03x79 - Fairy Hunter

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x79 - Fairy Hunter

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously on Fairy Tail: Edolas, the homeland of Carla and myself! I'm glad we made it there to search for our missing friends, but there's a whole lot of things different in this world We can't use magic?

I never heard of something like that! Everyone at the guild is acting odd What in the world is going on?

! Who the hell are you?

What the hell are you doing sneaking around under there?

What's wrong with everyone?

Lucy-san is scary Natsu?

Now I take a closer look at ya, you're Natsu! Natsu, she says?

What's with the outfit?

Natsu Where have you Where have you been this whole time?

You had me worried, damn it! Fairy Hunting.


Capital Punishment! There it is! One of Lucy's 48 t*rture techniques: The Screwdrive Crush! Natsu-san! It's not nice to pick on him like that I can't believe that's actually Cana! And over here, too! I can't believe that's actually Elfman! How long are ya gonna keep sobbing, you wimp! I'm so sorry! I don't get this at all! What in the world is going on?

Well, at least I'm glad you're safe.

Right, Juvia-chan?

Shut up.

Is this all the effect of Edolas?

Is everything and everyone completely backwards?

Natsu, welcome back! Mira's the same as always.

Well, that's unexpectedly boring.

By the way Who are the girl and those cats?



! There are cats here! Cats?

! What's the meaning of this?

Why are Exceeds here in a place like this?



What's going on here?

Why is everyone so scared when they hear the word "Exceed"?

What's an "Exceed"?

Carla Phew, it was getting really hot.

You really look just like them.

You two look like Exceeds! Uh, do they look like them?

Or are they actually real ones?

It's just like Nee-chan said They just look exactly like Exceeds, is all.

Well, guess that's that.

I suppose They really do look just like cats, though Uh Hey, don't take it off! But it's all stuffy! Deal with it! Lucy-san is scary.

Now, spit it out! I was really damn worried about you! Where were you and what the hell were you doing?

Uh, how should I start Natsu, you have to explain everything carefully! You know, that It's like, uh You are so annoying! There it is! This time it's the Screwdrive Elbow Crush! The only difference is the elbow?

Bis Bis What is it, Al Al?

Maybe we should get going on a job, just the two of us! Let's go, let's go! What kind of job would you like, Al Al?

Hmm, let me see Let's go on a job that you enjoy, Bis Bis! Al Al, you're so kind! They really, really get along Even with everything backwards, I think there should be limits So, Juvia-chan You said you were going on a job?

I sure wish I could go with you And I told you to stay away from me.

You're so smothering Juvia is going on a job by herself.

Because you're no help at all.

Gray-san, don't you think you should give up?

It was true for Leon-kun, too But I'm not seeing any hope here.

Don't say the name of that bundled-up playboy in front of me! Juvia-chan, I'm begging you! You're a pest! Help me! And help me! Reedus?

Sheesh Stop lounging around! You'll get yourself hurt! You damn fake Exceed! Fake?

! I don't really understand, but I'm not a fake! Gray, don't be a lazy bum! Get up! It's warm and comfy down here You're a lazy bum, and an embarrassment! Technique 35: The Bitch Drop! Technique 28: The Give-Up-Already Lock! Lucy-san is scary.

You ain't getting away, Natsu! Where are you hiding?

Work, work! Where are you hiding?

No use The transmission lines are shot On to the next job! Keep it down, Nab.

You suck! What'd you say?

! What the hell you mean I suck, Levy?

Can't you tell I'm doing some delicate maintenance right now?

With you running around all over the place, I can't concentrate! Come on out, Natsu! I'll try out my new technique on ya! Keep it down, Lucy! You suck! What the hell did you say?

I said I was in the middle of maintenance! You damn amazon woman! Then hurry the hell up with it! You skinny mechanic! Now, now Calm down, you two.

We're really counting on you, Levy-san.

Without your engineering, this guild would be We're counting on you to make it quick.

As long as you understand.

Oh, yeah It doesn't look like Erza-san is here You gotta be kiddin' me Hey, so what do you think Erza's like over here?

Well, you know, probably backwards.

Natsu-san What's the opposite of Erza, anyway?

Hmm, good question You fool! How many times do I have to tell you?

I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'll never hold you back again, I promise, Natsu-san! Fine, as long as you understand! I'm so honored to have your leadership! Like that?

Isn't that just your secret desire, Natsu?

Oh yeah?

Then what do you think, Happy?

I think she'd be like this, definitely! Master Happy, leave this situation to me! Sure, break a leg! Master Happy, I will protect you, no matter what! Sure, that's a real load off.

Go forth, my servant Erza At your command! Like that?

No, I think your desire is even worse I think she'll be like this! I improved my cooking skills for you, Wendy! Now, eat your fill! Thank you very much! Thanks for the food! If you eat too much, you'll get cavities Like that! That's where she went?

! Will you people stop fantasizing about such trifling trifles?

! But An opposite Erza-san What would she really be like?

I found you, Natsu! Hey, you Okay! Time to try out my new technique! I said, stop it! If you don't cut it out, even if you are Lucy, I'm not gonna You wanna go?

Be my guest.

S-She's strong! Natsu, are you okay?

I'm not okay.

You don't got the guts, chump.

Natsu-san actually talked back to Lucy-san! That's quite a rare occurrence.

But man, what an idiot.

Now, spit it out! What the hell were you doing, and where?

You see I Happy, some help here?

This helmet has been very stuffy and I have no strength left.

You cold-hearted Lucy Bullying Natsu again?

Stop it, already.

We're done here.

No way You've come back! Welcome back, Lisanna! I'm back, Mira-nee, Elf-niichan.

L-Lisanna No way Lisanna Jet, Droy Don't bully Elf-niichan either! But You'll catch a cold.

Um Weren't you I'm Lisanna! Oh, I see You're Mira's little sister?

Don't be out here Come on inside.

Your name is Natsu, right?

I heard that you were raised by a dragon! That's amazing! Huh?

Uh, yeah I sure wish I could see a dragon Yeah, you know?

Igneel is really awesome! He's so big and strong! Have you ever heard of Dragon Slayer magic?

Come on, let's go back inside and talk.

Uh, sure! When we grow up can I be your wife?

How pretty I wish this instant would last forever Welcome home! Huh?

Oh, right Wel-come Ho-me! I-I'm home?

What are you doing, Lisanna?

It's a grave for Elf-niichan's parakeet He made that himself?

He really loved it Pretty skilled Then, you'll make my grave for me, right, Natsu?

Why're you saying something like that?

You're gonna die too, Lisanna?

Hey, stop it! Don't be morbid! Well, we all die sometime She stopped breathing, and then There wasn't anything left?

If we could at least bury her Hey, Natsu There's a grave in the church, so why are you making one here?

She's not in a place like that.

Besides, she likes the sunset here Here, she'll be able to watch it all she wants.

Aye Even though I promised Even though I promised I'd find her Aye Natsu! I'm heading out! Hey If I disappear again sometime Will you come and find me, Natsu?

I've found you Lisanna! Hey! Since when did you start acting like an animal?

But Lisanna is alive Right over there What the hell are you talking about?

Whatever, just calm down.

Cry on my shoulder, just like old times.

We're best buds, right?

Take off your clothes, Gray You two sure are close! Always fawning all over each other Well, you and Levy fight too much, Lucy! W-Why is Lisanna here?

Mira-san's little sister She was supposed to have died, right?

Then it's not that everyone has turned opposite.


Mira hasn't changed at all.

But the clincher is that.

Doesn't that girl look a bit like you, Wendy?

You think?

Seems pretty similar.


! Not opposite Different.

T-Then that means Right.

These people are not the ones we are looking for.

They're different people.

They're from Edolas.

They were here originally! It's not so unbelievable.

Like, parallel worlds.

Edolas has its own culture and history.

There's a possibility it has its own Fairy Tail! But that's This is the Fairy Tail that was in Edolas to begin with?

Then where are the versions that we know?

What the hell are you blabbing about?

How should I know?

That's what we're trying to find out.

It'll be trouble to stay here any longer.

Let's go.

Carla, where are you going?

To the Royal City! There should be a clue about what happened to the guild in the Royal City! It's the Fairy Hunter! The Fairy Hunter is here! You over there, cat! Where do you think you're going?

It's dangerous outside! Crap! This location's been found out already?

The people from the Kingdom are after us again This is terrible! Kingdom?

The people who sent us to Earthland.

We're the enemies of Fairy Tail?

Reactor ready for ignition.

Coordinates set.

Error compensation complete in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Connected to the marker! Shock absorber charged with magic! How long until the transmission magic circle, Levy?

I'm working on it right now! Suck it, Lucy! It's gonna be too late! The Fairy Hunter is coming! I know that, sheesh! Stop blabbing and hurry up! Fairy Hunter?


Keep your head on straight, you loser.

Hurry up, Levy! There's no time to waste! Shut up! Output at 61% Two minutes until transmission! The air is shaking She's coming! What's that?

The Fairy Hunter! What's that?

The Kingdom is after Fairy Tail?

But why?

Isn't that obvious?


By order of the King, all wizard guilds were abolished.

Only one is left in the world The one right here.

You came with Natsu, even though you didn't know?

In other words, we're an underground guild.

Okay! We've passed the critical point for transmission! Shock absorber activated! Transmission magic circle, expand! What is it now?

M-My body! We're floating! Everyone, grab onto something! I want to grab onto you, Juvia-chan! g*dd*mn, you're suffocating! Transmission, activate! Ah Will we transfer safely, I wonder?

Cana-san, I will protect you! No, I will! Nee-chan, Lisanna Hold onto me tight! It's shaking Shaking! Transmission, eh?

Transmission magic, I see.

Using that much magical power so foolishly They really are quite the troublesome bunch.

That damn underground guild Sugar Boy, you're here?

Those fairies sure are quick at running, yes They flit from one place to another, like flies Damn vermin You were quite close, Fairy Hunter.

However, they won't be able to transfer too many more times.

It's only a matter of time until you catch your prey.

On another subject, it seems the giant Anima plan was a success.

So, all Magic Regiment Captains are to return to the Royal City.

The Earthland Fairy Tail was destroyed?

More accurately, absorbed.

Our king sure does things in a big way.

What happened to the wizards that were absorbed from Earthland?

In the Royal City.

They've become a giant lacrima.


Now Edolas doesn't need to worry about magic power for the time being.

Okay, children! Moving's complete! We're saved Looks like we were able to transfer in one piece.

Is everyone safe?


They moved the entire guild?

Wow See, Juvia-chan?

All my layers came in handy, right?

I'll give you my thanks.

For now.

Too much, as always Are you okay, Cana-san?

Yes, somehow Lisanna, are you injured?

I'm fine, Elf-niichan.

What the hell were you taking your time for?

That was damn close! Shut up! Try it yourself sometime! Why does it shake so much, anyway?

'Cause you're too fat, that's why! Oh, yeah?

! Say that again! Why, you Who was that person before What's the matter, Natsu?

Has it been so long you forgot?

As if! She's one of the captains of the Kingdom's Magic Regiments Erza Knightwalker.

Also known as Erza the Fairy Hunter.


Erza is our enemy?

The Lucy here is pretty scary.


I think the Lucy over there is plenty scary herself.

You might have a point there! Now that I think about it, Lucy here is scary enough to give Lucy there a run for her money.

Uh, I'm starting to get confused.

If we're there, and they're here, then which is which?

Next time: The Key of Hope! Let's make it simple and call them Lucy A and Lucy B! Then this one's Lucy A, and that one's Lucy B, right?

Which one is which?
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