02x24 - Ye Olde Laser Duel

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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02x24 - Ye Olde Laser Duel

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪



Who's hot?!

Yah! Hah!
Heatblast, that's -- Ow!

Uh, bats?

Oh, shoo, shoo, shoo,
shoo, shoo! Whoa!


Oh, yeah!

This jet-pack thingy
kept me out of that pool.

Wait a minute.
That isn't a pool.


I never knew nature
could be so powerful.

It's really something, isn't it?

That sulfur smell is acid
and microorganisms decomposing!

Wow! It's amazing
being this close to nature.

I can't believe
Ben's missing this.


[ Splash! ]

Now I'm feeling
a little too close to nature.

Ugh! This mud is slowing down
my awesomeness!

[ Beeping ]

That was the coolest
thing ev--

Aah! Whoo!

Nature, right?
Pretty fun! Lovin' it!

Will you also be lovin'
doing laundry for a week?

What were you doing?

Ha ha!
Where do I even begin?

I was zooming through
mysterious underground caves,

dodging stalagmites
and stalactites!

Suddenly, bats!

Then some boiling
hot springs

plus supercharged
Heatblast rockets,

and ba-boom!
And here we are!

Your Heatblasting caused
that geyser to erupt!

You need to stop messing around
with nature!

It's better to observe
and admire it for what it is!

Wait a minute. I'm getting
some strong readings!

Whoa, whoa!
Found it!

A total buzzkill!

All I'm saying
is be careful.

This whole park
is over a huge supervolcano.

If you keep messing with nature,
there's gonna be trouble.

Psh! Nothing's gonna happen just
because I have a little fun.

Time to have a little fun!

[ Crash! ]

[ Clanging ]

Oh, magnificent, isn't it,

That geyser will provide
enough beautiful steam

to feed my Smytherator
for decades to come!

You know I hate it when I have
to explain things to you.

My patent-pending Smytherator

will harness
the earth's natural steam supply

to power gigantic engines

which will decimate
this nation's power grids!

Then I will usher in a new era
of steam-only power

across the entire continent!

Now, while I set about putting
a stop to this troubling future,

I need you to be on the same
page with me here, Aristocrow.

Would you be a doll and grab me
the steam spanner?


[ Tool clatters ]

You were supposed to hand it
to me, you useless bird!

Go do something useful!

Patrol the perimeters

and report back
with anything pertinent.


There! Finished! Now then...

let's set some steam loose!

[ Laughing evilly ]

[ Birds squawking ]

Look what you did!

Yes, you!

Mother Nature is still reeling
from your interference earlier.

Aah! Aah!

Well, whatever I did,
I'm sorry.

But I'm also gonna have to do
something about it.

No, wait!

No time to wait!

Only time for -- ugh! --
crystal plugs!

Ugh! Aw, yeah!

Oh, no! Aaaah!

See! You have to let nature
do its own thing!

I'm not so sure nature's
completely responsible.

If this was just a tremor,
the park shortwave radio

would be sending out

but I'm not picking
anything up.

Hmm. Then why does everything
look so natural?

Wait a minute.

[ Gasps ]

That bird is unnaturally fancy!

And where
there's an Aristocrow,

there's bound to be
a Steam Smythe!

Aaaah! Aaaah!


[ Chuckles sheepishly ]

What did I just say about
making things worse?! Aah!

Not really the time
to argue, kids.

Gwen and I will go
to the Rustbucket

and see if we can triangulate
the origin of these quakes.

And Diamondhead can --
Steam Smythe is mine!

[ Steam Smythe laughs evilly ]

is steaming right along.

Ah. And Aristocrow
is back from patrol.

And what have you found, bird?!

Hopefully some manners.

[ Cawing loudly ]
Because I will not stand

for any more rudeness
on a day as momentous as this.

Will you be quiet
for one second?!


Wait a second.
What on Earth is that?

That's right!
Comin' for you!

It's that wretched Tennyson!

Aristocrow, you've led him
straight to me!


What do you have to say
for yourself?!

[ Sobbing ]
Caw, caw, caw.

[ Whip! ]

[ Whoosh! ]

[ Gasps ] How dare you?!

Come back here this instant!

Caw! Caw!
You useless sack of feathers!

I don't need your help anyway!

I'll take care of Tennyson

and his infernal
modern technology myself!

I've never seen readings
like this.

What do these squiggles mean?

They're saying
that the seismic activity

is strangely regular
and systematic.

So, clearly
not natural forces.

And what's worse,

there's some kind of pressure
building up below ground.

It would normally escape
through the geyser,

but something's stopping it.

Something like that
could set off the supervolcano!

The entire country
could be wiped out!

We have to warn Ben!

He's probably
at the geyser by now.

[ Panting ]

Ben! What happened?!

[ Beeping ]

That happened.

What in the world?

Now what do we have here?!

A whole nest of Tennysons!

My Steam Smasher can eliminate
three birds with one stone!

Aah! Whoa!
Aah! Time back in!

Time back in!
Look out!

[ Chuckles ]
Three birds with one stone.

[ Chuckles ] I'm hilarious.
[ Gasps ]

Ugh! You're also out of time!

Get it?! Out of time?!

You may have caught a punch,
but let's see if those two can!

[ Panting ] Huh?!
[ Panting ] Huh?!

[ Laughs evilly ]

Ugh! Aah!

Gotcha! Ugh!

Ugh! Ugh!

Everybody good?

Ohh. Ohh.


Ugh. This is all
Steam Smythe's fault!

Whoever's to blame,
you shouldn't mess with nature.

If my earlier calculations
are correct,

these quakes could destroy
not only the park

but take out the entire
western power grid, as well.

[ Gasps ]
No more nature?!

[ Gasps ]
No more video games?!

We can't let that happen!
We can't let that happen!

Mm. Smythe's big bot
is mopping the floor with me.

How am I supposed to beat him?

You can't mess with nature,
but you can team up with it.

If you can get Smythe
stuck in the mud pots,

it'll give Grandpa and I
enough time

to disable
his steam generator.

But how do we get him
to the mud pots?

Aristocrow's back!

Here to spy on us again?!

Huh? Whoa!

I think Team Tennyson
just got a new mascot.

[ Laughing evilly ]

What in tarnation?!


Where have you been?!

[ Gasps ]

And where is your beautiful
antique hat sprocket?!


I found that sprocket
when I was just a lad.

Does history
mean nothing to you?!

Ohh. I don't know what's gotten
into you today, bird,

but I'll forgive your momentary
lapse in judgment.

Return to me, and we'll go back
to my Smytherator together.

Ugh! Ohh! What?

[ Engine whines ]

Is this some kind of joke,

Caw-caw! Caw-caw!

Good birdie.

What are you doing
with Tennyson?!

Oh, you know, just chillin'
with his new best bud.



There it is!

We just have to find
the off switch.

Easy, right?

[ Crash! ]

I raised you since you were just
an egg cog, Aristocrow,

and this is how you repay me?!

Befriending the worst kind
of person imaginable --

a [Grunts] child with no sense
of the superior past!

[ Grunting ]

Yeah? Well, get ready

for a superior beatdown
from the present!




Even if you were to best me,

which you will not,
it would not matter.

My Smytherator will be fully
operational any second now,

and I shall be unstoppable!

Well, joke's on you!

My crew's already working
on shutting you down

even as we speak!

None of these are working!

We need a new approach,
and fast!

But what can we do?


Take that and that!

Didn't even tickle.

Aah! Get away!

Whoa! Aaah!

This is almost as good
as Adrenaland!

An old-fashioned regulator.

It keeps the machine's pressure
under control.

If we destroy it...
We destroy the machine!

Get off me, you backstabbing
buffoon of a bird!

You and your newfangled

are not foiling
my best-laid plans again --

not today!

Well, binoculars,
I guess this is goodbye.

[ Grunts ]

[ Steam whistling ]

[ Gasps ] My Smytherator!

That's right!
Smytherator go bye-bye!

No! My beautiful plan!



My Steam Smasher!

Fun's over, greasy top hat!

You think I do this for fun?!

I was going to free this world
from its modern shackles,

begin the glorious start
to a new steam era,

and you louts
have ruined it all!

Your little plan

would have trashed the whole
country with a supervolcano

and like
a bazillion earthquakes.
Oh, really?

You pushed nature too hard,
and it was about to push back.

So, you know,
you're welcome.

Now, let's just enjoy
this awesome view

of your plan failing.

WOMAN: Look at that!
Oh, I just love nature!

Take your hands off me!

[ Laughs ] Park Ranger Power!
[ Laughs ] Park Ranger Power!

Good luck in prison,
Steam Smythe.

I'll get out again,

and I'll be back
to finish what I started!

You might have messed
with that geyser, Ben,

but Steam Smythe
was on the whole nother level.

Yup! Good thing nature sided
with Team Tennyson!

With help
from our brand-new bud.


Couldn't have done it
without you, Aristocrow.

Or should I say,

[ Laughter ]

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