07x203 - Moulin Rouge

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x203 - Moulin Rouge

Post by bunniefuu »


It's gleaming!

What's goin' on here?

It was a gift from a grateful client.

An old man who loves his billiards.

After the job, we went to collect the reward and ended up playing a while.

He got me hooked on it.

Huh. So this table is in lieu of a reward?

No. We got the reward, too.

But he wanted us to put it here so everyone can enjoy it.

That's one generous dude!


All right, here I go!

So why strip for it?

I'm fired up!

You'd take off your clothes, fired up or not!

Jeez, shut up already. I'm tryin' to focus here.

Just like with magic, if you don't concentrate, it won't turn out well.

Gray-sama sh**ting pool is dreamy, too!

Huh. Of course.

My romantic rival!

Okay, watch this.

I love that sound. "Crack!"

I know! Juvia wants to be that ball!

You knock 'em right in!



Impressive, right?

You're really good, Gray-san!

Anybody could fall in love watching this.

This is the man Juvia loves!

And this ends it...

Well, that's how you sh**t pool.

That was cool!

I couldn't take my eyes off of it!

P-Please do it one more time!

That was great! I kind of see you in a new light.

It's not that hard if you can get the knack.

My romantic rival...

All right! I'm up next!

Natsu-san, I don't think you're holding it right.

There are all kinds of other things you could say, too.

You've never played billiards before?

Nope! But I know what to do after watchin' him.

It doesn't look like it...

Natsu, do you get it? The idea is to knock the balls into the holes.

Yeah, I get it, so pitch the ball already! But no curves now!

That's a totally different sport...

Well, as long as he has a good time, what's the harm?

That's my Gray-sama! You're a mature adult!

I get the feeling we should back up.

Here I go, Natsu! Remember, it's par !


Second pitch! The bases are loaded with two outs!


Guess I should've expected this...

Gray-sama, poke me with your cue stick next!

No way.

Natsu, you didn't even get one in!

This is tough! Gotta be a trick to it.

You could start by learning the rules!

What's the ruckus? I could hear you from upstairs.

This time for sure!

S-Sorry, Erza...

This ball...

It's a billiard ball. Wanna try, Erza?

Billiards, huh?

Have you ever done it, Erza?


A long time ago...

Moulin Rouge!

Listen. You hit this white ball

to knock the numbered balls into the pockets in order.

The person who sinks the nine ball first is the winner.

It may be a tad difficult for you, Miss.

I see.

I understand the rules. Shall we begin?

Just 'cause you know the rules don't mean you can suddenly do it.


Transformation Magic?!

She's a wizard?!

Erza Scarlet is here!

But what's with the bunny outfit?!

Who cares?

A white ball... It's just like a holy woman who knows no sin.

What's she sayin'?

The pure thoughts residing in my bosom, strike out at evil! Take that!

The balls are in pieces!

What is this woman?!

Dangerous, for sure!

Honestly... These balls lacked spirit.

But I destroyed seven of them.

You don't get the rules after all!

A menace! This woman's a menace!

Two left, eh? I bet I can take them out with one more strike.

You wanna break them, too?!

What's someone who doesn't even know the rules doing in a pool hall in the first place?!

I'm glad you asked. I was so into destroying these balls that I almost forgot.

Into destroying the balls...

I heard the caramel mousse here was out of this world. I think I'll have some now.



What's that?

You don't want to give it away?

It was featured in a special magazine article on sweets.

So don't play dumb with me.

The sweets shop is next door!

Can't you tell by the interior?!

I beg your pardon.

Ah, that's okay.

Still, you're damn strong.

Why not stay a while and play?

Hey, wait a second... That crest...

The wizard guild, Fairy Tail!

H-Hey. That's right, but there's no need to be that scared.

Stay away from me!

I'm sorry! I'll never do it again!

Please have mercy! It's my daughter's birthday today!

What's this about?

I've got five kids! Forgive me!

Y-You're a comrade of Moulin Rouge, right?

Moulin Rouge? Who's that?

Like you don't know!

I really don't know.

Tell me. Who is this Moulin Rouge?

A bandit who's been targeting this area.

Only recently came to this continent.

A bandit, you say?

One who's terrorizing us!

Yeah, a real holy terror! Got a partner named Sonny, apparently.

They just suddenly appeared one day.

Five days ago, to commit a train robbery...

But that wasn't enough for 'em.

They robbed a bank four days ago.

I'm scared!

That one's a hellraiser!

Wait a second. I don't remember hearing about either crime in the last few days.

That's what they said, so it must be so, but I don't wanna know the details!

Already, several people have tried to take 'em down.

But all of 'em got wiped out.

I was robbed, too!

Nobody here is strong enough to take 'em!

I never been so scared in my life!

You could've always gone to Fairy Tail directly to air your grievances.

N-Not on your life! That guild harbors a monster!

One wrong word and he might call on his friends to wipe our town off the map!

That's right! They're notorious!

I hear they hit towns like a natural disaster while on the job.

I hear they're on the Council's blacklist.

I hear new wizards join up every year, making them even more powerful.

None of you are wrong, but it's complicated...

But wait, check me out.

Do I look that ferocious? I'm wearing a bunny outfit.

You do look ferocious!

I mean, look at that...

Who crushes billiard balls into dust?

No bunny I've ever seen!

My apologies.

Anyway, if they're backed by one of the biggest guilds on the continent,

we can't do a thing against 'em!

This is unforgivable!

They claim the name of Fairy Tail and leave your town a shambles?

S-Something doesn't add up.

You're tellin' me Moulin Rouge ain't a Fairy Tail wizard?

Of course not!

Where is this foolish upstart, Moulin Rouge?

P-Probably at the sweets shop next door!

If you're really with Fairy Tail, lower the boom on 'em!

That goes without saying!


Uh... A bunny?

I really wanna order sweets here, but I gotta hold back...


This is a cute outfit. I'm borrowing it so I can get close to the bandit.

You can have that one. It's one-of-a-kind. Cute, right?

I certainly look the part. Now I'm ready for an undercover investigation.

If we really have to switch, I'd prefer the bunny outfit...

What the hell is this crap?! It's sweet!

Th-That's what you ordered...

Like I can eat somethin' this sweet?!

B-But this is a sweets shop...

What are "sweets"?

Like desserts...

Shut up! I hate desserts!

Hey, are you givin' me the high hat?

No... I would never...

Are you Moulin Rouge?

What the hell do you want?

Are you Moulin Rouge, tramp?

What the hell do you want?

The bunny is picking a fight!

I'm scared!

If you don't got business with me, shove off!

I hear you're a Fairy Tail wizard.

That's right. Now who are you?

You go to a sweets shop, complain you don't like desserts...

Are you planning a dine and dash?

Don't tell me you're tryin' to start a fight with a Fairy Tail wizard?

You sure you want to? Bring your friends, and I'll mop the floor with all of you.

Start a fight? I would ask you the exact same question.

Because anyone who picks a fight with Fairy Tail had better have a farewell note written.

What the...?! Where'd you get that big-ass sword?!

A fight!

Did she even need to wear that outfit?

I didn't even get a chance to have the caramel mousse!

Sounds like trouble out front.

Maybe they've started.

The young lady from before?

So the real deal is finally on to me.

Have you decided on any last words?

Don't make me laugh. There's no way you can catch...

...the lightning-quick Moulin Rouge!

She's fast!

Take that!

What do you think? Interesting outfit, right?

You bitch!

See ya!


You'll pay for this!

You pissed me off.

By the time I'm done, there won't be a shred of you left in this world.


She's off her rocker!


W-What the...?!

Something crashed through the wall!

Don't tell me...

It is! That woman from before!

And that's...

...Moulin Rouge!

Don't bring her here!

Stand up. I'm just getting started.

Take it outside!

I was careless. You're not too shabby.

Careful! Moulin Rouge is an expert quick draw!

Is that so? An expert, eh? Draw, then.

What's this, a duel between a sword and a g*n?

I'm the fastest draw on this continent.

Can that thin sword protect you?

You talk too much. Quit wasting time and have at me.

Okay, but this is going to be very unpleasant. You've been warned.

Die, tramp!


She deflected the b*ll*ts with her sword?!

She's a menace! A real menace!

I-Impossible... Gotta be some kind of prank...



That one...

The ball went into the pocket!

You don't think she did that...

A quick draw expert, eh? What a load of crap.

Now try and stop me.

What are you, a monster?!

End of the line.

Go ahead, fire. But my sword will run you through before that b*llet leaves the chamber.


I'm sorry!

Moulin Rouge admitted defeat!

That's no ordinary woman!

Although we kind of pegged her for a monster early on...


Falsely claiming to be a member of Fairy Tail is a serious crime.

I'm an immigrant...

What kind of excuse is that?

I couldn't find any work on this continent...

Not being able to find work is no justification for becoming a bandit.

Without stealing, I wouldn't have been able to survive!

Look at my clothes! It's not like I'm living high on the hog!

Sonny's sick, and all the money I stole went for his medicine.

Moulin Rouge... You're actually good at heart.

I'm moved to tears!

She's really had it rough.

I'm sorry! Please, I won't do anything bad again.

Let me go. Without me... Without me, Sonny will...


Thank you...


Good for you, Moulin Rouge!

Like I'd just let you go, dumbass?!

I don't care about the stealing or sh**ting,

but nobody falsely claims to be a member of Fairy Tail, whatever the reason!

Right down the line, it's unforgivable. Absolutely unforgivable!

We have pride in our guild.

The crest I bear is no ornament.

It's a sign of family...

Of the vow I took to share my fate with comrades and to put my life on the line.

If someone tramples upon our sacred vow...

...whether they be saint or sinner, I'll give them a taste of steel.

Don't k*ll me! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

That's what a guild is. Don't forget it.


If you want work, come to Fairy Tail anytime.


My real name is Bisca! Bisca Mulan!

What's your name?

Erza. Erza Scarlet.


She's cool, isn't she, Sonny?

Sonny is a mouse?!

The place is trashed!

Guess I'll just send a bill to Fairy Tail...

We're back!

Hi. Done with the job already?

Welcome home!

Check this out!

Huh, a pool table. Where'd we get it?

Sheesh, do I have to go through it again?

It was a gift from a client.

An old man who loves his billiards...

Wow! Look at all the balls!

They're all numbered, right?

The idea is to knock them into the holes in order.

You know a lot about it, too, Happy.

So you do know the rules...

Carla, let's try it, too!

Do you remember how to play?


Does it bring back any memories?

Erza-san, do you really know how to play?

You didn't know?

I've never seen you do it as long as I've been a member here.

Is that right? Come to think of it...

Hey, what are you guys talking about?

I guess... we're talking about what a warm place this is...

Well, that's about the size of it.

That rain won't stop...

How many days has it been?

It's your fault!

It's your fault, jackass!

You clammy rat!

You slithering bastard!

Both of you, knock it off! You're annoying me!

Gray started it!

No, Natsu did!

Who's that?

Do we know her?

Don't ask me!

So you came. I've been waiting for you.

Thanks, Erza-san.

I was hoping I could get something to eat here.

I see. What happened to your sick partner, Sonny?

You were pulling jobs to get money for his medicine, right?

Yes, well... most of those stories were...

Eat it while it's hot. It's good. Mira's special recipe.


How is it?


Are you a friend of Erza's?

Mira-chan's pot-au-feu is delicious, right?

What's wrong? It's not to your taste?

Um... C-Can I get work here?


Oh, you're a wizard!

Are you strong?!

First, we need to test you! A match!

She is strong. I can vouch for that.


I'm fired up!

After you're done eating, get yourself one of these!

This crest ain't just some decoration!

A sign of family...

Come on, I'll introduce you to the master.

A new comrade!

Shall we have a match?

Sure. It's been a long time.

Huh? You can play billiards?

Just watch me.

Okay, banking. This'll determine who goes first.

It's like they were born for it!

Their form is beautiful!

Both of you, do your best!

You're cool, Mama!

Let's go!


Lucy's makin' a racket. What's she doin'?

She said she's busy preparing for the Celestial Spirits' reception.


They helped her a lot during the Grand Magic Games,

so she wants to show her gratitude.

I see. Okay, then what do you say we give her a hand?

Sure, but it looks like trouble is brewing...

Next time: Lives on the Line for the Reception!

Is this what you do at a reception?!

I'm starting to worry for my own safety...
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