02x35 - Dreamtime

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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02x35 - Dreamtime

Post by bunniefuu »


♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪

♪ Ben ! ♪


[ Screams ]

[ Panting ]


There you are,
Benny m'boy!

-What's the big hurry?!

It's like you're not even
excited to see me!

When have I ever been
excited to see you?!

Aw, that kind of
hurts my feelings!

-[ Laughs ]


Look at you
and your tiny legs!

Trying to outrun me!

Too bad there's nowhere
for you to run!

[ Laughs ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Panting ]

Not so fast!

Aah! Aah!

Augh, right in the eyeball!

Circus, get out!

I can't take it anymore!

You know he can't help it.
He's just dreaming.

Aah! Aah, circus peanuts!

And sleep shouting.

[ Groaning ] But he's been
like this for hours!

I'm getting all sleepy-grumpy!

Ben, Ben? C'mon, bud.
It's just a dream!

No more eye punches, please!

It's cool, Grandpa,
I got this.

Up and at 'em!

Aah! Don't turn me into
a balloon animal! [Panting]

You okay, buddy?!

Uh, yeah! Pfft, of course!
Why wouldn't I be?

You've been screaming in your
sleep for the past five hours!

What were you even
dreaming about?!

Oh, you know, the usual.

Fightin' bad guys,
Zombozo chasing me

through an endless void,

[ Yawns ]
Normal dream stuff.

Nightmares about Zombozo?

But you totally beat him up
like every other week!

Yeah, I know that.

It's just some dumb dream.
It's not like it means anything.

Sometimes bad dreams
are a manifestation

of something that's bothering
you in real life.

I just want you to know
that Gwen and I

are always here for you
if you need us.

We can help you face this
scary thing togeth--

Oh, he's asleep again.

[ Groans ] Well, I guess
I'll get a glass of water

since I'm already up!

[ Groaning ]

Get that cotton candy away
from me!

Uh, never mind!
Don't need any water!

[ Both scream ]

Ben! Wake up!

-Ben! Ben!
-Rain toss, rain toss, no!

Ben! Ben!

Ah, going for a swim?!

Glad to see you're finally
enjoying yourself!


Sweet dreams, Benny boy!

[ Gasps ] Okay, Ben!
Wakey, wakey!

Ben! You're dreaming!
It's not real! Gah!


Operation: Wake Ben Up
is a no go!

Okay, new plan!
Operation: Don't Drown!

[ Gasps ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Screams ]

Oh, what a coincidence!

We're also road-tripping
across the country!

We've had the worst luck!

But I think it's finally
turned around.

[ Screams ]

Operation, success.

Ugh, no more unicycles.

Ugh. Dart toss is rigged!

How is that boy
still asleep?

[ Muttering ]

Oh, my.

[ Snoring ]

Welp, you mop, I'll dry?

[ Snoring ]

Sleep tight, Gwen.
You've earned it.


Huh?! What in the world?!

Where am I?!

[ Horn honks ]
What was that?!

This was that!
[ Laughing ]


[ Panting ]

[ Both groan ]

-Ben?! What are you doing here?
-Gwen?! What are you doing here?

-Am I dreaming this?!
-I prefer the term nightmare!

[ Horn honks ]

[ Squealing ]


[ Panting ]

What?! You don't like
my monkey?!

Well, how about my mallet?!


[ Both gasp ]

Huh! Oh, no, now, you're both
having nightmares?

This wasn't a normal
nightmare, Grandpa!

Yeah, we were in the same
dream together.

And the dreams are
getting stronger!

Hmm...do you remember when
these nightly occurrences

started happening, Ben?

[ Snoring ]


Huh?! Uh, it started when we
got to this campsite!

I'm gonna take
a look around!

I can't go on like this!
I need sleep to be a hero!

Well, I'm coming with you,
sleep deprived or not!

Me, too, Gwen's right.
Family sticks together.

when facing -- Ben?!

[ Snoring ]

Oh, right!
Family together!

Let's go.


What specifically
are we looking for?!

[ Yawns ] Something
suspicious, I guess.

Like that?!

You see anything in there?!

Not really.

That bright light
is obscuring my view.

Well, I'm gonna to find out
who's inside!

Just gotta open
this locked door.

-Wha! Oh!

You folks can't be
snooping around

other people's trailers
like that!

Now, please, head back
from where you came

and try to
get some sleep.

He's right,
what are we even doing

peeping in strange old
trailers anyway?

I'm too tired to remember.

I hate the night shift.


[ Laughing ]

Gotta stay awake!

Can't handle any more

Something felt sketchy
about that trailer!

But I'm too tired
to figure it out!

I'm in this
with you guys.

I'll stay stimulated by
pretending I'm driving!

[ Honks horn ]
Move it!

Oh, yeah, we can do this

[ All snoring ]

Bweh! I'm awake!

Dang it!

Well, at least there's
no sign of Zombozo!

[ Monkey squealing ]

[ Screeches ]

Aah! Nope, nope, nope, nope,
nope, nope, nope, nope!

Wake up, wake up, wake up!

Ugh. It's not working!

At least Grandpa and Gwen are
probably still awake!

They'll wake me up
any second now!

Humana, humana,
humana, humana!

Quick, over here!

Whew! No wonder Ben's been
sleeping so horribly!

Wait! Sh, sh, sh, shh!
Did you hear that?!

I think I hear footsteps!

[ All scream ]

Oh! Ben!
It's just you!

Oh, man, I haven't been this
scared since the time I --

Cool story, but kind
of busy right now!

-Quick, this way!

-Nope! Never mind!

Wait a sec, so this means all of
us fell asleep?!

-Yep! Whoa!
-Yep! Whoa!

Uhh, maybe there's
a different tunnel.

[ Squealing ]

Nope! We're jumping!

[ Laughing ]

[ Growls ] All right,
you circus creep!

What's going on here?!
What did you do to our dreams?!

Oh, this isn't a dream!

This is insanity!

I've got the technology

to craft the perfect nightmare
for you three!

And ya better get comfy
because you're never leaving!

This is just a dream!
You can't trap us here!

Oh, I already have!

With my nightmare machine
operating at full capacity,

I can keep you three
dreaming forever!

And if you're trapped
in here,

there'll be no one left
to stop me

from doing whatever
I want in the real world!


-[ Gasps ] Ben!
-[ Gasps ] Ben!

[ Screaming ]

...oh. Huh!

Wait a sec, I'm -- I'm flying!

Ben can fly?!
I want to fly!

Me, too!

Looks like you're not

the only one who can control
dreams, Zombozo!

Fly all you want, it's not
going to help you escape!

Oh, yeah!
Well, then, maybe this will!

Aww, well, look at that,
a precious balloon alien.

Okay, not in total control yet,
but I'll show you precious!

[ Grunts ]

Come on.

[ Yawns ]

[ Screaming ]


Gotcha! I think I'm getting
the hang of this dream thing!

Gwen, look out!

How's about a real cannonball?!

Brace yourself, Ben!

[ Grunts ]

[ Zombozo screaming ]

Ha, time for old Grandpa
to get in on the action!

[ Inhales deeply ]



[ Muttering ]

You'll have to do better than
that to get ahead of me!

What about behind you?!

Really milking that giant hand
thing, aren't you?!

They do come in handy!

Yes, well, so do snakes!

Huh?! Yah!

Over here!

Man, I wish non-dream
Cannonbolt had jet wings!

We can wish for jet wings
and giant hands later!

Right now, we gotta figure out
how to out-dream Zombozo

and end this nightmare!

We can out-dream him using
the one thing he doesn't have --


And jet wings!
I'm loving these things!


Oh, look!
I caught a little fly!

No, you caught
the whole swarm!


Got your legs!


Oh, weird!

Hey! Let go of me!

Hey, spider clown,
I've got a question for ya.

Do you like my mallet?!



[ Bell dings ]


Lousy Tennyson spoiling my


[ All yawning ]

Well, we did it, guys!
Zombozo is donezo!

That's right, we faced the
unknown together as a family.

I guess you can call us
the "dream team"!

Yeah, "dream team,"
I like that!

Well, now that we
defeated Zombozo,

maybe we should celebrate
by hitting the trails

so we can catch
the beautiful sunrise!

What do you guys say?!

[ Snoring ]

Or, a nap sounds
pretty good, too.


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