05x01 - Stone Ocean

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Aired: October 6, 2012 - present.*
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JoJo, becomes involved in a battle against his stepbrother, Dio Brando, who is intent on taking control of the Joestar fortune.
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05x01 - Stone Ocean

Post by bunniefuu »

: P.M.

It's raining.


It was…

always raining.

What the…

Hey, what are you making the fuss for over there?

You're getting on my nerves!

I'm done for. I can't live any longer.

He saw me last night.

A male prison guard.

I can't live anymore!

Just k*ll me! Dammit!

Man, what the hell?

What's up with you?

What's your name again?

Jo… What was it?

Jolyne, was it?

What do you mean he saw you?

Well, you know, like…

The "M" word…


In other words, I…

Speak up!

I'm trying to say…

Well, like…


-What? -What?


-Hold on. -I won't be able to get married anymore!

So wait, you were seen?

A prison guard saw you touching yourself?

Which guard was it?

I woke up before sunrise.

Something about the moonlight going in through the shape of the window bars

kind of, well,

turned me on.

So, I… Yes.

When I came to my senses and looked up from the bed,

the youngest guard here was staring at me

with a face like he couldn't believe what he just saw.

He stood right in front of this cell!

Just k*ll me!

I've seen him around. He's the one that's kind of handsome, isn't he?

Oh, my god.

So how much did he see?

I'll get to the point. How low were your panties?

Man, you're really after me.

Like hell I'd tell you.

But I learned my lesson.

I'll never masturbate again ever as long as I'm alive!

I swear it!

I don't know about that. What?

Man, how can you get turned on with those bars?

Shut it, snotface.

Stop butting in, you airhead!

As if you've never done it before.

I'm not dirty-minded like you lowlifes.

And who the hell are you? You want to bet on who can last longer?

Idiot, how is this a bet?

Masturbation is done in secret.

How can we prove that we haven't done it?

What if I told you that the joint on your left ring finger tells all?

You're in here for sexual as*ault, aren't you?

Your ring finger's discolored.

Inmate , , and .

You're getting transferred.

Standby at the bars.

Reach your arms out of the cell.

What you said about the ring finger, was it true?

Or like fortune-telling?

You're Japanese, aren't you?

You're an interesting one.

So what did you do? Why did you get thrown in?

I'm innocent.


You were charged.

For stealing and hit-and-run.


You were arrested for robbery twice in the past.

You won't be granted parole.

In other words, Jojo,

you will be transferred to Green Dolphin's holding cell

where you'll be tried at the court.

Don't call me Jojo.

Only my mom calls me that.

And what's this criminal history? Sure, I borrowed a bike without asking.

I was at the time!

Like I said, I'm innocent!

You better defend me at any cost. I'm coughing up money.

Yes, I will do my best for you and the law.


Also, when do I get to see my mom?

You know she's tender-hearted.

She's a little worn out.

Most of all, she's worried sick about you.

She brought you a few things.

You won't have to wear a uniform while awaiting your sentence.

Here's your change, a book, and a magazine.

Not to mention your homework.

What is this?

It seems to be a charm of some sort.

There's a tiny stone inside.

Your father had given it to your mother

to pass it on to you when you're in trouble.

What did you say?

That hurts!

It hurts!

Are you okay, Jolyne?

What's that screaming for? Be quiet!

It's nothing!

It was just a pinch.

Is this a stone?

Where did you hear about my dad?

Your mother is attempting to contact him.

His daughter faces a great predicament, after all.

As you know, your father is a marine biologist.

He is conducting research in Africa

and he hasn't been able to fly out here yet.

She's trying to fly him here?

No way in hell he'll come.


That bastard…

I don't need this cursed charm of his!

What the…

What's the matter?

It's nothing. When is your next visit?

In two days,

at the visitation room of Green Dolphin Prison's holding cell.

Hey, Jolyne, I thought you were innocent.

Though it's a probationary cell, it's still under Green Dolphin Prison.

If you're transferred there--

The trial will clear my name.

I won't go to prison.

We are crossing the bridge now.

We'll arrive in ten minutes.

That didn't take long.

Ten minutes until we're there.

-What? Who said that-- -I heard it from the driver's seat.

You can't hear them from here.

We're crossing the bridge now.

ETA is ten minutes.


How did you know? Is this another fortune-telling of yours?

Yes, it's strange, isn't it?

I'm not sure either.

You sure are a funny one.

I'm Ermes Costello.

I robbed a gas station.

It's my second time, so I'll be sentenced without a doubt.

Nice to meet you, Ermes.


Green Dolphin Street State Prison and the adjunct probationary cell,

aka "The Aquarium."

The premises cover square kilometers.

Imprisoned here are males, females,

and minors under years of age.

Hey Jolyne.

You got cash on you?


Hey, I'm warning you.

If you don't bring in a few Benjamins,

you might end up dead.

If you don't have any on you now,

make sure to have someone bring them to you at a visitation.

And you're assuming I'll be thrown in because?

I'm just giving you a heads up.

As if you've got cash yourself.

The guards would've taken them right out of your hand.

How naive, Jolyne.

There are many ways to stash them.

You mean, you stuck them up your ass or the other hole?


I thought that was a movie thing!


that's the first place they inspect.

Then where?

Ah, you got them in your boobs, don't you?

You slid some cash in on top of some silicone implants?

No way! I was kidding!

You found me out.

Don't tell a soul, though.

See the stitches?

It bleeds a little when I take them out,

but I got five s in one

and a under the other.

We're at Green Dolphin Street Prison's probationary cell.

Inmate and , get off.

Inmate , Ermes Costello,

this isn't your stop.

Welcome back, Ermes Costello. What brought you back?

Robbery? An injury incident?


Did you say something to me just now?

Inmate , look straight ahead!

Spill it, Ermes.

I know you've got some.

You got cash, right?

Cash? I got none, I'm afraid.

I hear them! Something's not right!

These guards can't hear them at all!

It's just like when we were crossing the bridge.

I can hear faraway voices!


This is…

Spit them out, Ermes.

This is your second time in the Aquarium. I know you're carrying some!

What is this?

Do not talk, Inmate !

Can't they see these threads springing out of my hand?

Okay, I'll take them out now.

You know, Ermes.

This isn't enough to prove our friendship.

I bet you got more on your body somewhere.

Oops, the bus is braking!

Please let me off the hook with the .

I've got no one who can give me more.


I'll die in there without the money!

You got big tits for someone with a big build.

Those tits are suspicious.

Let's search them.

Hold her still.


No… Stop!

Let go!

Who do you think I am, b*tch?


What just sprung out?

What is this… Could it be…

Did that stone cause this?

What did my dad send me?



remember how I tossed that charm…


…at the visitation room?

I wonder where it ended up.

Well, I do not recall.

Anyhow, let's discuss our case.

If you wish to claim your innocence, I need to know this detail.

During that hit-and-run, were you the one

in the driver's seat?



So about your nickname.

Romeo, can I call you "Rocchu" from now on?

Sure thing.

Only when you're gargling mouthwash.

What, you don't like it?

Why not? Rocchu, I'm hungies!

How about that? Doesn't that fly?

No way.

My friends can't hear that.

I love the way it's all lovey-dovey.

My mom has called me "Jojo" ever since I was a baby.

I want you to call me Jojo too, Rocchu.

Hell no.

Anyway, I'm thirsty. Let me take a sip.

You can't. It's a cocktail with a strong alcohol content, %!

I'll be safe.

No, you can't. I said no.


Romeo… Just now, we…


This isn't happening… No!

This is bad!

We need to get help. Romeo, call an ambulance!

Jolyne, please.

Please don't do that. Don't call.

Listen to yourself! We need to get help!

He died instantly!

You're going to run? No!

This was an accident! And we can't run!

This car is the evidence!

Let's say the car was stolen!



Jolyne, if I'm arrested,

our future together is over!

Not to mention, I'll go to jail.

We'll be separated!

So please! Don't you love me?

Of course, I do.

But this is…

A car is coming. We're finished if we're seen!

Jolyne! I need a hand!

He's dead, like I thought!

Please. Help me, Jolyne!

I love you!


Jolyne, the police believe that you stole the car

and caused the accident while under the influence.

And what is Romeo's claim?

He claims his car was stolen.

Goddammit… I want to die!

Was Romeo the one driving?

I can't tell you that.

All right, then.

This is what we'll do.

Jolyne, do you know what a "plea deal" is?

If you admit all of your crimes,

they'll reduce your DUI charge.

Then you'll only get sentenced for stealing and involuntary manslaughter.

You'll be paroled after a year or so.

I told you to fight for innocence!

I understand, but we need to compromise.

If they find you guilty during the trial, you'll get at least five years.

We don't have time, Jolyne.

We must agree to the deal before the trial starts!

Defendant Cujoh.

You voluntarily admit to the details of the plea, is that correct?

Yes, I admit.

This court will consider that the defendant, Jolyne Cujoh,

admits to the crime and consider her release since the m*rder

was not premeditated.

However, this court cannot condone the act of disposing of the victim,

who was still alive, in a swamp,

effectively murdering him.

The victim was alive?

What is that about?

What is he saying?

A m*rder?

This court finds and determines that the defendant, Jolyne Cujoh,

shall be confined to Green Dolphin Street State Prison

for years.

This court is adjourned.

What? Hold on…

Fifteen years? How could you?

I struck a deal!

I agreed!

Didn't I, Mr. Lawyer?

I've done my best.

Take care, Jolyne Cujoh.

Hold it. Where are you going?

What are you saying?

Fifteen years? What's this about? That's not what we agreed on!

Hold still!

I said hold it! You bastard!

You don't need to worry anymore. The sentence has been finalized.

She agreed to the plea deal. She won't be able to appeal.

There won't be any further investigations. Congratulations, Romeo.

Thank you. You saved my life.

Please thank your rich father.

Romeo, you…


Fifteen years…

My entire youth, years!

From now on, in addition to the name your parents gave you

when they birthed you little shits,

the state will give you an inmate number, so be grateful!

This prison is Category Level ,

Maximum Security!


When you hear this number, whether you're taking a shit or eating,

it's referring to you!

Beat that into your head!

FE, we will now conduct a body search.

Throw everything you're wearing into this tray and…

Strip! Begin!

Remember, education is the first thing you need to do to trash.

Make sure to humiliate them.

What's taking your time?

"Strip" means your panties too!

Now, show me your ass…

Are all fours okay?

Or do you want me to lie on my back?

I can perform a stunt or two if you'd like.

You bastard…

You think you can stroll out of here?

It sure is hot in here.

My shirt is covered in sweat.

It might rain.

Would you like to take a break in the director's office?

The AC is on.

Oh, don't inconvenience yourself.

All the documents have been submitted.

This heat is nothing compared to my client's fate.

For her to receive a -year sentence at her age…

If only I were able to help.

No, you are a spectacular lawyer.

Oh, speaking of your client,

Jolyne Cujoh,

she asked me to give this letter to you.

The content's been cleared.

I see.

Pass this on to him too.

Feeling comfy? But you will keep sweating.

Now and forever.

What the hell?

I can't reach him right now

and I'm powerless.

I can't wait years.

I'll come to see you.

And Romeo,

farewell, my first love.

Between that dingy place and my car,

the air sure is different.

To think that I have to breathe the same air as those scum with this job.

I can't breathe…

This thread… is choking my neck!

The AC might be drying it out!

I must… remove it!

This is another way to use it.

It activates with my thoughts

and I can manipulate it with the force of my mind.

He wanted me to protect myself

using that charm.

This will be fun.
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