06x162 - Elfman vs. Bacchus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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06x162 - Elfman vs. Bacchus

Post by bunniefuu »

Is Natsu all right?

There's nothing to worry about.
It's just motion sickness.

What about Wendy?

She's in better condition now.

Are you all better now, Charle?


I'm glad!

Well, everyone's waiting! I better go!

You're not going to say anything about it?

What would be the point?

They'd never believe me
about a future like that.

I saw Mercurius come crashing down.

And, as it happened, someone was singing.


tanjun da kedo junsui na yatsu

sono me ni wa itsumo utsutte itan da

taisetsu na mono ashita no koto

hontou no tsuyosa ga nani ka tte koto

kimi no koto o omoi dashite
chippoke na jibun ga okashiku natta

nani mo ka mo houri dashite
mirakuru misete yaru

mae ni mae ni motto mae ni zenryoku de kakero

zettai kou da to omotta toki ga unmei sa

sei ippai no koe de motte
souru motte butsukatte ike yo

sankousho o nirande tatte nan mo nannee sa

Natsu and company entered
the annual Grand Magic Games

and barely managed to take 8th
place during the qualifying round

to secure a spot in the tournament.

And so the Grand Magic Games finally began.

Day 1 consisted of a contest called
"Hidden" as well as a battle segment.

Natsu's team met with utter defeat
in both, for a total of 0 points.

0 points? Sounds great to me.

We get to make a comeback now.


I'm fired up!

Natsu's team finally scored 2 points
during Day 2's "Chariots" contest,

after which the battle portion began.

Ultra-Poison Nails: Mega-Mega Jellyfish!

He disappeared!

Sand Rebellion!

You're strong!

You're tough, too.

You got a cool name, Blacksnake!

It's not my real name.

--It ain't your real name?!
--That ticks you off?

Hey! If I win, you gotta tell me your real name!

Fine by me, but what if I win?

Then I'll tell you my super-special secret!

Sounds interesting.

It seems they've made
some sort of unusual wager.

Personally, neither interests me.


A bet, huh?

An interesting idea...

Nails! Nails!

Fangs! Just kidding! Nails!

He's down! Toby can't get up!

The match is over!

The winner is Raven Tail's Blacksnake!

He's good.

Yeah. Doesn't seem like he's serious yet.

I guess they have tough guys
who don't need to cheat.

This puts Raven Tail at 36 points,
and Lamia Scale at...

...20 points.


So, what is this secret of yours?

My socks...

One of 'em is missing...

I've been searching for three months now,

but just can't seem to find it...

But I...

I couldn't tell anyone...

It was here all along?


You're a great guy...

I finally found it!

What exactly is happening, Mr. Yajima?

No comment.

Cool! Cool!

Good for you, dog guy!

What are you getting teary-eyed for?!


I'll spin you...

Oh, my!

After their great battle, the two shake hands!

--...Or not!

Now that's ruthless! Ruthless to the core!

The more precious something is,
the more I wanna destroy it.

Unforgivable! You're going for a spin!

Me again?!

What's with that guy?! He's a total creep!

I guess those are Raven Tail's true colors.

Despicable. Just what is
that lousy Ivan thinking?

He did that just to be mean.

Err, getting back on track,
it's time for Match 2 of the day!

Quatro Cerberus' Bacchus...


...versus Fairy Tail A!

Us, huh?

What do we do if it's Natsu?!

Then we wake him up.

This Bacchus guy...

He's as strong as Erza, right?

All right!

Someone avenge me! I don't care who!

Calm down, Cana.

My dear Gray could beat him easily.

Oh-ho! You arranged it just like I asked!

--Yes, Your Majesty.
--This is going to be great...

Bacchus versus Erza!

This will undoubtedly be a superb match.


D-Did you just say Erza, Your Majesty?

I-I arranged for...



Come again?!


Big Brother Elf?!

It's all over.

Don't be mean!

Go get him. We have no option but to win.


Elfman vs. Bacchus.

I had wanted to see Bacchus versus Erza!

My deepest apologies...

That Fairy Tail member who can,
you know, transform.

I can't recall the name.

Er... El...

I blundered...

This is no match at all!

Bacchus is going to trounce him easily!


You can do it, Fairy Tail!

But he's up against the Bacchus...


How's about we make a bet,
like the last guys did?

Your sisters are mighty pretty, y'know?

What's your point?

It's your classic, age-ol' wager.

If I win, they belong to me.

Both of 'em.


Two at once? That's some twisted love!


And if you win... Hmm...

--There are things...

There are things a real man can never stand for.


...to be destroyed, hound!

So we got a deal, then?

My soul's all stirred up now.

I slept like a log!

Wendy? Charle? Old lady?

Where did everyone go?

Strangers were in this room! I can smell it!

This way!

There you are!

Fairy Tail?!

--They found us already?!
--No, it's the guy who was asleep!

Hey, you!

Where do you think you're
taking Wendy and the others?!


Get back here!

He's insanely fast!

Isn't he the same guy who could
barely run during the last game?!

I got this!

This is the best way to deal with a wizard!

Outta the way!

Hey, you guys!

Give Wendy and the others back!

--What's with this guy?!
--Damn, he's scary!

He's about to catch up!

What do we do?!

No choice! We dump the other two!

D-Don't be stupid!

The job was to get the girl in the infirmary!

--The hag and the cat ain't girls!
--Then why did we bring 'em?!

Wait! You could argue that this old lady--

She ain't a girl!

Who hired you?!

We're done for!

Oh, my!

This is a one-sided match!

Elfman is utterly powerless against Bacchus!

Your pretty sisters, all mine...

I like it...

Wh-Whoa, this is insane!

I can see how he's on par with you, Erza.


He's just getting started.

Big Brother Elf...

Don't worry. If anyone can pull
through in a pinch, it's him.

Yeah. You're right.

Get 'im, Elfman!

Beast Soul...


A speed-focused Take Over!

If he can just land some att*cks...!



Even with his speed,
Elfman still can't hit him at all.

It must be the weird way that guy moves...

His magic is surprisingly orthodox;

it involves focusing magic power
in the palms of his hands.

But the secret to his strength
comes from the fact

that he's mastered a martial art
that uses that magic to full effect.

His fighting style is known
as the "Chop-Hanging Palm."

It specializes in powerful palm
strikes from that unique stance.

Palm strikes...

Even worse, however, is that he
has modified that fighting style

to create the "Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm."


Meaning he fights drunk?

Yes. A hawk's att*cks can't
be predicted when it's drunk.

Drunkenness also increases
his destructive power

and serves as his surefire method for victory.

But that isn't the issue here.

He hasn't had a drop to drink yet!

The Chop-Hanging Palm...
That's a rare fighting style, indeed.

I've never actually seen it myself!


Hey, isn't that...?

So those are the moves he
used during the pub incident?

Damn! There's gotta be
some way he can stop him!

He'll figure something out.

His size isn't the only
thing he has going for him.

You're right. We need to have faith in him.



Get up, Elfman!

Bacchus' drunkenness makes his
moves erratic and extra-powerful.

Huh? But he hasn't had
a single drop to drink yet.

Does that mean...

...he isn't fighting seriously at all?

Oh, my! Elfman's Take Over has worn off!

Not only has he expended
tremendous magic power,

he was also subjected to that onslaught.

The Chop-Hanging Palm is cool!

You're a man, right?

Then you better keep your word.

Is Elfman down for good now?!

Oh, I forgot something important!

Mato, the Grand Magic Games'
official mascot and umpire,

is on leave today.

As such, referee duties have been given to me!


Extra duties! Cool! Extra duties! Cool!

On leave?

Can't someone else just put the suit on?

No! Don't talk about it being a suit!

Oh? Back on your feet, huh?

I guess your howling about
manliness ain't just for show.

Come to think of it,
we haven't decided yet, hound.


Our bet. What happens if I win...

It's totally pointless now,

so go ahead and ask for anything at all.

If I win, your guild has to go
by the name "Quatro Puppy"

for the rest of the tournament.


As in the baby dogs?

A four-headed puppy?

That's hilarious! Rename those jerks, Elfman!

Okay, okay. You got yourself a deal.

So... Let's finish this once and for all, then.

He's drinking!

Be ready, Elfman!

He's serious now!

Oh, my!

Bacchus finally downs some alcohol!

The Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm, eh?

I've never seen this in person before! Cool!

Gimme your best shot.

It should be easy to beat a drunk like me, yeah?

Beast Soul...

It's pointless!


That's the Drunken Chop-Hanging Palm?!

I-I couldn't even see what happened!

Seven strikes in that one instant!


That had to have caused a lot of damage.

Yes. But...

Howdya like that?

What the...?! My arms!

Oh, my! What just happened?!

Bacchus has taken damage!

What's that?

A lizardman.

If I can't hit you, I'll just let you hit me.

I hadn't thought of that!

Whoa, is he seriously...?!

This can't be good.

What is he planning to do?

Don't look away, now. We gotta watch it all.

We gotta watch him fight!

All right, bring it on!

Your arms or my body...

Let's see which breaks first!


This is one insane strategy.

It's pure recklessness.

It's true that lizardmen
have spiny scales and skin,

which are perfect against
barehanded opponents...

...but this opponent can break
a lizardman's hard scales.

What's the matter?!

I like ya! You got my soul all stirred up!

Be manly!

Th-This is epic!

It's more of a battle of wills than a fight!

Will the aggressor be worn down first?

Or will the defender?!

Which one...

...will come out...

...on top?!

Elfman, was it?



Oh, no...

Bacchus gets back up!

Gotta hand it... to you...

You're a real man...

H-He's down!

Bacchus is down!

Elfman wins!

Fairy Tail A scores 10 points,
for a new total of 12 points!


Does this manly roar signal
Fairy Tail's resurrection?!

Elfman scores a magnificent upset
over a formidable opponent!

Whoa! Just listen to those cheers!

Way to go, Mr. Elfman!

Are you all better now, Wendy?

Yeah! I'm fine!

Thank you, Grandeeney!

I told you not to call me that.

More importantly, about those hoodlums...

We were just doing a job! That's all!

F-For someone in Raven Tail!

We were supposed to bring
the girl who was in the infirmary!

Nice work.

We'll take 'em from here.

Raven Tail...

"The girl who was in the infirmary..."

The past tense?

There was one, remember?
Natsu brought her in.

Wait, do you mean...?!


The operation was a failure.

You fool!

How did they even get the target mixed up?

Were they not told what she looks like?

My apologies.

No matter. We'll just have to move to Plan B.

What of the criminals?

We've placed them behind bars.

They don't know the truth, I hope.

No, Sir. They believe Raven Tail hired them.

We must use the vendetta between
Fairy Tail and Raven Tail this way.

And, when the chance arises, we will
obtain our celestial spirit wizards.

...For the Eclipse Project.

What's wrong? Why the long face?

I can't stand Raven Tail and its dirty tactics.

Mr. Natsu...

Actually, isn't Raven's master...?

Yeah. He, Gramps, and Laxus are all family.

What does that have to do with this?

I'm not really sure,

but this definitely ain't over yet.

tada ureshikute naite iru no

tada kanashikute naite iru no

sou sunao ni ikiru tte konna ni mo

jibun de irareru

kaze ni nosete sasayaku

"anata wa anata no mama de iin da" to

ari no mama no sugata de ite

sorezore no shiawase o dakishime

aruite iru no

sora no iro ga kawaru tabi ni

kokoro ga furueru oto ga naru

kimi ga kureta mono

Natsu! The next event is a glamor
showdown between Mira and Jenny!

And anyone can join in?!

Oh! Everyone's wearing swimsuits!

B-But seeing girls in swimsuits doesn't
interest me at all, just so you know.

You don't say?

Oh! Charle's in a swimsuit too!

Man, she's really getting into the spirit.

Huh?! Charle?! Where, where?!

Next Episode: Mirajane vs. Jenny.

You're so cute, Charle! Go win it, Charle!

Uhh, Happy? Mira's the one fighting, you know.
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