01x23 - Vendetta

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Batman: The Animated Series". Aired: September 5, 1992 – September 15, 1995.*
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Based on the DC comics, The Dark Knight battles crime in Gotham City with occasional help from Robin and Batgirl.
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01x23 - Vendetta

Post by bunniefuu »



We're almost there, Conway.

Just keep your eyes open.

Something could still happen.

Spider Conway.

Don't know what he's worrying about.

He's only got the sweetest deal
of the century.

All he's gotta do is make like a canary
at the crime-commission hearings

and he gets 10 years off his time.

It ain't him getting to the hearings
that's got him spooked, commish.

It's somebody else
getting to him before then.


There's a b*mb on the boat!


POLICE OFFICER: Abandon ship!


Remind me never to think of you
as a good-luck charm.

OFFICER 2: Over here! Help me!


GORDON: Carver,
I want Dock Street cordoned off,

three blocks
in both directions. Move it.

Hardesty, call Forensics.

No sign of Conway anywhere, detective.

Start dragging the bay.

Taking me off the case?

What kind of
shuck and jive is this, Jim?

You know what I had to go through
just to get Conway out of Stonegate.

But it's worth it if his testimony
can take down Rupert Thorne.

Which is why
Thorne looks good for the bombing.

But if I let you go after Thorne,

a lot of ugly ancient history
is bound to come up.


I gotta relieve you, Harv,
you know that.

Unless, you want Internal Affairs
all over you like a bad rash.


Ancient history.

Yeah, right!

BRUCE: A real page-turner, isn't it?


Bullock was suspected
of accepting graft from Thorne

two years ago?

Right, but the case was dropped
for lack of evidence.

It was just before Spider Conway
went to prison.

And at the time of his arrest,

Conway was working for Thorne.

So, he might know something
that Bullock doesn't want revealed.

Surely you can't think
this Bullock person planted that b*mb.

I'm not sure yet what to think.

After the expl*si*n,
I went out to Stonegate Island,

to check out the dock
the boat left from.

I found this.

A toothpick?


Where in the world...

Hey! Anybody here? (ECHOING)


NOt you!

It can't be!

Stay back!







You'd better have the money
to pay for that.


Here's how it works, slimeball.

I have questions
and if you have answers,

I'll leave you alone.

Oh, I got plenty of answers.

-(g*ns COCKING)
-.38-caliber answers.


Now, then, you were saying?

I was saying,

you'd better hope
your men are very good sh*ts.

It's too hot in here.

Let's get some air.




Wait! Stop!

I'll tell you anything you want.

Did you order Spider Conway blown up?

(LAUGHS) That loser?

I wouldn't wipe my shoes on him.

Conway's got nothing on me.

Let him talk.

He could've talked his head off.

No problem.



Don't just stand there, you clowns.

Get me down!

No trace of Conway yet, commissioner.

Well, keep at it.

I'll meet you back at headquarters.


I've had cats
that made more noise than you.

We need to talk about Bullock.

I think he might have been responsible
for the b*mb.

Come on.

You know there was evidence
that Conway falsely implicated Bullock

at the graft inquest.

But you have no proof Conway lied.

Look, Harvey Bullock
is hard to work with,

even harder to like.

But he's a good cop, Batman.

He's clean.

MONTOYA: Commissioner?

- Something?
- Not a trace.

All right.

Pull them back in.

We'll have to assume the worst.


For once, my friend,

I hope your instincts are wrong.

- Joey the Snail,

brought in last night on a 605, right?

Let me see him.

Bullock, that you?

Yeah. Now, let me see him.

I need to check your authorization.


Rise and shine, Joey.

(SHUDDERS) Who's there?

Your worst nightmare.

No! Keep away from me!






ALFRED: Master Bruce?

Still intent on that scale,
or what-have-you, I see.

Believe it or not,

the cellular structure is human,

but the texture of it is almost...


Hmm. Do tell.

Bullock might not be the primary suspect
after all.

In any event, I've made your favorite,

French onion soup.

And, when you let it get cold this time,

note that it's in a microwavable crock.


Alfred, you're beautiful!

Imagine if I'd gotten around
to telling him about the salad.

TOUR GUIDE: And, as you can see
by this re-creation of

the crocodile's natural habitat,

crocodiles make their lairs
in underwater caves.

Of course!


Get us out of here!


No telling what he'll do.

Terrific. Just what I need now.

The freak job in the cape.

You're no prize yourself.


What can I tell you?

Being a reptile man ain't pretty,

but it's got its upside.

Like having the strength
of a crocodile, for instance.

But I guess you've
learned that by now, huh?

The hard way.

You know,
they used to call "k*ller Croc,"

the meanest dude
in the Wrestling Federation.

Now, they'll call him
the guy who iced the Batman.


Don't hold your breath.



You've been rooted to that spot
for over an hour, Master Bruce.

It's taken me that long
to search through all these newspapers

on microfiche.


From the Miami Times Herald,
four years ago.


He started out
a carnival sideshow attraction,

then became a pro-wrestler.

Two years later,
Croc had moved to Gotham City

and turned to crime.

He used to be strictly penny-ante.

Until now, I'd never heard of him.

But, according to this,
Bullock busted him

based on the testimony
from Conway and Joey the Snail.

Then Croc has escaped.

And now, it's payback time.

You have Conway and the Snail.

They can clear Detective Bullock.

True, but that won't get us Croc.

He won't return to his lair,
now that I know where it is.

I'll have to make him come to us.



- Drive!
-C roc!

- How did you...
- Escape? Simple.

The guards don't think about the sewers.

No one does, except me.

It was you who set me up
for Spider and Joey.

You got it.

I wanted you to sweat it out
in a cell for a while, like I did.

To know what it feels like,
the way I do.

Huh? You?





Give it up, Croc.

I know everything now.

You planted that toothpick
on the dock, didn't you?

And you impersonated Bullock
at the jail.

k*ller CROC: Yeah,

and it would've gone down smooth
if you hadn't butted in.

But, hey, I'm adaptable.

When you grow up looking like I do,

you gotta learn to go with the flow.

I'll just take care of you first,

then Bullock.


See, this ain't no Batcave.

You're on my turf now.











Why'd you stick your neck out
like that to help me?

Because I thought you were guilty too

and I was wrong.

We may have different ways
of enforcing the law,

but we both believe in it.

Eh. Go on. I'll take it from here.

Not a bad piece of work.

Tell me, Detective Bullock,

how does it feel to be
formally cleared of all charges,

now that k*ller Croc, Morgan,
has been arrested?

I just want all the scumbuckets
and dirtbags in this town

to know they'd better lay low,

because Bullock's back
and ready to kick butt!

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