07x194 - Zirconis' Magic

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x194 - Zirconis' Magic

Post by bunniefuu »

It's my fault...

It's my fault this world is going to end.

It's not your fault, Princess. This was the plot of that man from the future!

All right, Princess, it's dangerous to be here. Please evacuate.

No. I have a responsibility to stay here to the end.

We're all counting on the dragon-hunting wizards and the Dragon Slayers.

It's useless.

Humans cannot defeat dragons.

If it means protecting everyone, then I don't have to be human.



What the hell is that?


Big-ass eggs!

Say, Elf-nii-chan... These eggs...

They were just laid by that thing?

Hey, are you serious?!

Now we've got a lot more than seven to deal with.

Zirconis's Magic!

What are they?!

More monsters!

Even though it's hard enough just dealing with one...


Move. I'll take the big one.

You guys do something about the offspring.

You can't do it on your own!

He won't.

He's not alone.

We'll back you up, Laxus.

Leave it to the Raijinshuu!

You heard Natsu, right?

It takes a Dragon Slayer to beat a dragon.

Laxus, I'll let you and the Raijinshuu handle this.


Gajeel, take on the other one!


The rest of you, obliterate the little ones.

Leave it to us!

Understood. Everyone, steel yourselves.

Gajeel, I'll give you support.

I don't need it. Besides...

...after you and the others finish off the mini-dragons,

I want you to find the residents who couldn't escape and take 'em outside the city.


You'd better not die.

I know, dumbass.

Rogue! I got this one. Find another dragon...

...and help the guilds that don't have a Dragon Slayer!


Natsu-san's voice has given me courage.

Not the courage to fight...

The courage to protect my comrades!

That's right! Comrades! The era of an emotionless Sabertooth is over!

We're moving forward!

The human perched on Motherglare is bellowing about something!

Our guild doesn't have a Dragon Slayer.

That's not good. We don't have any means of fighting back.

Why don't we have one of 'em?! Dammit!

I guess it's my turn to step up.

Hi, horny old dragon-san!

Feast your eyes on me and be soothed.

Buzz off, humans!


Then have a whiff of my prized parfum!

What is this?

W-What is it?!

My nose...

...is gonna fall off!

W-What is this parfum?!

The parfum of my armpits!


What do you think, everyone?

Th-That's our Ichiya-san...

I can't move!

Your machismo staggers the imagination...

Your beauty is a crime...

What a fragrant parfum!

Dragons have a keen sense of smell... but I don't have a nose!

I don't believe it!

No matter the centuries passed, the foolishness of the human species always surprises me!

All of you, get back!

I can hear it...

That voice!


We know it.

We know that voice!

I can hear the cries of chaos and despair!

It's a fine sound.

Get out of the way, stinkpot.

Stinkpot?! How dare you speak to me like that?!

That's Cobra from Oracion Seis!

What's that Poison Dragon Slayer doing here?

I can't stand the thought of being saved by him after all the suffering he's caused.

How did this come to pass?

Maybe he fell prey to my sex appeal strategy?

Take a good look, handsome Cobra...

Quit flappin' your gums!

Maybe I'll eliminate you twits while I'm at it!

His ears really are sharp...

He's scary!

Men. Still, it is curious. I thought he was in prison.

Ye gods. I can't believe we did what Jellal asked.

I hope we're only fired for it...

Worry about that later. First, we have to make sure there is a future.


Let us join the fray, as well.


Don't act rashly and die now, Doranbolt.

You're the one who better be careful, Lahar.

What a hoarse voice. I can't bear to hear it.

That voice... Eric? Don't tell me...

Please move to higher ground!

After a short break, we're going to cross the mountains!

Eric is here...

He's fighting, too!

Everyone's fighting...

If everyone works together, there ain't nothin' we can't do!

You people still don't know how terrifying a dragon's power can be.

All right, who should I eat first? Let me see...

You look tasty, young ladies.

Although cats would be good for a change.

What's this? There's also you rugged lot.

Zirconis, don't you remember talking to us before?

You're a cute young thing. Maybe I'll start with you.

It's pointless, Wendy.

The Zirconis we spoke to was a spirit that died long ago.


You heard Natsu, right?

The only way to take down a dragon is with a Dragon Slayer!

And you're the only Dragon Slayer we have right here, so get your head on straight!

I've decided! I'm gonna eat all of you at once!


Oh no! Everyone, please evacuate!

Colonel! Get the princess to a safe place!

Come with me, Princess!

But I...

This is terrible...

He says one thing and does another!


This is just wrong!


Oh no, I think I'm gonna throw up!

You humans are delicious, but your clothes taste foul.

That's why I made them disappear.

Our armor!

How embarrassing!


D-Don't look at me!

You don't look at me!

I've never seen such an awful sight.

Princess, are you all right?


Th-This is an insult!



We can't fight in the buff!

And it's embarrassing!

Come to think of it, men taste disgusting.

Women. I'll eat the women.

You can't eat the princess. She's a man!

What, but she's a princess...

Was that magic just now?

That's right. All dragons can use magic.

What kind of magic makes clothes vanish?!



Naked as a jaybird!

I use magic, as well. That's right.

The type that robs humans of their dignity.

The magic that I use is going to bring you down!

The magic that I use is going to bring you down!

Magic that's going to bring me down, you say?

More importantly, clothes! I need some clothes!

N-No! At least give me clothes!


You look dee-licious. Sniff-sniff!

Don't smell me!

You seem to have a nice texture, too.

Stop it!

What's this? Are you angry, young lady?

Let go of me!

Can you defeat me before I devour this lass?


Arms! Vernier! Enchant!

I will defeat you!

That optimistic attitude... is insolent!

Ouch... It feels like this always happens.


Humans can't fly, so can you even get up here?


That's because we're at a high altitude!

You'll taste even better if the cold makes you nice and crispy.


Forget about it.

Wendy! Now!

Right! Roar of the Sky Dragon!

Look, Wendy!

It's working!




I'll save Lucy!


We're counting on you, Happy!

We'll deal with Zirconis!


Don't get cocky, talking snacks.

I'm going to eat you in a moment.

I'll be your backup, Wendy!

Thank you in advance!

I slash and slash, but they keep on coming! We're not even making a dent!

Hey, Erza! Take a break like Cana told you!

That's right! We'll handle them somehow!

Nothing to worry about! I'm fine. No problem!

It's pointless. No matter how many times you come at me, it doesn't change anything.

You can't fill the seven-year gap between us.

I'm stronger than I was during the Grand Magic Games.


I made a promise to future Lucy. I can't afford to lose.

So you stand yet again?

You won't witness the despair of the future, for you shall die here.





Why are you stark naked?!


Idiot! Quit squirming! I'll get motion sickness!

Well, after all...!

Don't give me "after all"!


This is awful on so many levels...

My head is still swimming...

I thought I was going to die.

Look, you...


Who flies through the air naked?!

Don't look at me!

Fine. I'll cover you up.

The normal thing to do is cover your eyes!

Oh, my. Kids these days are mature for their age.

Hey, Happy! Look, Lucy's turned into a pervert!

I have not! A dragon did this to me! A dragon!

Here are your keys.

Thanks, Happy!


Maybe he wanted to see more?


That ain't it.

So hey, you can't beat that Rogue, either?

Who said that? That guy...

Okay, to be honest, he's damn strong.

On top of that, the dragon he's riding is a pain in the ass.


Are all dragons that violent?

There's a fire one, a rock one... even Zirconis...

I almost got eaten back there.

Eaten, huh?


That's it!

I got a great idea!

I found a way to beat 'im!



There's no end to 'em!

They just keep comin'!

I can't believe I didn't make the cut in the Sky Labyrinth preliminary round of the Games.

But I'm finally getting the chance to take the spotlight!


That was awesome, girl!

Remember me-dechi! I'm with Twilight Ogre.

I'm the idol of fire and ice, Mattan Ginger-chan-dechi!

Twilight Ogre... They're fighting, too?!

Don't stand there in a daze, Romeo! You're a Man, aren't ya?!


Iron Dragon Club!

Dammit! This one's got a tough hide!

Crap! I'm separated from everyone...

Can't... move my leg...

Guess I did push myself too far... Dammit...

Hey, Erza! Take a break like Cana told you!

Nothing to worry about! I'm fine. No problem!

I never let myself show any weakness...

Even though I know that's not strength...

Is this the end of the line?

The way you look, you'll be lucky if you can stand up.

I may be poking my nose in where it's not wanted, but can I give you a hand?



Are you doing a cheesecake photo sh**t, Princess?

No, this is an emergency! Can you whip up some clothes?

You're charming this way.

You don't need clothes.


Look, we're in the middle of a battle...

Then how about this? It's trending in the Celestial Spirit World.

This will have him crying with delight.

At this point, anything is fine.

Lucy! I can't wait around anymore. I'm goin' on ahead!

It won't take long to change! Wait for me!

Don't do it, Natsu!

Girls always take forever to shop and get dressed!

I know, I know!

Okay, see ya later!


See you again.

What is this outfit? It's a pain to put on...

You said you're in the middle of a battle, so I chose something appropriate for that.

You do things your own way too much!

I'm terribly sorry.

Is this really gonna work?!

Leave it to me! I'll manage somehow!


He really came up with an insane strategy this time.

Shall I punish him?

But I still always expect Natsu to do something.

He is someone you frolicked with in the nude.

I did not!


What's my notebook doing here?

Since it was tossed away, it must be full of your embarrassing secrets, Princess.

It is not! But that's strange... Why would it be here?

Oh... This is...

...the notebook of the future me?!

Natsu! What's your plan to beat the future Rogue?

Wait and see!

That's what you say, but I bet you really don't have a plan, as usual!

"As usual"! Is that how you think of me?!

Well, have you ever given anything serious thought?

E-Even I've given serious thought once... Huh? I must've... Huh?

Next time: Person and Person, Dragon and Dragon, Person and Dragon!

I'm tellin' you, this time I've got a real plan!

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