02x70 - Natsu vs. Gray!!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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02x70 - Natsu vs. Gray!!

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: To visit someone named Daphne who was said to have met a dragon, we came to a traveler's inn named "Rise".

I knew I had a bad feeling about this.

So of course, we fell right into the trap, and are completely shut in! Yes-yes-yes I've been waiting for you, Dragon Slayer.

So, what are you doing here, Gray?


What's wrong with you, Gray?

Stand back, Wendy.

He's being serious.

Gray, what's wrong?

Do you have a stomachache?

That's obviously not the problem! Gray-san! Ice Make Lance! Natsu-san! Gray-san! What's going on?

Gray! Why are you attacking Natsu?

Yes-yes-yes I bet you are surprised.

But you have no time to stand there slack-jawed.

Gray Fullbuster, finish them off! I heard ya! What do you think you're doing, seriously?

Nothin' at all.

Just wiping you out, is all! Stop it, Gray-san! Wait, isn't he a fake?

Something similar happened before.

That's right! There's something different about Gray this time Something different?

Like what?

Um Let's do this for real already, Natsu.

He stripped.

He really is Gray! That's what it was?

Natsu vs.

Gray!! You bastard You're seriously going for it?

Here I come, Natsu.

Ice Make Battle Axe! Roar of the Fire Dragon! Yes-yes, that's the way.

He's not a fake, absolutely not.

He is the honest to goodness Gray Fullbuster, in the flesh! And just so you know, I'm not controlling him using magic! He is doing this of his own free will! You don't need to tell me that.

No one's punches could piss me off the same way as the real Gray's! You're tellin' me you let me punch you as some sort of test?

Talons of the Fire Dragon! Hold it, buddy! Natsu! Overdoing it, as always.

That enough?

Explain what's going on already.

What the hell are you thinking, Gray?

A city without sound.


A city without sound?

What are you talking about?

You wouldn't understand.

But it doesn't matter anyway! Just die already! Wow Both of their powers are about equal.

This is no time to be impressed! Aye What in the world is this?

Why is Gray-san doing this?

Gray Fullbuster volunteered to assist me of his own will.

Of his own will?

I came to Magnolia about 10 days ago.

When I went to investigate the origins of Natsu Dragneel, I happened upon Gray Fullbuster, who took interest in my story, and offered to assist me, see.

Right now, he's my partner! He's a complete traitor! But I can't believe that! That means that Gray and Daphne really do lllllike each other! Could be.

She didn't deny it! Whoa! Juvia ain't gonna let this stand! It's gonna be a bloodbath! Honestly, you are so annoying! Stop butting into every conversation! I'm sorry What is the "city without sound" that Gray-san is talking about?

Why were you investigating Natsu-san exactly?

Yes-yes! Hold all questions for later.

Why don't you have a snack, yes?

Don't be silly! Now is not the time! Well, maybe just one more Don't eat them! Hot!! That's the spicy flavor.

Would you like one?

What is with her?

I'm gettin' fired up! If you're being serious, then so will I! I'll beat the reason for this outta you! He's late! What is Natsu doing?

He should have returned by now.

He only went to ask about dragons, after all.

Definitely taking too long for that.

I think you should calm down, Erza.

He's probably just taking his time, that's all.


He had Wendy with him, so it's strange for him to be this late.

It ain't like Natsu.

Draggin' a little girl around town all night ain't Manly! I'm also worried about the thing that suddenly att*cked me today.

What if it also att*cked Natsu and Wendy?

Juvia is worried about Gray-sama! Juvia feels unease in her heart, wondering if something has happened to him! And I think you're just worryin' too much.

He might've just gone straight home.

The intuition of a woman in love is never wrong! Right, sure! Don't look at me like that! Don't take it so seriously! We'll go search for him.

Lucy, come with me.


Juvia will come as well.

Take me with you, too.

No, I want you to stand by here.

We don't want to leave the guild short-handed.

Be careful out there, Erza, Lucy.

Ice Make Shield! Talons of the Fire Dragon! Ice Make Floor! Take that! Take this, you! Ice Cannon! Wing Slash of the Fire Dragon! Wow Neither of their att*cks can finish it! At this rate, they'll both use up their energy and collapse! You can do it, Natsu! Flaming Elbow of the Fire Dragon! A pool! Wait, this isn't good.

This'll do! Ice Make Prison! Hey, you! No fair! Let me out! Yes-yes He used the water from the pool and made a giant cage, yes?

You've got a decent head on your shoulders there.

Look at you now, heh.

I'm not some animal! Roar of the Fire Dragon! Damn it! I can't see! You fell for it, Natsu! Crap! Ice Make Lance! I always planned on settling things with you one day.

And today's the day! You bastard Fine by me! Stop your babbling! You're the one who needs to shut it! They're on the first floor! Let's go! Right! Natsu! Where are you?

At this rate, I'll need to stop the two of them with my Roar of the Sky Dragon! But if you use it in such a confined space, you might seriously injure everyone! Okay, I'll go call for help! Wait, Happy! You never learn, do you?

Yes-yes Resistance is futile, you know.

You cannot escape from this building.

That's it! If I can beat her This one is brightly colored vegetable-flavored.

Eww! Escaping isn't going to work.

After all, this inn is an illusion I created.

An illusionary inn?

That's right.

My magic, Concealment Magic, hides people and things.

This inn was created with the Concealment Magic "Hidden Cage".

In other words, it's a building that doesn't actually exist! Oh?

Looks like your friends came to pick you up.

Erza-san! Lucy-san! We're up here! The inn Gray was talking about should have been around here Be careful, Lucy.

I can smell a beast.

W-What's that thing?

The sneak-attacker.

I had a feeling it would show up.

Lucy, stand back.

Be careful! What is your purpose?

Did you also attack Natsu and Wendy?

Answer me! Erza! Okay! Gate of the Maiden, I open thee! Virgo! An impressive comedic reaction, Princess.

I haven't said anything yet! Thank you, like that.

Anyway, save Erza! As you wish.

Princess, watch out.

There's more than one of you?

Leave this to me, Princess.

Planning to catch it off guard?

I'm counting on you, Virgo! The same ability as Virgo?

! Where is the enemy?

It has no grace in its hole digging.

Come on out.

I will show you the proper way to dig a hole.

It seems your magic power has increased somewhat.

Spica Lock! It is a powerful opponent, Princess.

Don't push yourself.

Rest a little while.

I apologize.

In that case Long time no see, Lucy.

I'm countin' on you again.

Can you handle it, Loke?

You don't need to ask.

I am the leader of the 12 Zodiacs.

I will pay back the favor you did me by taking in Aries and the others.

A different one, again?

I'd like to say it's just a different body, but that doesn't seem the case.

Interesting! You intend to fight a spirit specializing in fighting with brute power?

In just one instant It raised its magic power?

Are these things mimicking us?

Lucy-san! Erza-san! It doesn't seem like they can see us from over there.

Are you in league with those spiky-headed things?

Yes-yes Quite correct.

I have various types of artificial life forms stored within this place.

Artificial life forms?

Some type of golem, right?

And I made them with a system where they automatically adapt to match the attributes of their opponent.

I was thinking that along with Natsu Dragneel, I could gather information about a variety of wizards.

And what are you planning by that?

You'll just have to stay tuned.

The more data I gather, the more interesting it'll be.

Whoa there.

Looks like we're getting to the end of the battle.

Sheesh, you're one majorly tough bastard, you know that?

That's my line, damn it.

You can do it, Natsu! Yes-yes-yes That's enough talking.

It's about time, Gray Fullbuster! No need to tell me that! Bring it! Natsu! Gray! Natsu won! He isn't called the Salamander for nothing.

Indeed, impressive.

How'd you like that?

I win, Gray.


My bad! I hit you somewhere I shouldn't?

Just kiddin' Hey, how long are you gonna play My feet are freezing! See?

You're too naïve.

Yes-yes-yes Good work.

Hidden Darkness! What the heck?

! Excellent work, Gray Fullbuster.

You get high marks as my assistant.


Took a bit of work, though.

Natsu! Natsu-san! You planned on leading us here from the start, didn't you?


Plan worked like a charm, I think.

Don't talk so big when you just lost the real fight! I'll throw you in with 'im! Yes-yes.

Please refrain from doing that.

After finally capturing Salamander, don't mix in anything unnecessary.

I think I've been dissed.

Was that your goal?


With this, my research will be complete.

Gray! Happy! Wendy! Carla! A dragon's egg! That voice Igneel, is that you?

Wait for me! Answer me! Igneel! Igneel Ingeel.

A dragon's egg.

A city without sound.

That's it! I remember! Natsu! What?

The real fun starts now.

It looks like you have some trick to match any ability I use.

But in that case Requip! Adamantine Armor! And requip once again! You may have the same ability, but no one is faster at requipping than I.

The choice of weapons and armor is something only experience can bring.

A fake will never be anything but a fake.

This is getting us nowhere.

If the opponent mimics us, then That's it! I did this before once! I'll leave the rest to you.

I pray for your victory.

Gate of Canis Minor, I open thee! Nicolas! All right! This is working perfectly! I think Good work.

You sure gave it your all.

Yes-yes-yes-yes! Lift Concealment Magic! Lacrima core, stand by for operation! Unlock all joints! Neurotransmission lacrima sensitivity, all green! All impurities other than Salamander, get out already! Yes-yes-yes-yes! Now, begin absorption of Salamander's magic power! Dragonoid activate! Dragonoid?

Absorb Salamander's magic power?

Natsu! It's so loud! Yes-yes-yes Things are starting off quite well.

Take a look! This is the artificial dragon I invented! I call it a Dragonoid! I'm taking Salamander's magic power and unveiling it for all to see! Natsu's magic power?

Lucy-san! Erza-san! It's you! You're safe?

We're in big trouble! What in the world is happening?

Where's Natsu?

He's been captured! Gray joined forces with this Daphne person and set a trap for Natsu! Gray did?

He's not being controlled.

She said it was of his own free will.

We don't really understand ourselves.

Gray! Happy, what is this weird thing?

It's called a Dragonoid, and it's a man-made dragon.

Oh, so it's just a fake?

I thought I'd finally get to fight a dragon with my Dragon Slayer magic, but I guess not.

How lame! Although you're already captured inside it Next time: Friendship will overcome the dead.

I-I'm not captured! I'm I'm riding it! Oh?

Even though it's transportation?

You're okay?
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