03x03 - Skips Strikes

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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03x03 - Skips Strikes

Post by bunniefuu »

Man, Skips is on fire tonight.

Another perfect game.

We're going to the championship baby! You guys wouldn't be so great if it wasn't for Skips.

Well, we can't help that he's just plain awesome, right Skips? Hey, that's just how I roll.

There she is guys.

Isn't she a beaut? I want that beaut.

So who are we up against? Some team called the Magical Elements.

The Magical Elements.

More like the Magical loserments.

What did you say about us? So, you blokes must be the Park Strikers.

If you ask me, you're in for quite a beatdown.

Yes, our team has stood undefeated for thousands of years.

No mortal stands a chance against the Magical Elements.

Shouldn't be a problem, these guys are out of their element for even being here.

No, you're out of your element.

You and your lame matching uniforms.

I bet those aren't even Hey, what did I tell you guys about usin magic? Do You wanna be in this league, well then no magic stuff allright? No matter, magic or not, we're still gonna beat you chumps.

Well, that's just your opinion, Death.

No, its a fact, get used to it! Get used to this.

We're gonna rub those trophies in your face, right after we rub these bowling bags in your face.

Who would of thought that a manatory team building activity would get us to the championship.

Thanks to my power hook.

No way! Thanks to my atomic fireball! And because of my backup ball.

Who are we kidding? Our team would suck without this guy.

With Skips, we got the Magical Elements beat.

To Skips, the only reason we're gonna win.

lright guys, I'll be back.

- Ok, we got a carnivore deluxe here.

- Finally! I know it's you, Death.

Ello, Skips.

What do you want? I gotta get back to dinner with my friends.

Aw, yes.


Tell me, Skips, these friends

- they idolize you yeah? Nah nah, it's respect.

I wouldn't respect the Skips I know.

What are you talking about? You know that I know that you've been lying to them for a long time.

We wouldn't want our little secret to come out now would we? Death, that's not who I am anymore.

If that secret came out, it could ruin me.

Yeah, I guess it could.

Sit the game out and I won't tell.

Think it over.

First on the agenda is trophy talk.

Who gets the trophy on what day.

I think the schedule is more than fair.

Oh, perfect timing.

Look, I've got something to say.

I can't play in the tournament.

- What?

- Why? I, I just can't.



Next on the agenda, losing and how to deal with it, because we're gonna lose.

I'm cool with forfeiting.

No! We can't! It's just a trophy.

That trophy is more than just a trophy.

We can't let Death win.

Skips isn't the team.

We are.

The past.

That was Skip's time.

Skip's time.

Now, it's our time! Our time! Sure, this is a setback.

But that just means we got to train harder! Are we gonna win that trophy? Yeah! Are we gonna wipe that smug look off of Death's face? Yeah! Ok, who are we gonna get to replace Skips? One pin, one pin! Well, if it isn't the Park Strikers.

Hey, what happened to Skips? Oh, that's not Skips.

Just some bloke with a fat head.

Oh, Rigby, don't forget about our little wager.

Good day, gents.

Rigby, what is he talking about? Oh man! I forgot my bowling towel.

You know, you guys shouldn't even show up tomorrow, because there is no way you can win.

Calm down, calm down, I got this.

You seem pretty sure of yourself, so how about a wager? Your team's souls for these souls? Soul ball! I can rub that in so many people's faces.

DEAL! You bet our souls for a ball? OW! But it had souls in it! I'm sorry.

With Skips on our team, we were guaranteed to win! But after he quit, I was too embarrassed to tell you about the bet.

But hey, now you know, right? We gotta get Skips back.

Skips! Skips! Look, it's a note! Dear, Park Strikers.

Something from my past has come back to me to haunt me, and I'm rethinking my life.

I'm going


-to where the road takes me now.

You might not see me for awhile.

Sorry for letting you down.

Your friend, Skips.

What are we going to do now? There is only one thing we can do! Kiss our souls goodbye.

So, we're all feeling a bit abandoned.

Do you know what would help? Some tunes.

We're live at the Stardust Lanes for the final game of the tournament.

Park Strikers versus Magical Elements.

Tonight the Strikers are not only playing for that trophy

- they're playing for their souls.

Benson of the Strikers is up.

Come on, come on.

You can get this.

He needs that spare.

Oi, Benson! Choke! Choke! Choke! Choke! Holy cow! That's another strike for the Magical Elements by Death

- and another doozy for the Park Strikers, who are off to a rough start.

You're up, Pops.

Oh, time to bid my soul adieu.


- look! Skips! That's it! Time to kick that up a notch.

Hey, What' Have I Told You About Usin Magic Top that, losers.

Let's bowl.

And we're down to the final frame, folks

- the two teams are neck and neck.

The Park Strikers are just one strike away from victory.

Wait, guys.

I've got this.

Remember our little convo, Skips? Shall I tell 'em your secret? Secret? What secret? What does he mean, Skips? My friends' souls are more important than my secret.

You wanna tell 'em my real name isn't Skips? Go ahead.

Against all odds the Strikers win it! And I believe you owe me a soul ball! Take it.

I've got a billion just like it.

I can wait for a few more.

Magical Elements

- out.

Strikers, strike a pose! Cool.

This thing totally rules! Yeah, it does! Skips, I don't mean to pry but why did you change your name to Skips? Eh, I just got tired of people asking me why my name was Walks when I always skipped.

So why do you skip?

- Yeah, why do you do that?

- Yeah, I've been wondering that.

Y'know, I think you guys have heard enough secrets for one night.
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