02x23 - Double Hex

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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02x23 - Double Hex

Post by bunniefuu »

♪ Ben

♪ Ben

♪ Ben

♪ Ben

♪ Ben

How cool is it that Grandpa let
us get ice-cream

this early in the morning?

Boy, Biggie Gas
is popular today.

We've been here for an hour.

Go get ice-cream!

He just can't resist
our charms, I guess.

Hey. Aren't you that alien kid
who saved Adrenaland?

That's me, kid.
Autograph line forms here.

Sorry. He just had to say thank
you and, oh, are you also a fan?

Oh, no. I actually help
saved the park, too.

Oh, wow. Which alien
did you turn into?

No, I... uh...

Okay, thanks. We have to go.

Thanks again, Mr. Hero
and, uh, friend.

So cool my greatness
is being recognized.

What's wrong?
Nothing, it's just,

you've got that watch
that lets you do anything.

I'm just normal.

What can I do?
Are you kidding?

You're the brains
of the operation.

You know when to
duck and look out

and where to find
the really good ice-cream.

[ Groans ]

Maybe I can find
something to cheer me up.

Gwen Tennyson.

Everybody, run!

[ Roaring, shoppers screaming ]

[ Screaming ]

Ben must have gotten
someone mad again.


Don't worry, everyone.

Your world-famous
alien hero is here.

Going a little overboard on
the ice-cream, aren't we, Gwen?

Hey, ice-creamer, prepare to get
the licking of a lifetime.

Guess it didn't like that.

Where did you even
find this guy?

Me? You mean he's not
one of your mistakes?


I guess you're not
a nice-cream monster.

Man, that was
total hero material.

Gwen, what are you doing?

You better hide.
That thing is tough.

You're in the way.

Step aside.

Uh, who are you?
The name is Charmcaster.

I'm here to get payback
for what you did.

Me? What did I do?


Whoa! Hey!
Knock it off!

I wasn't talking to you.
You don't know who I am?

I'm the hottest hero right now.

The name is Ben,
but you can call me...

Oof! Sure. I'll just
chill out over here.

You are distracting me
from my mission.

Now that they're out of the way,

we have some unfinished
business to take care of.


Whoa! Whoa!

Hey, ice-for-brains.

Why don't you make
like a banana

and split!

Hmm. I don't see
what the big deal is.

That's because you've
got the wrong person.

My cousin is the superhero.
I'm nobody.

No, you're the one who --
who broke Michael's heart.

I used to be like you,
you know -- weak,

until one day, I found a book
that taught me

how to be powerful.

This gave me
the courage to visit

the set of my favorite
movie series,

"The Unalivers," and I saw
you torturing poor Michael,

and suddenly I had a purpose.

I didn't feel alone anymore.

I won't let you get in our way.

This is for Michael?
Is he controlling you?

Michael doesn't know I'm here.

Oh, I wouldn't be
so sure about that.

Michael? Look,
I've got her for you.

Gwen? Heather,
what are you doing?

What? I'm sinking in.

I thought you'd be happy.

Ah! Gwen's mine.

Make yourself useful.

[ Laughing ]


Hang on. You okay?
I think so.

Morningstar has some kind
of hold on that girl.

Hmm. Seems like the first
beating I gave him didn't take.

Time for round .

All right!

Hey, Morningstar, get ready
for your close-up.

Stay away from him.

Ha-ha, that's right.

You, get back here.

What do you want?

You used to be one
of my biggest fans,

and you turned on me.
I want you back.

I was a fan of
Sebastian Belmontes,

not Michael Morningstar.

You're nothing like that.
You're a monster.

A monster? Ah!

I will make you adore me.

Ah! Why are you with that jerk?

How dare you
call him a jerk.

Ah? Whoa!

Is this all you got?

I haven't even broken a sweat.


How do you keep resisting me?

Why does it matter?
You already have someone

that thinks the world of you.

Who, Heather?

She's a fangirl like
all the other losers.

But she loves you.
They all love me. I'm an actor.

I can be whatever they need me

to be to fulfill
their pathetic lives.

But she's nothing more than
a glorified battery to me.

Right back at you!

Are you going to fight,

or are you going to keep
writing in your diary?

Whoa! Hey!

I got something for you:

"Dear diary, today I got
my butt kicked by an alien."

Come on! At least say something.

There's nothing left to be said.

Come back!

Why can't I drain you?

Michael, what's the problem.
She's just a nobody.

I didn't even have
to try hard to defeat her.

Why don't you just
end it so we can go?

No. Not until she sees
how great I am.

I need more of your power.


Quit it. You're not just
a fake, you're a bully.

Why are you standing up for me?

I'm your enemy.

Because it's the right
thing to do,

and deep down,
I think you know that

Morningstar is a chump.

He's just using you,

so dump him.
Using me?

You're going to listen
to her, our arch-nemesis?

Don't forget, I'm the only one
who cares about you.

He's lying!

I'm starting to think
you guys don't want me around.


You pest.

Don't hurt him!


Are you all right.

We should go. Things are getting
out of control.

No! You started this,
but I'm not going anywhere

until she worships
the ground I walk on.

So quit your whining
and give me your energy.

I'm sorry.
I just wanted to help.


I'm getting deja vu,
only this time,

I don't know we're
supposed to convince her

that Morningstar is a loser.
She's obsessed with him.

He's manipulating her
and she can't see it.

If she won't believe us, maybe
she needs to hear it from him.

If you can distract him
from what I'm doing,

I think I can show her
how bad Morningstar is.

Okay. What are you going to do?

No time. Just hold him off.

Ha. She's definitely the hero.

[ Morningstar laughing ]
Now this is more like it.

Wait, where did he go?
Looking for me?

Yeah. My fists
were getting cold.

Time to warm them up.

I'm afraid not.


Ah! Whoa!

More power, Heather.

I -- I'm trying.

Try harder.

[ Laughing ]

Stop it, Morningstar.
Leave her alone!

What are you talking about?

She loves this.

Got it! He's been lying to you.

This is the real
Michael Morningstar.

Who, Heather?
She's a fangirl

like all the others losers.

They all love me.
I'm an actor.

I can be whatever they need me
to be

to fulfill
their pathetic lives.

But she's nothing more than
a glorified battery to me.

Heather, come on?

Are you really going
to believe this?

They're just trying
to trick you.

The name is Charmcaster!

Just calm down.
Don't tell me to calm down.

I think we're winning.

Wait. So she only has a problem
with you, right?

They were right.

You were just using me
this whole time.

How could you do this?!

You're going to listen
to them, our enemies?

I did everything for you.

All I ever wanted
was us to be together!

Ah! Whoa!

Ah! Let me out of here!


Now we'll never be apart.

You might have saved me today,

but this does not make us
friends, Gwen Tennyson.

All you did was make me realize
I don't need anyone.

You better hope our paths
don't cross again.

And then I said, "Why don't you
make like a banana and split!"

Well, it's a good thing you had
Gwen there to help you out.

Help out? She's like
a full-fledged hero now.


How does it feel to have
your very own arch-enemy?

I have an arch-enemy?
I have an arch-enemy!


Uh-oh. Oh.
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