07x184 - The Kingdom 'til Tomorrow

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x184 - The Kingdom 'til Tomorrow

Post by bunniefuu »

Where am I?

No, memory. Yes, I remember.

This is the Royal Library in Crocus.

And it's the final day of the Grand Magic Games.

I see. I remember...

I lost to Fairy Tail.

The final day of the Grand Magic Games! Fairy Tail is in first place with points!

And all five members are still in the game.

Signs,,,,,,st Fairy Tail nd Sabertooth nd Lamia Scale th Mermaid Heel

Sabertooth and Lamia Scale are both in hot pursuit with points!

And Mermaid Heel is bringing up the rear with points.

Things aren't looking good for us.

If only I'd tried even harder...

What, there's no need to worry. Kagura's still in there.

And even Millia's gotten stronger.

You should never underestimate a mermaid!

You know, there's something that bothers me.

What is it, Beth?

The Lacrima Vision live feed... I haven't seen Millia on it lately.


That girl's smart. I bet she's hiding in a safe place, waiting to see what happens.

That's right.

I hope you're right...

But I don't know. I have a really bad feeling about this.

The Country Until Tomorrow!

We keep going, but it all looks the same. It throws off your sense of direction, too.

In fact, is this really the right way?

I can feel a slight breeze. I think we're good.

Come to think of it, how did you get here, Loke?

I jumped.

It's important to also think of what happens after.

Actions before thoughts.

You make a good point once in a while!

Once in a while?

Will Arcadios-sama be okay?

Well, he'll survive, but...

It's unusual for anyone to live through swimming in lava.

Now that you mention it, did Horologium do something?

No. He'd already jumped into the lava by then.

He's the paragon of a military man. I'm impressed.

It's probably thanks to the jade amulet he's wearing.

It's a powerful charm that's doing its duty.

Speaking of jade, that reminds me of the Jade Dragon, Zirconis.

Oh, that guy.

That dragon sure talked a lot.

I recall the name of the princess is Hisui, which means jade.

He said we should decide for ourselves whether Eclipse is the right way to go, right?

Although the princess is the one who dropped us in here.

Anyway, I want to escape from here

and put everyone who's fighting in the Grand Magic Games at ease.


We keep proceeding downwards.

We have no idea how deep this place is.

It's so big, they could build another town down here.


I smell something!

It seems we're close to the exit.

Then the leader of the executioners was telling us the truth, huh?

Come to think of it, I know all of their names but the leader's.

True. Okay, I'll decide on it.


Meaning "sickle"!

Hey, look at that!

A door!

It might be the exit!

We can finally get out of here!

That's also a lot bigger than it has to be.

It looks like a sturdy door.

How can we open it?

Leave it to me! Roar of the...


It opened!


An ambush?!

Who the hell are you?

P-Princess! Princess!

It's terrible! Princess!

What is it?! Contain yourself!

When a scheduled update from Hell Palace didn't come, troops went in...

The report states the Garou Knights were wiped out!


It can't be!

Just against several wizards?!

What happened to the criminals?

We believe they escaped Hell Palace.

How can this be?!

I knew it...

You shouldn't be sporting an expression like that.

Anyone can tell what you're thinking.

Darton! I thought you went to Domus Flau with my father.

I returned after feeling a strange sense of foreboding.

And I suppose this is what it was about.

What do you mean by that?

You're the one... You're the one who plunged Arcadios into Hell Palace without a trial!

And you used Fairy Tail to rescue Arcadios for you, right, Princess?

You're the real power behind Project Eclipse, after all.

Arcadios did a brilliant job playing the bad guy in front of me,

while someone was behind him. In other words,

he was covering up for you.

You figured all of that out? Impressive.

Princess, think about it!

That's a dangerous thing. We mustn't change the world.

No. I think the world has to be changed.

You think?

I promised them I wouldn't tell anyone about this...

...but it seems I should share it with you.

About Project Eclipse .


The true Project Eclipse.

If the project fails, tomorrow... this country will be destroyed.

Signs,,,,,,st Fairy Tail nd Sabertooth nd Lamia Scale th Mermaid Heel

Fairy Tail still doesn't have any fallen members! Talk about strong!

Of course. Say what you will, but it's because my Laxus is there.

Not yours, but the Raijinshuu's, right?

Whatever! Just finish 'em off, Laxus!

At this rate, we've got a lock on victory. That's my Laxus!

You're jumping the g*n!

Laxus! Show us how brave you are!

Go, Laxus, go!

Quiet down!

By the way, First Master, what's going to happen next?

It looks like the other members besides Laxus are also on the move.

If my calculations are correct...

Juvia was told to be right here, right now.

Boreas, God of the North Wind!

Just as First Master predicted!

Juvia and Cheria will clash.

Here comes Cheria-tan!

Yes, yes...

You're the one Lyon loves!

I don't want to be loved!

In that case... vanish!

God Slayer, Cheria... I recall she can heal herself.

How can she be taken down?

Just immobilizing her is fine. Meanwhile, Erza will fight Minerva.

She looks triumphant!

First Master, is Minerva that woman from Saber?

The one that kept hurting Lucy...

She's a dangerous opponent.

But if she's going to throw down with Erza, there's nothing to worry about, right?


According to Number One's strategy, I'll run into Saber's...

It's Kagura!

Number One's prediction was off?!

She's strong!

The warrior I've heard so much about. Show me what you've got, Titania!

N-Number One! What does this mean?

I thought Erza's opponent was supposed to be Minerva from Saber!

So even the First Master, nicknamed the Fairy Tactician, can miscalculate.

My calculation was... How?

N-Number One!

I-I'm not crying! I'm not crying at all...


This is your fault, Freed!

Soothe Number One with all your might!

This is an interesting showdown! A battle between the two strongest swordswomen!

It's a grand turning point.

You're this strong even with the sword sheathed?

Oh, my! They're at a stalemate with one sword still sheathed!

Do you mind if I play, too?

Minerva's gotten between them!

It's... unpredictable...

Oh! My! Goodness! It's become a three-way battle!

A showdown between the foremost wizard women of this tournament! Who will survive?!

I feel incredibly nervous.

That's because there's no telling what will happen.

You think Erza could lose?!

No, but look at her opponents...

Kagura, we're counting on you!

She'll be okay, won't she?

Better not underestimate Kagura!

But I'm scared!

I have faith in Kagura. All you have to do is believe in the strength of her heart.

Erza... and Kagura. I remember how strong they are.

But my lady is going to win.

Master's daughter, the strongest wizard in Sabertooth,

easily surpasses the Twin Dragons, Sting and Rogue, when it comes to power.

I don't care who my opponent is. I'll go right through you.

Erza, why are you hiding Jellal?

According to Millianna, the agony he put you through should be unforgivable.

People have lost a lot of confidence in Sabertooth.

Naturally, it goes without saying that your guild is responsible.

Erza, Kagura. To prove to everyone that our guild is the strongest,

I'm going to get rid of you together.

You talk a good game.

No need for tedious talk. Come!

Th-This is...

Yajima-san, I think I can feel the vibrations from here!

That shows just how powerful and concentrated the magic of those three is.

It's okay! I know you can win, Erza!

I can see it!

I Ragudo!


Niel Wielg Mion Terse Elcantaeus!

What language is that?

I don't know, but it seems ominous.

Run, Erza!


Number One!

...Yakuma's Battle Gods Magic?!

Yagdo Rigora!

That's my lady.

That magic... I definitely remember it.


What was that?

Why, you... You! You! You!

Wha...?! They're unharmed!

What'll happen with these three?!

This goes way beyond awesome!

It's dangerous!

They've got me on the edge of my seat!

She can command that magic...

All three of them are scary.

Does this mean their magic balances out?

For right now...

I see. I certainly didn't expect you to make it this far.

Titania... Erza Scarlet. And Kagura Mikazuchi...

We'll get nowhere at this rate. I'm going to make a little change.

Yajima-san, what is that?

A person?

The kitten I captured earlier.


What are you doing, wench?!

Can you see this girl suffering?

I'm stealing her magic even now in that space.



Er-chan, long time no see!


That's low!

What should we do?! Millianna!

What's she doing with Millianna?!

Relax. I'm not using her as a hostage to make you give in.

As I said, I'm just going to make a change.

That's it. That's the expression I wanted to see.

If that's...

If that's the truth, the Grand Magic Games must be cancelled at once...

No. I'm still skeptical about what they said.

Yes, but even if it isn't true, if the public is in imminent danger...

That person knows the future. They know the results of the Grand Magic Games.

Signs,,,,,,st Fairy Tail nd Sabertooth nd Lamia Scale th Mermaid Heel

I was told that a certain guild wins through an unbelievable outcome.

Unbelievable outcome?

Owing to the special outcome, predicting it is impossible.

If that outcome becomes reality, I'll believe what that person told me.

Y-You would let the future of this country ride on the results of the Grand Magic Games?!

In a way. After all, I still can't believe that outcome.

But if what that person told you about it comes to pass...

...then it's safe to say everything they told me about the future is true.

Then I'll open the Eclipse Portal.


An ambush?!

Who the hell are you?!

Hey, wait a second! This scent...


I'm sorry!


Help me!

That voice...

What is this?

It can't be...


Hold on there!


No way!

...said she came from the future.


Two Lucys?! What, is she from Edolas or something?

No. This doesn't seem to be anything that simple.

No... The vision I had...

Could that be...?

Please... help me!

Soon, this country will be...

How can there be two Lucys?!

Calm down, Happy! This kind of doubling happens a lot.

It does not! Don't be glib!

I-I'm not bein' glib! I heard this kind of thing is popular recently.

Popular where?

I-I'm not too sure... That's right! We gotta cheer Erza on!

Natsu, you're dodging the question.

Next time: Erza versus Kagura!

Natsu, where did you hear that?

Happy, just drop it!
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