02x02 - Battle at the Biggie Box

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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02x02 - Battle at the Biggie Box

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

Gwen: Behold, the majesty
of beautiful Blue Bear Bay.

The perfect place
for the maiden voyage

of the S.S. Pettigrew!

[ Weakly ] Oh, boy.

A wobbly boat.

It's much more than a boat,

It's a state-of-the-art

with room for cars
and passengers --

completely powered
by solar panels

and other
renewable energy sources!

Able to reach speeds
up to knots!

Its hull --
pretty much indestructible.
[ Clank! ]

This ship is a modern marvel!


And they have
great chili!

Grandpa, this is
the coolest ship ever built!

Oh, sure, it's all right,
I guess.

But these fancy techno-ships

can't compare
with a true queen of the sea --

like the S.S. Manby!


a queen of the sea?

Well, she was,
until they decommissioned her.

She sure is something!

Gwen: She's something,
all right.

Oh, this brings back


Here I am,
just a little boy

riding the Manby
for the first time!

Those were the days.

Who's that guy in the back?

He looks familiar.

There is something about him.
[ Steam horn blows ]

Oh, listen to
that old horn blow!

Brings back
so many memories.


The decks of hand-crafted
Floridian white oak --


Speeds of up to
/ , uh, knots.

[ Air horn blows ]
[ Clears throat ]

Storage space aplenty

for four
horse-drawn carriages!

A side wheeling,
single-cylinder steam engine!


A great old-style
coal-burning boiler.

The finest example
of th-century shipbuilding

we have around
in these modern--

[ Ben retching ]

You said it, Ben.

That old husk
is bolted to the dock

where it probably belongs.

Ben looks a little seasick.
Buck up!

Only another hour
and we'll be back on dry land!

Here, how about a little chili
to settle your stomach?

[ Retches ]

I read that a good way
to cure seasickness

is to look to the horizon.

If you focus --

Turn into an alien?

Great idea, Gwen!

No, Ben,
that's not what I said!


And do you feel better?

Yeah, I feel --

[ Retches ]

[ Coughs ]
I am so sorry!


are my favorite!

You do beautiful work!

[ Grunts ]

Going alien
didn't help at all!

Like I said.
Try looking at the horizon.

If you keep focusing on stuff
that's right in front of you,

you'll stay sick.


How is this
supposed to help, Gwen?

[ Rumbles ]

Huh?! What's that?!

All: The Clocktopus?!

Steam Smythe:
[ Maniacal laughter ]

Behold, world!

Steam Smythe rises with
my revitalized Clocktopus!

I am here to declare that --


Steam Smythe?!

How many times do I have
to kick your rusty old can?!

Are you following me?

No matter!

I'll destroy you,

along with
this disgrace of a ship!

Have at you!

Ben: [ Screams ]


I've got you! Catch!


I can swim, you know!

Oh, right. Heh.


Steam Smythe: This so-called
new queen of the sea

goes down without a fight,

and thus proves
the superiority

of my beloved,
beautiful S.S. Manby --

a real vessel from a time

when they knew
how to build things to last!

[ Screaming ]
[ Maniacal laughter ]

Diamondhead: Wait.
All this is for that
junky tugboat?

[ Crash! ]

The S.S. Manby has more class

than this tawdry float
ever will!

Wait a minute!
Whoa, Gwen,

if you need a snack,
just ask!

No, Grandpa, the photo!

Look, twinsies!

Oh, those aren't twinsies.
Those are samesies!

But that photo was taken
more than years ago.

Whatever. Here I go!


[ Grunting ]

[ Groans ]

Come on!

[ Screaming ]

Oh! Oh! Oh!

[ Grunts ]

Oh, no, lady.

Look, look, lady,
I'm about to--

[ Retches ]

Ooh! Beautiful!

Wait till I show
the girls at bingo!

Yeah? Well,
hold on to your jewels!

[ Grunting ]

Oh, that's okay!

Mama needs
a new pair of earrings!

that ain't gonna happen.

But this is...

[ Screams ]


Is your little tummy-wummy
all fussy-wussy?

[ Laughs ]

These modern engines
aren't so fast

when they're punctured!

And my coup de grace
hasn't even arrived yet!

But, hark, it approaches!

There will be no escape.

This modern monstrosity
will be reduced to shards!

Ben: Ugh, could that old thing
be any slower?

It's making record time!

If you're
feeling sick again,

let me know, dearie!

Can we get on with it?

Contemporary youth
are so impatient.

Go, Aristocrow!
Aristocrow: Caw!



Your eyes
do not deceive!

Steam-powered piranhas --

with jaws strong enough

to chew
this flashy monstrosity

to smithereens!

[ Laughs ]

Didn't see that coming,
did you, Tennyson?

He's right.
I didn't see that coming.

Oh, no!
The fish rebellion has begun!

I regret nothing!

[ Steam engines whir ]

[ Maniacal laughter ]
[ Groans ]

[ Retches ]


Did you just relieve your lunch
on my Clocktopus?!

You disgusting brat!

[ Groans ]

[ Groans ]
I'm too sick to be a hero.

Can't concentrate.

I know it's really hard
to concentrate

when you're not
feeling your best.

But like Gwen told you,

you have to tune out
the little stuff

and focus on
the big picture.

You mean like
look to the horizon?

Uh, hmm.

I-I confused myself a little.
Eh, do I?

[ Ding! ]

Okay, here goes.

[ Groaning ]


How do you feel?

You know what?

I do feel better.

Ready to kick some butt!

[ Ding! ]


Whoa, yeah!


That's what I call

I am -- [Retches]

[ Gags ]


Oh, boy!

Okay, focus.

Take out Steam Smythe,

then take out
his robo-piranhas!

Eyes on the horizon!

What do you think
you're doing?!


I think I'm about to...

[ Retches ]

[ Groans ]

Big picture!

[ Retches ]

[ Groans ]


[ Grunting ]

Steam Smythe:
[ Maniacal laughter ]

[ Laughter continues ]

[ Grunts ] Whoa!


Ohh, man.

My stomach's on fire.

Steam Smythe:
Foolish fire fiend!

Like the magnificent Manby,
this craft feeds on fire!

You can't defeat me
in your pathetic state!

And, soon,
my steam-powered piranhas

will consume
this modern monstrosity,

leaving the S.S. Manby
to rule the waters once more!

[ Groans ]

Okay, I can't beat him
with a direct attack.

And I can't --
[ Retches ]

...focus on just him
without getting sick!


Gotta look
to the horizon.


The Manby, piranhas, fire,

alien hurl!

That's it!

I can use Steam Smythe's
hyper-focus against him!

Enough dilly-dally!

You don't know when to quit,
do you?!

Ben: Nope!

where are you going?!

Steam Smythe is that way!

Looks like your hero
abandoned ship.

[ Laughs ]

Oh, man.

I've never felt better
about feeling so bad!

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!

[ Groaning ]

[ Retching ]


The Manby sails again!
[ Cheering ]

What is he doing?


Steam Smythe:
You're fish food!

You and these infernal
solar panels,

these wretched
electric turbines!

My piranhas
will devour it all!

And the Manby shall
rule this bay once more!

[ Steam horn blows ]

My Manby!

How dare you put her
in harm's way!

No, stop!

No! Don't eat me!

No! Stay back!

Listen to daddy!

[ Screams ]

Unhand me, brute!

Sorry, Smythe.

Looks like
you're all washed up.

No! Wait, wait,
wait, wait, wait!

hope you like seafood!

[ Retches ]

Hang on, hang on!

I got a better one!

Guess your ship
has sailed!

[ Retching ]

[ Electricity zapping ]

All right, buddy,
bad news is,

it's off to jail
with you.

Good news is,
it's the most modern prison

in the country.

[ Siren wails ]

I'll write you everyday,
Mr. Smythe!

Max: Looks like you finally
conquered your seasickness, Ben!

Good job!

Uh, I hate to admit it,

but Gwen's
"look to the horizon" thing

really worked!

and metaphorically!

Sorry about sinking the Manby,

Ah, it's all right, Ben.

The Manby may be gone,

but my precious memories
are still swirling.

[ Groans ]


And --
and so is that chili.

The horizon, Grandpa.

Look at the horizon!
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