01x09 - Deathwalker

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x09 - Deathwalker

Post by bunniefuu »

Ambassador Kosh, is there something
I can do for you?

- I wish to engage your services.
- For what?

- Business.
- What sort of business?


I'd be happy to assist you, but there
are certain details I must know.

- Not to mention getting clearances...
- All arranged. As is payment.

We will meet in Red 3
at the hour of scampering.

The "hour of scampering"?

Minbari Flyer 969, you may proceed
to Docking Bay 1 7.

Transport Autara bound for Jupiter
colonies, boarding at Docking Bay 1 8.

Query: Liner Calisto.

Liner Calisto will be docking
in Bay 1 2 in seven minutes.

All passengers holding berths on that
flight, see Miss Uru in Red 7.




Let me go!

She must die! She is DeathWalker!

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

... for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

... of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

- Have you got an identity on her?
- Her name is Gyla Lobos.

She's a free trader.
Came from Sector 47.

- That's Minbari space.
- Minbari ship, clothes and I.D.

But she's no Minbari.

- Na'Toth give a reason for the attack?
- Nothing.

She was totally berserk.
Kept yelling, "DeathWalker! "

- DeathWalker?
- I thought you'd remember. I do.

Na'Toth, why did you attack
that woman?

If she dies, you'll rot in a cage
until your spots turn gray.

Na'Toth, we want to help you.
But you have to tell us why.

It is Chon-Kar.

The blood oath.

When the Dilgar conquered Hylak 7,
my grandfather's family was there.

DeathWalker used them
in her experiments.

They all died, except my grandfather,
who escaped back to Narn.

But not before she implanted
a machine in his brain.

It slowly k*lled his mind and spirit.
And we could do nothing but watch.

When he died, my family took
the Chon-Kar. Our vengeance is at hand.

The Dilgar Invasion was 30 years ago.
If DeathWalker's alive, she'd be old.

Her face is carved
in the minds of my brood.

I smell my grandfather's blood
on her hands. I tell you it is she!

I want to know everything
about that woman.

You and me both.

Commander Sinclair,
my apologies for this incident.

I don't know what
came over my attach?.

I am personally prepared
to make amends to her victim.

Her victim is in Medlab.
I'll convey your offer.

I see.

Release Na'Toth into my custody.
I take responsibility for her conduct.

Impossible, but I will agree to house
arrest pending our investigation.

Guards, take Na'Toth
to Ambassador G'Kar's quarters.

- She's not to leave.
- Yes, sir.

You have my gratitude, commander.


Ambassador Kosh, the clearances seem
in order and the pay is generous.

However, there's something
I don't understand.

Understanding is a three-edged sword.


...you old dog! You didn't tell me
you were bringing a date.

I'm Talia Winters, telepath,
Psi Corps Rating P5.

I'll sit in on the negotiations
on behalf of Ambassador Kosh.

I'm a 23 myself. A good number.
Call me Abbut.

Please scan Abbut.
Report to me his thoughts at present.

Goody! Nothing like a good mind
scan to clear the old processor.

Miss Winters?

He has no thoughts. At all.

It's as if his mind were empty.

Excellent. We may now
commence our business.




Her vital signs have stabilized.
I can't match her species type.

Why don't you try xenobiogenic 5?

How is she?

Better than she should be,
considering the ferocious attack.

Her metabolism is astounding. It's
repairing the damage extremely fast.

I wish I knew what her species was.

- Her DNA doesn't match anything.
- She's a Dilgar.

Dilgar? Dilgar is a dead race.
They died when their sun went nova.

Computer, load history file EA-22-30.
Reference: DeathWalker.

Commencing. DeathWalker.
Epithet used to refer to Jha 'dur.

The infamous leader
of the Dilgar Invasion...

... of the Non-Aligned Sectors in 2230.

Rank: w*r Master.

Specialist in biochemical, biogenetic
and cyberorganic weaponry...

Stop. This was Jha'dur 30 years ago.

She's too young to be Jha'dur
and too old to be her daughter.

There might be an explanation.

...scan for signs of cryonic
freezing or body alteration.

Commencing. Scan: negative.

I'll check MedCorp's files. There must
be a way to make an identification.


...you're not going to believe this.

- A Dilgar uniform.
- And the nameplate reads Jha'dur.

Na'Toth was right. It's her.

A uniform doesn't prove that.
Anything else?

Only this.

Doesn't look like any kind of drug
I've ever seen. Doc?

I'd better run some tests on this.

My father flew for Earthforce
during the invasion.

He was at Balos.
He never forgot what he saw.

If this woman is Jha'dur, then...

- Sinclair.
-You have a transmission from Hidoshi.

On my way. Post a detail here until
she's in a maximum security area.

Keep a lid on this.

Until we figure out what's up, I don't
want any rumors running around.

I'm sorry to bring you shame.
I must fulfill my Chon-Kar.

You do not shame me, Na'Toth.

I know how your senses burn
with the nearness of your prey.

l, too, have Chon-Kar, many of them.

But, unhappily in this case,
yours complicates matters.

I don't understand.

Counselor Ha'rok was here
to bargain with Jha'dur.

Our agents learned of a discovery
she made which is of great value.

After the attack, he couldn't approach
her without drawing attention.

He has returned to Narn and left me
to secure this discovery of hers.

- I will take it when I eat her flesh.
- No.

- Kha'ri says we must get her to Narn.
- I will not be denied this!

This is larger than Chon-Kar!

It would give Narn the advantage
it needs to crush our enemies!

You must make this sacrifice
for our people.

As all Narn have sacrificed,
at one time or another.

I'll delay the Chon-Kar.
But I will not abandon it!

You would not be Narn if you did.

I am proud of you.

When we get what we want, I promise
to help you fulfill your vow.

Commander Sinclair.

Senator Hidoshi,
what can I do for you?

We understand a woman named
Gyla Lobos was att*cked there.

-Is she alive?
- Yes, and recovering.

Excellent. When she's fit to travel,
send her to Earth immediately.

We've found evidence that this woman
might be w*r criminal DeathWalker.

DeathWalker is long dead, commander.
This is a priority order.

- Without more information, I can't...

... information is on a need-to-know
basis, and you do not need to know.

Have a pleasant day.


- How dare you pry into my work!
- You're too badly...

I have had worse.
I want to see Sinclair now.

- Commander, is it true?
- Is what true?

They say you have
DeathWalker in custody.

You should know better than to listen
to rumors, ambassador.

I'm Commander Jeffrey Sinclair.
You asked to speak to me?

Doctor, will you give us
a moment, please?

You know the way of command.
The Wind Swords are right to fear you.

- What do you know about them?
- They have sheltered me for years.

In return for certain services.

They speak of you often, Sinclair.

- They say you have a hole in your mind.
- Who are you?

I am w*r Master Jha'dur of the Dilgar.

- DeathWalker?
- So they called me.

If you were Jha'dur,
you'd be much older.

The answer is in this vial.

The result of a lifetime of research
and experimentation. My research.

- A universal anti-agapic.
- I'm not familiar with the term.

It retards the aging process
and prevents disease.

It's unstable and difficult to produce
in sufficient quantity, but it works.

- As you can see.
- No fear of aging or sickness. That's...

Virtual immortality,
the ultimate triumph of life.

The secret is mine, Sinclair,
and with the help of Earth...

...I will bring it to all the worlds
of this galaxy before the year is out.

- The willows must scuttle carefully.
- Does Saturn have rings?

The talks are over for the day.

We shall commence again tomorrow
at the hour of longing.

Suits me.


Ambassador Kosh?

- There is a question?
- Yes.

I've been scanning Mr. Abbut
all day and his mind is still empty.

And these phrases you keep
speaking in don't make any sense.

- You seek meaning?
- Yes.

Then listen to the music,
not the song.

Miss Winters, could I buy you a drink?
A Jovian Sunspot would taste good now.

Can you tell me what
these negotiations are about?

I could.

But it's not good to reflect too much.

- A problem?
- No, I'm just tired.

- I'll go back to my quarters and rest.
- Rest is good.

So is a nice pastrami with a little
mustard and an Antarean pickle.

Maybe another time?

Book Universe on level 5
is pleased to announce...

- Mr. Lennier.
- Commander.

I'm sorry to disturb you, but
with Delenn gone, I need your help.

- You've heard about today's incident?
- Yes, I did. Shocking.

The Narn do seem to be
a most passionate people.

Are you familiar with the name

Quite. History is my passion.

She was a leader of the Dilgar
Invasion of the Non-Aligned Sectors.

She was a scientist in biogenetics
and cyberorganics.

She was a sadistic warrior
responsible for countless deaths...

Na'Toth said the woman
she att*cked is DeathWalker.

The woman claims she's right. She says
the Wind Swords sheltered her.

The Wind Swords. They are the most
militant of all our warrior castes.

- But they wouldn't harbor that beast.
- She was of service to them.

- Could you check with your government?
- I cannot speak to the council.

- But I will contact Delenn.
- Thank you.

Keep this information confidential
for the time being.

You may rely on my discretion,

In the name of Narn,
I extend our apologies for the attack.

We are prepared to make
whatever reparations are necessary.

And make you a handsome offer.

- For what?
- Your discovery. The anti-agapic.

You're well-informed, G'Kar.
Our reports said you were clever...

...and a good resistance leader too.

If Earth hadn't invaded us, we might
have helped you wipe the Centauri out.

You're also well-informed. But you can
still help us with the Centauri.

Whatever Earth Alliance
has promised you, we will triple.


- Grant me one thing and I'll consider.
- Name it.

The head of the animal
that att*cked me, within the hour.

Based on the data, she is Jha'dur.

Which seems to prove her
claim about an anti-agapic.

- Anti-a-what's-ic?
- An immortality serum.

The Russian consortium
had no success with it.

That's because she's lying
to save her skin.

- My analysis suggests she isn't.
- Earth agrees.

They want Jha'dur on Earth.
They plan to develop her discovery.

Are you serious?

She made the Durian Massacres
look like a picnic.

Justice or immortality?
An intriguing choice.

There is no choice.

Jha'dur infected Latig 4 with
Stafford's Plague to see how they die.

She wiped out entire races,
destroyed whole planets.

Now she wants to make
everybody immortal?

- Why?
- Perhaps a conscience?

Unlikely. Tyrants seldom show
remorse for their brutality.

Let the League deal with her.
We can finish this immortality pill.

The serum's complex. It would
take years to develop without her.

While Earth's moral stance
on this is dubious...

...they are better equipped
to handle this issue.

This one's too big for us.

I want Jha'dur's ship and an escort
ready in one hour.

We'll take her through Blue 5
to avoid any attention.

- What are you doing?
- Following orders.

Whatever Jha'dur's peddling
doesn't change what she is.

I know, damn it.

If Franklin's right, her discovery
means a future free of age, death...

...across the galaxy.

She can save lives and make
the deaths she caused have meaning.

Isn't that worth considering?

You'd better pray that you're right.

If the League finds out about this
deal, they'll tear Babylon 5 to pieces.

Sinclair is going to smuggle
Jha'dur off the station.

- What?
- Blast him and that infernal female!

She is near. Free me from
this cage and I'll deal with her.

Not yet. There is a better way.

G'Kar to speak to Ambassador Kalika
on a most urgent matter.

One moment, ambassador.

Your ship is recharged.
We'll give you an escort to the vortex.

An Earthforce vessel
will meet you.

Most efficient. I commend you.

Is there something else
you wish to say?

Franklin has confirmed your discovery.
Why give it to Earth?

Because Earth turned the tide
against my race.

It's fitting you benefit
from your conquest.

It was an act of preservation.
You slaughtered mercilessly...

...exterminated races, committed acts
beyond the belief of sentient beings.

The Wind Swords said you were
sentimental. A fatal flaw.

Why do you want to help the same
people you butchered 30 years ago?

My race is gone,
their names cursed in history.

Even my Homeworld no longer exists.
I am the last of the Dilgar.

But my discovery will ensure that
the galaxy remembers us with honor.

- It will be a monument to our vision.
- That's what you're after?

Delicious irony, don't you think?

That those who cursed us will have
to thank us for the rest of time.

Commander, time to go.

Commander Sinclair, that woman
is the w*r criminal Jha'dur...

...known to our worlds as DeathWalker.

We demand an assembly to discuss
her trial of crimes against sentience.

Ambassador Kalika, Earth Alliance will
welcome you to discuss this matter.

However, I have orders
to send her to Earth.

- Orders I cannot disobey.
- You will have to k*ll us all first.

Very well, we'll convene in 3 hours.
Jha'dur will be held until then.

A fatal flaw indeed.

Mr. Garibaldi, escort her to her
quarters and double the guard on her.

Ambassador, I don't believe
I can continue with this assignment.

Your belief does not enter into it.
We have a contract.

I know that, but you don't really
need a telepath.

- What is need compared to the path?
- The traffic was m*rder but here I am.

Miss Winters, so lovely
to see you again.

- We're sitting on a b*mb.
- At least it's out in the open.

- Jha'dur will get justice.
- Don't be so sure.

The Narns and Centauri
aided Dilgar and don't want a trial.

But with my vote and the Minbari,
the League will have the deciding vote.

- What about Kosh?
- He refuses to participate.

- Why would the Minbari vote for trial?
- There's no reason for them not to.

Jeff, I got a little hot before,
said some things...

Forget it. You didn't say anything
I hadn't thought myself.

So I shouldn't listen to rumors, huh?

Sorry, ambassador, we thought
it best to handle this quietly.

Great job.

Mr. Lennier, have you spoken
with Delenn?

Yes, commander, and I have
been given instructions.

Jeff, all the ambassadors are here
and the chamber's secure. Good luck.

This meeting of the assembly
is called to order.

Kalika, for the League of Non-Aligned
Worlds, will make a statement.

Thirty years ago, the Dilgar
fell upon our worlds...

...bringing terror, sl*very and death.

With the help of Earth Alliance
we brought their leaders to justice.

All but one. The worst of the lot.


Now the winds of fate
have delivered her into our hands.

We of the League have decided that
Jha'dur be tried for her crimes.

That trial to be held here
on Babylon 5 as soon as possible.

We now ask that the Advisory Council
approve this decision.

Ambassador Mollari.

This woman, DeathWalker,
is indeed a great villain.

We Centauri weep
for what she did to your worlds.

However, because she committed
no crime against our republic...

...I must reluctantly vote no.


It is well-known the Dilgar were
mercenaries for the Centauri Republic.

That is a lie! It was you Narns
who collaborated with this scum.

Centauri propaganda
to hinder our revolution.

That's enough.

Ambassador G'Kar, your vote.

The Narn Regime, noted for its keen
sense of justice, votes yes.

On one condition, that the trial
be held on Narn.

Our neutrality assures fairness.

We are prepared to transport
her there immediately.

The Narns have no right
to try Jha'dur.

We are aware of their involvement with
her. Their proposal is unacceptable.

In that case, the Narn Regime
also votes no.

Ambassador Kosh has declined
to take part in this.

On behalf of Earth Alliance,
I vote yes.

Mr. Lennier?

As the Minbari were
not a part of this conflict...

...we have no right to judge her.

We must therefore...

...vote no.

The decision is three to two
against a trial with one abstention.

- We must find some other solution.
- This is outrageous!

Commander Sinclair, you always
said our worlds have a voice here.

Will you deny us this voice?

The rules of the assembly are clear,
but I have a compromise...

No! No more compromises.

We will no longer be dictated to by
the very powers who aided this woman!

We withdraw from this assembly.

And rest assured, you have not
heard the last of this!


I am sorry, commander. I have caused
this evil woman to escape her fate.

The Wind Swords
did shelter her, didn't they?

- And your government knew about it.
- No. Not at first.

When we warred with Earth...

...the Wind Swords came to the council
with weapons created by this monster.

That's when they learned she was
with them. We couldn't reveal it then.

Like all secrets long kept, we can't
bear the shame of admitting it now.

Lt. Commander, something is coming
through the jumpgate.

A Drazi Sun Hawk. Station one,
open a com channel to the Drazi.

I have the Drazi vessel online.

Babylon 5, this is Makar Ashok.

In the name of the Drazi, I demand
extradition of the criminal Jha 'dur.

Reject this demand
and we will attack immediately.

- Drazi vessel moving in firing range.
- All g*n arrays target Drazi ship.

Makar Ashok, our g*n arrays
will fire the instant you're in range.

You'll find their power quite
impressive, for a few seconds.

Drazi vessel is slowing.

Lt. Commander, there's another
surge in the vortex.

- What's happening?
- The Drazi want to extradite Jha'dur.

So do the lksha and Vree.

And there are more
League ships on the way.

- Stall them.
- I can try, but...

Do it.

Welcome to Babylon 5.
I am Lt. Commander lvanova.

How may we be of assistance?

Ambassador, call off those ships. The
League and Earth Alliance are friends.

We can settle this diplomatically.

At the moment we do not put much faith
in Babylon 5 diplomacy.

I fear we will soon sever
our ties with this place.

There's something you should
know before deciding.

What's the situation?

I've got the ship captains in a debate
over who has claim to Jha'dur.

- The winner will attack first.
- Let's hope it buys us enough time.

Lt. Commander, the League ships
are moving out of firing range.

- What did you do?
- I played a wild card.

Stay on alert.
I'll be in session with the League.

Yes, sir.

Good job, lieutenant commander.

A herring is just a herring
but a good cigar is a Cuban.

A stroke of the brush does not
guarantee art from the bristles.

Do you understand, Miss Winters?

- Our business is concluded.
- You were swell.

Maybe we can have
that Jovian Sunspot some time.

Kosh, old boy...

...a pleasure as always.

Let's do lunch soon.

Miss Winters.

What is he? And what was on
that data crystal he gave you?

Reflection, surprise, terror.
For the future.

Several of our scientists
have checked Dr. Franklin's data.

They concur with his assessment.
A most astounding discovery.

- But Jha'dur must still be punished.
- I agree.

I have a compromise
to serve our needs.

Earth will develop
Jha'dur's discovery.

I propose the League choose
a coalition of scientists to assist her.

When they're satisfied
the serum is ready...

...Jha'dur will be turned
over to the League for trial.

Can we trust your alliance
will honor this agreement?

And what of the council?

Earth Alliance will have no choice,
and the council made its decision.

The agreement is between
Earth and the League.

Just as it was 30 years ago
when we helped you defeat this woman.

It is fair.

And wise.

- It's time.
- Good.

I'm glad Na'Toth didn't succeed.
I look forward to your trial.

Are you really that naive?

Do you imagine Earth Alliance
will permit this charade?

I'll see that they have to.

It will only cost you your command.

It is the way of things, Sinclair.
The superior controls the inferior.

- In the final analysis, we've won.
- I don't think so.

No? Then consider this:

Your kind takes blind comfort
in the belief that we are monsters.

That you could never do what we did.

The key ingredient in the anti-agapic
cannot be synthesized.

It must be taken from living beings.

For one to live forever,
another one must die.

You will fall upon
one another like wolves.

It will make what we did
pale by comparison.

The billions who live
will be a testimony.

And the billions m*rder*d
to buy that immortality...

...will be the continuance of my work.

Not like us?

You will become us.

That's my monument, commander.

Get her the hell off my station.

Minbari Flyer 969
now leaving the docking center.

Ambassador Kosh?

- Stand by to activate...
- Something's coming through the vortex.

It's a Vorlon ship.

Well, all's well that ends well, huh?


You are not ready for immortality.

Ironic, don't you think?

We decide to keep Jha'dur alive
and the Vorlons smoke her.

Will it always be this way?

Little powers at the mercy of bigger
powers. Politics before morality.

Expediency before justice.

Seems to work for everybody
except you.

Maybe that's why I like you.

Commander, may I speak
to you for a moment?

- I may be having a problem with Kosh.
- Join the club.

What's wrong?

Kosh hired me to mediate a business
deal. But it didn't make sense.

I kept getting
these images in my head.

What kind of images?

Well, at first,
just quick flashes, but then...

Years ago I was assigned to scan
a suspect in a m*rder case on Mars.

He was a serial k*ller. I had never
been inside a mind like that.

His thoughts were brutal,
violent, terrible.

It was the most
frightening experience.

I still have nightmares about it.
Today I felt those thoughts again.

It was no nightmare. It was provoked.

- Who was Kosh dealing with?
- Another alien. His name was Abbut.

Funny guy who drinks Jovian Sunspots?

- Yes, that's him. You know him?
- He's a Vicker.

It's a slang term
from Earth tech, a VCR.

They're cyberorganic,
part machine, part sentient.

Aliens use them.
They can record anything:

Sights, sounds, biorhythms,
thoughts. I'd say you were set up.

- But why?
- The Vorlons are leery of telepaths.

He can use what you fear against you.

- For what?
- With the Vorlons, who knows?

- Ambassador Kosh has been a busy boy.
- God works in mysterious ways.

Maybe so. But he's a con man
compared to the Vorlon.
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