02x23 - Vegeta's Secret Plan! Tragic Attack Upon the Namekians" / "Vegeta's Covert Maneuvers! A Tragic as*ault on the Na

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x23 - Vegeta's Secret Plan! Tragic Attack Upon the Namekians" / "Vegeta's Covert Maneuvers! A Tragic as*ault on the Na

Post by bunniefuu »

Using the Taiyo-ken technique,

Kuririn and the others eluded Dodoria.

Vegeta then appeared before Dodoria.

His rebellion against Freeza and
his men grew even more vehement.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Vegeta's Covert Maneuvers!
A Tragic as*ault on the Namekians."

I've k*lled Dodoria.

For all the power that Dodoria
prided himself on, it was easy.

I've improved so much, even I am surprised.

That battle on Earth was
indeed good for something.

Although I have to admit,
Dodoria did say something unusual.

I get it! Those runts I was chasing
were earthlings, weren't they?

True, I do sense two large powers
getting farther away from me.

They couldn't possibly be
earthlings, but it does bother me.

Maybe I should go check them out.

Whoever they are, I have to eliminate
anyone who might get in my way,

even the small fry.

The cave where Bulma-san is hiding
is just a little farther that way.

This is your first time on this planet.
I'm surprised you know it so well.

What's that?! Something's
coming at incredible speed!

Hide! Hurry!


They're going to find us, out here
in a place like this, aren't they?

Never mind, just suppress your Ki, right now!

We'll have to leave the rest up to fate.

Is it that monstrous-looking bastard again?

Damn it, how did he figure out where we are?

Both of those powers have disappeared.

What's going on?

It happened right around there, abruptly.

Kuririn-san! Up there!

V-Vegeta! So he really is here on this planet.

How can it be that he's here?
This is a complete disaster!

He's still looking around.

He wasn't wearing one of those Scouter devices.

So how can he tell where we are?

Y-You don't think he's gained
the ability to sense Ki, do you?

If so, this is bad. Even with us suppressing our Ki,

this kid still has his slight Ki...

Damn, have I misread things?

It might be because I'm not used to
this power-sensing technique yet.

Maybe I shouldn't have destroyed that Scouter.

Hmm? I sense a small power.

This time, I'm not misreading it. Now to find it...

He's coming this way!

I-It's hopeless! He's gonna find us!

Around that rock there.

At this point, we have no choice but to fight.

Even though we know we'll get k*lled.

--Let's go!


A fish, huh?

Oh, well.

Right now, getting my hands on
the two remaining Dragon Balls--

no, even just one of them, comes first.

If I can just hide one of them,

Freeza will be unable to get
all seven of them together.

Then I'll wait for Freeza and the
others to leave themselves open,

and take their five from them.

Having them lose their Scouters
means that luck is on my side!

We're saved!

I thought we'd had it for sure, there.

We sure got lucky. I've gotta
hand it to that thing in the water.

Anyhow, let's head back to where Bulma-san is,

while keeping our presence
as masked as we can.

--It's right nearby, isn't it?

We didn't even fight,
and I already feel exhausted.

I want to get some rest.

I'm, uh...

I'm honestly beginning to wish
we hadn't come to this planet.

I know that's not fair to the late
Yamucha-san and the others.

But far from bringing everyone back to life,

it looks like there are going
to be even more deaths.

Do you mean us?


Look, Kuririn-san! Over there!

Oh, right, right.


Huh? She's not here.

She must be hiding further inside the cave.


It's us! Where are you?! Bulma-san!

A Capsule House!

What have you been off gallivanting around for?!

Leaving a young lady here, all by herself!

Gallivanting, she says.

Who's the small-sized
Piccolo-looking fellow there?

By any chance, is that a Namekian?

It's all right.

Eh? Did something happen?

Please, just let us come inside right now.

We'll tell you everything that happened.

Oh, right!

I just got some welcome news from my dad!

Son-kun has taken off, and is
headed here to Planet Namek!

And get this, he'll arrive in just six days!

You see, my dad took the spaceship

that Son-kun rode in on when he was
a baby and completely rebuilt it!

What's more, Son-kun is going to
undergo incredible training inside!

F-Father is coming?


Undergoing incredible training, you say?

Great! Great! Now we have some hope!

Next up, this, for minutes!

I'm sensing them! Large powers!
There are at least of them!

No doubt about it, there's a
Namekian village out there!

And they probably have a Dragon Ball.

Freeza and the others don't have Scouters.

No matter what action I take now,
they won't know about it!

I knew it. The folks in this village are still alive,

which proves that Freeza and
the others haven't been here yet.

--What's this?
--An alien.

Is your elder here?

I have come to get your Dragon Ball.


I am the elder.

Would you mind telling me
why you want the Dragon Ball?

Never mind, just hand it over,
right now! You do have it, right?

Leave us. I cannot give it to you.

I can sense evil coming from you.

Then die.



Eat up. Don't be so reserved.
It's not all that great, though.

You can't blame him. Most of
his village just got k*lled, right?

Oh, right. This isn't really the time to eat, huh?

We don't eat this sort of thing.
We get by just drinking water.

Get out of here! There were
fields around your village,

and you were growing vegetables,
or something, weren't you?

Those were Ajissa saplings.

Ajissa saplings?

Yes. Long ago, before the climatic anomaly,

Namek was supposedly a pretty world,
dense with Ajissa trees.

But then...

...the Ajissa forests, along with us Namekians,

almost completely died out.

So now, we're increasing the
number of Ajissa trees there are,

in an attempt to make Namek beautiful again.

Say, what's your name?

Dende. Um, who are you people, exactly?

K-Kuririn-san, is that...?

What's going on, all of a sudden?
Is someone coming again?

N-No, it's not that.

There are Ki out there,
diminishing, one after another.

T-The Namekians are being k*lled once again.

T-The one doing the k*lling is
someone we know quite well.

Vegeta! He's attacking a different village now!

W-What an awful bunch those guys are!

S-Sure enough, Vegeta has
learned a technique to sense Ki.

This is a problem!

We'll have to watch how we move
around until Goku shows up.

I'm not sure if Vegeta and that
Freeza fiend are working together,

but if either one of them use the
Dragon Balls to gain eternal life,

it would be the end of the world!

If we were to find just one of
the Dragon Balls, and hide it,

they won't be able to get
all seven of them together.

We can't! if we did that,

they would keep looking, until they
had k*lled all of the Namekians!

O-Oh, no!

This sucks, no matter what happens.

E-Even once Goku gets here, there's
no guarantee that he can beat them.


If only I'd finished off Vegeta when I could...

P-Please tell me more about yourselves.

Where did you come from? How do
you know about the Dragon Balls?

P-Please save the people of my world!

Why, you...! How could you do this?!

You aren't going to hand over the
Dragon Ball, no matter what, huh?

I'll be damned if I give it to you!

You are one utterly stubborn old man.

Okay, then, suit yourself. I'll find it on my own.


Grate on me, will you?!

Here I thought it would be hidden,
but there it is, on grand display.

This Kami-sama guy was a
Namekian who had fled to Earth.

We want to use the Dragon Balls here

to bring our fallen friends back to life.

If our wish is granted right,

the Dragon Balls on Earth will return, as well.

S-So that's what's going on, is it?

I've finally unraveled the
mystery of who you are.

Please, come with me!
I will show you to the Grand Elder!

Grand Elder?

Who's the Grand Elder?

T-The one who gave birth
to all of us here on Namek.

The sole survivor of the
climatic anomaly long ago,

who has once again given vitality to Namek.

I am the Grand Elder's th child.

The sole survivor? How is it
that you folks have children?

How? We lay eggs out of our mouths.

Oh, is that right? That's unusual, huh?

S-So then, the Grand Elder is a female, right?

Female? What's a female?

W-What is it? There are two kinds of
Namekians, right? Male and female.

Let's see, for example... you have
your father, and then your mother.

Two kinds? N-No...

Did you hear that? They don't
have males and females.

What a dull planet. I'm glad I'm not Namekian.

Er, never mind that, tell us,

why are we going to the Grand Elder's place?

The people who att*cked our village
already had four Dragon Balls.

A-And you said a lot of people were just k*lled

over in that direction, right?

Y-Yeah, probably by a guy named Vegeta.

There isn't a single Ki remaining there.

They were probably completely wiped out.

In that case, there aren't very many
Namekians left on this world.

R-Right. if Vegeta found the
Dragon Ball in the village he att*cked,

that means there's only one left.

By any chance, does the
Grand Elder have the last one?


Oh, no!

Freeza may have lost his Scouters,

but Vegeta has gained
the ability to search for Ki!

If he searches for his Ki,

he'll arrive at the Grand
Elder's place before long,

and steal the seventh Dragon Ball from him!

T-Then we have to let the
Grand Elder know at once!

I beg you! I beg you!

If either Freeza or Vegeta
are granted eternal life,

it would be awful!

All right. Let's hurry. Show me the way.


I'll go see the Grand Elder with Dende.

Gohan, you and Bulma-san wait here for me.

There's no point in all of us going, is there?!

All right. Be careful.

Remember, Gohan, you guys be careful, too!


Now then...

if I submerge this Dragon Ball here,
no one will be able to find it.

I'm the only one who knows it's here.

Freeza and the others have five Dragon Balls.

I guess I'll go look for the last one.

Dodoria is far too late in returning.

Could he still be pursuing those unusual runts?

Never mind.

If the fool cannot catch those
two kids, then leave him be.

Never mind him, go and find
the last two Dragon Balls.

Yes, sir, as you wish. if we
search the remaining villages,

the Dragon Balls are sure to be there.

With the two of us searching,

we should at least be able to find their villages.

Then, I shall take these five Dragon Balls,

and wait for you back at the spaceship.

I am counting on you.

Once we have just two more of them,
I can have my wish granted.

Yes, sir.

You look over in that direction.

If you find a village, do nothing,
and come let me know.

If there are any strong Namekians,
you won't be able to handle them.

We'll meet up again in three hours,
back at the spaceship.

Yes, sir.

It could be that Vegeta has already
located the two that remain.

Even so, he will likely be
coming after our Dragon Balls.

That could be good, and save us
the bother of having to find him.

Once Vegeta comes after them,

we will turn the tables,
and take his two from him.

By doing so, we shall have
all seven of them together.

And then I shall be given eternal life.

Now then,

to wait at my leisure in the spaceship.

Vegeta seems to have grown
even stronger than before.

And I sensed an even stronger
Ki from that Freeza guy.

I don't know what kind of
training Goku is going through,

but this time, even he might
not be able to handle them.

In any case, let's get the Dragon
Ball that the Grand Elder has,

and hide for the five and a half
days it will take for Goku to arrive.

After that, all we can do is wait
for Goku to work a miracle.

If I'm getting so I'm expecting
miracles, it's all over, huh?

Tch, I didn't have any female
presence in my life at all.

Planet Namek faces a worst-case scenario.

Finally, Vegeta has also gone into
motion, seeking the Dragon Balls.

Is their only hope to wait for Goku's arrival?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

All right, I'm getting accustomed
to -times gravity.

Hey, Goku, brace yourself.
I've had some visitors come by.

Visitors? Kaio-sama, now ain't the right time.

Now, just a second.
You know these four quite well.


Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Friends Reborn! The Beautiful Warrior
Zarbon's Devilish Transformation."

Piccolo-san, I can't wait to see you!
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