03x80 - Key of Hope

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x80 - Key of Hope

Post by bunniefuu »

Fairy Tail has been completely absorbed by the hyperspace magic Anima, which was used by an alternate world Edolas that has begun to lose its magic power.

Natsu, Happy, Wendy, and Carla have headed to Edolas to rescue their friends, where they meet the members of the Edolas Fairy Tail.

Plus, Edolas's Erza is a captain in the Royal Army, but is also known by the title "Fairy Hunter Erza".

This is Edolas's Fairy Tail.

So, what again?

You came from another world called Earthland, then And you came to Edolas in order to rescue your friends?


And there's a Fairy Tail in that world, too?

And Erza is on your side over there?

Basically, yes.


That's not so easy to swallow.

But it's true that this Natsu isn't the Natsu we know.

The only thing they have in common is the way they look.

You can say that again.

Key of Hope.

This girl is who I am in that other world?

Hello You're all tiny, Wendy! Anyway, we'd like you to tell us how to get to the Royal City.

Our friends have been sucked up by this world's king! If we don't rescue them soon, everyone will be converted into magic power They'll be gone forever! Sorry to tell you, li'l me, but you'd be better off stopping now.

Go against Edolas's king, and you forfeit your lives.

That's just how powerful the kingdom is.

Magic power is limited in this world.

It's not infinite.

To put it another way, it'll be used up eventually.

Fearing that, the King of Edolas tried to monopolize all magic.

Isn't that right, Juvia-chan?

Due to that, all Wizard Guilds were ordered to disband.

Everyone resisted at first.

But one after another were crushed before the might of the Royal Army's magic regiments.

This is the only guild that is left.

And of course, we haven't been spared casualties.

We've lost almost half our members.

The master, as well Damn it all It takes all we got just to keep one step ahead of them! So you should stay away.

Go back to your world.


Tell us the way.

I will save my friends.

No matter what.

This is the Royal City of Edolas.

The United Chiefs of Staff.

Whoa! Check out that giant lacrima! I saw when it got here, Hughes.

It's quite pretty, yes.

That's like tens of thousands of Earthland people's magic! More precisely, one should say, it's the magical power of about 100 wizards, plus a great deal of other living things.

Don't sweat the details, Sugar Boy! What I was tryin' to say, was how it was like, whoa! This man is Captain of the Third Magic Regiment of the Royal Army, Hughes.

And similarly, he is Captain of the Fourth Magic Regiment of the Royal Army, Sugar Boy.

Finally, the Captain of the Second Magic Regiment of the Royal Army, Erza Knightwalker.

Also known as Fairy Hunter Erza.

Listen, dudes When I say "whoa", it ain't like, kinda whoa.

It's like, whoa whoa.

Whoa, indeed.

Mizz Erza, have you not yet done in Fairy Tail?

Byro! You're starting to give the designation "Fairy Hunter" a bad name This man is the Chief of Staff of the Royal Army, Byro.

The only guild left iz now Fairy Tail.

Well, they are the guild that runz the fastest.

But our highnezz will be expecting results soon.

Don't be hasty.

The day our goddess catches her Fairy prey will come soon.

That's right! Erza's sword is like, whoa, man! Whoa! Stop laughing in that freaky manner, Byro.

Panther Lily.

I do not like those with loud mouths.

That includes you, Hughes.

This man is Captain of the First Magic Regiment of the Royal Army, Panther Lily.

What, me too?

I bet you think this is more like, whoa, than any of us! Shut your mouth for a bit.

Not in a good mood, Lily?

He doesn't seem pleased with the recent military buildup.

He should have welcomed it as a military man However, our kingdom basically encompasses the entire world.

It is true that there is no obvious reason for a further strengthening of the army.

Isn't it because there are still a few pockets of resistance?

If that were it, we alone would easily suffice.

I don't get it! Whoa man, this is all so like, complicated I don't get it! Your highness! Your highness! Your highness! We will be able to extract magic power from the giant lacrima after This girl is the Aide to the Chief of Staff of the Royal Army, Coco.

We did it! Not enough Your highness, what did you just say?

I said it was not enough.

If I may, your highness That lacrima represents the magic power of an entire Earthland city! It's enough to power the kingdom's magic for the next 10 years! Our great kingdom of Edolas must have no limits.

Give it to us Give more magic power to us What I seek is eternity! An endless supply of magic power! And this man is the king of Edolas, Faust! Okay Stay right there Hold it! What is he doing?

I wonder how much longer 'til we get to the Royal City We just left, remember?

And they told us it would take 5 days to walk there.

Our Aera aren't working properly, so we have no choice but to walk.

Can we really not use magic anymore?

I don't know.

But it doesn't bode well Happy, help out! I've never seen a frog like this before.

I'll bring it back as a present for Lucy! I don't think she'll like it.

It's huge! Natsu, it's attacking! All right! Fist of the I forgot I can't use magic! Yup! I can't use magic, either! In that case, I'll do it even without magic! Natsu?

Scary Lucy! Scary Lucy-san! Quit calling me "scary"! That guy wasn't much.

But why are you here?

It's not like I was worried about you, or anything.

You say a lot of stuff, but you're Lucy, all right.

How does that follow exactly?

See, those kinds of lines are totally "Lucy".

I wanna show Lucy this scary Lucy.

I can't wait to see the look on the real one's face! So I'm a fake?

! Technique 12: The Back-Crack Bridge! Yup, she's scary all right.

Can this continue for 5 days?

I can tell it's going to be hard going Seriously.


I've been thrown to one whacked out place.

Sheesh This is messed up.

I see.

They thought you were Exceeds, and reported it.

That's what drew them to us.

I still can't believe that Erza's our enemy.

Well, either one's scary, though.


No, no I was talking about Erza! To us, what's unbelievable is that we could ever get along with Erza.

Mysterious, isn't it?

There isn't a wizard out there who doesn't fear her.

Just seeing her face means certain death.

I really don't want to run into her.

The one I know is scary enough! Look, we're here.

Can you see it?

It's a city, Happy! Walking for days sure was tough.

The buildings are kind of round?

Let's hurry.

Thank you so much for coming with us.

F-Follow me.

You won't be able to go any farther without some magic weapons.

Thanks a bunch, Scary Lucy! Scary Lucy! You pickin' a fight?

! This is the city of Louen.

Until a little while ago, magic was bought and sold normally.

But now, with the kingdom's Guild Hunt, trafficking in magic is forbidden.

And that's not all.

Even possessing it is a crime.

Just possessing it is a crime?

What happened to the people who could always use it?


You just make sure not to have it on you, right?

And wait, what do you mean people who could always use magic?

It looks like in this world, magic is an object.


By saying that magic is limited here, it means that there aren't people like us who hold magic within their own bodies.

Physical objects like lacrima can hold magic power.

So if you combine them with weapons or other daily items, you create magic items.

That's referred to generally as "magic".

So the wizards over here just use magic items?

I suppose.

We're here.

There's a magic black market underground here.

You'll need it if you want to travel.

Black market?

Guess we gotta play by the rules here to use magic.


You adapt quick.

At the same time, another Earthland wizard can be seen entering Louen.

So then, where should I start?

Guess I should get it over with and ask.


I'd like to ask you something.

Hey, wait! This Edolas place don't got a lot of friendly people, do it?

Looks like there's always some kiddies rarin' to play with me though, no matter where I go.

You got a problem with us, bud?

You damn fly! Damn fly?


Ain't nobody else here but you! If ya don't like "fly", how about "maggot"?

I'm not laughing.

Y-You bastard! Ow! A huge lacrima showed up recently.

Where is it?

Spit it out! I-I don't know! Is that so?

Then you get a second helping Wait! We really don't know! Right?


Yeah, yeah Fine, then.

I'll ask someone else.

Get lost, you guys.

Wait, Gajeel, since when did you get so strong?


I mean, until just recently, you'd never get in a fight.

Could it be another me that's here in Edolas?

Tell me, what's the Gajeel here do?


I just happen to look like him.

You're joking, right?

You look identical.

Whatever, just answer me.

What does Gajeel usually do?

He's a freelance writer here in Edolas with a terrible reputation.


All he does is write articles in magazines and newspapers criticizing the kingdom.

That's why he's hated by all the people in town.

So that's why no one would talk with me.

A freelance writer, huh?

I kinda want to meet this guy.

There's a whole lot of iffy-looking things lined up.

This shop stinks of mold.

That's because we have some antique items with a long history! Mold, damage, smell It's all part of their mystique, dear customers.

I don't care about mystique.

All I care about is whether they're useful.

There's a bunch of imitations out there, so be real careful when you buy anything.

Hey, old dude, you got any fire magic?

In that case, I have just the thing! How about this?

Edolas magic, flaming sword! You charge it here, and then Look! Amazing, yes?

That flame's pretty weak, but it's better than nothing.

Sir, you have very good taste! I like this.

What's good about it?

It's small and cute! Um, look here.

Choosing like that isn't going to do us any good.

That's called an Air b*llet g*n.

It looks like a cute container on the outside, but if you open it a little like this Wind Magic! How romantic.

Madam, you have very good taste! Okay, we'll take these two.

Thank you very much! Each of them is 20,000, but I'll give you a deal and let you have them for 18,000 each! That's pretty expensive Wares are getting scarce, so they're quite valuable Wait, aren't we forgetting something important?

Do you have any money?

Of course not! This isn't a laughing matter! All I have in my pocket are some biscuits.

Lucy, pay the man.

Being pressured like this Maybe I kind of like it?

Something the matter?

Fine then! I'll treat you.

No, no! I can't take money from you, Lucy-sama! You really saved me when those hoodlums showed up that time.

Naw, that wasn't anything much.

Anyway, consider them a present from me! Great, we'll take them with our thanks.

Thanks, old dude! Unlike our Lucy, Scary Lucy is really dependable! I told you not to call me scary! You've got a lot of pull around here.

You've really saved us.

By the way I'm kind of interested in hearing about the Lucy over there I'm writing a novel?

! I'm from a rich family, and use key magic?

Both of you are equally noisy, though.

Don't call me noisy! We just bought this But how do I use it?

You stupid Don't show magic in front of other people! I told you that magic was banned around the world right now, remember?

I'm sorry But magic used to be part of your daily lives, right?


The bastards from the kingdom have stolen away a part of our culture.

But why?

So they can monopolize it.

Then if we beat the people from the kingdom, magic might come back to the world, right?

Do you understand how crazy that sounds?

There's no way to fight the Royal Army! Then why did you follow us?

Because I wanted to tell you how to get to the Royal City.

I wasn't planning to fight or anything Okay, then! Thanks a lot.

There they are! Seal off the entrance to the city! The Royal Army! You're wizards from Fairy Tail, yes?

Stay right there! We've already been discovered?

Okay, then! Let's try this sucker out! Don't! Let's go! Fire! Carla, how do I use this again?

! How should I know?


One more! Magic power is limited, remember?

All magic has a certain number of times it can be used! Just once?

! If you keep the output in mind, you can use it about 100 times! Capture them! This is bad! Um Um What have you done, Wendy?

I'm sorry! Over there! Capture them at all costs! Yes, sir! We've managed to avoid them, but we won't be able to leave the city at this rate.

The magic here is hard to use.

Yeah What'll we do?

Isn't there another entrance?

We're in trouble We found you, Fairy Tail! Let me go! Huh?

Come with us! You're Lucy, right?

Yes, I'm Lucy, but what's going on here?

Lucy! Me?

That hurts, sheesh! Why is Lucy here?

W-What's going on?

Man I have to save her! Hey! Gate of the Scorpion, I open thee! Lucy-san, we can't use magic in this world! Scorpio! We are! Sandbuster! Magic?


T-That's I'm going on a date with Aquarius now.


Lucy You guys! I missed you! Somebody explain what's going on Aye Me?

! Happy, how much longer until the Edolas me shows up?

Don't ask me What are you going to do when he does, anyway?

We could have a contest to see whose flames are hotter Or to see who's stronger, etc There's plenty of possibilities! Natsu, we didn't come here to play.

You know that, right?

Next time: Fireball! I know, I know! I don't plan on losing, after all.

I'll fight him totally seriously! That's not what I meant.

But whatever!
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