01x13 - Signs and Portents

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x13 - Signs and Portents

Post by bunniefuu »

Good morning.
The time is 0430 Earth Standard...

... Wednesday, August 3, 2258.

Personal log shows
no outstanding appointments.

Shall I download station logs
for past six hours?

Sure. Grab it, store it, shove it.


Never mind.

Why does my mouth taste
like old carpet?

Unknown. Checking medical logs.


Sleep well?

Sleeping is not the problem.
Waking up. That is a problem.

-lt's always hard when it's dark.
-But it's always dark in space.

l know.

l know.

-Picking up a distress signal.
-Put it on-screen.

Requesting assistance.

I repeat, Starfury to Earth vessels,
requesting assistance.

What is your situation?

We were escorting transport,
hit by Raiders.

They're in pursuit.
Power at 50 percent.

Launch Delta Wing.
Home in on his signal.

They're coming in!
Taking evasive action.

They're all over the place!

He's gone.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

... 1 0 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

... where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

...for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

...of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

ldenticard, please.

This hasn't been updated in a while.

l've been out of circulation.

Spent the last few years
doing some exploration.

Find anything interesting?


There wasn't much left
for search and rescue.

Security analysis?

We cut off their supply of weapons,
but they continue to attack.

The last two were close to Babylon 5.

lf we can't guarantee safe passage
to the station--

l know. Just two problems.

One: When we hear about
an attack, it's too late.

Two: We don't know
how they get out so fast.

Small ships have to
use jumpgates.

Getting from the attack
to the gate takes four hours.

They were gone
in less than two.

Put Delta Wing on standby alert. They
should be ready to leave at any time.

-You'll take first tactical watch.
-Will do.

Recommend we profile
all incoming ships.

See who's carrying valuable cargo.

-We'll figure out who they'll hit next.
-Agreed. See to it?

Not everyone files
a complete manifest.

A lot of them lie.

lf they won't cooperate, they'll
have to accept the consequences.

That's all.

Mr. Garibaldi, a moment of your time?

Not long ago, something happened.

l've been keeping it to myself,
but the truth is. . .

. . .l need some help.
Mostly l need a friend.

You got both. What's the deal?

l told you about the Battle of the Line
and the 24 hours l can't remember.

Lately, l've started to
piece together a few things.

Enough to know that
something happened to me there.

l've conducted my own
investigation, but. . .

. . .this is more
your area of expertise.

l need your help to try and find
out what happened and why.

This is strictly unofficial.

You don't have to take on the job.

Jeff, this is me, remember?

Let's hear it from the beginning,
and don't leave anything out.

-Mr. Reno?

-l was starting to worry.
-l always keep my end of the bargain.

-Had to make sure you did the same.

l received confirmation that payment
has been deposited into my account.

Here's the merchandise.

Great Maker.

-Nice piece of jewelry, isn't it?
-This is not jewelry.

This is not " the merchandise. "

This is the Eye. . .

. . .the oldest symbol
of Centauri nobility. . .

. . .the property
of the very first emperor.

lt comes from the earliest days
of the Republic. . .

. . .lost over 1 00 years ago
at the Battle of Nu'Shok.

l know the story, and l'm glad
it means something to you.

To me, it's just
another commission.

My job is to find things:
objects, people, you name it.

Now l've got my payment.
l'll be on my way.

Payment indeed. We paid enough
to buy a small planet.

l would very much like to know
how you got this.

No, you wouldn't.



l've already pushed it.

l pushed it again.

l hear there is a famine
on your world's southern frontier.

My condolences.

You should have thought of that
before stripping our resources.

-So it is all our fault?

Your own people have continued
to exploit your resources. . .

. . .to build the mighty
Narn w*r machine.

-We have to protect ourselves.
-By doing what you say we did?

That's evolution!

-Now, see here--
-Take the famine as a blessing.

A weeding out of the excess population.

One more comment and you will
be part of the excess!

-Yes, threats!

-Now, you can go to hell!
-And you can kiss my pouch, you--

Now look what you made me do!

l assume that once they were finished,
the Minbari wiped my memory. . .

. . .and put me back in my ship.

-You're sure that was Delenn you saw?

Eleven years is a long time.
Trail's pretty cold.

l know. l don't expect anything today.

l've waited 1 1 years, l can wait
longer. But if you get any ideas. . . .

l'll keep my eyes open.

And thanks for bringing me in on this.

Don't thank me until we figure out
where this goes.

We may both
regret this conversation.

-l'm not sure l understand, Mr. . . .

Morden, yes.

Who did you say authorized
this little chat?

-Counselor T'Bar, First Circle.
-He knows what this is about?

No, but in order to. . .

. . .see someone of your prominence,
l needed a recommendation.

He provided it.

You still haven't
answered my question.

-What do you want?
-Well, what do you mean?

-What do you want?
-For supper?

-To do? What do l--?
-What do you want?

This is pointless.

l want you to go away
and leave me in peace.

As you say.


What do l want?

The Centauri stripped my world.

l want justice.

What do you want?

To suck the marrow from their bones.

-Grind their skulls to powder.
-What do you want?

To tear down their cities. . .

. . .blacken their sky,
sow their ground with salt.

To completely, utterly erase them.

And then what?

l don't know.

As long as my Homeworld's
safety is guaranteed. . .

. . .l don't know that it matters.

l see.

Thank you very much for your time.

Good day.


-Ambassador Mollari?
-Yes, Lord Kiro.

l am honored.

This is Ladira, my aunt,
the prophetess of our house.

-My lady.

You are all right?

Yes, the trip was quite long.

lt can be quite a strain if
you're not used to such voyages.

Rest will help.
l've made the arrangements.

-You have the Eye?

-lt's quite--
-This place. . . .

Great Maker, this place. . . .


l see death. Destruction.

Fire. Babylon will fall.
This place will be destroyed!

Fire, death, pain.

Fire, death, pain.



-You're sure you're all right?
-l'm fine.

lt was a vision. Very powerful.

-You said this place will be destroyed?

Yes, l did.

You'll excuse me.
l must go to my quarters and rest.

You will forgive her, she sometimes
takes her role too seriously.

You don't believe her vision?

She's been wrong before.

On my first birthday, she said that
someday shadows would k*ll me.


Doesn't exactly make sense, does it?

-Where is the Eye?

-l would like to see it.
-l was told--

My family has waited over 1 00 years
for the Eye to be returned.

lt is the symbol of our house,
a house of nobility and honor.

And now l must play the messenger.

l would like to spend. . .

. . .some time with it before
turning it over to the emperor.

Of course.

Six to One, have located target.
Commencing surveillance.

What is the purpose of your
question, Mr. Morden, is it?

The question is its own purpose.

What do you want?

l am informed that you have
just seen Ambassador G'Kar.

Are you asking each of us
this question?

Does that invalidate the question?

No, but it makes me wonder--

ls something wrong?

No, just a moment of fatigue.


Leave me.

Get out. Now!

They're here.


-No one else knows it's here?
-No one, except the man who brought it.

-We can rely on his discretion.


We'll bring it back just as quietly.

lt will be better for the government to
declare that they found it back home. . .

. . .rather than to admit they had to
buy it from some outsider.


You must know that things are. . .

-. . .changing back home.
-l hear a few things.

Every day our people grow unhappier
with our so-called leaders.

The emperor has not been in public.
His prime minister acts for him.

Without him, the senate
is losing credibility.

So that is why
they wanted the Eye, yes?

Yes. There is no
greater symbol of authority.

Mollari. . .

. . .the Eye belongs to my family.
My house.

-Why should l give it to the emperor?
-We must all make our sacrifices.

lf l were to return with the Eye
and claim the throne for myself?

Lord Kiro, please.
l understand your feelings.

You could do it, but without support
you would be dead in a day.

These are no longer
the good old days, Lord Kiro.


More's the pity.

l will leave this with you. ln my care,
l might do something foolish.

-Good night.
-Good night.

Where did it all go wrong, Mollari?

Where did we lose it all?

l don't know.

l don't know.

-Everyone to the shuttle.
-Evacuate, evacuate!

They're heading for the docking bays!

-Hit it.
-We've got to get out!

Destruct! Destruct! Destruct!

Captain, we're picking up
Raider transmissions.

lmpossible. The screens are clear.

Where are they coming from?

-Time to target?
-20 minutes.

Thrusters to maximum.

We'll try to beat them
to the jumpgate.

Earth Transport Vessel Achilles...

. . .to all ships in Grid Epsilon.

This is a mayday.
We are under attack.

We are surrounded by Raiders.

Moving to the jumpgate.

We could use your help out here!
This is a mayday, repeat, mayday!

-Help's on the way.
-Roger that.

-You're clear to launch.

You heard the man. Hit it.

They've taken the bait.

Estimate two hours
until they can reload the bays.

Keep them busy. We'll take care
of Babylon 5 from this end.

You are clear to dock.
Welcome back, Ambassador Kosh.

Time to target's last known position:
20 minutes.

-Any transmissions from Achilles?
-Confirmed, still reading her.

Let's hope we're in time.
Delta 7 and 8, watch the gate.

lf the Raiders manage
to get past us, link in.

-l wanna know how they get in and out.
-Will do.

Maximum burn. Weapons systems
on standby. We'll need them.

Confirmed, Delta Leader.

We're ready to proceed.
Bring the Eye, we'll meet on the way.

l've notified Centauri Prime
of your expected arrival.

There'll be a ship to escort you.

You'll have protection
once you're past the gate.

Well, l should hope so.

See you in a few moments, ambassador.

Ambassador, l was just on my way
to see you. My name is--

l don't have time to chat.
l suggest you make an appointment.

-l did.
-Then make another one.

Never a transport tube
when you need one.

-l was authorized to speak to you--
-Yes, yes. Look, what do you want?

That's what l was going to ask you.

You are a lunatic. Go away.
Pester someone else.


Bay 1 2.

You are a very persistent young man.

l have to be. l'm not allowed to leave
until you've answered my question.

-What do you want?
-This is a silly conversation.

Yes, it is.

-What do you want?
-To be left alone.

ls that it?
ls that really all, ambassador?

All right. Fine.

You really want to know what l want?
You really want to know the truth?

l want my people to reclaim
their rightful place in the galaxy.

l want to see the Centauri stretch
their hand and command the stars.

l want a rebirth of glory,
a renaissance of power.

l want to stop running like a man
late for an appointment. . .

. . .afraid to look back,
or to look forward.

l want us to be what we used to be.

l want. . . .

l want it all back the way that it was.

Does that answer your question?


Yes, it does.

We received confirmation
from Delta Wing.

They're closing in on the Achilles.


Something wrong, commander?

Until now, the Raiders have been
hitting closer to Babylon 5.

This new attack
is a sector further away.

Call up a cargo manifest
on the Achilles.

On it.

That's far enough.

l want the Eye.

We don't know
what you're talking about!

No more lies, ambassador.

To be sure there are no more problems,
you three are hostages.

Get this aboard the ship.

Hide these bodies. We don't
want them found until we're clear.

Now move.

Commander, l have the cargo
information you asked for.

-Does this manifest cover everything?
-Yes, sir.

Hydroponics supplies,
tools, testing materials.

Nothing that's valuable
on the black market.

-Nothing worth the effort of stealing.
-Then why the attack?

Babylon Control to Delta Wing.
Do you copy?

-What's your status?

The Raiders broke off the attack.
We're in pursuit.

Negative, Delta Leader.
Do not pursue. Return to base.

-But, commander--
-It's a diversion.

They want you far from the station.
Return to base.

Confirmed, Babylon Control.

What ships arrive or depart
in the next two hours?

Traffic's light. Just a couple survey
ships and a Centauri personal liner.


A Lord Kiro and Lady Ladira.

-Leaving Bay 1 2 in 1 0 minutes.
-That might be it.

Tell Garibaldi to stand by.
l'm heading for Bay 1 2.

The ship that's about to depart--

This is not a good time.

l have to warn you. We received--

Commander, look out!

lf anyone moves, his brains will be
splattered all over the bulkhead.

l'm taking this ship,
and we're leaving.

lf you block the docking bay, l'll use
the ship's thrusters to burn through.


We won't try to stop you.

l'd always heard you were a smart man.

Now, move!

Kiro, no!

What are you doing?
You can't just let him go!

A Centauri liner will come
out of the docking bay.

Target engines only.
Disable, don't destroy.

Launching Alpha Wing.

We'll program the jumpgate
to reject the ship's code.

Once they're outside,
they're not going anywhere.

-Ladira, we should get away from here.
-The Shadows are coming for him.


lt's trying to activate
jumpgate sequence.

Mr. Garibaldi, hit them
and reel them in.

Will do.

Okay, people, let's move.

The ship can't make a jump point.

The nearest is six light-months away,
and with Garibaldi at his back. . .

. . .he's boxed in.
We can wait him out, if we have to.

Jump point forming in Sector 3.


So that's how the Raiders
get in and out so fast.

A vessel that size
could do solo jumps.

They're moving in attack formation.

-Weapons systems locking on.
-Close blast doors.

Activate defense grids.

Defense grids online.

They want what's on that ship bad.
Don't let it get away.

-What about the station?
-We can take care of ourselves.


All right, Alpha Wing.
Take them down hard.


-Ladira, we have to find shelter.
-Fire. Death and destruction.

You can't stay here.
Come with me now. Please.

lt doesn't matter.
The Shadows have come for Lord Kiro.

The Shadows have come for us all.

Leave this place.
They are not for you.




Centauri transport heading for
the mother ship. Unable to pursue.

Alpha Leader to Alpha Wing, these things
are made for atmosphere and space.

Go for the airfoils,
where they're vulnerable.

Recalibrate the defense grid
for long-range firing pattern.

Range: Between two
and five kilometers.

-l'll have to take it off-line.
-Do it.

Drive them toward
the back of the station.


-Tell me when they're in position.
-One minute.

Defense grid reactivated.
Target range: 3.9 kilometers.

And now we close the box.

Babylon Control to Delta Wing.



Tactical display.

-They're retreating.

Right down the middle of the gauntlet.

Delta Wing, fire!

Alpha Wing, fire!

Fire defense grid, all sectors!

That's got them.

Delta Wing, go to command vessel
while Alpha Wing cleans up.



They're opening a jump point.
Going to maximum thrust!

Negative. Abandon pursuit.

You might get caught in the backwash!
Don't risk it!

-That's an order, Delta Leader!


Show's over. Let's collect
the stragglers and return to base.

Eleven Raider ships destroyed,
four captured.

We're interrogating the prisoners now.
Station took some minor damage.

A few injuries, nothing major.

Ambassador Kosh's encounter suit
was damaged. He won't say how.

-He asked for equipment to fix it.
-What about our ships?

Three Starfuries were disabled
and were towed back for repair.

We lost two ships.

Alpha 6 ejected in time. He's in
Medlab. Doc thinks he'll be okay.

Delta 9 didn't make it.
Want me to notify the family?

No, l'll do it.

His father's on Earth.
His sister's in the Mars colony.

We hurt the Raiders bad.
Maybe enough not to see them again.

-They still have their main vessel.
-Without fighters, it's a big target.

lt'll take them a long time to gather
enough fighters to be a problem.

Commander, you wanted to see us?

Yes. The ship the Raiders captured was
registered in your name, Lady Ladira.

They were after something of yours.

l want to know what it was, and why
it wasn't on the cargo manifest.

lt's a very long story, commander.

Well, my time is your time.

Very convincing performance. lf you
don't mind, please tell your captain--

Sorry, he's busy.

Stick him in holding
until we need him.

What? We had an agreement.

Had. Past tense.

Look, we're big. We're organized.

But not big enough to put you
in charge of the Centauri government.

l don't care about the Eye's leverage,
you think they'll follow you?

-Not a chance.
-But l helped you.

-l gave you the transport times--
-We're grateful.

This ship, big enough
to make its own jump point. . .

. . .cost us every credit
we've stolen over the last five years.

With the ransom we can get for this,
we can buy one or two more.

That made it worth taking the risk,
not your plan.

And what about me?

You're gonna send a message
to Centauri Prime.

They've met our demands for the Eye.

But they won't pay your ransom
without proof you're alive.

So look on the bright side. You're not
going home as the new emperor.

But you are going home alive.

And once back,
you're gonna keep on paying us.

Because you wouldn't want anyone
to find out about your--

What the hell?

-Sure you are well enough to travel?
-l have responsibilities.

-And what of you, ambassador?
-What of me?

lt would seem my career is finished.

The Eye is gone.

lf they want to buy it,
its price will be high.

l'm sorry.
l'll do anything l can to help.

Thank you, but l'm afraid l'm beyond
anything, short of a miracle.

Good night, Lady Ladira. l'll see you
to your ship in the morning.

l expect l'll be leaving myself,
a few days later.

Whoever it is, go away.

All right.

All right. What's one more
annoyance? Enter.

-Good evening, ambassador.

Go away. lt's late.
l'm in no mood for your games.

l'm leaving shortly.
l got what l came for.

But before l go. . . .

A gift. From friends
you don't know you have.

The Eye.


Where did you go?

Let me buy you a drink.

Let me buy you an entire fleet
of drinks!

How can l ever find you to thank you?

We will find you, ambassador.
We will find you.

l've assigned guards
to escort Ladira to her ship.

Londo and l talked about
withholding cargo information.

-We could have anticipated the attack.
-No kidding.

l wanted to see if they got off okay.

l've got an Earthforce transport
due to take the prisoners home.

-They plan to discourage others.
-lf it works, l'll take it.

-Something else?
-The matter you asked me to look into.

l dug around a little and. . . .

Look, you probably know you weren't
first in line to run this place.

l suspected as much.
l was surprised when they called.

-How far down the list was l?
-Pretty far.

Despite the problems,
this is a high-profile job.

The whole brass lined up to get it,
but every name was rejected until you.

Rejected by whom?

The Minbari government.

They agreed to support Babylon 5
if they had approval over who ran it.

-They wanted you.


l'm glad you were able to come.
l wanted to see you before l left.

l don't know if Ambassador Mollari
mentioned it. . .

. . .but when l arrived here,
l had a vision about this place.

He told me. But we
made it through. We're safe.

For now.

But the vision, commander,
the vision is still there.

lt's not an easy thing. . .

. . .but l can let you see. . .

. . .if you will trust me.


-ls it what will be, or what might be?
-The future is always changing.

We create the future. . .

. . .with our words, our deeds
and with our beliefs.

This is a possible future, commander.

And it is my hope
that you may yet avoid it.
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