05x01 - Ben 10,010

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Ben 10". Aired: October 1, 2016 – September 18, 2020.*
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Building on the highly successful franchise about kid hero Ben Tennyson, Ben 10 introduces a re-imagined Ben, his cousin Gwen, and Grandpa Max, as they travel the country during summer vacation.
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05x01 - Ben 10,010

Post by bunniefuu »




[ Lasers fire, expl*si*n ]

[ People screaming ]




[ Beeping ]


[ People screaming ]

[ Beeping ]



Breaking news -- Las Vegas
is now under attack, as well.

The hive-like alien species
has leveled The Strip.

Their demands, if any,
are unknown at this time.

What we do know is they are
proving to be unstoppable,

invading nations worldwide
with no end in sight.

Live coverage continues
as we wait to hear from

the President of
the United States herself.


We can't stay here!

We must evacuate,
Madam President!

Run? No.

We'll wait to hear from
the General.

The General?
He's kookier than a coconut!

I don't see why you believe
a word he says.

I don't e-- Uh...

Then I suggest you leave.

[ Men screaming ]

General Hex,
how bad is it?

Las Vegas is no more.

Who knows how much longer
we have until this Xerge

reach us here in Bellwood?

The intruders seem to
act as one,

It would be wise
to retreat.

I can't sit back
and let the country fail.

Never have, never will.

If you'd allow me to secure

an alien of our own
to counter them...

We need you here.I am the only one

who can bring the champion
here quickly.

Fine, do it.

And tell M.A.X. to ready
my battle suit.

With pleasure,
Madam President.

[ Sighs ]

If only it was still
that summer.

Your Highness.

Ugh, knock it off,

You're my press secretary.

No time for jokes.
Walk and talk.

I have the press waiting
with bated breath.

I also wanted to run
something by you.

No, you're not hypnotizing
the entire country

so you can take over.

I wouldn't dream of it!

Cut the shenanigans
and commit to the common good

or there won't be a country
to hypnotize.

If you can't get that through
your wig, it's back to jail.

[ Applause,
camera shutters clicking ]

This is my real hair,
you know.

[ Mutters angrily ]

[ Microphone feedback ]Ladies and gentlemen,

In this corner...
[ Laughs ]

...it's, uh -- Ugh!
Uh, sorry.

Uh, President
Gwendolyn Tennyson.

[ Press murmuring, applause ]

Let me get right to the point.

We have a planet to save.

Today we were att*cked
by an alien invader

called the Xerge,
but I assure you

we will not just stand by.

We will fight aliens
with aliens, and we will win.

Madam President, does that mean
you're finally reconnecting

with your long lost cousin?

We need heroes now
more than ever -- real heroes.

Firefighters, officers,

heroes who don't run away
when the going gets rough.

[ Rumbling, all murmuring ]

They're here.They're here.


[ Torch crackling ]

I'm sorry, Grandpa.
I thought we had more time.

[ Rumbling ][ Grunts ]

Great guacamole!

They must be
right on top of us.

Did you work out all the kinks,
Sergeant Smythe?

The Presidential mech suit

should be
operationally optimized.

Should be?

I'm about to go face
a trillion super-powered aliens.

Cut me some slack!

I've only recently degraded
myself to dabble

in modern technology!

[ Shudders ]

Gwen, you have soldiers, jets,
ships all fighting the Xerge.

The country needs you here
making the hard decisions

in the safety of
this bunker.

I've done everything I could
from behind the desk.

It didn't work.

I have to go at this
face to face.

No stalling now.

Yes, definitely,
no stalling.

But before you go
save the world,

how about you and I
grab a bite to eat, huh?

I heard of this amazing
new pupusa place

that hasn't gotten
blown up yet, tha--

You haven't eaten since
we uploaded your consciousness.

But there's no time.

I have a battle to fight,
a country to lead.

Spoken like a true Tennyson.

Let me come with you.
I can be your eyes and ears.

I need you here to monitor
this backup White House.

And Grandpa,
if things go south,

I'll give you the order
and you know what to do.

Don't talk like that.
You got this.

I believe in you.[ Portal opens ]

Madame President,
Bellwood is overrun!

Complete your mission.
I'll hold off the aliens

until you get backup!

Is Project Bygone ready?

Is the dirigible the greatest
mode of transportation?

I canceled that project.

Too risky!
Time travel is full of holes.

I'll save the world
the old-fashioned way --

with metal fists!

So presidential,

but that suit really needs
more tentacles.

I'm sorry, it does.


POTUS to Airborne squadrons!

Retreat and standby for orders.

I'll take it from here.

Come on, Gwen, you've dealt
with aliens your whole life.

You can do this.

Xerge! This attack on our planet
must stop.

What do you want?

Xerge: We are Xerge.

I know that part.

Any chance you're
the kind of Xerge

willing to sit down and talk?


I'll take that as a no.

[ Grunts ]


All right then.
It's Hero Time.

[ Grunting ]


Hex, the Xerge
aren't playing nice!

I could sure use
that backup.

Our alien ally is being...

[ Grunts ]

...less than cooperative.

[ Sighs ]
Tell him Gwen needs him.

[ Gasps ]


The electromagnetics
of the Xerge mothership

must be affecting
my spells.

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Groans ]

[ Roars ]
What gives, man?

I was kickin' to my tunes
and you just att*cked me!


You losers?

This is not the time
to mess with me!


I can't believe
you got him here.

Your name still holds
much magic over him.

I think he's showing off.

[ Roars ]


We've got it from here,

Start evacuating the city.

Are you sure you won't be
joining the evacuation,

Madam President?

Are you kidding?

I'm just getting
in my groove here.


[ Grunts ]

Did ya miss me,

That's President Gwennifer
to you.

Don't know why
you ever left.

Public service really
isn't my jam.

There's too many!
They just keep comin'!

Just follow my lead!

Oh, I get it.



[ Grunts ]

Yeah! Great job.

[ Sighs ]
Reminds me of the good ol' days.

They weren't so good for
all of us, Commander-in-Grief.

[ Both laugh ]


Well, glad that's over.

[ Stomping ]

I call dibs.

Creeper McCreeper is mine.

[ Roars ]



[ Roars ]


You ready to
do something crazy?


[ Grunts ]

[ Roars ]

[ Coughing ]

[ Both grunting ]

Well, that wasn't so hard.

This was
their first wave.

Used to gather intel.

They'll return stronger,
better Prepared.

We have to regroup back
at the White House.

Are you coming, Kevin?Gwen, this isn't
the old days.

My Antitrix is shot.

I'm stuck as Humungoraptor.

You want to take down
those remote-control boxes?

Find the guy
with the working Omnitrix.

Finding him isn't the problem,



[ Beeping ]


[ expl*si*n]

[ Slurps ]

It's a disaster.

[ Burps ]
This smoothie tastes gross.

[ Whistling ]

[ Sirens wailing in distance ]

[ Beeping ]

Hitch, have you seen any
photon batteries lying around?

Apologies, Benjamin,
but I believe you used the last

one to upgrade your antique
Sumo Slammers game console.

Oh, yeah, right.

Totally worth it.

Forgive my rudeness, Benjamin.
I could not help but notice

the Xerge have invaded
the city below.

Yeah, and?

Oh, I-I just thought
since your...

your family
was down there that...

Not anymore.

Those days are long gone.

Besides, I have everyone
I need right here.


Are you okay, Louis?

[ Throwing voice ]
Never better.

We'll always be friends.

[ Normal voice ]
Unlike other people I know.

Fiddling with rubbish
while the world burns, Benjamin?


How long has it been?

Not long enough.


How typical.

[ Grunts ]


Come on, don't do
this to me again.

[ Beeping ]

Prepare thyself
for a butt kickin'.


[ Sighs ]

[ Breathing heavily ]

[ Grunts ]

[ Sighs ] I'm not here
to renew old grudges.

Then you came to
the wrong place.

[ Chattering ]


Don't go into the light,

You heartless monster!
[ Chattering ]

Will you just listen?

Oh, I'll listen,
all ri-- ow, ow, ow, ow!


I have a message.

Message this.

[ Groans ]

[ Ding! ]

This conflict is absurd
and unnecessary.

Oh, really?
'Cause I feel like

it's totally necessa--

[ Sighs ]
Stood up too fast.

[ Sighs ]
I'll be right with ya.

Just, Uh-huh --
just give me a minute.

How about we forego the fighting
and get to the matter at hand?


This doesn't mean I gave up.
You didn't beat me.

I did not come here
to beat you.

I came on behalf of --

of your family.

Nice try, Hex.

Once evil, always evil.

There is no good
and evil anymore.

Only survival
and extinction.

I have chosen survival.

Don't believe me?
Believe him.

Hiya, Ben.


Uh, Ben.

Oh, right,
you're a hologram.

All that's left
because I failed you.

Failed everyone.

Hey, that's not true, Ben.

And besides, nothing we can do
about the past.

It's the future
we have to think about.

President Gwen needs you.

Ah! Da-da-da!

Don't say the P-word.

Gwen needs all the help
she can get right now.

She must.

Times are tough,
and getting tougher every day.

But the toughest part for me
is that my grandkids

won't even
speak to each other.

Yeah, well,
we're not kids anymore.

Then why are you
acting like one?

I assume, Benjamin,
you've never been inside

the presidential bunker.

Yeah, never could find time
to drop by.

Busy schedule and all.

This facility is equipped
with everything

we could need to stay
below ground for two years.

Hope that includes deodorant.

Smythe: [ Grunting ]
Confounded technology.

I know
that obnoxious voice.

Steam Smythe.

Sergeant Smythe.

Lead Science Corps Technician,
as you please.

Ugh. Just when I thought
it couldn't get any worse.

The Twain Twins?
Working together?

Desperate times
and all that.

And they're not
exactly together.

If trouble does arise,
we just spray them with water.

That usually
does the trick.

We have more to see.

[ Tools whirring ]

Ah, we have visitors.


His research has been invaluable
in our survival.

Have you determined
how they communicate, Admiral?

You're kidding?

I've found no
biological vulnerability.

They are amazing creatures.

Tremendously so.

Perhaps we should shift
our focus to Project Bygone?

Project Bygone?

A time tunnel.

One of my greatest
scientific achiev--


You named it,
but I did all the work.

Why you little...

Quit the bickering.

You're both equally vital
to our cause.

However, should we fail
to stop the Xerge...

Escape through the time tunnel?

Pretty risky,
even for you.

Precisely what your cousin said
before she vetoed the plan.

Yeah, Gwen's always been
more fight than flight.

You know, this little bug
looks kinda familiar.

How can something so puny be
so destructive.

Ever meet yourself, bro?

Hm, still can't
time out, huh?

Maybe if someone hadn't
bailed on me,

I wouldn't be stuck
like this.

Stuck? Considering what you
normally look like,

I'd say
this is an improvement.

Some things never change,
do they, Benjamin?

Gwen, uh...


I mean, hey, uh...

Madame President will do.

I didn't vote for you.

Same old Ben.
Cracking jokes...

while the rest of us
clean up your mess.

These things
aren't my mess.

This is your alien tech.

Which was supposed
to change the world.

How was I to know
it would --

Signal a vicious space seed

that's tearing apart

Funny how that
worked out.

M.A.X.: [ Chuckles ]

Oh, I'm lovin' this.

Takes me right back
to our first summer together.

[ Sighs ] Feels like yesterday,
and a lifetime ago.

This was a mistake.
I don't belong here.

Go ahead,
run away again.

We've been doing fine
without your "help."

Madame President!

We have inbound hostiles.

The Bugg Brothers?

the Bugg Brothers?

Mm, joke all you want,

but roaches'll be all
that's left to inherit this dump

if you don't
do something pronto!

Oh, I'm thinkin' about
doing somethin' alright.

[ Rumbling ]

You must leave now.



[ Roars ]

Hex is right.
You need to leave, Gwen.

No, hold on.

they're not attacking us.


We are Xerge.


We are Xerge,
and we come for us.

Surrender it now,
or face the consequences.

You've already
freed yourself.

Surrender it now,
or face the consequences.

Ben, I think
they're here for you.

Or your watch.

Is that right?
Is this what you're after?

Not the device.

The contents.

You wanna see
the contents?

Uh, Buzzshock?

I really hate this thing.

We come for us!

We need to evacuate, now.

Go, I can handle this.

Can you stay,
General Hex?


No offense,
but you're gonna need my help.

Get yourselves to safety
as soon as you can.

It's difficult to comprehend
that you two are related.


[ Xerge roars ]



Nice shot.
Thank you.

You're not so bad

This is so wrong
on so many levels.

You know, Benjamin,
people do change.

I change all the time.

It's Kevin here
who's stuck the way he is.

Not quite what he meant,

Is that right?
Kevin! Behind you!

[ Grunts ]


Why is that familiar?

Do I know what that is?

[ Xerge roars ]

Everyone out of here,

You can't take 'em alone.

You can't take them at all
until you time in.

Live to fight another day.

Another day?

Hang on.
Hex, turn on Project Bygone.

Project Bygone?

I shut that program
down ages ago.

What do you want
with that?

Mm?I have a plan to clean up

this mess for good.

Trust me.

Like you used to.

What do you think,
General Hex?

The only victory now
is survival.

Don't mess this up.

Nice pep talk, Prez.

[ Lasers firing ]

I probably shouldn't ask,
but why are you helping me?

I assure you it is
entirely coincidental.


Is it time for
Project Bygone?

Yes, but with a slight
change in plans.

Oh, wonderful.

She'll be up to full power
in seconds.

When you're ready to return,
press this,

and you'll be brought back
to the present.

[ Lasers fire ][ Gasps ]

Move it, Tennyson!

We'll hold them off.

[ Grunts ]

How do we know he's not
just running away again?

Time will tell.

[ Exhales ]

[ Sips ]

Do you hear that, camper?

Oh, no, what did Ben
do this time?

No, no.
The silence.

[ Inhales, exhales deeply ]

Don't you just
love Mother Nature?

Oh, yes.

So peaceful.

[ Whistling ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

[ Water splashes ]Gwen: Quit splashing!

Quit getting splashed!That doesn't make any sense.

You don't make any sense.

[ Laughs ]

[ Laughs ]

[ Grunts ]


[ Gasps ]

I'm king of the pool!

[ Laughs ]

It's a spring,
not a pool, doofus.

Okay, time to declare
a lunch truce.

There's no way
they'll listen to us.

Better send in the troops.

Blah, blah, blah.

Fact, fact, fact.

Simon Sez: Ben! Gwen!

Ben? Gwen?

Hi, Gwen. Hi, Ben.Stay still.

A -year-old's vision
is based on movement.

Grandpa Max
and Aunt Maxine

said we have to
find my brother

and go back for lunch.[ Gasps ] Ryan?

Why didn't you open with that?
[ Laughs ]


I'm wearing floaties.

[ Inhales ]


[ Gasps ]

Okay, you win.

What? You afraid I'm gonna
pull you in?

I'm afraid of that.

[ People screaming ]




Smythe: [ Laughs evilly ]

Feast your eyes
on my mighty beast.

Clocktopus . !

Steam Smythe.

I thought you hated

Not as much as I hate
losing to you.

[ Groans ]

[ Breathes deeply ]

Easy, Smythe.
Mind your blood pressure.

Anyway, I've come to settle
this gentlemen's quarrel

once and for all!

I'll play Sumo Slammers
with you later

if you go keep
the adults busy.


Now to deal with
this goober.


[ Beeping ]No way!

A new alien?

You picked the wrong day to
crash this hot spring, Steamy.


Weird. Feels like I'm having
a power surge.

Wonder what we can do.

Take that!

Uh, take that!

What gives?
[ Grunting ]

Aww, did your futuristic

alien technology
let you down?

[ Laughs evilly ]

Full steam ahead!



Oh, Ryan! Hmm?

[ Clears throat ]

Oh, 'sup, Ryan?

You wanna head back
and grab a bite or --

[ People screaming ]

Oh, no.

What did Ben do now?

No powers?

This alien stinks!

Who put this dud
in my Omnitrix?

Wait, the Clocktopus?

Then that must be --

Gwen, look out!

[ Grunts ]

What happened to you?

New alien. I call it Surge,
but it's not helpful.

So now I have
to clean up your mess?

it's just Steam Smythe.Ow!

Oh, I'm right here.

Not even close.

[ Grunting ]

Hold still,
you wily little miscreant!

[ Grunts ]


He's faster than before.

Smythe: [ Chuckles evilly ]
Caught you.

Oh, no.
I got to help her.

[ Grunting ]

[ Beeping ]

Surge can fly?

Now we're talkin'.


[ Grunts ]

Still totally useless.

Any last words,

[ Grunts ]

Uh, w-what happened?

Who dares interrupt
our fisticuffs?

[ Groans ]
Ben, are you okay?

I-I'm fine.

Hold up.
Is that Four Arms?

But if you're you...

Then who's that?

Oh, yeah!
One hit KO!

Man, feels great to flex
my four arms again.

[ Grunts ]

[ Spine cracks ]Don't miss the pain part.

Rabble rouser,
this is not your fight.

I don't know who you are,

but this is between
myself and Ben Tennyson.

Then you're in luck,
Rust Lips.

[ Grunting ]

[ Warbling ]


Still got it.

Get off of me!
Get off!

[ Knuckles crack ]

[ Grunting ]

[ Chuckles nervously ]
Shall we call it a draw?

Turns out you're not
so bad, Smythe.

But right now,
you're in my way, so...


He'll be fine.

That was my baddie to beat.

That four-armed
fight stealer.

I mean, "Surge."

Shouldn't we be asking
who this other Four Arms is?

Don't worry, I got this.

Who do you think
you are?

[ Gasp ] Xerge!
How did they follow me here?

Good one.
Now he wants to fight.


[ Gasps ]
So, it worked.

I'm in the past!

Which means
this must be...

Come here,
little fella!


I found you.
I finally found you!

Could you find a bath,

You got like nuclear B.O.


Where's Grandpa Max?

He's, uh,
back at the Rustbucket.

And you are?

The Rustbucket.

So many memories.

You just gave up
valuable intel?

We don't know this creep.

Uh, he has a watch, he knows
Grandpa, and has nuclear B.O.,

so he's obviously you
from the future.

Now I need to see Grandpa.

You can't just waltz
in like that.

I have questions.

[ Inhales deeply ]

When do I get tall?
Can I grow a beard?

What other aliens do I get?

Does the Rustbucket fly
in the future?

Are there still Sumo Slammers?
Is laser tag lethal?

Was I always this annoying?

Yeah, pretty much.

But we do have company, so you
might not want to rush

in all future-y.

It could complicate stuff.

[ Grunting ]
Got any ideas?


Wait for us!

Grandfather, Ms. Maxine,
thank you for this meal.

We're starving.

Thanks, guys.

You sure do work up a big
appetite in the pool.

I believe the correct term
is hot spring?

Right again, Ben.

So, I was, uh,

Can't hear you
over Ben's chewing

[ Both chewing loudly



[ Burps loudly ]
[ Weakly ] Ta-da.

[ Burps ]

They were hungry.

I'll have to make my boys
some lunch in our camper.

Come on, you two.

That was fire.

[ Burps ]
Ahh, did you hear that?

The universe heard that.

Ryan called me fire.

If we do this again
next summer,

I'm going to teach you
two some table manners.

Sorry, Grandpa, but we had to
get rid of them quick

so we could
show you something.

don't freak out, okay?

what is this about?



It's really you.

I can't believe it.

Uh, well,
this is a little freaky.

And that,
even freakier.

Grandpa, it's okay, I'm --

Future Ben, obviously.

Make yourself at home.

Have a half-eaten burger.

What brings you to our neck
of the temporal woods?

Can't say much.
Could create a time paradox.

If you can't tell us anything
about the future,

why are you even here?

I need another Omnitrix.

I don't like where
this is going.

I need to stop an invasion
in the future.

An invasion by the same alien
species you just turned into.

Surge? Ha.
You can have him.

He's a big fat zero!

But you can't have
the watch.

this is no time to argue.

Hello, genius?

I can't take it off.

Or did you forget?

[ Sighs ]Is there any other way?


But I'm not gonna like it.

I have to take you back.

To the future?

I'll be able to watch
the final episode of "Xingo"

before it's even made!

You need to be serious.

This is our only shot at saving
the people we love.

I think he means us.

We're so extinct.

I've missed you so much.

I'll get Ben -- me --
right back to you...

if I can.

Wait, what?

If you can?!
What do you mean if you can?


[ Shudders ]
We're too late.

Aw, man.


Okay, you went back in time
to find me

so we could save the future,
which, by the way,

is way less sci-fi awesomeness
than I was hoping.

When I left,
this was the White House.

Now look at it.
Just one more mess I caused.

Ah, don't beat yourself up.

Save that
for the bad guys.

From what I've learned
this summer,

it's that beating up
bad guys fixes everything.

What in the name of
Thomas Edison took you so long?

[ Gasps ]
Steam Smythe?

You did this, didn't you?

Prepare for a beatdown!


[ Grunts ]

Finally got
what you wanted, eh?

No supercomputers,
no flying cars,

no zero-G laser tag.

He's on our side.

What? [ Grunts ]

the future's messed up.

President Tennyson has led
the Xerge away from Bellwood.

I'm the president
in the future?

No way!


You mean Gwen,
don't you?

I'm never gonna
live this one down.

Probably not.
Where'd she lead them?

To that junkyard
you were hiding out in.

She told them that's where
they would find

whatever it is
they're after.

Ben, we have to go, now.

Let's do this.

Leaping before you look,

Ghost Grandpa!

I'm glad you made it
back home safe.

I've missed you, Ben.
So what's the plan?

Well, what I do best --
being a real hero.

It's Hero Time!
I mean...

Hero Times!
Hero Times!


M.A.X., lock on my coordinates
and initiate scrub order.

I can't do that, Gwen.

You'd be caught in the --I'd be the only one caught.

It's why I tricked them
outside the city limits.

Now blow 'em sky high
before they figure it out.

Just because I'm an
artificial intelligence

doesn't mean
I'll ever stop caring about you.

help is on the way.

We tire of waiting.

Word has it
the wait's over.

Wait, what is that?

Madame President, seems like
you could use a hand or two.

That Heatblast is sick!

I can't wait to learn
how to fly.

How about you start
with a new move

I told ya about?

[ Grunts ]



that was wicked awesome!

You came back.Hey, Prez, what's up?

I know what you're gonna say,
but no more running.

I promise.

[ Sighs ]
Wait, who's that? Kevin?

Since when can you
do Diamondhead?

Ouch, cuz.

Don't you recognize a hero
when you see one?

What have you done?!

It's all part of my plan --

Putting your past self
in mortal danger?!

Ever heard of time paradoxes,

He'll be fine.

Says the guy who can't even
take care of his present self.

And now you put not one, but two
of your timelines in danger?

Uh, old Gwen, old me?

We got a big problem-o.

Just try and -- Huh?

Your deception is pointless.

Give us what was promised, or we
ravage the rest of your world.

Ha, what you came
for isn't here, Xerge.

Never was.

We seek the last
of our kind.

The one that will grant us
ultimate power,

and yet, here are two.

Uh, I just got here, bub.

what's it talking about?

That new alien of yours?
It's Xerge DNA.

Same as mine.Imprisoned.

Weakening us,

keeping us from being one.

That's why you're here?
What If I surrender?

Will you call off
the invasion?

That's your big plan?

I'm sorry.
Take it.

If this is a trick...

Hitch, it's go time!



[ Grunts ]

Whoa. No way she'd let me
live this down.

Future Gwen is super rad.

I didn't think I'd have
to use this.


Gwen, no!

No, you fool!

Let me go!

I'm trying to end this.

Let me tell ya somethin'.

Quitting's for losers,
old dude.

I'm not that old.

Somebody knocks us down,

we get back up and show 'em
what we're made of.

Thanks for the pep talk,

Look, whatever you learned
on summer vacation

doesn't apply here.

We can't just punch our way
out of this.

The harder we fight,
the stronger the Xerge gets.

Not necessarily.

While you were gone,
I had M.A.X. run some scans.

[ Xerge grunts ]

Kids, I have
important information.

What's up?We found out the Xerge

are a collective

a single entity.

Taken separately,
the individual units

don't amount to much,
but together --

Their power increases

They can't fight alone.

They're like an infection.

So that's why my Surge alien
was a total dud.

You got it, kiddo.
Eep! later.

Xerge: Enough.

You thinkin'
what I'm thinkin'?

Yep. 'Cause I am you.

Let's do it.


Those forms are not yours
to flaunt.

Let's show him what happens
when you mess

with the mind of an alien
powered -year-old.

You get mind cooties.

What's that noise
we used to make on long

Rustbucket trips?

Yeah, boop.

Let's Boop the heck
out of him, Ben.


I'll be taking these Xerges.

Piece by piece,
we're gonna take you down.


What's the meaning of

[ Both grunt ]

we will be complete.

Clever quips are his things,
so lemme just say...

get off my planet!

[ Roars ]

Looks like
we're gonna need backup.

[ Beeps ]





Thanks to your foolhardy kin,

we are one step closer
to our ultimate reign.

Once their minds join us,
it will be the end.

Join them?
Yeah, right.

If anything,
you'd join me.

That's it, we combine and take
him apart from the inside.

Hey, yeah!

We'll infect his mind just like
he's trying to do to us.

That might be
our only chance.

Let's join up.



Okay, friends,
the word of the day is "boop."

[ Xerges beeping "boop" ]

doesn't feel right.

With this many we might have
a fighting chance.

Relish your independence
while you can.

I kinda like this planet.
How about you?

Definitely my top
home world.

As your bodies assimilate,
your minds will follow,

and then you will be of us.

[ Roars ]

Ready to teach
this monstrosity a lesson?

Let's go.


There you go, Bens!

Take him apart.

I will never relinquish
my Xerge army.

Young Ben:
Have it your way.

Come on, Ben,
don't do this to me.

[ Both groaning ]

[ Weakly ] Boop.

Yeah, in retrospect,
that was really annoying.

Hundo percent.

Yes! That is what
I'm talking about!

[ Chanting "Ben!" ]Too tight.Too tight.

Too bad.
I am not letting go.

It's so good
to have you back.

Good to be back.

There's no time
for such sentiments.

Hex...still looks evil.


Is the Time Tunnel
still operable?

Yes, but it grows more
unstable each moment.

If it collapses
before the boy returns,

the paradoxes
will be cataclysmic.

Typical Ben effect.

Let's get you home.

Thanks for saving the world.
See you in years.

And thanks for reminding me
who I used to be.

I have so many questions.

How'd Gwen get elected?

Is candy still bad for you
in the future?

Will there ever be flying cars?
[ Grunts ]

Oh, I've been waiting
decades to do that!

Everything okay?
You seem, uh, calm.

Makes me nervous.

Got to enjoy it all
while you can, right, Grandpa?

[ Chuckles ] Spoken like a boy
beyond his years.

Gwen: After defeating the Xerge,
humanity was able to turn

the alien's destructive nature
for good.

With the remaining pieces,
we've rebuilt our lives.

These unexpected
building blocks

are a constant reminder
to not give up on ourselves,

or each other.

W e are one step closer
to peace.

What do you think?

Good enough for the movies.
Or at least television.

Thanks, Hitch.


Your Majesty.

"Madam President"
is fine, and --


-Now, see here...
-That is unacceptable.

Well, in some ways,
he'll always be .

It's Hero Time!




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