07x202 - Welcome Back, Frosch

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x202 - Welcome Back, Frosch

Post by bunniefuu »

It looks wonderful on you, sir!

How can I put it? It seems a little old-fashioned.

Fro thinks so, too!

Then how about this?

Nice. Do you have the same design but in a warmer color?

I certainly do!

I see. And I love the silky feeling of the material.

Do we have a sale?

But it doesn't really fit my image, come to think of it.

I think it suits you!

Frosch, what do you... think?

Uh... Frosch? Huh?

Where are you, Frosch?!


You know, I'm still excited from the Grand Magic Games!

Now that you mention it, Sabertooth really changed since then.

That's true. Before, Gemma put skill before everything,

and ruled with fear, so everyone was always on edge...

But now, everyone's smiling, right?

Since Sting became their new master.

Thanks to that, the mood of this town, the home of Sabertooth, has much improved.

You can say that again.

But Sting is acting weird today.


He looks somber, as if possessed by Gemma himself.

We make the heavens roar, the earth boil, and the sea silent.

That is Sabertooth.

Take off your clothes.

All right. As you wish...

Because our pool's completed!


You're a little too excited, Sting.

I have no memory of feeling this good.

I bet nobody ever thought of having a pool in their guild hall before!

Hey, Sting-san!

Certainly, I have no memory of such a guild.

We're the only guild with a pool!

Is something wrong, Master?

No, nothing.

Here we go! German suplex!

Cut it out!

Jeez, is that guy rowdy...

Gray-sama in a swimsuit is dreamy, too!

It's hardly any different than usual.

This feels good, doesn't it, Carla?

Is it okay for everyone to just take the day off like this?

If there were only fish in this pool, it'd be perfect!

Swimming is also a good way to build up strength.

Looks like it was a good idea to build a pool in the guild hall.


We are the only guild with a pool, right?

As far as I recall, let's say...

Here! Here!

Knock it off. Are you a little kid?


Sting-kun! I mean Master!

Forget about the "Master" thing, Lector. What's the panic about?

W-We've got an emergency!

W-While we were shopping, Frosch disappeared on me!



What?! Lector! How could that happen when he was with you?!

I-I'm sorry! I only took my eyes off of him for a minute...

Hey, Rogue! Blaming Lector is barking up the wrong tree!

Let me tell you, Frosch... has no sense of direction!

That's not Lector's fault!

Oh, yeah?!


Both of you, this is no time for fighting!

We have to search for Frosch-sama!

Welcome Home, Frosch!

You got separated from Frosch around here?

Yes! It's so crowded that I lost sight of him right away.


Frosch! Where are you?!


I tried asking around before,

but in this crowd, it was hard to even search for a witness...

Don't worry! We'll find him for sure.

Huh? Over there, is that...?

This is a nice piece of work.

Reasonably priced for such fine weapons, eh, shopkeeper?

Well, they're both old and ceremonial.

From blade to handle, it's all made out of iron, too heavy to use as a w*apon...

You're eating it?!


Hey! Have you seen Frosch around here?!

Watch the paws, pipsqueak! You tryin' to start somethin'?!

S-Sorry! Actually...

Frosch is lost, yes!

Frosch? That frog?

He's a cat!

An Exceed, to be precise.

But I see. He's lost eh?

Actually, I saw him about ten minutes ago at that park around the corner.

We owe you one!


U-Um, thank you!

Jeez, what a ruckus...



How about this one, Carla?

No, no, that's too flashy for you, Wendy.

Not me, for Cheria!

Oh, that's who it's for!

What do you think?

Yeah, I can see it looking good on Cheria. She can fill it out.

I know, right?


Where are you?!

Huh? Saber members!

What's all the shouting about?

Wendy-sama! Carla-sama!

Good timing!

Thank you for your help at the Grand Magic Games.

We were enemies, remember?

Um, could we ask you something?

Hey! Have you seen Frosch around here?!

Dial it down a little when you're talking to a girl!



Yes. The cat that wears a frog costume.

I saw him over there a little while ago.

Thank you! Let's go, Rogue!

Thank you very much!

You know, you're truly beautiful, Carla, yes!

This sensation... The premonition of a romantic rival?

What are you talking about, Happy?

What was that?

I don't know...

Men! What do you think of this?

Um, I don't know if I would wear it like that...


Answer us!


Doesn't look like he's here.

He probably went to another place already.

I'm sure Frosch is wandering from place to place, looking for us.

I bet he's terribly lonely...

Get a hold of yourself, Rogue!

What's the trouble, Saber members?

You're from Blue Pegasus!


Hey! Have you seen...

Don't suddenly slug people!

Sorry, I wasn't thinking!

Not at all. It was an eye-opening blow.

You recovered quick!

Why are you in a swimsuit?

It's a not-so-subtle sign that he's a big deal!

Actually, Frosch-sama is missing...

I know the answer to that!


Right here! Fresh!

Well, we're in a hurry... so excuse us.

Frosch! Where are you?!


There are so many people that I can't even catch his scent...

Look! Over there!

There he is! Frosch!

Thank goodness!


W-Wait! Squish?


What the hell are you doin'?!

I-I didn't mean... I'm sorry, Yukino...

I-It's okay...

Wait a second. Take a closer look.

He's looking at a map.

That's right. He's trying to get back to the guild hall on his own. Under his own power!

I think we should harden our hearts and just watch Frosch, for his own sake!

Frosch returning to the guild hall on his own?

That's impossible, yes.

I know he can do it!

Anyway, let's watch him for the time being.


He's starting to walk!

He's heading in the right direction.

There you go, Frosch!

He got distracted!

He can't do this.

Hang in there, Frosch!

That carriage is out of control!


That carriage is out of control!

An empty carriage...!

It's heading for Frosch!

But if we intervene, Frosch's efforts will come to naught.

I'll do something without alerting him to our presence!

Come to think of it...

Yeah. Even in an emergency like this, our motion sickness is still in play.

Won't let this beat me... when Frosch is doing his best!

I've gotta do my best, too...



Is Frosch...

He's safe.



Huh? I thought you were a kitty-cat, but you're a frog?

Fro thinks so, too!

No, wait. He's so charming!


Fro thinks so, too!

I see, I see!

Actually, ever since he was little, Frosch has thought of himself as a frog.

And when he found out that wasn't the case, he cried for three days straight, yes.

What a spirited little guy!


Poor Frosch-sama!

Would you come home with me?


Kagura-chan, you like frogs?

No, I... just want to have a little sister...


I can't hold back anymore!


Wait. There's something strange...

But that wouldn't be good.

This little one is the partner of Rogue from Sabertooth.

Millianna, be honest. You want her too, don't you?

You see through me?

Now that I look closely, I see he's a kitty-cat wearing a frog costume!

I want him, too!

I won't let you have her.

Kagura-chan, are you serious?

Dead serious.

If this keeps up, we'll have to kick the winner's ass.

In other words, Kagura will be our opponent.

Kagura-sama is strong.


Are you frightened?

Instead of deciding by a fight, let's ask him who he wants to be with.

That's not a bad idea.

He's gone!

Hey! We lost sight of Frosch, too!

Let's hurry up and look for him!


Look at this guy!

A frog! An unusual kinda frog!


I ain't never seen a frog like this before!

Isn't it a cat?

Whatever, as long as it's cute!

It's still rare!

Who are you?

Hey, he's surrounded by obviously shady punks.

I think he's in trouble!

Let's catch him!

Maybe we can sell him for a lot!

Come on, hop into this cage!


You're not gonna help him?

Don't run away!

He's fast!

That's my Frosch!

I think it's just by chance.


S-So quick...

I'm exhausted...

I don't believe it...

Fro thinks so, too!

What's this?

You worthless slobs!

Why are you havin' such a hard time?

You can't even catch a single frog?

Who are you?


Good to see ya!

Jeez, damn noobs!

You're not worthy of being called a frog trader!

More of them!

These are some weird people...

What the hell are frog traders?

Prepare yourself. I'm gonna catch you.

I think he really is in trouble.

There's no choice. I'd better...

What is this?!

Huh?! I caught somethin' else!

Hi there! If it ain't Frosch!


What are you doing here?

Don't get in our way!


Wait, frog!

Let me go!



Why do you keep snagging me?!

What the hell are you doin'?!

W-What should we do?

When Natsu-san shows up, it's like a natural disaster.

We have to let him run his course.


All right! I don't know what this is, but I'm fired up!

I'll clobber all y'all!

Save some for me! Gate of the Centaur, I open thee!


Did anyone call for a rain of arrows, as it were-moshimoshi?


You got me!

Brilliant Flame of the Fire Dragon!


T-That was cruel...

Hey, what are we gonna do about all this property damage?

What? We'll pay to fix it with the reward for the job we're goin' on!

H-He took it this far?

That's Natsu-san for you! He always goes full blast! So cool!

Boy, talk about a last-minute save! But...

Huh? Where's Frosch?

He's gone!

Where'd he go?



That's the little guy from Saber...




What are you doing here?


And all by yourself, that's impressive!

Fro thinks so, too!

W-Why all of a sudden...?!

What's wrong?

The truth is, I'm lost!


Is it about time we help him?



I... I have faith in Frosch.

I'm sure he'll make it back to the guild hall alone!

If you say so...

Where's your guild hall? I'll walk you there.

Gray-sama, you're so kind!

Fro will go back alone!

I always get lost,

but I want to be able to go home on my own.

Fro is a member of Sabertooth, too, so... look!

Besides, I have a feeling Rogue is cheering me on.


I see. Do your best.

Fro thinks so, too!

Maybe Frosch has grown up a bit.

It's moving.

Wipe that smug look off your face, jackass!


He's chasing after a butterfly!

No, Frosch! Go back to the guild hall!

There are lots of temptations in town, huh?


Well, I guess we'll just have to keep trailing after him.

Now he's meeting Erza-san!

Maybe he's asking her for directions.

That's the way, Frosch! Ask her!

It looks like she understands what he's saying!

By the way, what did you buy?

A matching set. Wanna try it on?

A matching set?

Maybe he was going here and there looking for it.

I love the color and it's so cute. This is wonderful!

I bet Rogue will be happy with it, too.

Fro thinks so, too!


Are you gonna wear that?

He's on his way!

All right! Attaboy, Frosch!

Wow, watching him do his first whatever is kind of moving.


Keep at it, Frosch!

Fro is going back to the guild hall...

I'm gonna go back home alone...

Seriously?! He's sleeping as he walks!

Good luck, Frosch!


Frosch... You made it all this way on your own...

I wanna run out there right now...

I made it!

...and then say this...

This isn't it!

Fro thinks so, too...

Oh, billiards! That looks like fun!

Natsu, do you know the rules of billiards?

Don't underestimate me! I know the rules!

You start with a break shot, right?

Yeah. That's true, but...

Break! In other words, you just gotta crush the balls! And I'm good at that!

Natsu, that's not what it means.

Next time: Moulin Rouge!

What?! Then what are you supposed to destroy?!

Maybe your misconception?
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