02x33 - Son Goku at Full Power! There's a Secret Plan in the Shaking Ginyu!?" / "Full Power, Goku! Captain Ginyu’s Despe

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x33 - Son Goku at Full Power! There's a Secret Plan in the Shaking Ginyu!?" / "Full Power, Goku! Captain Ginyu’s Despe

Post by bunniefuu »

Goku's true strength bursts forth

in his fierce battle against Ginyu.

, ...!


, !

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Full Power, Son Goku!
A Trembling Ginyu's Secret Plan?!"

- , ... , ...

- , ...!

- , ! This can't be!

- , !

U-Unbelievable! This is your true power?!

N-No wonder we couldn't beat him.
How can a Saiyan be so strong?

Let me be clear.

This still ain't the sort of power
I can put out for short moments.


D-Don't tell me...

Don't tell me you're a...

...S-Super Saiyan?!

That's what Vegeta was saying, too.

But I've got no idea what it means.

A Super Saiyan?
The all-powerful warrior of legend?!

How can that be?!

He's... he's...

...a Super Saiyan, the one thing
that Freeza-sama fears?!

I hate to say it, but you can't beat me.

I want to avoid any unnecessary fighting.

You guys, get off of this planet!

What? Do you seriously mean that?

I mean it.

Especially with you being a warrior
who fights fairer than I expected.

I don't want to k*ll you.

You don't want to k*ll me?

He says he wants to avoid
unnecessary fighting?

Get off of this planet?

A-A Super Saiyan is supposed to be

the mightiest warrior in the universe,

one who relishes blood and battle.

Then that's it!

You are not a Super Saiyan, are you?

You have not fully become a Super Saiyan!

I see, so you are not a Super Saiyan.

You don't say.

Grand Elder, it's Nail-san!

Why have you returned? I ordered
you to help the earthlings, did I not?

I am terribly sorry,

but with respect, my ultimate duty
is to defend your life, Grand Elder.


Grand Elder, if you die,
the Dragon Balls will disappear, too.

If that happens, the earthlings
will not have their wish granted.

There it is!


We need the Dragon Radar!


Geez... Every moment counts,

but right when we really
need her, she's never around.

Kuririn-san, over here.

That's a jet-bike track.

Where could Bulma-san
have gone on a jet-bike?

Let's go after her! We have
to get the Radar from her

and find the Balls before we run out of time!


That must be it.

Sure enough, they've finally
gotten wind of this place.

They're almost here.

Dende, come here.


Now go, Dende.

The earthlings need you.
I have drawn out your power,

so you should reach them
in a short amount of time.

--Hurry and get going.

Very well. Grand Elder, please don't die.

Will I be k*lled first, or will my time come first?

No matter. I will leave the speck of dust alone.

He is here.

Do you want something?

My name is Freeza, and I have a certain wish

that I would like to have
granted with the Dragon Balls.

I have gotten all seven of them together,

but I just cannot seem
to have my wish granted.

And so, I would like you to tell me...

What shall I do to have my wish granted?

I must ask you to leave. I cannot
tell that to someone who is evil.

I think it would be better
for you to be more amiable.

There is no reason for me not to k*ll you.

There are two of you here, right?

I can get my answer from either one of you.

Then that's what you should do.

But before we fight, I will tell you this much:

The other one, inside the house,
is the Grand Elder of the Namekians.

The Dragon Balls were
created by the Grand Elder.

Now listen, and get this into your head:

If you k*ll the Grand Elder,
the Dragon Balls will disappear, too.

Grand Elder...?

Hmm, indeed.

You appear to be telling the truth.

He is indeed different
from the other Namekians.

Grand Elder, I suppose you have
no intention of telling me, either.

However, I doubt you will
be able to keep it from me

once this man is on the verge of dying.

Nail will not be defeated as easily as you think.

He is the strongest warrior-type
Namekian on the planet.

He is not like the other Namekians
you have k*lled up to now.

Apparently, you do not wish
to tell me, no matter what.

It is in your hands, Nail.
Please buy as much time as you can.


Very well. if you are going to be this unkind,

I will show you how terrifying I,

the greatest warrior in the universe, can be!

As you have probably noticed...

...the Grand Elder's life is near its end.

If we fight here, and he
is caught in the crossfire,

it will not serve you, either.

Let's change locations.

I doubt that the battle
will become that serious,

but very well.

Wherever you like.

Forgive me, Nail.

Please, try to hold out at least
until Dende reaches the earthlings.

At this point, the fate of
this world is in their hands.

What are you laughing at?

How can I not laugh,

with someone as strong as you are here?

So why are you laughing?

Because I, Ginyu, am so glad

that I've met someone so
much stronger than I am!

--Y-Yes, sir!

S-So that's it! Commander Ginyu is about to...

Hold on tight to my Scouter,
so that you don't drop it.

That's it, all right.

How far are we going?

Enough, already!

There is no need to go any farther than this!


My, my, there certainly are
a lot of people on this planet

who want to die. What is a person to do?

This is amazing. Your battle
power has risen to , .

I see. You truly do seem to be different

from the other Namekians up to now.

You have surprised me. That is
an outstanding battle power.

I can see why you would
be called a warrior-type.

Enough that I would like you as one of my own.

However, just for your information,

as the opponent you are about to fight,

shall I first inform you of my battle power?

My battle power...

...is , .

However, you need not worry.

I do not, of course, plan to
fight you with my full power.


I know. I will fight using
only my left arm for you.

That might be somewhat entertaining.


That will not do, will it?

And here I stretched out my neck for you,

so you would be certain to hit it,
and this is the best you have?

Oh, but then, at , ,
I suppose that is to be expected.

Oh my, that was quite unmannerly of me.

I will return it to you.

It might be better for you not
to strain yourself, might it not?

I do think that it would be best if you told me,

before you get k*lled.

Oh, this is a surprise!

You can regenerate yourself?

However, while you may be back
to normal, your plight is the same.

It seems you are unable to
regenerate your strength, though.

Your battle power has fallen.

My, my, even after being
shown how great a difference

there is between you and me,
you still wish to continue?

My word, I have absolutely no idea

what the people of this world are thinking.

I won't let you...

I won't let you...!

What is this?! What?!

Does this planet have something against me?!

This time I've had it for sure!

Lucky! If I can make it inside that cave...

A little farther...

I-I made it! I'm saved!

H-Huh? Am I saved?

You meanie! You meanie!

I'm done for sure now!

Farewell, everyone!


Eh? What? What happened?

No! Stay back! You perv!
You letch! You idiot! You fiend!

--You moron! You sicko!

G-Gohan-kun...? Th-Then...

Th-That was mean, Bulma-san.

What are you guys up to?!

No sooner do you show up
out of nowhere with Vegeta

and take the Dragon Ball, than you
head off again somewhere else!

Just what is going on here?!

Do you think you can get away
with leaving a delicate young lady

all alone in a dangerous place like this?!

Y-Yeah, but we just saved you
from those dinosaurs, didn't we?

B-Bulma-san, we need the Dragon Radar!

If we're lucky, we can get our wish granted!

What?! You still haven't
gotten our wish granted?!

I saw on the Radar that all
seven of them were together,

so I figured you had collected
them all, and I was on my way over!

And what is this now?!

Good grief. What are you
dilly-dallying around for?

D-Dilly-dallying. Right.

Bulma-san, excuse me.

Kuririn-san, I found them!
They're in that direction!

All right, let's go!

Hey! Tell me what's going on!

We're in a hurry now, so we'll tell you later!

Bulma-san, please wait
for us back on that island!

Huh?! You've gotta be kidding me!
Do you expect me to walk back?!

What is this! What is this?!

Oh, yeah! Father is here!

Eh? Really?

So, how about it?
Has he gotten even stronger?

Gohan, let's hurry!


Son-kun, huh?

I never thought he'd grow up to be so dashing.

Yamucha's supposed to be my
boyfriend, and all we ever do is fight.

Maybe I missed the boat.

W-What are you...?!

What the...?

Y-You may not be... a Super Saiyan...

...b-but I like... that strong body of yours...

Y-You like it?

S-Sure enough,
Commander Ginyu is going to do it.

I-Incredible. Where in that body
of his did he get this much power?

H-Here it comes...


Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

What in the world is going on?
I see me, right before my eyes!

Starting next episode, I, Ginyu,

will be taking your place as the main character.

What do you think about
"Ginyu Special Corps Kai:

Freeza-sama and His Merry Men"?

I don't think anything of it!

I don't want my father to be anything like that!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku?!"

You good earthling boys and girls,
make sure to watch it!
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