it ends?!

I can never count on the Seis
to handle those brats!

I guess I'll just have to become Brain III

and find six more--

Wha...?! The clock hand?!

--Oww! Oww!
--No escape.

You, too, shall have a long slumber.


By the time I came to,

the Infinity Castle and the
Oracién Seis were long gone.

And so, our journey that
began with a clock hand...

...and the incidents surrounding
"Key of the Starry Heavens"...

...at last came to an end.

For some reason, my apartment has
felt very empty and quiet since then.

But I don't feel lonely.

So I'll be okay. Don't worry.


Mom, Dad...

Thank you for my wonderful little sister.

It isn't about excuses and "what ifs"

Time simply moves toward
the future, equally and always

It's okay to take a long way around;
it doesn't need to be a shortcut

Even now, a tiny light shines in the distance

Not everyone will find and
grab hold of their dreams

but you'll be fine - you have your friends

Just keep following your dream

and shout your unconquerable spirit
from the bottom of your heart

All your problems and all your worries

are there to help you shine someday Oh

So I give to you my "yell" of encouragement

All right! We beat Brain II!

And everyone got to play a big part!

Fairy Tail's definitely
the strongest guild around!

The strongest guild, huh...

Say, Natsu.

I hear another guild became
known as Fiore's strongest guild

during the seven years
we were on Tenrou Island.

Say what?! Who?!

Next Episode: Sabertooth.

Let's beat 'em and take our title back!

Sheesh. Fighting is all you can think about.
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