02x29 - The Special-Squad's Frontline Man! Break Gurudo's Spell" / "First Up for the Ginyu Force! Guldo’s Time Freeze!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x29 - The Special-Squad's Frontline Man! Break Gurudo's Spell" / "First Up for the Ginyu Force! Guldo’s Time Freeze!

Post by bunniefuu »

A new terror is approaching.

In the face of this new crisis,

Kuririn and Gohan have joined forces
with Vegeta for the time being.

And so...

The Ginyu Special Corps!

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"First Up For the Special Corps!
Break Ghurd's Spell."

Well done, everyone.
I have been expecting you.

Thank you very much, Freeza-sama.

Please tell us what our mission is this time.

The traitor Vegeta has taken the
Dragon Balls that I had gathered

and run away with them.

Please rough him up without k*lling
him and bring him back here.

I would like to force out of him

the location where he hid the Dragon Balls.

That is a simple task. Our Scouters
have already picked up Vegeta.

He appears to be passing through
an area not too far from here.

Is something the matter?

Who might these two who are with him be?

They appear to have
considerably high battle powers.

Two of them?

Ah, those must be the children
who interfered with us before.

So, they are working together after all.

What shall we do?

You are to k*ll them.

Very well. We will thoroughly enjoy ourselves.

Freeza-sama, the Scouters
you ordered are in this case.

Good work.

We will take our leave now!

Special Corps!!



They're on the move!

Th-They're fast...! Hurry! They're catching up!

minutes to arrival on Planet Namek...
minutes to arrival...

Kaio-sama didn't have to send me this many!

Someone even more
incredible than Vegeta, huh?

Be alive, guys.

Ten more minutes.

It's strange. I don't feel any fear.

Why am I so calm?

Even with someone so
unheard-of down there...

...I ain't feeling nothing.

Maybe training in all that
gravity has made me go crazy.

Over there!

We've got them!

Yo, Veggie-chan!

Long time no see, huh?

Damn! I was so close, too!

By any chance, is that one
of those Dragon Ball things?

Hmm? There are five of them over here.

Freeza-sama will be thrilled about this.

You have to have all seven
Dragon Balls gathered together, right?

There are five behind us,
and the two you're carrying.

That's all of them, isn't it?

V-Vegeta was telling us the truth.

I wouldn't offer any challenge against them.

And even among those guys,
he's in a whole different league.

I-I'm not about to let you have them!

He, at least, isn't all that big a deal.

W-Why is he mixed in with the others?

Stay back! I can't stand your stink.


Don't go off on your own, Ghurd.

We haven't yet decided that he's your k*ll.

Why don't you hand it over
already, Veggie-chan?

Although, even if you give it up, nice and easy,

we aren't planning to go easy on you.

You guys may be able to search
for people with those things,

but I bet you can't find these!

And what if we can't?

This is what!

--Welcome home.
--I'm back.


Th-That's impossible...!

It looks like you were trying to
throw it far away. That's too bad.

Unfortunately for you, Butta has
the greatest speed in the universe.

Now then, for the other one...

Destroy it!

Damn it!

The Dragon Ball...


So then the rumors are true?!

What rumors are those?

That Ghurd is able to control time
momentarily, and can even stop it.

Th-That can't be for real!

Oh, yes, it's for real.

So then, that's all of them.

And now it's your turn. Be sure
to take extra good care of them.

When he says to take care of you,

he doesn't mean to pat your heads
and play upsie-daisy with you.

He means to beat you up!

You don't have to explain that to them!

Vegeta, is fighting our only option here?

You've figured out that running
away won't do any good, right?

Having you here is better than nothing.

Even knowing that the real
strength you showed me on Earth

will still be useless here, I'm counting on it!

I will take Vegeta. I'll let the rest
of you rock-paper-scissors

over who gets those two unknown runts.

Huh?! That's no fair, Commander!

You took the lion's share last time,
too, you know! You can't do this!

Sheesh... What am I to do? All right.

Then, I'll take the Dragon Balls to Freeza-sama,

and you guys handle the rest on your own.


I'm nice to you guys, right?!

Yeah! You're the best!

Okay, then Vegeta is first,

and second...

Those guys are a set.

All right, let's go!

Ginyu rock-paper-scissors!


Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again!

--Tie, go again! Tie, go again!
--Are you sure we couldn't run away right now?

Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again!

Tie, go again!

Yeah! I get Vegeta!

Tch, I get the two runts, huh?

Don't let it get you down.
It's better than not going at all, right?

I'll tell you what, I'll let
you strike the final blow.

Freeza-sama will now be
able to obtain immortality.

I won't let you have them!

Stop! Don't waste your energy!

Never mind him, just concentrate
on defeating these guys right now!

Hey, come here a minute.

Oh, what's this, a strategy session?

That Ghurd guy that you'll be fighting

has a low battle power,
but he uses supernatural powers.

Keep your guard up.


By the way, is it true that
Kakarrot isn't here on this planet?

No, he isn't. But he is headed here.

Hurry up and get here!
He may drive me up the wall,

but if we had him on our side,
it would increase our strength.

Why in the world did we come
to this faraway place, anyway?

Not only did we not get all
the Dragon Balls together,

but now the bad guys are
going to gain eternal life.

I hate to say this, but Ghurd,
you go on ahead first.

Sheesh, I feel like the guy who
has to clean up the playing field.

What's a guy to do?

Hmph, you're the same
screwed-up bunch as ever!

Gohan, remember the image
training we did on the spaceship!

Right, Kuririn-san!

Aww, this looks like it's gonna
be over in the blink of an eye.

--All right, let's go!

Unleash your Ki!

W-What is this?



Those punks...

Th-They're gone!

W-Where are they?!

There they are! They moved that far?!

They relocated in that brief moment?

D-Damn, I can't hold my breath any longer!

Those little maggots are better
than we thought, aren't they?

Huh, with these Scouter ratings...

To think that they can alter their
battle powers without transforming.

They're an unusual race.

Nice friends you've got there,
huh, Vegeta-chan?

Their speed and power defy comparison

to what they were when I
fought them before. Even so...


Your destructive force is several
times greater than before, Gohan!

It's all thanks to the Grand Elder
raising my power to its maximum!

Still, he ran all the way over there!

He must have stopped
time again. Let's go, Gohan!


Th-They disappeared!

Damn it!


They've already made it this close?!

W-Wait, I don't have to run away.

All right, first I'll take out that little runt!

Oh, crap!

Over there!


Aw, geez! We were so close, too!

Hey there, Ghurd.

Looking pretty ragtag there.

You're disgracing the
Ginyu Special Corps, you know.

Ghurd, you dummy! if you let
yourself get beaten by those runts,

we're not going to play with you anymore!

And we'll take our :
snacks separate from you!

I-I just dropped my guard a little bit!

I'll finish off these maggots right away!

All right, now's our chance!
Let's take it to him, Gohan!


Here they come again!

All right...! At this point,
I'll play my ace-in-the-hole!

W-What is this...?

I-I can't move my body...!

It's my paralyzing spell.

You can't move, no matter
how hard you struggle!


Where's all that energy
you had a moment ago?

Looks like Ghurd is really feeling the heat.

He's using his paralysis spell.
He hardly ever uses that one.

And against those two little bugs, too.

I'm going to get you back
good for embarrassing me!

Hey! I'm gonna skewer you guys!

You might taste good if I grill you up!

Yeah, I'll bet you'd like to escape.

Th-Those fools!

They go and attack him head-on,

even after I told them to watch
out for his supernatural powers!

What's the matter? Hurry up and run away,

or this huge skewer is
gonna run right through you!

You can't move? Oh, you poor fellows.

All right, after I take care of the one

in the gold-colored outfit with this,

I'll do in the other one with a
different supernatural power!

G-Gohan... can't you do anything...?

I-It's no use... My nerves are paralyzed...

Here goes!

I've been released from my paralysis!

Th-That was a dirty trick, Vegeta!

This was supposed to be a fight
between me and those kids!

You guys decided that on your own.

And do you think there's any
such thing as fair play in w*r?

T-To think that I would be beaten
by a lowdown monkey of a Saiyan!

That really pops my cork!

Ha! You're the last person
I need to hear that from.

Imagine, us being rescued by you...

Thank you.

Hmph, don't get the wrong idea.

Do you think I deliberately saved you?

It was just the perfect chance
for me to defeat that grimy Ghurd.

This is no time to zone out.

Brace yourselves. We won't get lucky this time.

Hey, hey, hey! Ghurd went
and got himself k*lled!

W-What do we do?!

With one of us missing,

our Ginyu Special Corps' Fighting
Pose will be less than beautiful!




Ginyu Special Corps!

I-It's less than beautiful, all right.

We'll have to get Commander Ginyu

to think up another pose for just the four of us!

Leaving that aside,

we have to decide who gets to take
those two runts in Ghurd's place.

Well, I get Vegeta.

All right, Jheese, rock-paper-scissors me!

--First one is rock!


Tie, go again! Tie, go again!

--Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again!...
--W-What are those men thinking?

--Tie, go again! Tie, go again!
--L just can't figure out their characters.

Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again!

Tie, go again! Tie, go again!

--Tie, go again! Tie, go again! Tie, go again!
--Th-The real hell starts now.

Goku's arrival on Planet Namek is moments away.

However, Freeza,

the most evil emperor in all the
universe, awaits him on Namek.

Elsewhere, can Kuririn and the others

defeat the Ginyu Special Corps--
ReaCoom, Butta, and Jheese?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

Sorry to keep you waiting, guys!

I'm landing on Planet Namek, right on schedule!

That ReaCoom jerk has incredible power.

Not even Vegeta might be able to handle him.

Vegeta-san, don't let him beat you!

You let that pineapple-head have it!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Hellish ReaCoom!
Entertain me, Vegeta-chan."

I really can't figure out their characters.

What is with these guys?
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