07x179 - Gray vs. Rufus

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x179 - Gray vs. Rufus

Post by bunniefuu »

Memory Make Magic...

I swear I'll get you back!

I was told I'd meet you if I came here. Chalk up another one for Number One.

Well, well. I almost forgot about you.

Will you help me remember?

Don't bother racking your brain. This is the end of the line for you.

Oh, my! Fairy Tail's Gray and Sabertooth's Rufus are going to duel in the library area!

Molding Magic versus Molding Magic...

That guy gave Gray a whuppin' before. Is he gonna be okay?

Did you calculate this too, Number One?


Then Gray's gonna win this fight.

What kind of strategy did you give him?

I don't know if he's going to win or lose.

You don't know?

Then how can he have a chance at winning?

I don't know.

But he just has to win.

Rufus is the key to Sabertooth's fall.

Gray vs Rufus!

Wait a minute, Number One.

Then Rufus has pinpointed the locations of Juvia and the others?

That's right. I believe Rufus should be defeated first.

Let me do it.


Number One, it's okay, isn't it?

According to my calculations, you and Rufus aren't a very good match for each other.

The chances of you winning are very...

I don't give a damn about that!

I'm gonna help Lucy. And also pay him back for kickin' my ass before.

Let me fight as a Fairy Tail wizard!

Sometimes feelings outweigh calculations.

Please show me your feelings.

Here I go, masked bastard!

Ice Make! Freeze Lancer!


You're not getting away! Ice Impact!


What are you muttering about?

Memories become weapons.

I can memorize magic that I see,

then use those memories as a base to mold new magic.

What the hell is that?

Your magic, Ice Magic. Orga's magic, Lightning Magic.


I remember. Memory Make. Sword of Frozen Black Lightning!

What is that?!

He can make original magic, however he wants?!

That's Memory Molding Magic.

That's too convenient!

Shrine of the Raging Wind Fang!

Ice Make! Shield!

Shield... Memorize... And then...


H-His shield disappeared!


Oh, my! Rufus has Gray on the ropes with a fierce attack!

Oh, no... He can even make people forget magic?!

Even though that Rufus bastard can mold whatever kind of new magic he wants...

So once Gray uses a spell, he won't be able to use it anymore...

Seriously? Then the odds are totally against him!

What's wrong? I thought this was the end of the line for me.

What's this?

The Magic System, The Book of the Heavens...

The Book of the Abyss, Advanced Dark Magic...

Awakening Alchemy in the Subliminal Mind, Ancient Fairy Magic...

I found some good things here.

Bastard... This is no time for casual reading!


By memorizing, he's...

Don't tell me he can even use magic he read about in a book?

Gray has managed to get up!

You can still move? Well, if you couldn't...

I'll make the most of our time together by letting you have a taste of ancient magic.

However, I can put a different spin on the magic I memorized

and combine it with other kinds of magic to produce completely new magic.

That is, it's ancient magic with a new interpretation!


I didn't foresee this. But...

Line of Ancient Master Swordsmen!

Feast your eyes on this wondrous ancient magic!

To think, I can create soulless soldiers out of stray elements...

But this is a "new interpretation." The memories I have of your Ice Molding Magic

have made this brilliant dream come to fruition!

He can make that many ice soldiers...

Do something, Gray! You're a Man, aren't you?!

Do a pathetic dance for me.

Go to hell! You and your second-hand knowledge!


Who is that guy?! Is he just using this to, like, test out new magic?!

This... is nothin'...

I see. It seems I should combine forms of magic that are a bit more powerful in battle.

Memorized Blade of Flashing Lightning!

Oh, my! W-Will Gray be able to get up again after that fierce attack?!

Gray-sama! If I could, I would rush to your side...

...but Juvia believes in Gray-sama! So I'll follow Number One's plan.

This interpretation would be interesting. Memorized.

Hey, jackass. This is a library.

After reading the books, you're supposed to put 'em back!

And there's no cheating, either.

That's too bad. However, I've already memorized them.

Colorful Slashing Attack Flames!

Gray-sama is over there...

This battle is a requiem that I sing to you.

Remember this. You'll never beat me.

This is a one-sided fight so far.

In the battle of Molding Magic, will Rufus win?

Infinite combinations, and once he remembers a magic he saw, his opponent can't use it.

How can that magic be overthrown?

He's a terrible match for Gray.

I told Gray. Molding Magic is easy to remember.

He was well aware that Rufus could wrap him around his little finger.

What kind of strategy did you give him?

There is no strategy.

The power of feelings... I'm betting on his feelings, Number Eight.

I'm Number Four...

Number Six!

I wonder if things are going well for Natsu and the others.

We keep walking and walking, but there's no exit?

Didn't we pass by here before?

Well, Natsu?

No good. Nobody's gotten out of here in a long time.

That spells trouble for us.

Come to think of it, Dragon Slayers have a strong sense of smell, right?

But human odors don't hang around for long.

Huh? Where's Happy?

What are you doing?!

Look at the skulls lying over there.

Don't pick it up!

What's with you?

Well, this is the capital of death... I guess I could say.

Princess Hisui said this is the final freedom, where all criminals end up.

This is freedom? Not despair?

She said we wouldn't get outta here, but gimme a friggin' break.

Just for that, we're definitely gonna get out. I'm fired up.

That's right! If she thinks we'll give up, she's sorely mistaken!

If we split up, I'm sure we'll find a clue to an exit.

You're all so strong.

Well, most of it is that we just don't give in.

Let's hang in there! Every pinch has some kind of way out.

Um... Everyone...

No matter how many rocks I destroy, there are more rocks!

I guess there are pinches that have no way out...

Even though we split up, we didn't find anything.

"Hell" is the right word for this place.

I bet that princess is watching us struggle and laughing.

She's watching?

Nice hobby she has...



I thought of a good idea!

I thought of a good idea!

What's your idea?

I have a bad feeling about this...


You said somebody's watching us and that it's a nice hobby, right?

Yeah, yeah.

I bet the kingdom's soldiers have us under surveillance.

You mean they're guarding us?

I see...

True, it seems like they'd do that.

Right? So let's get the guards' attention and lure them here.

Then we hit 'em!

No! As soon as the guards come here, we brilliantly escape!


I understand what you're saying, but this drawing is...

Scary, isn't it?

Lure them here, you say?

We don't know where they are or if they're watching us, so how do we get their attention?

I've got it!

That's my Natsu!


Excuse me?!

After all, the soldiers are all men!

Like this!


It was only for work! And we don't need to get that much attention...

Isn't this really old?

A Weekly Sorcerer from about seven years ago, right?

Seven years ago?

You probably don't know about it, Yukino-san.

This makes me feel nostalgic.

Why do you have that in the first place?

It was lying over there.

There's a journal. "It's been three years since I was shut up in here.

As I wait for the end, these cheesecake photos soothe my mind.

Mira-tan is cute.

Losing consciousness as Mira-tan gazes at me from the page...

Together with Mira-tan..."

I'm suddenly starting to get scared.

The guy never mentioned Lucy.

What do I care?! I shouldn't even make a comment!

Then let's do this thing!

I call it "Appeal to Men's Instincts! Operation: Cheesecake Escape"!

I'm fired up! Let's go, Lucy!

I'm gonna do it?!

I'll support you!

You're too into it!

{\a}And where am I gonna get a swimsuit?

Is Fairy Tail always like this?

{\a}There's one on the ground over there.

{\a}I hate this in more ways than one!

No, not always.

Jeez! If I'm gonna do this, I'm going all out!

But of course!

They may be able to hear you too, so let's include a commentary!

Entry number one! Lucy Heartfilia!

Meow! If you don't let us out of here, I'm gonna punish you!

I don't know what she means!


Well, not bad...

What is this?

Entry number two! Mirajane Strauss!

You want to see me go all out? Then come and get me, but be prepared to die.

That's not what we're supposed to be doing here!

Um... After going this far, it's hard for me to say this...

...but if no one is actually watching, then isn't it meaningless?

It's better than doing nothing!


Yeah! I'm sure they'll be right out! Don't sell Fairy Tail short!

So I'm countin' on you!

You're putting it all on me?!

Yukino-san, did you smile?

Did I?

Oh, dear! An awesome follow-up attack!

Is Gray helpless to do anything but lick the floor?!

I admit it, I underestimated you a bit. I didn't think you would hang on this long.

And I'm grateful to you.

For being my guinea pig today as I test the ancient magic I memorized!

Showering Ancient Wisdom!

The ancients certainly did come up with some heartstoppers.

There's nothing I can't do with magic.

You're sensing that firsthand, aren't you?

I can even control gravity.

At this rate, you'll be crushed by the light. And there's no way you can escape!

Oh, boy! Gray can't get up!

Will Ice Molding Magic be defeated by Memory Molding Magic?!

Gray-sama, Juvia has faith in you!

In your strength... In the strength of your feelings...

That's why Juvia won't turn around! Juvia won't worry!

Yeesh. As if...

You can still move?

Defeated, you say?

Molding Magic is magic that gives you freedom.

Isn't that right, Ul?

On top of that, my memories...

Ul, the battles I won with your magic,

and what I got from them. The feelings I sensed from them...

Hey, Gray!

Quit dilly-dallying and take this guy out!

Shut up! That's just what I'm about to do!

Oh, my! Has Gray Fullbuster started to counterattack at last?!

It looks like you want me to hurt you some more.

Nah, I had plenty of that!

Memory Make is pretty damn impressive.

But you know, my own memories can turn into big-ass power, too.

That's an interesting thing to say. What kind of memories do you have?

I doubt you'd understand.

The pain of getting hit, the frustration of losing, the joy of winning, all of that.

They've been driven into this body, these fists, and this head.

It becomes my strength in the next fight.

All of my battles up to now, those memories, they are all of my power!

The power that's gonna knock you for a loop is my memories!

He took it off! He took it off! He took it off!


He took off his shirt.

He did.

Yeah! That means he's in serious mode!

Everything you've taken up to now, dish it out to him, Gray!

That's a unique logic. But I don't care for it.

Typically, the weaker the dog, the more it barks. Or so they say.

You don't like it? Not that I give a damn...

Remembering is learning. You shouldn't use it to focus on emotions.

Your memories are only emotions. There's not enough honor.

The memories you have are going to destroy you.


Since getting the seal of Fairy Tail, I've never lost against the same opponent twice.

Do you have some kind of plan?

Ice Make...



What is this?

How can his molding be so fast?!

Have you memorized it?

I see!

If he does all that molding at once...

My memory... can't keep up!

Powerful Dance of Chaos!

Except it's unfortunate that it's only ice.

I remember flames that can destroy ice!

Memory Make! Karma of the Burning Earth!

I remember hotter flames than that!

Ice Bringer!

He did it.

You showed us...

...the power of your feelings and their strength.

Gray did it! Fairy Tail won! Rufus lost!

That was wonderful, Gray-sama!

I quit!

Just showing them was a waste of time.

Nobody's come...

That operation failed.

They showed off for nothing.

And I was so sure it would work...

I guess it means they're not monitoring us.

Then maybe we should look for another means...

That's all we can do.

I'm tired from thrusting my chest out.

Yay, that's our Gray! I just knew he'd win!

All right! We can't lose either.

We gotta hurry up and get out of these caves, then meet up with everyone!

Natsu! Some weird guys are attacking us!

They really are weird! This is perfect!

We'll kick their asses, then get 'em to tell us where the exit is!

Next time: Garou Knights!

But how are these guys knights? Especially that one with the headband!

He's after my fish?!
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