01x07 - The w*r Prayer

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x07 - The w*r Prayer

Post by bunniefuu »

- The last poem you read.
- "In the Light of Two Moons. "

Did I not hear it when we were...?

Both too young to know
anything about anything.

We could only feel and wonder
what it all meant.

But you recall correctly.

I did start it then,
poor and groping for meaning.

It has matured
and changed over the years.

I finally knew it was ready.
Tonight was its first performance.

- I remember it.
- I thought you might.

Our lives were simpler then.

Do you regret the choices
that you made to be here?


Only sometimes. You?

I would be nothing other
than what I am.

- It's been a long day.
- I have kept you too late.

I have a performance in the morning
and must prepare to go to Earth.

I hope humans appreciate
the spirit you bring.

If they do not, I shall
retire to a doxhouse...

...and devote my remaining years
to the songs of Heefa.

It is good to have you here, Mayan.

- Shall I walk you to your quarters?
- Thank you, dear friend.

But I'm sure your day
begins even earlier than mine.

- Good night then.
- Good night.

Stay away from Earth, freak!

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

This is an outrage, commander!
An outrage!

Shaal Mayan is a cultural
treasure of my people!

This brutal attack affects not only
her but the soul of my entire race!

We'll get the attacker.

Will that take away Mayan's pain,
her terror, her humiliation?

She refused my offer for an escort.

She did not think
anyone wished her harm.

There was a time when one could walk
through Green Sector without escorts!

We're doing everything
we can to correct that.

Then you are required to do better,
commander. Much better!

This is the sixth attack
on a prominent alien in two weeks.

Earth and Mars have had
a rash of similar incidents.

- Home Guard?
- That brand is their calling card.

Their numbers are growing
along with other pro-Earth groups.


They're playing off fear
to turn human against alien.

But I won't have it on Babylon 5.

- I want these scum, Michael.
- I'll do my best.

But there's many who agree with them,
and even more who don't give a damn.

Then make them give a damn!

I've just been informed of the latest
atrocity committed by your people.

My people did not attack Shaal Mayan.

Whoever did will be found and punished
to the full extent of the law.

I have no special love
for the Minbari.

But I warn you, if any Narn is harmed
in this way, there'll be retribution!

And I warn you, any disruption
of Babylon 5 will be dealt with...

...even if I have to throw the entire
Narn population into the brig.

Now, if you'll excuse me.

All I could see was a shadow.
I'm sorry.

This shadow, was it humanoid,
alien, big, small?

It was a shadow.
That is all that I know.

That, and the pain...

...and this.

Is there anyone here
who has reason to harm you?

Mr. Garibaldi,
I create and perform ti'la...

...poem songs that attempt to recall
old memories and prompt new ideas.

While a number of them have provoked
discussions of some heat...

...I have never before
been stabbed and branded.

Thank you for your time.

- I could remove that mark...
- No.

It is a lesson.

One that should not be forgotten.

Babylon Control
to Centauri liner Carbo...

...we'll take custody
of the detainees.

- What kind? Raiders? Hijackers?
- Unknown.

He said they don't look dangerous
and he wants to hand them over.

- Lf you have a minute...
- I don't.

I'm up to my eyeballs
with these att*cks.

- One minute.
- I don't have one.

Would you like me to get
the commander to do it?

- Okay, all right, I'll do it.
- Good.

Quick stop first. I found
an illegal planter in the garden.

Someone's using our
hydroponic system to grow coffee.

We all know the garden's only
for fruits, vegetables, grains...

...so I figured I'd rip it out
of the planter.

It's too bad. The beans looked ripe
and coffee is so expensive to import.

I'm taking a walk, so I might
as well pick up the detainees.

You're vicious.

I'm head of security.
It's in the job description.

Let go! I am a Centauri citizen.
You have no right to manhandle me.

We demand to see Ambassador Cotto!

Lead them to Blue 5 and inform
the Centauri representative.


It's been a long time.

It's been eight years, Malcolm.
What are you doing here?

I'm looking for something.
Something I never stopped wanting.

- I have to go. I have duties.
- Same old Susan. Duty first.

That's right. Enjoy your stay.

- But you wrote that you were ambassador.
- It's difficult to explain right now.

This is a great
disappointment, cousin.

All right, Sinclair,
what is it this time?

- I suggest you ask Ambassador Cotto.
- Who?

Ambassador Mollari, may I present
Aria Tensus and my cousin, Kiron Maray.

They arrived from Centauri Prime...

...and were taken into custody
by Earthforce security!

Can you explain this affront
to our noble citizens?

Your noble citizens
had stolen credit chips.

Oh, I see.

I'll release them into your custody
pending further investigation.

What am I supposed to do?

You're always saying the Centauri are
an advanced race. You figure it out.

So you do take a break
every now and then.

- Actually, my shift just ended.
- Then maybe we can talk.

There was a time when you and I
would spend entire evenings...

...just talking, when we weren't... .

That was a long time ago, Malcolm.
A different place, a different me.

All the more reason to start over.

- I'm tired. I have to go.
- Susan.

It's been eight years.
Let's take it slow, all right?

So when marriages were arranged
for them, they fled here.

Yes, but why?

I'm to marry the ugliest woman
on Centauri Prime.

She is to marry a man
as old as her grandfather!

Ugly and old, yes?

Then their families
must be rich and powerful.

Your parents made fine choices.
I still don't see the problem!

- We don't want to marry anyone else!
- We want to marry each other.

- We love each other.
- Love?!

What does love have to do
with marriage?!

My dear, beautiful children.

Consider for a moment
what you are doing.

For a thousand years, marriages have
been arranged among our people.

Marriages which meld
the noble houses together...

...and keep the fabric
of the Republic strong.

Sometimes, these marriages
call for sacrifice.

Great sacrifice.

But we make this sacrifice...

...because this is what it means
to be Centauri!

If you deny this tradition,
you lose the very thing...

...which makes you what you are.
Do you understand?

But it's so unfair!

Are you aware of the
regulations regarding weapons?

I got a right to defend myself!
You've seen the things around here.

- They could tear a man's head off!
- Were you doing that the other night?

What do you mean?

Mayan was att*cked.
There's fresh blood on your knife.

It's mine.
I cut myself opening a crate.

- Ever hear of the Home Guard?
- Yeah, sure. They got the right idea.

It's about time we humans
stood up for our rights!

Damn aliens are ruining
everything for us!

Book him for the w*apon
and run a DNA check on that blood.

- What the hell is this crap?!
- I don't like your attitude.

If the blood matches, I'll give you
over to the Minbari and let them play!

I don't know what's worse:

Damn aliens or the traitors
who suck up to them!

Get him out of here!

Earth Alliance transport,
proceed to jumpgate.

Roger, Babylon Control.

Ambassador Kosh, I thought
I'd make sure you'd been informed.

There have been att*cks
on non-humanoids.

We're thoroughly investigating it
and hope to wrap it up soon.


Meanwhile, it might be helpful if you
spoke with the other ambassadors.

We take no interest
in the affairs of others.

I hope you'll reconsider.
If you could give us a hand, we...


Nothing. We'll respect your wishes.

That's quite a viewer. I've never
seen anything quite like it before.

- What is it?
- Efficient.

Those are images from my world.
If I may ask, what are you...?

- I am studying.
- Studying what?


- Any word from Earth Central?
- No.

There's something I've been thinking
about all day. I can't forget it.

What's that?

Were you briefed on what happened
when Ambassador Kosh arrived?

A radical Minbari organization
tried to k*ll him.

He was poisoned through the hand.

Talking with Kosh, I remembered
something I never figured out.

His suit protects him from our
atmosphere, so how'd he get poisoned?

His hand should've been covered.

Vorlons are secretive.

And they hide what they look like,
how their biology works.

Who knows if the suit is necessary
or if it camouflages what's inside?

The only person who knows is
Dr. Ben Kyle, who saved Kosh's life.

Bound by oath of confidentiality...

...he never told me what he saw
inside the encounter suit.

Right after that, he was transferred
to Earth to work with the president.

Lyta Alexander, the only
Psi Corps member to scan a Vorlon...

...was transferred back.

- You think there's a connection?
- I don't know. Maybe.

Do you know how much trouble
these lovebirds have given me?

I have a dozen messages
from Centauri Prime.

The families are outraged
and are after my head!

- What will you do?
- What will I do?

Send them home where they belong
and hope they come to their senses!

- But they love each other.
- Love. Overrated!

Here, look.

These are my three wives:

Pestilence, famine and death.

Did I marry them
for their personalities?

Their personalities could
shatter entire planets.

Arranged marriages, every one.

But they worked out. They inspired me.

Knowing that they were waiting
at home for me keeps me here.

Seventy-five light-years away.

- They're just going to run away again.
- Happily, that's not my problem.

Now, you go find your little lovebirds
and tell them to be ready.

A transport is leaving for Centauri
Prime tonight and I want them on it.

If you need me, I'll be in the Casino.


The Abbai delegation is docking.

Have a liaison officer
meet them at customs.

- You wanted to see me?
- You have a suspect in Mayan's as*ault?

Had. DNA scan showed
the blood on his knife was his.

He fit the profile, though.
A hate freak.

- You let him go?
- Under surveillance.

He's more useful running loose. He's
a logical recruit for the Home Guard.

Good. What else have you found?

I haven't had time. There's been
fights all over the station.

- Things are getting ugly.
- That's what they want.

If Babylon 5 becomes a w*r zone, all
we've worked for will be destroyed.

- We better wrap this one up quickly.
- I know.

We had some good times together.

Yeah, we sure did.

Tell me, do you... .

Do you ever regret leaving me?



Io was a great career move.
It opened a lot of doors...

...and serving there
was very exciting for me...

...even if I cried myself to sleep
the first few months.

I never wanted to let you go.
I feel the same today.

I'm still committed to my career.
And you know what that means.

And I can accept that now.

Which is why I'm going
into business here.


This is the first time
I've ever surprised you.

- But you're not serious, are you?
- Absolutely.

In fact, I've already secured
an office and quarters.

All I need is a few more clients.
I hope you might help me with that.

But the important thing is
that we'll be together again.


Kiron! Aria!

Let's get out of here!


He's in a coma. Thoracic wound,
PPG at close range.

- He's in Intensive Care in Medlab 2.
- How's Aria?

Stunned with a shock stick. Scared.
Physically, she'll be fine.

- Does she remember anything?
- No.

And the boy?

He may be able to identify
his attacker if he wakes up.

Chief, we have a disturbance
in Central Corridor, Brown Sector.

We can no longer stand idly by...

...as our peoples are slaughtered
by cowardly humans!

We must fight back
with every means at our disposal!

He's right!

- Is there a problem, Ambassador G'Kar?
- Problem, indeed!

Eight non-humans brutally att*cked
in the space of two weeks...

...and you have yet to make
even a single arrest!

- We have a lead in the last incident...
- Spare us the usual platitudes.

You know very well
why these crimes remain unsolved.

It is because
the perpetrators are human!

- I want you out of here now!
- Not until they listen.

Anything you say will
only make them hotter.

Get out of here and let me do my job.
I promise I'll be gentle.

So this is your response, Sinclair?

So much for Babylon 5's
highly vaunted justice!

Justice, you'll taste firsthand.
I'll charge you with inciting to riot.

Or you can leave
and we'll call it a misunderstanding.

Che duga. You. You, I hear.

- You one who hunts.
- Out of my way!

Thank you. I had a lovely evening.

Well, I was hoping
that it wasn't over.


- That's not too flattering.
- It's duty. Ivanova here.

-We've had a near riot. I need you.
-I'm on my way.

- You have to go.
- A riot?

Malcolm, out!

- Catch you on your next break?
- Yes.

It's cooled down. But we've had a few
incidents, one involving Roberts.

How serious?

He's in Medlab. We had him on
surveillance. We nabbed the perps.

Keep it quiet. This could provoke more
trouble. I could strangle that G'Kar.

Love your new look.

I'd think you'd have something
else on your mind.

- Sir?
- Let's begin.


- I'm so sorry.
- My dear child, don't worry.

Kiron will be fine.
Dr. Franklin is a veritable wizard.

- They won't let me near him.
- Of course not.

But he wouldn't want that.
If he senses I'm here, he'll recover.

I know it.

- Can't you do something?
- Go back and rest.

- There's nothing you can do here.
- I'm not leaving Kiron.


You should listen to her.

We Minbari consider love
a potent force for healing.

She cares deeply for him. Such feelings
can turn the tide when all else fails.

Oh, I see. And if he dies
despite this great power of love...

If he dies, she will
suffer enormous grief.

But every moment together
will lessen it.

I would expect such logic from a poet.

What can a Minbari know
about Centauri feeling?

I have traveled far and seen much.

What I've seen tells me all
sentient beings are best defined...

...by their capacity
and their need for love.

And she will learn to live without it!

As you did?

- You wanted to see me?
- Roberts had an interesting visitor.

Computer, play surveillance tape 91 7,
count 1 6.


I know that man. He was in
lvanova's quarters last night.

Mr. Roberts? I'm Malcolm Biggs.

What's happened to you is...

Well, it's a disgrace.

Tell me about it.

There are some of us who don 't like
what's happening here.

Alien ambassadors
setting policy for humans.

Alien workers
taking jobs from humans.

Inhuman criminals preying...

... on decent people like yourself.

We want to put a stop to that.

And we think you can help us.

End of recording.

I never would've dreamed... .

A man can change a lot in 8 years.
There's no reason you should've known.

What is it you wanted me to do?

Introduce me. Say I'm unhappy with
aliens forcing themselves on Earth.

Groups like this like to recruit
friends in high places.

If they accept me, we may be able to
nail them before they do more damage.

Very well.

- On one condition.
- Name it.

I wanna be there
when you take them down.

There's a diplomatic reception tonight.
That might be a good way to start.

As you wish.

- I've been looking everywhere for you.
- Yes, what do you want?

- To tell you something.
- Well?

- You were wrong.
- What?

Kiron and Aria wanna be together
because they love each other.

Would that destroy
the Centauri Republic?

- We cannot turn our back on tradition.
- Damn tradition!

Kiron may die because
our glorious tradition...

...values wealth and power over love.

My shoes are too tight.

Excuse me?

Something my father said.

He was...


Very old at the time.

I went into his room...

...and he was sitting alone
in the dark, crying.

So I asked him what was wrong.

And he said:

"My shoes are too tight.

But it doesn't matter...

...because I have forgotten
how to dance. "

I never understood
what that meant until now.

My shoes are too tight...

...and I have forgotten how to dance.

I don't understand.

Nor should you.

Commander Sinclair.

May I introduce Mila Shar...

...head of the agricultural delegation
from Abba Four.

We look forward to studying
your hydroponic cultivation methods.

- I hear they're most successful.
- They should be.

The best technos from Earth set it up.
It's state of the art.

- Your security is equally efficient?
- Absolutely.

We understand there have been
att*cks on non-humans lately.

I'm concerned about our delegates.

Don't be. Everything is under control.

But wasn't a Centauri youth
seriously injured just last night?

He'll recover.

- They're nervous.
- About what?

The recent att*cks.
They're afraid they're next.

What if they are?
On the Line, we had a motto:

"The only good alien is a dead alien. "
True then, true now.

The job description says I must play
diplomat. I don't have to like it.

- Were you in the w*r?
- No, I missed it.

Sit down. Let me tell you something.

I fought. My best friends died...

...and we won.
Not because we out-fought them.

Not because we were luckier,
stronger or smarter.

We won because the damn Minbari
let us win.

You know what that victory
tasted like? Ashes.

You'd be surprised
how many times I've heard that.

There's a movement back on Earth.

It's growing, gaining in support
from people just like you.

So I've heard.

We want to put Earth back
at the center of the universe.

Our universe.

Get rid of alien influences!
Get rid of aliens!

Put Earth first!

We must get back to our roots.

Let's let humans be humans!

Who's we?

Friends of mine.
And perhaps soon of yours.

I want you to meet them.

Both of you.

I'd like that.


Of course, we must be discreet.
Not everyone agrees with us.

So I'd like a small gesture.
To show where your sentiments lie.

What sort of gesture?

Something to put every alien
on this station in their place.

To Earth!

I know you're concerned
about the v*olence onboard.

There is no longer any danger.

Good! You've arrested the criminals!
Why weren't we informed?

Mr. Garibaldi.

We have good reason to believe
the perpetrators fled to Earth.

- You identified them?
- That information is classified.

- Why is it classified?
- Do you think we are pouchlings?

Are we to believe that
they are simply gone?

- I do not accept a word of it!
- Neither do I!

Believe what you like.

The fact is the investigation
is over! Thank you.

Dr. Franklin!

Welcome back.

How do you feel?


Well, that'll pass.

When you're up to it,
Mr. Garibaldi has some questions.

And Ambassador Mollari wants
to have a long talk with both of you.

-Malcolm set the meeting.
- Where is it?

He won 't tell me. He'll meet us and
take us there. We're to be unarmed.

- He's cagey.
- I expected that.

You can monitor us. If they
suspect us, this could be a trap.

I'll be all ears. You need us,
we're there. Good luck.

You'll be able to travel in
a few days. I've made arrangements.

- But...
- No more arguments.

You will return to Centauri Prime
as is your duty!

However, upon arrival...

...you'll be met by Andilo Mollari,
my second cousin.

He will escort you
to his estate in the capital...

...where you will enter a period
of fosterage until you are adults.

- I don't understand.
- Fosterage?

A common practice in the old days.

Seldom done nowadays,
the law still allows it.

Vir, very impressive.
I can see you've been studying.

You will live with Andilo
and his wives.

They will instruct you in proper
decorum for Centauris of your rank.

Our parents will object.

I doubt it. You see,
Andilo is a very powerful man.

It is a great honor
to be fostered by him.

To object would be
to defy all tradition.

What will become of us?

You will study our culture,
learning all you can.

When you are old enough, Andilo will
let you decide for yourselves...

...whom you wish to marry!

Even if it's only for love?

- Lf you insist!
- Thank you.

All right, enough.
You two need to rest.

Now, we'll talk more later.



Because. You are still children.

And children should be
allowed to dance.


They're entering Cargo Bay 5.

This is it.

Where are the others?

Already here, commander.

Worth, activate the jammer.
Alvarez, on scan.

- We don't want to be disturbed.
- I'm impressed.

What are those things?

Black-light camouflage,
developed by Earthforce.

They're still under wraps in R and D,
but our friends got us prototypes.

We have friends everywhere.
We hope you'll be one of them.

- I'll help any way I can.
- We're counting on it.

- Worth, is the jammer up?
- Perimeter secured.

Damn! They jammed us. Let's move.

The recent att*cks on Earth, Mars
and here were just a prelude.

In two days' time,
there'll be a mass assassination.

In one night, we'll take out the four
major ambassadors stationed here.

Mollari, Delenn, G'Kar and Kosh.

Their deaths will be a signal
to terminate the ambassadors on Earth.

But the scale of it.
You'd need hundreds of people.

As he said, we got friends everywhere.

Clear it out, clear it out!
Coming through, coming through!

What do you want us to do?

Get us into the ambassadorial wing...

...and off the station undetected
after we've finished.

- No problem.
- Good.

Then there's just one more thing.

I call it a little loyalty test.

Commander, please!

- I don't know what these men...
- Shut up!

- k*ll it.
- No, please. No! Please!

Come on, you said it yourself.
The only good alien is a dead one!

Have mercy on me, commander, please.


The scanner shows a whole
lot of people heading our way.

Move it out. Clear it.

I wouldn't.
Give me an excuse and you're dead.

- Are you all right?
- Yeah, I'm fine.

Earth Alliance Special Transport
is now departing from Docking Bay 6A.

All assigned personnel,
please report immediately.

Such great hatred
for so little real reason.

It seems incomprehensible to me.

Human ways are often unfathomable.

But one learns to live with them.

If one has an exceedingly
strong constitution.

I can't believe you
did this to me, Susan.

What kind of a human are you
to side with them?

I find many of them are more
human than you and your kind.

You wouldn't understand.

- I don't know you anymore.
- I never knew you.
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