03x64 - #17 and #18, and...! The Artificial Humans Awaken" / "Number 17 and Number 18! The Androids Awaken!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x64 - #17 and #18, and...! The Artificial Humans Awaken" / "Number 17 and Number 18! The Androids Awaken!

Post by bunniefuu »

Here it is. I finally made it back.

I-I found it.

I found it. I have to inform the others.

You're going to call your friends, are you?

You won't make it in time now.
It also saves me some trouble.

I have to hurry and call the others!

Guys, come quickly!

--Did he find it?
--Th-That Ki...!

These are the last guys I wanted
to activate, if it could be helped.

But with the way things
have gone, I have no choice.

I hope they've remedied themselves.

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan paradise

Genki dama ga hajiketobu ze

Go Go Let's do it

Ugomeku ayashii enajii

yousha wa shinai ze mite'ro yo

Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo

Ai suru yuuki wo tsuyosa ni kaero

Yarinuku kiai de pinchi wo koete'ku

Tegowai yatsu hodo wakuwaku mo dekkai ze

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa

Rakkii no kaze ni byunbyun notte

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo

kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitte'ru no sa

Dragon Soul!

"No. and No. , as Well as...!
The Artificial Humans Awaken."

S-So, you're awake, No. .

Good morning, Doctor Gero-sama.

Hoho, a greeting, for me?

Of course. You are my creator, after all.

Sounds like he's recovered nicely.

Now for No. .

Good morning, Doctor Gero-sama.

Ho, a greeting from you, as well?

It's only natural.

They've both recovered nicely.

I see you have become an
Artificial Human, as well.

Mm-hmm. I wanted eternal life, you see.

To be honest, this is a relief.

As a result of over-gearing
most of your functions

to work with the enormous power
of your perpetual energy reactors,

you were unable to maintain control,

and up to now, you did not obey my orders.

This time, you are going to obey my orders.

Now then, I'm going to
put you to work right away.

In a short time, Son Goku's
friends will be coming here.

Deal with every last one of them. Understood?

--Very well.

That's Doctor Gero's laboratory.

Kuririn, way to find it.


You've outdone yourself. Let's dispose
of them before he comes back.

All right!

Hold on a second!

What is it, Kuririn?

D-Doctor Gero already came back.



You should have said so!
What if we're too late?!

They're here. The fools know no fear.

Okay, you two are up.

This door sure is sturdy!

Stand aside. I'll destroy it.

Nicely found.

Drop the hammer on them!

No. ! W-What are you doing?!

This is a controller used to execute
an emergency shutdown on us, right?

Just in case you might have to.

We have no use for this.

W-What do you think
you're doing?! Is this a joke?!

I'm not letting you put me to
sleep again, you old geezer.

If you destroy the Artificial
Humans, you'll pay for it.

You mustn't!

You don't know the true terror
of the Artificial Humans!


No. , cut out this ridiculous prank,

and take care of the enemies outside the door!

Th-The Artificial Humans are already activated!

Get out of the way, dumb-ass!

You mustn't! We should get out of here!

Please wait until Son Goku-san
has recovered! After that...

Not necessary!

A young man with a scarf around
his neck, and long black hair...

That's No. , is it?

And No. ... is a cute girl type...

Trunks, they're just as you described,
no two ways about it, right?


Th-Those two are No. and No. ?

You must not be thrown off guard
by their outward appearance.

They truly are quite fearsome!

Those are Son Goku's friends,
the ones I mentioned earlier.

Don't take them too lightly.

They destroyed No. ,
and nearly k*lled me as well.

No. ?

You made one of those, as well?


I see. So you had that one

convert you into an
Artificial Human, old man?

Energy-absorption type?

Th-That's right.

Why did you go back to the
old energy-absorption type

for a newer model?

Could it be because the
perpetual type had too much power,

and you couldn't keep them under control?

--Well, that's why you were beaten.

Couldn't keep them under control?

None of that matters! Would you
hurry up and take care of them?!

Quit your yammering.

We'll fight them when we want to.

W-What did you say?!

Damn it...!

If only I had my controller...!

No. , huh?

This is another perpetual type, right?

But it's a variety unlike us, isn't it?

It's a bit on the large side, for one thing.
I wonder what's different.

Don't touch that, No. ! Don't you touch it!

Don't touch it!

N-No. ?! I don't know that one!
What's going on here?

Sounds interesting, doesn't it?
Try starting it up, No. .

No! Stop!

Do you want to destroy the world itself?!


Destroy the world itself...?

What does he mean?

Hey, maybe we should get out of here

while they're bickering with each other.

Go ahead and do that.

After all, they're beyond
everyone here besides me.

No. is an experimental, failed model!

Do not activate him under any circumstances!

Don't do it!

Don't touch that!

I don't appreciate you touching
a lady so presumptuously!

For being a flop, you sure have
kept him around a long time.

It appears you've disposed
of everything up to No. .

I was planning to rebuild him in time.

In any event, do not activate him!

You could be signing a death
warrant for both you and me!

She could be signing our death warrants?

Even though, according to
the data, my power is greater?

That's correct.

Who cares? Start him up, No. .

Stop countering me at every turn!
You two are the same as No. !

You're failed models! Just try it!

I'll turn you off for good!

We broke your controller unit.

I'll just make a new one!

Didn't you hear a thing I said?!
Don't push that button!

N-No. ... why, you...!

What are you doing?!
I'm the one who created you--

Why, you miserable piece of junk...

What a monster! He k*lled his own creator!

They k*ll anyone they don't like,
no matter who they are, huh?

Just like the Saiyans.


Why only me...?

Well, push the button.

I won't allow that to happen!

I am not about to let there be
any more Artificial Humans!

You dumb-ass!

If you're gonna do that, tell us first, okay?!

You dumb-ass, that was a worthless thing to do.

A worthless thing to do?!

Look over there.

That level of attack was nothing
more than a waste of energy.

This is why I find kids to be so asinine.

We'd better open it up quickly.
The pipes and cords have been cut.

Th-They've opened it! Does this
mean there's yet another one?

That's No. ... This is bad.
He looks awfully strong.

I don't know him. I've never even seen him.

Yo, No. , this is the first
time I've seen you active.

How does it feel being
outside after all these years?

Doctor Gero was against starting you up.

He said we could be signing
our own death warrant.

We'd like to know what he
meant by that. Any thoughts?

You'd rather not say?

Or is it just that you don't talk much?

Well, whatever. Shall we be off?

Where to?

Isn't that obvious? Wherever Son Goku is.

You were originally created
to k*ll Son Goku, too, right?

--That's right.
--Well, well.

He's finally opened his mouth for us.

You only respond according to
the input Doctor Gero gave you.

It was rude of him to call you a failed model.

I hate to actually follow
one of Doctor Gero's orders,

but we Artificial Humans do need
an objective for the time being.

All right, let's be off.

Th-They left.

Thank goodness!

W-What are they planning
to do? Where are they going?

It doesn't look like they're going
to run riot through Metro North.

That's the other direction.

It's Goku! Could they be
going to Goku's house?!

Remember? Doctor Gero's
goal was to get Goku

for bringing down the Red Ribbon Army, right?

B-But I doubt they'd follow
any of Doctor Gero's orders.

None of it matters.

Not while I'm here.

They ignored me. Are they
saying I'm beneath their notice?

Mess with me, will they?!

You can't go after them!

Please wait... Please wait a little longer!

What, until Kakarrot recovers from his illness?

Kakarrot? You mean, Goku-san?
Yes! We'll need Goku-san's help,

with all of us fighting together,
or there's no way we'll beat them!

You've got it all wrong.

It's not the Artificial Humans
that I dislike most of all--

it's Kakarrot!

I will put them all away myself,
without any of his help.

And then, last of all, I'll put Kakarrot away, too.

Now get out of my way!

That's crazy! You're as good as
running off to your own death!

Please wait just a little while longer!


Are you okay?

G-Go after him!

We can't let him go off on his own
until Goku-san has recovered!

Please stop him!

Gohan and Bulma-san are headed to his house.

They'll overtake them in no time!

Oh, no...

My mom and the others are in danger!

Go after them!

Fer criminy's sake, usin' my scarf as a diaper...

He's peed all over it!

This thing reeks.

Yajirobe, do you have anything
else I can use as a diaper?

Like I'd give you anythin' else!

Trunks-chan is going to catch cold, you know!

Relax, he's already grown up
big and strong, ain't he?

Oh, I suppose he has.

Trunks-chan, you can get through this, right?

There you go, upsie-upsie!
Upsie-upsie! Upsie-upsie!


if it's okay with you, I'd like to hurry along.

You bet. I'm sure you must be
worried about Son-kun's condition.

Let's go.

I wonder if Father is better yet.

It looks like he's resting a lot easier now.


Yeah. Oh, right. Apparently,
it's some sort of viral illness,

so I'll take some, too. Chichi-san,
you should take some, as well.

By the way, what is Gohan-chan up to?

Huh? He hasn't come back yet, has he?

I-I'll bet he's off playing somewhere.

Curse him! Who cares about Kakarrot?!

I have become a Super Saiyan, too.

Under identical circumstances,
I, Vegeta, the Saiyan prince,

far outpace that guy!
I'll show them my true power!

No. , why are we landing?

Let's enjoy ourselves along the way.

There's no sense in hurrying there.

Are we walking, then?

Let's go by car.

There should be a car passing by
here before long, so we'll take that.

You boys like pointless stuff like this, huh?

You've still got some of your
humanity left, don't you?

You're with me, right, No. ?

You're also an Artificial Human
who was made from a human male.

No. I was created from nothing.

You're not human-based?

You're fundamentally different from us.

That's strange.
If Doctor Gero had the technology

to create an Artificial Human from scratch,

why did he go back to using
human-based types again?


I wouldn't have expected to find you again,

hanging around in a place like this.

Huh? There's a different air
about you than there was before.

It's not just my air that's different.

I'd like to ask you where
you guys are planning to go.

We're going to where Son Goku is, to k*ll him.

That's what I thought. You won't
be able to get there, though.

That's because I'm going to dispose of you.

Is that funny?

Go ahead and laugh it up now, while you can.

Saiyans certainly are overconfident, huh?

Apparently, Son Goku is the same way.
The more mediocre they are,

the sooner they die, thanks to their pride.

You've got a big mouth for a rag doll!

I'll rip you to pieces! Who's first?!

The kid? The girl? The love you?!

Or do you want me to take
out all three of you at once?!

You're pushing it.

What did you say?!

No. , I want to see how
strong you are. Let him have it.

I'll pass.

It sounds like he gets it.

How powerful I am, I mean.

He's a strange one. Says he'll take a pass.

You've bitten off more than you can chew.

Fine. I'll take you on.

I'm telling you right now,

I'm not holding back on you
just because you're a girl.

But then again, you're an
Artificial Human, not a girl.

The power of the Artificial Human
No. is about to be unveiled.

What kind of fight lies in store?

Motto motto habataite tsuyoku

motto motto hayaku

Hito wa hashiridashitara

sora datte toberu n da

Sono mune ni fukihajimeru

yuuki no kaze ni noreba ii

shiranai uchi

karada ga uku darou

Tamesu kiryoku ga hane ni naru

Motto motto habataite tsuyoku

motto motto hayaku

Dare mo daichi kettara

sora datte toberu n da

Heya! I'm Goku!

Do we get to see the real
Artificial Humans in action?

Though you may be an alien,

you're pretty good, for a flesh-and-blood person.

You punk kid! Don't mess
with me, junkyard dummy!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"A Sweet Face and Super Power?!
No. vs. Vegeta."

There's no way I can lose!
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