01x10 - Two-Face Part I

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Batman: The Animated Series". Aired: September 5, 1992 – September 15, 1995.*
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Based on the DC comics, The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.
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01x10 - Two-Face Part I

Post by bunniefuu »




Harvey Dent.

No! Keep away!

Leave me alone!


Where are you going, Harvey?

You can't get away from me.


See what I mean?

Stay away.
I want no part of you.


Stop it!
Stop it, I said.

It's time, Harvey.

It's time.


It's time, Harvey.

It's time.

Oh, Carlos.

It's you.

- Are you okay, Harvey?
- Yeah.

I must've fallen asleep.

I had a bad dream.

Well, you better wake up.

Gordon called.
They started the raid.

Let's go.


This is Police Commissioner Gordon.

We have you surrounded.

Come out with your hands up,
and no one will get hurt.

Count hard, Gordon!

Hey, Jim. How's it going?

(g*n FIRES)

Could be better.

Sir, the SWAT team is in place.

All right,
but wait for my order.

THUG 1: This oughta blow a hole
in their little barricade.

Help me get it up to the window.

THUG 2: Hey!
They're starting to move.

THUG 1: Let 'em try.

There ain't nobody
that can get in here alive.



Oh, Frankie.

All units, stand by.

Get ready.




Hold your fire.

THUG 1: It's him!
THUG 2: It's him! Watch out!


What's going on in there?

Looks like they've got
a case of bat infestation.

- We give up.
- Let us out.

- Help.
- Get me out of here.

As your District Attorney,
I would like to commend

Commissioner Gordon
and his men for their fine work.

And thank you.

Mr. Dent, is it true that you were
the one who planned this raid?

Yes, and I'm glad to say
that another one of Rupert Thorne's

criminal rings has now been broken.


As I stated in my re-election campaign,

I will not rest until Gotham City

has been de-Thorned
once and for all.


You talk big, pretty boy.

But you ain't gonna be
when Mr. Thorne gets through with you.

He chews up and spits out
creeps like you for breakfast.

All right.
That's enough out of you.




You little weasel,
I'll tear you apart.

Help! Get him off.
He's crazy.

Someone get him off me.

Hey, give me some help here.

Kick mud in my face, will ya?



Get a hold of yourself.

Jim, I...


Come on.
You don't need this kind of publicity.

The guy's a maniac.

He's the one
who should be going to jail.

What in the name of heaven
did you think you were doing?

I don't know.

I guess
he just pressed the right button.

That's one heck of a button.

REPORTER: Well, it was
another wild night in East Gotham.

As police intercepted
an arm shipment

which District Attorney Harvey Dent

is trying to connect
to Rupert Thorne.

Hey, nice tie, boss.

Unfortunately, Handsome Harvey

earned a new nickname tonight,

"Hot-head Harvey"
when he att*cked one of the suspects.

Get him off.
He's crazy.

My, this guy is crazy.

Yeah, crazy like a fox.

That little tantrum probably bought him
another 10,000 votes.

So, how about we see

how far he can swim
in a cement suit?

And bring the heat down on us even more?


I want this one in my pocket, boys.

We need to dig up some dirt
on our dashing DA.

Something really juicy.

Well, I'm afraid
that's going to be a problem.

Dent's so clean, he squeaks.

Just stay on his tail, Candice.

All men have something to hide.

The brighter the picture,

the darker the negative.


If we want to make this city
safe again,

then we have to come down
hard on these criminals.

I will not see
the people of Gotham...

Bruce, it was so nice of you
to sponsor this fundraiser for Harvey.

Well, Harvey and I go way back.

He's a great DA.

And an even better friend.

Though lately,
he seems awfully intense.

Is he all right, Grace?

That incident on TV...

I think the pressures of the campaign
get to him sometimes, that's all.

Yeah, I guess so.

Lately, he doesn't seem himself.

Oh, Mr. Dent, I want you to know

that I voted for you two times.

Well, ma'am, I trust it was
in two separate elections.


GRACE: Mr. Dent, I have a question.

When are you going to marry

that gorgeous fiancée of yours?


Better marry her soon, Haw,

or I just might steal her away myself.

You do and I'll prosecute.


Harvey, you better look at this.

The judge just threw out the case
against Thorne's men.

But... But why?

CARLOS: The warrant wasn't complete.

The judge said
he had no choice.

He had to let them go.

Had to? But... But...


I spent three months on that raid.

He can't overturn.
The fool.

He's been bought.

Like all the rest!

Haw, take it easy.

This kind of behavior
doesn't go over well with the voters.

Let go of me, you rich twit.



Grace? Bruce?

I'm sorry.
I don't know what...

Excuse me.


HARVEY: I just flew off the handle,
that's all.

Don't worry.
I've got it under control.

Harvey, you didn't just lose
your temper out there.

You were like another person.

I said I was sorry.

Maybe you should get some help.

He already is.


Darling, Bruce is your friend.

Don't be embarrassed.

Lots of people
see psychiatrists, Harv.

Not when they're
running for public office.

You know how some voters
feel about shrinks.

Well, I for one, am proud of you

and relieved.

It takes a strong man
to admit when he has a problem.

Yeah, yeah,
just keep it under your hat, okay?

Don't worry.

If there's anything I know,

it's how to keep a secret.


You are now in a deep sleep.

Can you hear me?


Good. Now, Harvey,

I would like to speak
with your other personality.

I would like to talk
with Big Bad Harv.


I don't think he wants to talk.

He must
if we are to help you.

Please try.

Big Bad Harv?


It appears you and Harvey
are having trouble again.

The guy's a wimp.

Well, Harvey has special problems.

When he was young,

he felt very guilty
about his angry feelings.

So guilty,

that he hid them deep inside

until they became an illness.

You, Big Bad Harv,

represent these angry feelings.

Everyone feels anger

and it does no harm.

As long as it doesn't
result in bad behavior.

Once Harvey understands this--

Then maybe I'll go away, right?


I'm going nowhere, missy!

If anyone's leaving,
it's Mr. Goody Good.

And maybe you with him.


Did I do this?


Not you, but your other personality.

It's stronger than I suspected.

What am I gonna do?

I've always been able
to repress him before.

Harvey, I want you to admit yourself

to the psychiatric ward
over at County General for a few days.

No way, Doc.

You know I'm trying to get re-elected.

You're also trying
to save your sanity.

Isn't there any other way?


Well, I suppose if you cut back
on campaigning

and intensified our sessions,

we might be able to--

Great. I'll do it.

You just set up
the schedule and I'll be here.

Just so long
as we keep all of this a secret.

Ladies and gentlemen,

according to the latest count,

Harvey Dent is receiving a mandate

from the people of Gotham City
in the form of a landslide.


Now, now, let's wait
until all the returns are in.

Congratulations, Harv.

You're looking pretty calm
and collected.

I told ya I could handle myself.

In fact, I'm in such good spirits,

I might announce
a certain wedding date this evening.

Oh Harvey, do you mean it?

It's part of my acceptance speech.

Uh, sorry, Haw, phone ca“.

Hold those lips.
I'll be right back.

- Hello?
-Congratulations, Harvey.

This is Thorne.

Rupert Thorne.

What do you want, you slime?

Now, now,
is that any way to talk

to a man who's about to make you a deal?

I'm not interested
in your deals, Thorne.

Oh, I think you will be.

Unless of course,
you'd rather I speak with Big Bad Harv.

Or perhaps,
you'd prefer I speak to the press first.

- What do you want?
- There's a limo waiting in the alley.

Take it

while you still have
a career ahead of ya.

Darling, is something wrong?


I have to see someone.

Would you mind
looking after our guests?

But the returns are just coming in.

(ANGRILY) I won't be long.
Thank you, darling.


- Excuse me.
- Wait.

Hey, Harv, what's up?

A surprise meeting.
That's all.

Now? With who?

Just mind your own business,
all right?

You're in trouble, aren't you?

My friend,
you don't know the half of it.





HARVEY: Stealing someone's
psychiatric file is pretty low, Thorne.

Even for a swine like you.

THORNE: But it makes
for such fascinating reading.

Listen to this, boys.

It says here,
when Harvey was a little boy,

he was bothered by a bully.

Every day, the bully
would bug him after school,

until one day little Harvey got so mad,

he slugged him one.

ALL: Ooh!

THORNE: Of course,
the bully ran away,

which made little Harvey
feel very proud.

Until he heard
the bully was in the hospital.

That was some punch.

That's what Harvey thought.

Except the guy
was in the hospital for appendicitis.

But poor Harvey felt so guilty,

he never showed his anger again.

And that was the start of...



What do you want?

Just a few favors
from the DA's office.

You're dreaming.

Otherwise, as a concerned citizen,

I'd feel compelled
to give this to the press.

After all, the people of Gotham
have a right to know

the kind of person...

Or should I say
"persons" they've elected.


So, what do you say, Harvey?

Do we have a deal?

There's just one problem.

What's that?

You're talking to the wrong Harvey.

Get off of me.

No, Dent!

Let's get out of here.

Get away from me!

Thorne is mine.

Get them.

- Come on, let's get him.
- I got him.



TWO-FACE: Give me that file.

I'll get him!

BATMAN: Look out, Dent.


(LOUD expl*si*n)




GRACE: Doctor,
will he be all right?

He'll pull through.

He's lucky
Batman got him here so quickly.

BRUCE: What about his face?

That's a different matter.

A good plastic surgeon should be able

to repair most of the physical scars.

I'm more worried about the mental scars.

Looks like Dent's
finally out of your hair.

THORNE: I wish I could be sure of that.

DOCTOR: Now, you understand
there's going to be some scarring.

But I've already scheduled a surgery.


HARVEY: Give me a mirror.

Harvey, maybe you should wait until--

I said, give me a mirror.





Harvey, what happened?


Goodbye, Grace.

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