02x21 - Over the Top

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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02x21 - Over the Top

Post by bunniefuu »

I'm sorry.

There was nothing we could do.

You couldn't let it go.

Well, I hope you got what you wanted.

Hey! Let me tell you guys something.

This guy, this guy right here is so strong.

He could take any one of you out in arm wrestling.

Nah nah.

Skips, Skips.

I am your boss, and as your boss, I order you to arm wrestle me! Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips! Alright, alright, if you insist.

What did I tell you, what did I tell you? Oh, oh, me, me! Set 'em up Skips, you can't take none of this.

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips! Skips! Now me.

C'mon Skips, set 'em up! Okay, I'll go easy on you.

This is gonna be hilarious! Okay, ready, go! Haters gonna hate! Enough! We're going again, I wasn't ready.


Or maybe you're just getting weak in your old age, gramps.

Okay, ready, go! Who's the strongest now!? Two in a row! That was awesome, man! It's all in the wrist.

And also it's in the muscles.

Hi Skips! You sure did a bang up job at arm wrestling yesterday.

You were beating everyone! I didn't beat Rigby.

Yes, he's quite the arm wrestler isn't he? I'm not the strongest anymore.

Boulderdash! You're the strongest person I know.

You were just having a bad day.

You should go up to Rigby and demand a rematch.

Then you'll see who the strongest is.

Thanks, Pops.

Here comes the power move! Dude, this is just like playing real guitar! Check this out! No! Dude, dodge the bottles! Up up down down left right left right!

- Aww what?

- Come on! Rigby! Me, you, rematch.

- No.

- I said I want a rematch! I'm busy.

Dude, not cool.

He'll get over it.

Come in.

Skips? Skips did you break their video game? Yes, yes he did I already told you! I want to hear it from him! Yeah.

What!? Wow, uh, I'm sorry Skips, but, you're gonna have to pay for it.

Oh I'll pay for it after Rigby gives me a rematch! What? That's what this is about? You wouldn't understand.

Yeah I guess I wouldn't understand.

I understand.

You just want to lose again.

Let's go.

Set 'em up.

Ready? Go! Make sure you pay him by the end of the week.

- Yeah, I will.

- What was that? I couldn't understand you.

I don't speak second place.

Make sure you pay him by the end of the week.

Aww, yeah! McHooligan's, round two! Shotgun! I hope you guys got your drink tickets 'coz the drinks are on me up a dollar fifty value! Splendid, I can't wait to get an aguarita! I'm gonna get me an ice on the rocks, woo! Aww man, my drink tickets! Hey Mordecai, let's hustle! I'll be back in a sec, guys! Aww what, Skips? What are you doing? Uh, nothing.

Uh, going through Rigby's stuff.

Rigby, the strongest.

There's gotta be a trick.

Dude, Skips, I can't stand to see you like this.


Don't tell him I told you this, but Rigby's been pranking you.

What!? Two words, "Playco Armboy".

Look it up.

So, you think you can take on your old man? Easy! How to use Playco Armboy! First, put on Playco Armboy! Second, conceal Playco Armboy! Third, sign our legal Playco Armboy waver! Ready for round two, eh? That really hurt, son.

A subsidiary of Yoshimoto Cybernetics! Hey Mordecai, what ever happened to Skips? Uh.

He had stuff.

To do.

Probably resting his old man bones.

Look who's back for thirds! Don't do it, Skips.

Say goodnight, gramps.

I'm sorry, Rigby.

I'll make it up to you.

Well well well.

If it ain't old Skips.


You haven't changed a bit! So what's the occasion here, Skips? Is that your buddy there? Finally k*lled someone, eh? I want him back.

Let's armwrestle for him.

If I win, I keep him.

If you win you can take me instead.

Big old Skips finally coming in for some good old fashion armwrestling, eh? 'bout time.

You've been dodging me for years.

Now I get to beat you and take your immortal soul? Deal.

I've been waiting for this day.

Set 'em up.

Ready? Go! Your soul is mine! Any last words, Skips? Two words! Playco Armboy! No, how is this possible!? Death, I won.

Bring Rigby back and take a hike! Skips! Mark my words.

Someday I will have your immortal soul! Listen Rigby, sorry for, you know, k*lling you back there.

It was unprofessional.

You know what? Water under the bridge.

So you ended up cheating death, huh? I learned from the best.

Seriously though, you shouldn't cheat.

I only did it to save your life.

- So, everybody thinks I'm dead?

- Yep.

Dude! We gotta prank 'em! Uh, y'know Rigby, I think I've had enough pranks for today.
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