Between Dog and Wolf (2020)

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History/Civil Wars, Cold w*r, WWI, WWII, Rebellions, Revolutions and more! w*r movies collection.
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Between Dog and Wolf (2020)

Post by bunniefuu »

Oh Fatherland, we shall never forget

the heroes of the fourth of February

Oh Fatherland, we salute your sons

who died for our independence

We honor the past and our history

Through our work we build the New Man

We honor the past and our history

Through our work we build the New Man

Forward, Angola! People's Revolution!

A united country, freedom

One people, one nation

Forward, Angola! People's Revolution!

A united country, freedom

One people, one nation

Let us raise our liberated voices

to the glory of the people of Africa

We shall march Angolan fighters

in solidarity with the oppressed

We shall fight proudly for peace

Along with the progressive
forces of the world

Forward, Angola! People's Revolution!

A united country, freedom

One people, one nation


If they were to s*ab you in the stomach?


And there...

Miguel, if they threw
the machete in your face?


You can also hold it like this...

It's nasty

Alright, ready

Grab it by the tip

Toss it over there with the rest

Pass me that one

Ok, let it go

Work on that one

When you deactivate a landmine
the first thing you need is courage

Because it's better that
you die than your troops

So what happens?

When you start

you have to poke it with
the tip of your cane


You can't push it too hard

Because if it's a landmine, it goes off

You have to poke it and push

Touch is very important for detection

If there is a rock, there is a mine

And you go back on your own footsteps

The first duty of a revolutionary

is to defend the homeland

We must keep this struggle going

Continue the work of the revolution

Some men fight one day and they are good

Some fight for twenty
days and they are better

But some of us fight our whole life

and we are indispensable

Glass may crack but men die on their feet

One, two, three Vietnams

One hundred years of struggle

One Revolution

Fatherland or Death!

We will win!

They all leave

No, not all of them leave

When a woman leaves you it
means she doesn't love you

That's logical

I have never cried in front of a woman

You cried so hard

that rivers of tears flowed
down from the mountains

I didn't cry

Miguel, how are your legs?

Ready to continue

That's the plan

Esteban, don't let it burn!

Miguel, you can also grab him by the neck

He is teaching you one technique,
but you try to do it your way

Let him go

Twist him


Pin him down Miguel

Grab his leg and twist it

Come on Miguel, grab his feet

Grab his leg, twist it

There you go

There you go

You see?

His foot, Miguel

Try to turn it around

Don't squeeze me that way, man

This is only a training, f*ck

Come on

Absolutely not

No, no, don't do it anymore

Never let yourself be dominated

He is teaching you, but don't
let yourself be dominated

Ok, enough, let's try a different one

Come on, let's train. Come on!

We shouldn't get angry about this

This is just an exercise,
none of us should get angry

Miguel can't be so docile with you

Because you are using too much force

Come on, let's try a different one

That doesn't involve grappling

Let's try…

The eyes, for example

No, that one is worse

There, there...

It was an accident

Come on

I put my foot down the wrong way


You have to blind your enemy
because this is your only chance

We'll put it in a splint for you

Or we're gonna cut your leg off

Won't be the cure worse than the disease?

Come on! You haven't brushed your teeth yet

I'm going to wash them

Santana, this guy needs more than
ten blades to shave his legs

He shaves his legs, men

She's pretty

She looks like a frog

Since she is pretty, she must stay pretty

Buy a razor blade to shave your whole body

I'll buy one for the mules

What he needs is to be shaved with sand

Sand is what he needs

He looks like a stuffed pig

f*ck you, both

My medals got wet, everything got wet!

I'm leaving this platoon, man

Take that!

Water snake!

Take that!

You shouldn't have done that

Whats that?

I earned them with great
sacrifice, f*ck you

Looks like a little bonbon

Oh! So beautiful!

This is finished

Hey, wash your clothes, they stink

You, m*therf*cker

When we came into the base

the huts were engulfed in flames

I heard...

over the radio, a baby crying and crying...

I checked the where the
sound was coming from

And I headed there…

When I entered the hut...

I saw the baby lying in his crib

But I decided...

Suddenly, a chill ran up my spine

And I decided not to pick up the baby

Minutes later, other comrades came up

A comrade entered into the hut

Because he also heard the baby screaming

As he picked up the baby...

we felt the blast

And it was the baby

There was an invisible wire...

tied to a Claymore mine hidden
somewhere in the hut

They all were blown to pieces

We went back...

all of us to pick up what was left...

of our comrade, who...

tears running down our faces

Because if he would have made
the same decision I had...

he wouldn't have died

But he followed his conscience,
he had to save the child

And it was a mistake

Look at that, who is over there?

You call yourselves guerrilla fighters...

but I never saw you fighting when I was
part of the revolution

You won't get anything in
return from it, in my opinion

I don't see any improvement


I have been doing
this for a long time now

And I want to tell you...

I still haven't run my course

And I am still a guerrilla

I won't change your mind,
everyone has different principles

You have your own ideas, and I have mine

But no one can take away my ideas

The truth is...

either way you look at it...

what we did is done, we didn't
ask for anything in return

But we must keep going

We should share what we have...

and continue onward, my friend

If they help us it's fine, if not it's
their problem, not ours

Our only duty is to continue

Loose stones must be swept from dirt paths

If you see me again...

Do you really think...

when this guerrilla w*r
you are fighting is over...

do you think that you will get something
back from this “new” revolution?

We only went to the Popular
Republic of Angola...

to bring proletarian internationalism
to other countries

Fighting the revolution we asked for
nothing in return, we fought for an ideal

That's what we stand for

But I started before
you and what did I get?

But you got soft

No I didn't

Yes, you should have
continued like the rest of us

We took up arms and continued

Are you ok?

I don't know, my friend


we never stopped being guerrilla fighters

We must keep making guerrilla w*r

It's just that I have been to hell
and I don't want to go back there again

We must keep moving forward always

Where are you Bellaco?

At this moment I remember many things...

when you proposed I come along...

all the tensions involved
in the preparations

One day they asked...

who should be notified in case of death...

and the real possibility of
that fact affected us all

Later we knew it was true...

that in a revolution one wins or dies...

if it is a real one

Many comrades fell along the way to victory

Today everything has a
less dramatic tone...

because we are more mature,
but the event repeats itself

I feel that I have fulfilled
the part of my duty...

that tied me to the Cuban
revolution in its territory...

and I say farewell to you...

to the comrades, to your people,
who now are mine as well

What's wrong?

Miguel, are you leaving us?

Santana, let me tell you something...

I'm leaving

You can't go

Alberto, please don't beg me,
you are my brother

You are my friend and my father

But when I say let me go, just let me go

I know why I'm doing this, let me go

With everything that is still left to do?
How can you leave?

Yes I know dammit

Don't you remember when we were in Angola?

The mission must be accomplished

And it was



I don't know if I'm coming back,
will you wait for me?”

So what did we do? Huh!?

We looked after each other




You served in Africa, too?



In Jamba, in Angola

How did you return home?

On the ship Leonid Sobinov

What year?

In 1984

I was your replacement

I came back to Cuba on that same ship,
but I left on a plane

Yes, I left in a plane, too

All those mountain ranges had landslides

And your people seem tired

You can't pass through there

The rain has destroyed all
of the paths around here

It would be crazy



Article 80.

Tributes paid to deceased veterans represent a
public showing and a high respect for the dignity

the prestige and the honor
of each fallen soldier

Therefore, wherever the corpse
or the ashes are displayed...

the Cuban flag must be placed on the
top of the coffin, over the grave

His medals will be displayed
next to the coffin

the medals received in his career as a
revolutionary combatant will be displayed there

A floral offering to the combatants
will also be laid out

Before the coffin comes out...

an honor guard made up of the members of this
association, comrades and the relatives will be created

This is all in terms of the tributes paid
in the funeral of our deceased combatants

Members of this association

All in favor, please raise your hand

Ok, it passes

If anyone wants to propose or to discuss something
spoken about here, please raise your hand

I wanted to say that...

we fought, like others did in Escambray,
Playa Girón and Sierra Maestra

We gave our lives in exchange for nothing

It doesn't mean that I'm asking
for something in return,

because many of us have received some
help already, I just think that...

all ex-combatants should be taken into
consideration, because everyone here is in need

They should take care of us. We don't want
things for free, just for whats fair

To have some help according to our needs

But I don't want anything for free

I put my life at risk for this revolution,
because I'm a revolutionary...

and I die for this country

I agree with comrade Estebita

If it hurts, it hurts, and if a comrade
is in need, we must find a solution

We must speak out about it

That is why we must always be
soldiers and revolutionaries

We are based on the rules and the
ethical principles of the revolution

Because we will never
let down the revolution

It's true that nowadays we have some
veterans whose situation is critical

Who don't live well

Some of them don't even receive any
allowance because of health problems

They are in a critical situation

Some of the veterans received help, but not all of
them, since there are thousands in the whole country

Friend! It is His word that gives us life,
only through God we can reach Heaven.

Come to the feet of Jesus Christ,
we are inviting you, come!

We are inviting you, Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord

He is the only way, come to the feet of
Jesus Christ, Hallelujah.

The end the times are
near, Praise the Lord!

The bible tells us about the
wars that are coming, Hallelujah.

Praise the Lord, we are inviting you, come to the
feet of Jesus Christ, Praise the Lord, Hallelujah

We are inviting you to the worship service,
come to feet of Jesus Christ, Hallelujah!


I was given the order to guide a platoon


We had to go on a mission...

so I left the base

My work was to deactivate landmines,
and I came across one

When I found it, I saw
it was a dangerous one...

and I tried to deactivate it

I hadn't seen my son yet;
he was born when I was there

My first son

Seeing how dangerous it was, I told myself:

I won't ever see my son

I went to a very bad place

Maybe a nervous breakdown, maybe...

It was so bad that they sent another
soldier to do my job, I couldn't do it

I couldn't do it, I failed

I wasn't strong enough to do it,
I couldn't do it

My emotions didn't let me finish

I wanted to see...

I knew how hard the mission was,
but I also wanted to meet my first son

That hurt a lot

I couldn't be a man

It still hurts a lot

I'm sitting on the top of the world

I'm standing in the deepest river

I'm sitting on the top of the world

I'm standing in the deepest abyss

At night, at the well, you
can hear a grieving soul

At night, at the well, you can
hear a grieving soul

Begging for light for this
spirit trapped in darkness

So we can find the best
way to leave this world

Begging for light for this
spirit trapped in darkness

So we can find the best
way to leave this world

I'm sitting on the top of the world

I'm standing in the deepest river

I'm sitting on the top of the world

I'm standing in the deepest abyss

One day the pilgrims knocked at my door,
asking where she lived

One day the pilgrims knocked at my door,
asking where she lived

She is buried at Sabra Plain, where the
cities that they ordered to be burned are

She is buried at Sabra Plain, where the
cities that they ordered to be burned are

You will climb the mountain

The old mountain...

of white stone

On the other side you will find a river
of bright and transparent water

The heavy rain will fall over you,
it is a good sign

It is a signal that you
are on the right track

At the end of it you will find a forest
full of birds that sing like Sirens

Do not let yourself be fooled by this,
go to the next mountain

When you reach the second one, you will
be convinced that this is the place...

and you will not want to come down
or return ever again

Let's go

Brother, love your brother


Don't look at the color of his skin

Look he is just an Angolan

Angolan, love your brother


The word of order is unity


The word of order is unity

Because with the good
people of Angola united

Our independence will come

Because with the good
people of Angola united

Colonialism won't last

Brother, love your brother

Don't look at the color of his skin

Look he is just an Angolan

Angolan, love your brother


The word of order is unity


The word of order is unity

Because with the good
people of Angola united

Our independence will come

Because with the good
people of Angola united

Colonialism won't last
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