02x69 - Call of the Dragon

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x69 - Call of the Dragon

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: The battle between the Alliance and Oracion Seis over Nirvana has finally come to an end! But waiting for us at the end were a number of tearful farewells Master Hades?

Perhaps you are aware About what, Ultear?

That the Alliance has defeated Oracion Seis, and destroyed Nirvana.

Yes, impressive indeed.

But our goal is Yes.

To locate and obtain the keys to resurrecting Zeref.

It doesn't matter whether Nirvana is in the picture or not.

However However, what?

Lately, I have a feeling that something far greater is coming Some great disruption that will turn the world on its head.

That's rare, from you.

Are you nervous?

On the contrary, I'm looking forward to it.

Ah! Swaying in the sea breeze feels so nice! Isn't this great, Natsu?

Transportation is a wonderful thing! The Troia will wear off soon, you know! Troia is magic that cures motion sickness! Cast it again! If you do it over and over again, it'll get less effective.

Just leave him be.

Carla, you and Wendy are really coming with us to Fairy Tale, huh?

I'm just coming along because Wendy said she was going to.

I can't wait! Fairy Tail! Call of the Dragon! The battle over, we each returned to our own guilds.

Men! Until the next wonderful parfum, Erza-san, Lucy-san! Come hang out at our place next time, 'kay?

We'll present you with the ultimate night Give my regards to Master Makarov! Grey, do something about that stripping fetish.

I don't wanna hear that from you! Um Should we just let this go by?

G-Go back already.

It's not like I'll be lonely or anything.

Sherry! Ren! They llllike each other! Back to our own guilds And in my hands are three new keys.

The contract has been broken now that Angel's been caught.

Yup, yup.

We are! So we want you to be our new owner! Yeah! Maybe we're asking too much?

Three more friends from the 12 Zodiac Gates, just like that Friends?

We're just tools for you to use.


Well, I've decided not to think like that.

You all look like people, right?

I'm against treating you like objects.

We're happy to be with you, Owner! Yup! And I'm happy to have you! Scorpio, Aries, Gemini! Mother I've gained a lot more precious friends! And so, that's why I've invited Wendy and Carla to join Fairy Tail.

It's a pleasure! So cute! There's a girl Happy! How old are you, Miss?

Welcome back, everyone.

Master Excellent work.

This area should be peaceful now, for a while.

And of course, I bid Wendy and Carla a hearty welcome! Lu-chan, welcome back! Levy-chan! Lu-chan! Oh, you Always making a fuss I'm impressed they're all okay.

Lucy's getting more and more out of our league Ah, Gray-sama! Juvia was so very, very worried! Juvia's eyes pour with tears! Grey, stop her! I'm drowning! Why me?

! And then there was this snake flying in the sky! Snakes can't fly! It's not like they're a man! Man?

How do you do?

I'm Mirajane.

Ooh! Isn't it wonderful, Carla?

This is the real Mirajane-san! I bet that Carla is the same as Happy, but what kind of magic do you use, Wendy?


Lumping me in with the he-cat?

! I use Sky Magic.

I am the Sky Dragon Slayer.

Maybe they don't believe me Whoa, awesome!! A Dragon Slayer! Wow! The same as Natsu! With Gajeel, that means our guild has three Dragon Slayers! Even though it's such rare magic! C-Cat W-Why?

We're all Dragon Slayers, and yet Why am I the only one without a cat?

Today we're having a celebration! A party to welcome Wendy and Carla! Live it up! Live it up! Oh yeah! I'm gettin' fired up! My clothes! That's the spirit, Lucy! Gray-sama, you didn't cheat or anything, right?

W-What's with her?

Carla, do you want my fish?

Absolutely not.

This place sure is fun, Carla.

Not really my style.

Is there a request that strikes your fancy?

There are just so many.


It might be difficult to go on your own for your first job.

I think it'd be a good idea to go with someone else as an assistant, first.

Although you'll only receive a portion of the reward.


Sure, but for these bunch?


Did Wendy decide on a job?


She said she decided to go with someone else at first.

Come to think of it, you went with Natsu on your first job, Lu-chan.

And thanks to that, I've been put in situations where even infinite lives wouldn't be enough.

It sounds like a lot of fun, though.

Um It's already been a week since I came to Fairy Tail.

So I was thinking I should do my first job pretty soon Then come with Shadow Gear! If you're going to, then how about with us?


But you just said that you never had enough lives Why don't you take turns then?

Sure! That's a plan! Then, who goes first?

Natsu! What is it?

Gray Now that I think about it, I haven't seen you for a few days.

Gray-sama, what's the matter?

I heard a crazy story, Natsu.


Somebody outside the city says she's seen a dragon.

That's some incredible info, Natsu.



Is it Igneel?

I don't know those details.

Did you meet the person who saw the dragon?


I just heard the rumors going around town.

Someone named "Daphne" talks like she knows all about dragons.

It's not just that she's seen one.

It sounds like she actually met one recently.


That's the truth, right?

It might pay to find out for sure.

Where is she?

In the wilderness to the west, at an Inn named "Rise".

All right! Let's go, Happy.

Aye, sir! I'll go, too! That dragon might be Grandine! Then let's check it out.

You comin' too?

No way.

It's obviously a sham.

How can you know that?

And how many times have you said that and gotten tricked?

Stories about dragons are for luring people! You're being used! Try learning a little.

You want to see yours too, right?

You want to see Metalicana! And then what?

He just disappeared without sayin' nothing.

I don't care one bit! Gajeel-san Well, he's like that, but he really misses him.

I think so, too.

Let's go, Wendy.

Right! I hope it's Grandine, Carla! But I think you shouldn't get your hopes up.

Thanks for the decent tip.

My pleasure.

I'd like this delivered.

Well, you're choosing another pretty cake today.


We have a cute new recruit, after all.

I was thinking of getting it for her.

And so you chose it to suit her, I see Indeed.

Can you handle 50 of them?


You have 50 newcomers?

C-Come again! Requip?

I can't sense it anymore.

This is the traveler's inn, Rise.

Kind of beat-up.

No one is here.

There shouldn't be.

What's this?

It's a fully-a*t*matic lacrima-based inn management system.

Check-in, check-out This little thing takes care of it all.

So that's why there's no staff! No staff, sure.

But I don't see any customers either.

Damn that Gray It was a fake! It's too soon to decide that.

Someone might be here.

Why don't we check each room individually?

Okay Let's all split up.

Hey! Excuse me! You didn't see that.

Cute Sheesh, what's with this place?

So far, nobody's home.

This is the last place to check.

And this was the most suspicious place by far anyway.

What the hell are they thinking?

Hey! Anyone there?


Someone's there! Open up! Are you this Daphne person?


I am Daphne-san, and?

I-I'd like to talk with you.

Yes-yes-yes! Talk, yes?

Talk! Could it be?

Even if it isn't! You're a customer! Come in, come in, come in, please! Yes-yes-yes-yes! What's going on?


I travel from place to place, the master of spreading beauty around the land! I am named Daphne! No, not "B" as in "beat up"! "B" as in "beautiful", "B" as in "beauty", "B" as in "babealicious"! Yes-yes-yes-yes! And what am I selling, you ask?

The diet food of your wildest dreams! I call it Metamo-chan! Metabo-chan?

Uh Yes-yes You there! Please be careful to say the name properly! No, not Metabo-chan! Metamo-chan! I created it after long, long years of research! It is truly a miraculous food product! Listen to me! Take the detoxifying bounty of the ocean and pickle it for 3 days and nights in secret medicine, then dry them out under the sun for another week.

And what do you have?

You! The diet food of your wildest dreams, Metamo-chan! Yes-yes! You said it properly this time! I'll give you a sample since you made me so happy, little kitty.

But I'm not overweight Yes-yes, it's quite delicious! Just one bite and your skin will shine! Another bite and your indigestion is gone! Yes-yes Are you two brother and sister?

Eat up, boys and girls and kitties! Eat my Metamo-chan! Just look at how effective it is in this before-and-after! Wow! It's super-effective! Hey! What are you so impressed by?

Now then, let me read the opinions of a few satisfied customers.

First, from a Janruka-san who lives in Onibus: Ever since I've started eating them, I've seen amazing results! I reached my goal weight in only ten days! Uh, about my I reached my goal weight in only ten days! No diet magic ever worked, but Metamo-chan is wonderful! Uh, about my No diet magic ever worked, but Metamo-chan is wonderful! Hold it! Yes-yes.

I have quite a lot more satisfied customers.

Stop saying "yes-yes"! I didn't come here to talk about diet pills! Yes-yes! They aren't pills! I'm talking about Metamo-chan! I want to talk about Dragons! Yes-yes Dragons, is it?

Sogladyouasked! Even dragons can lose weight with Metamo-chan! That's how amazing it is! Whatever! Just listen to me! I am a Dragon Slayer! I'm searching for a dragon named Igneel that disappeared 7 years ago.

And she's searching for one named Grandine.

If you've met with one, please tell us which one, where you met, and when you met them.

Something that could requip?

Of course, there are others who can use requip-style magic.

But what worries me is the smell of the one who att*cked me suddenly.

The smell?

It was the smell of a beast.

And I didn't sense human breathing There might be some weird group at it again.

Then they will show themselves eventually.

We should not fret.

So, just leave things as they are?

We should take precautions, but it is not something to worry yourself over.

If it wants to do battle with you, it will appear again.


I'll be careful too, Erza.

Gray, Natsu You two should Huh?

Where's Gray?

Gray-sama went off somewhere and didn't tell me! For a job?

I don't know You heard I met a dragon then?

That was a lie to help sales! Yes-yes A lie?

Aww Gajeel was spot on! I figured as much.


I mean, if I said that Metamo-chan had powder ground from the scales of a dragon, the sales would skyrocket! Scales?

Yes-yes, but of course it's a lie.

Where could I get dragon scales, right?

You're a fraud! Oh?

But my creations are perfect.

Who the hell are you?

Yes-yes Everyone's a satisfied customer, and will you be too, Mr.


I've had enough of you! We're leaving! What the heck?

The floor's gone! What's the meaning of this?

You are birds in a cage.

This ain't nothin'! Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! Natsu-san! Are you okay?

This is a magic barrier Are you a wizard?

Yes-yes Lovely flames you have there.

The Salamander, indeed She's acting differently.


I've been waiting for a customer like you A Dragon Slayer! Oh, yeah?

Yes-yes-yes You'll understand soon.

Calm down.

How about one?

I don't want any! Strawberry flavor no good?

How about wasabi flavor?

I said I don't want any! The outside world is gone We're completely trapped Yes-yes-yes-yes Quite impressive magic, don't you think?

I'll blast this magic to smithereens! Ice?

Gray! Well, look at you, Natsu.

Gray-san! Where did you come in from, Gray?

Hey,Gray! This info you got was a sham! There's something wrong with this Daphne chick.

It wasn't a sham.

Good enough?


Welcome, Gray Fullbuster.

You're You know each other?

Ooh, she llllikes him! Gray, what's the meaning of this?

Natsu We've gone at it a whole bunch of times, haven't we?

I was thinking Maybe it's time we finally settled this, once and for all.

What the hell are you saying?

Until now, I've been bringing myself down to your level.

But I'm sick of it.

I'm going to do things my own way.

I'm not sticking with you any more.

Gray Yes-yes, just as you heard.

Gray Fullbuster is mine.

I want that Dragon Slayer.

Crush him.

Gray, you're acting weird! You're the one that's weird.

Later, Natsu! Which one of you is stronger?

You or Gray?

Me, obviously! I'll never lose to that pervert! Well, Gray just said he'll never lose to that hothead! Oh, yeah?

! That droopy-eyed, naked That droopy-eyed, naked, walking giant-boxers bastard! Waaaay too long.

Next time: Natsu vs.

Gray! Longer isn't better, you know! You have to make it more compact! Then let's just go with "pervert"! Blunt, but effective.
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