03x85 - Code ETD

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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03x85 - Code ETD

Post by bunniefuu »

We're Exceeds The only creatures in Edolas who have magic power inside them The reason we couldn't use magic was because of the unease in our hearts! Let's go! We have to save everyone! Aye! Just as the legend says, we knew that wizards from Earthland have magic power inside their bodies.

Just like the Exceeds But that magic power cannot be compared to the Exceeds So that girl named Lucy also has magic power in her body?

Yesh Then k*lling her is, whoa, such a waste! Irrelevant! We have orders to eliminate her from Queen Chagot of the Exceeds.

An order from the Queen?

We cannot oppose the Exceeds But, whoa, it's such a waste! Dang, man! Furthermore, it is still impossible with our technology to extract magic power from human bodies.

Then, what will we do with those two Dragon Slayers?

Those are human, and yet not human.

If the experiment is a success, we could get our hands on a near-infinite supply of magic power.

Whoa! Whoa, indeed! Excellent, Byro.

Begin immediately.

Yes, Your Highness.

And just in case, speed up the magic power extraction from the Earthland lacrima.


In just a bit, this world might get magic power back! Whoa! It'll be a great thing.

What'll you do first, Sugar Boy?

Maybe, Magic Surfing?

I wanna surf, too! What is the matter, Panther Lily?

Your Highness, it is about the recent military buildup Never mind.

If you'll excuse me Code ETD.

Happy and Carla are a race called the Exceed.

Exceed On this world, they're like angels.

And their Queen Chagot is God.

The word of God is law, and it is her job to regulate humanity.

If her mouth says "die", that human has no choice but to die.

This is ridiculous! How unfair of a law can you get?

You've researched this world quite well, I see.

Erza! Is everyone safe?

Yes, everyone is safe.

Thank goodness.

I'm impressed you can still put on such a brave face.

You do understand the position you are in, yes?


I guess you're right.

Your face, your voice They're just like the Erza I know, so I couldn't help but feel a little at ease The Earthland me?

In our world, you're a member of Fairy Tail! What?

You're strong, and cool and a little bit scary.

But everyone really depends on you.

You also love sweets and cute clothes, and are actually quite girly! And you No more talking.

Sorry, but I'm not the Erza you know.

Please, help me! I just want to save my friends, that's all! You might be a different person, that's true.

But I can tell you're the same deep down! You aren't a person that can laugh at people's suffering! Silence! Wait a sec You will die here.

Erza would never do this to someone who wasn't resisting! Erza is kind! She could never do this, no way! What a simpleton! People's suffering is my favorite dish! You realize why I'm called the Fairy Hunter?

I've k*lled countless members of Fairy Tail.

How dare you say those things in Erza's voice, with Erza's face! Goodbye, Lucy.

Lucy! Happy, Carla! Exceeds?

Everything'll be okay! We're here to save you! Thank you! Huh?

Your wings are back?

Seems like it was a problem with our hearts.

It's been so long, I misjudged and gave it too much of a boost What is the meaning of this?

This individual was ordered to be eliminated by the Queen! The order has been rescinded.

But even if it comes directly from an Exceed, you shouldn't have the authority to reverse an order from the Queen! Please hand that woman over to me.

Human, know your place.

Learn who stands before you.

It is I, Princess Carla, daughter of Queen Chagot! I sincerely apologize! Where is Wen- are the two Dragon Slayers?

The basement of the west tower.

Release them at once.

I do not have the authority to do that.

I don't care, just do it! Yes! But Erza, those two Exceeds are Fallen! They've been chased out of Extalia! Who's that?

An ally of yours?

Doesn't look like it! There weren't any Exceeds that were all buff like that! We're running away.

Wait, weren't you a princess?

How dare they?

! Alert all the troops! Two Fallen have escaped with a prisoner! The Fallen Exceeds are blue and white! Eliminate them on sight! Thanks, you two.

You're not angry?

About what?

It's our fault that you were caught.

But then you went and saved me.

Right, Happy?

Sorry, Lucy I'm telling you, I'm not angry one bit! Anyway, I'm shocked to hear you're the daughter of the Queen?

I didn't know that either.

It was just a bluff, obviously.

Why're you making that face, Happy?

Oh, I just thought, "That's the Carla I know.

" Huh?

Did she just call him Happy?

Be quiet, you.

Right now, we have to hurry and find Wendy.

I see! Be quiet, you.

Right now, we have to hurry and find Wendy.

Be quiet, you.

Right now, we have to hurry and find Wendy.


The west tower.

She said the two were being held in the basement.

What are you smiling about, Lucy?

Nothing much.

Isn't that the west tower?

What is that sound?

We've found you, Fallen! It's a flock of cats! Go! Men! It's dangerous in the air! Let's land on solid ground! Wait, Carla! There's enemies on the ground, too! Lucy, what about your Celestial Magic?

This sticky stuff seems to block my magic! What is the meaning of this?

The Extalia Royal Guard has come chasing after two Fallen! Activate Code ETD! Code ETD! Now?

! Number 10-12, set! He activated the Territorial Security Last Defense Operation?

We'll head inside a building! Code ETD! Activate! What devilry is this, humans?

! Why are they aiming at the Exceed?

What does it mean?

Exceeds are like angels or gods to humans, right?

Is this a rebellion?

I don't really know, but it seems like our best course of action is to use the confusion.

We'll go save Wendy and Natsu while we have the chance! Aye! Damn! The Fallen and the prisoner have They should be heading toward the west tower! Double up the defenses! Yes, ma'am! How dare you, humans! The Queen will not stay silent on this! Men! The Exceeds turned into a lacrima! We've really done it now Will it be okay?

There are no gods in this world! Only we humans suffer from limited magic power! All the while, the Exceed revel in their infinite magic power! Why?

Why can we not obtain that infinity so near to us?

I proclaim the end to the era where we are controlled! Everything is for the future of humanity! For creating a prosperous magic society! My soldiers, stand with me! Code ETD: Exceed Total Destruction! Activate operation Extermination of Angels! Whoa, things just got real.

Perhaps it was inevitable.

So this is why he was building up the military?

If we can steal the Exceeds' magic power, our kingdom can obtain an infinite supply.

Your Highness, the Queen is coming to attack! The military might of Extalia is incredible! I captured the Dragon Slayers precisely for this time.

Now is the time we must cast down the gods.

Hurry and extract their Dragon Slayer Magic.

Byro! Are you two prepared for this?

Things have really gotten crazy, it seems.

I can't believe that the humans and the Exceeds have started a w*r! It doesn't have anything to do with us.

They're both the same! They can fight all they want, I don't care.

You won't be going any further.

For goodness sake! Weren't you going to leave us alone for now?

You took a direct hit from my magic.

And yet you're still alive?

But this will be your end.

I never received an order to capture you alive.

I'll strike the final blow! Happy, wake up! Natsu, I'm sorry I was so close to saving you, but It looks like this is as far as I get.


That's me.

And Natsu is there, too.

That's right Natsu would never give up, no matter what.

Damn it! Dragon Slayers are impressive, indeed Both of you have considerable magic power.

Natsu-san, are you okay?


And don't you dare give up on me! We'll get out of this, for sure! Don't give up hope! Right! I'm sure our friends will come for us, right?

Both of you don't know when to quit, do you?

Is that part of the toughness of being a Dragon Slayer?

Natsu-san! Wendy! Don't Don't you ever give up! Natsu-san! Next up it'll be your turn! Stop it! I'll give you my magic power in Wendy's place! Hey, are they here?

No, not here.

Where did they go?

We're basically completely trapped here.

There's probably a very tight guard around Wendy and Natsu.

Even if we wanted to, we couldn't get close.

Even though we made it this far Wendy Happy! You can't give up! Natsu never gave up, no matter what happened! He's made it this far by always And now it's our turn to learn from Natsu! Do you have some kind of plan?

Screw this! He's here! It's the blue Exceed! Take my Poison Mist attack! Don't inhale it! Don't be afraid! It's just flour! Crap! Don't let him get away! Looks like that worked.


Happy, you'd better escape! Have one sacrifice himself, and rescue them when the guard is weakened I figured you would try something like that.

Wendy! Wendy! What the hell are you doing to Natsu and Wendy?

We're stealing the magic power we need for Code ETD from them.

Stop it! Stop it! Stop this at once! We caught him.

Happy! Your devil's luck just ran out.

Give Wendy back! I won't let you lay a hand on Carla! I won't let you! Happy! Fine then.

I'll start with you.

No!! What now?

Hey, you there.

You did this knowing they're members of our guild?

We will never forgive those who lay hands on our fellow guild members! But, how did you All of you are now our enemies! Enemies of Fairy Tail! Gray! Erza! Hey, hey, hey What the heck's goin' on?

Why're you so shaken up?

There are two Erzas, and what's more, they're fighting each other! Oh, that's right.

You didn't know, Natsu.

Actually, that lacrima It's the end of this world! Do you think he'll listen to a thing I say?

Next time: Erza vs.

Erza! You're always like this, Natsu.

Just before, you were Being shaken up sure works up an appetite! Listen to me!!
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