06x161 - Chariots

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x161 - Chariots

Post by bunniefuu »


Every member of the great
Fairy Tail was just pathetic.

You're no one to talk.

You hit every pub in town
instead of cheering us on.

I did watch you guys.
Every pub has a lacrima-tron.

All right! Let's celebrate our horrible defeat!

Oh, Master!

A simpleminded but purehearted person

was always seen in those eyes

What's important, what tomorrow holds

What true strength actually is

Remembering you has made
my paltry self go crazy

I'll toss everything aside and make
a miracle happen, just you watch

Race forward, forward,
forward with everything you got

The fateful moment is when you think,
"This is how it's gonna be."

So keep fighting it, with all
your voice and all your soul

Because staring at books isn't
going to get you anywhere

This has certainly been one eventful day.

Yes. We need to do our best starting tomorrow.

I'm participating tomorrow!
I will put us back in the running!

You can do it, Natsu!

Oh? If Salamander's gonna
participate, maybe I will too.

It's time to show them
the results of your training.

Huh? Lu and Gray aren't here?

Now that you mention it, I haven't seen 'em.

Well, yeah, you saw how they lost.

They're probably ashamed to show themselves.

Really? They both seemed really cool to me!

My darling Gray...

You're still down in the dumps?

Same to you.

It sounds like everyone's
gathered in a pub nearby.

It's a pain, but you should at least drop by--

Don't leave me alone...

Lucy... Are you...?

The truth is, I...

...have feelings for you!

Stop! I already have Juvia!

I love you, Gray!

What if that's what's happening?!

It ain't happening.

Your imagination is as strong as ever.

And long-winded.

Are you okay, Lu?

I'm totally fine!

I'm actually more raring to go than ever!

How are Wendy and Charle?

They're still not well.

Ms. Porlyusica is with them.

All right! Looks like everyone's here!

Listen up, you brats!

Today's defeat will only
fuel tomorrow's victory!

Let us claw our way back to the top!

We don't know the meaning
of the phrase "give up"!

The title of Fiore's greatest will be ours!

I can't believe they're the same
guild that got trounced today.

Neither can I.


Your Majesty.

The first day of the Grand Magic
Games has ended without incident.

Mm. It was a splendid magic battle, indeed.

Does Your Majesty have any requests
concerning Day 2's battle portion?

Hmm. I would like to see Bacchus.

Could you include him?

Whom shall I pit him against?

That Fairy Tail member who can,
you know, transform!

I can't recall the name.

Er... El...

But of course. I will make it so.

It will surely be a great match.

If you have no other requests,
Your Majesty, I shall take my leave.

Thank you, Colonel. May you rest well.

I have no time to rest, Your Majesty.

For it is on the verge of completion...

Who's next?!

Come gimme your best shot!

That's it, Natsu!

You're weak, Max!

How did he get this strong in three months?!

This makes us look bad...

Sounds interesting. I'll take you on.

Forget it. You and Natsu
would fight too seriously.

Oh, man! You've really mellowed out, Laxus!

Quit it, Gajeel!

Y-You wretch!

How dare you mistreat Laxus!

You're violating our pride!

Assemble, Laxus Bodyguard
Corps of the Thunder Legion!

I'm down for the count...

Talk about pathetic...

I see you're a good drinker, missy...


How's about a drinking contest with me?


I dunno who you are, but you're
challenging me to a drinking contest?

Hey! That's a bad idea, whoever you are!

Believe it or not, she's a real monster!

No way!

--Is this for real?!
--Cana lost a drinking contest?!

I've never seen Cana
drink 'til she drops before!

I'll be takin' this as a victory trophy...

--What do you think you're doing?!
--Gildarts is gonna k*ll you!

Give it back!

I wouldn't mock our guild if I were you!

What's with this guy?!



Oh, if it ain't Erza.

You reek.

I see you're still as hot as ever.

It's been a long time.

You know each other?!

I hear you went into hiding for seven years?


And I'm told you aren't participating
in these Grand Magic Games.

I was actually gonna leave it to
the youngsters this time around,

but after seeing Warcry's disgrace,
my manly spirit had to take action.

So I'm enterin' the games
as a reserve member now.

My soul's all stirred up.

If we run into each other tomorrow or after,

I can finally settle the score...

Your soul will always be...



You ain't got no spirit, Erza!

Who was that jerk?!

A member of Quatro Cerberus, and
their equivalent of an S-Class wizard.

I've encountered him many
times during past jobs.

I'm very familiar with his strength.

Drunken Hawk Bacchus, master of
the Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm.

We've fought on many occasions,
but have never reached a conclusion.

He's on even terms with you?!

But that's ancient history!

No way Erza would lose to him now!

Who said Erza is even gonna fight him?!

I'd be okay with fighting him...

What exactly was it you saw?

Well... As always, it was
only in bits and pieces.

There was a white knight...

An enormous magic circle...

Anything else?

There was an unbelievable sight...

What do you mean by that?

I saw Mercurius come crashing down.

And, as it happened, someone was singing.


Okay! It's the eagerly-anticipated
Day 2 of the Grand Magic Games!

Our guest for Day 2 is Mr. Jason,
Sorcerer Weekly's renowned reporter!


Today's contest segment is already underway!

This event is known as: Chariots!

The aim of this game is to reach the goal

without falling off of the linked chariots.

But, as the chariots will be constantly moving,

a single moment of carelessness
can prove disastrous.

Which team will visit Crocus'
famed sightseeing spots

and arrive here at Domus Flau first?!

We'll be televising the race via
lacrima-tron for our viewers in the stands!


Still, Mr. Yajima, who would've
expected things to unfold like this?!


Why did we let Natsu compete?!

Shouldn't the name "Chariots"
have been a warning sign?!

He was absolutely insistent on participating.

Maybe he thought he'd get
to fight against chariots?

My word!

Far behind the lead is Fairy Tail A's
Natsu, in a completely groggy state!

It's all over.

But that's not all!

Fairy Tail B's Gajeel is right
nearby and just as woozy!

Even Sting of Sabertooth is, too!

Wh-Why do I feel sick?


Just what is this, Mr. Yajima?!

I'm guessing the three of them
share something in common.

Motion sickness is... the Salamander's
weakness... not mine...

What's going on?! Why is Gajeel affected?!

Please don't steal Natsu's uniqueness...

Even that Saber member...

Oh, man. This game involves the
almighty Sting's only weakness.

Talk about bad luck.

I think so too!

Now let's take a look at
the group leading the pack!

It's an intense dead-heat!

At the front is Raven Tail's Blacksnake!

He's followed by Blue Pegasus' Ichiya,

Lamia Scale's Yuka,

and Mermaid Heel's Lislie!


I'm impressed you can
keep up with your figure.

Never underestimate chubby power!

Further behind is Quatro Cerberus'
reserve member, Bacchus!

This sucks...

Yesterday's booze is still gettin' to me...

Wave Boost!

You can't use magic while inside this shockwave!

Never underestimate...

...chubby power!

There it is! Lislie's gravity change!

She dodges the wave by running
along the side of the chariot!

A magic-neutralizing wave, huh?

In that case...!

Swiftness Parfum: Point-Blank Absorption!

Whoa, they're really goin' all out...

Gets my soul all stirred up...

Guess I better put some
oomph into the race, too!

All right!

Wh-What is this?!

Bacchus' power has demolished the chariots!

He's even more powerful than seven years ago!

What's with this guy?!

See ya!

Fall off and you're out!

What was that?

That was cheap!

Never underestimate chubby power.

She's not chubby anymore!

A gravity change! Cool!

He reaches the goal first!

All stirred up!

Quatro Cerberus scores 10 points!

I didn't know Cerberus had someone like him!



In 2nd place is Raven Tail's Blacksnake!

Lislie takes 3rd! Yuka takes 4th!

Ichiya comes in 5th!

That just leaves the three-way
battle for last place...

Th-This is impossible!

I used to ride on vehicles just fine--!


...you've finally become one.


A real Dragon Slayer.



Why, you!

I got no strength...



Oh? So this is "entertaining", huh?

I take it this is their natural state, Rogue?

It... seems Dragon Slayers have
a difficult time riding vehicles.

I thought Sting and I were the only ones.

Does it affect you too, Laxus?

Don't tell the others.

It's pretty obvious by now, though.

Gotta... keep moving!

Talk about uncool...

Acting so serious with no strength at all...

Sure... I'll let you have this win.

We're gonna keep winning after this anyway.

We don't need a lousy extra point or two.

Don't you dare sneer at one point, boy!

Could you tell me one thing, though?

Why did you guys enter the tournament?

You're almost nothing like
the old Fairy Tail now.

You're so focused on how tough you are
and what the world thinks of you.

The Fairy Tail I knew did whatever
the hell it wanted, you know?

It never cared what anyone else thought.

We're doing it... for our friends...

Our friends... who waited for us...

...for seven years straight...

No matter how painful
or miserable things got...

...they endured all the humiliation...

...stayed strong...

...and kept our guild together.

We're doing this for our friends...

We're going to show everyone!

We're going to prove that
Fairy Tail has kept going!

So we have to keep pushing forward!



Natsu of Fairy Tail A nabs
6th place and scores 2 points!

Our very first points!

Gajeel of Fairy Tail B takes
7th place and scores 1 point!

Man, they got determination!

Yeah, it's awesome...

These guys are somethin' else!

Y'know, Fairy Tail ain't so bad after all.

That was kinda moving.

Maybe I'll start rooting for 'em!

Way to go, Fairy Tail!

You won yourself a new supporter!

Lastly, Sting of Sabertooth drops
out of the race and scores 0 points.

For your friends?

That's a bunch of crap.

Raven Tail has claimed the 1st place spot!


Sabertooth has dropped to 2nd place!

Sabertooth, in 2nd place?!

I think it's Sting's fault.

Is Natsu all right?

There's nothing to worry about.
It's just motion sickness.

What about Wendy?

She's in better condition now.

Are you all better now, Charle?


I'm glad!

Well, everyone's waiting! I better go!

You're not going to say anything about it?

What would be the point?

They'd never believe me
about a future like that.

Indeed. If you don't believe it,
I doubt anyone else will.

That's right. I don't believe what I saw!

It was just a dream!

It was a dream.

Not a premonition.

Now, for the event you've all been
waiting for: the battle segment!

Match 1 pits Blacksnake of Raven Tail,

which currently holds the top spot
despite being a new guild,

versus Lamia Scale's Toby Olorta!

A snake versus a dog!

Which one will come out on top?!

I hope to see a fair fight.

Toby is a total dog! Cool!

Has the match started?!

It's just about to.

Looks like that dog guy from
Lyon's guild is gonna fight.

He's up against Raven, though.




She's covered in bruises!


No more of your shamefulness.

You do realize to whom you owe your victory?

But... Blondie was staring this way...

Do you want another beating?

I-I'm sorry... Please forgive me...

Ultra-Poison Nails: Mega-Mega Jellyfish!

He disappeared!

You fool! That's mimic magic!

Sand Rebellion!

That's my spell!

He must be able to mimic
different types of magic!

Mimic magic... That's certainly rare.

Get him, dog guy!

Obliterate Ivan's lousy guild, dog guy!

You're strong!

You're tough, too.

You got a cool name, Blacksnake!

It's not my real name.

--It ain't your real name?!
--That ticks you off?

Hey! If I win, you gotta tell me your real name!

Fine by me, but what if I win?

Then I'll tell you my super-special secret!

Sounds interesting.

It seems they've made
some sort of unusual wager.

Personally, neither interests me.


A bet, huh?

An interesting idea...

Nails! Nails!

Fangs! Just kidding! Nails!

--Nails! Nails!

I'm crying because I'm just so happy

I'm crying because I'm just so sad

Yes, living true to myself

is what lets me be myself

There's a whisper in the breeze

that says, "You're fine just the way you are."

We stay our true selves

and each embrace our own happiness

as we walk forward

Every time the sky changes color

the sound of my quivering heart rings out

What you gave me

It's Elfman's turn!
Oh, he's up against Bacchus?

He's supposedly as strong as Erza! Owoo!

He dominated the Chariots game, too. Damn!

Elfman can take care of business!

I can't wait to see the results of his training!

Uhh, Happy? Are you trying to talk
like that dog guy or something?

Next Episode: Elfman vs. Bacchus.

Ack! I forgot my pride as a cat
and tried to imitate a dog!

What exactly do cats have to be proud of?
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