01x19 - A Voice in the Wilderness: Part 2

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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01x19 - A Voice in the Wilderness: Part 2

Post by bunniefuu »

Previously, on Babylon 5:

Any seismic disturbances?

We' re still picking up rumbles
from further down.

Best check it out.

Activate scanners,
set for maximum depth.

- Our readouts blacked out.
- It came from inside the planet.

All contact with the Mars colony
has been cut off.

You can't get a signal through to Mars?

Communications are out
except for authorized personnel.

This is Draal. For many years,
my mentor and teacher.

I hope that fissure is
five miles deep.

It'll take two miles to decelerate.

We've got something.
Definitely artificial.

Commander? You okay?

Michael, it's a whole new
area of technology.

Machines as big as buildings.

What the hell?

Help me, or your people...

...all your people, will die.

If she's not on Mars-

- She's there.
- Then something may have happened.

Initiate air cover and have
a medical team standing by.

I want that med team at bay 14.

- A ship's coming through the jumpgate.
- Fine.

Mr. Garibaldi, it's big!

The hell?

It's an Earth Alliance Heavy Cruiser.

Babylon Control to Earth Cruiser,
we didn't ask for help.

Whether you like it or not,
you 're getting it.

This is Captain Ellis Pierce
of the Starship Hyperion.

We now have control of the situation.

Please stand by, Babylon Control.
We 're coming in.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind...

...10 years after
the Earth-Minbari w*r.

The Babylon Project
was a dream given form.

Its goal: to prevent another w*r
by creating a place...

...where humans and aliens
could work out their differences.

It's a port of call,
home away from home...

...for diplomats, hustlers,
entrepreneurs and wanderers.

Humans and aliens,
wrapped in 2,500,000 tons...

...of spinning metal,
all alone in the night.

It can be a dangerous place.

But it's our last,
best hope for peace.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2258.

The name of the place is Babylon 5.

How is he?

He's stable,
but we won't know for a while.

I'm still trying to work out
his biology.


Captain Pierce will meet you
in the briefing room.

On my way.

- I want reports on his condition.
- Will do.

For your shopping convenience,
the Zocalo is accessible...

...through marked transport tubes.

Our casino features gaming
from seven systems.

- All currencies accepted.
- Fade.


All the comforts of home.

It'll be a nice change of pace for us.
Good food, some R and R.

I've gone over the message
you sent upon your arrival.

Care to explain yourself?

In hyperspace en route
to the Vegan outpost...

...we received a countermand order.

We were ordered
to assume control here.

- On whose authority?
- Office of Planetary Security.

They relayed what you've discovered
on Epsilon 3.

A new and potentially
revolutionary technology.

The civilian and military potential
is staggering.

- We can take care of it ourselves.
- For now, maybe.

But this is neutral territory.

Every race on this station
will claim what you found.

I'm here to make sure
Earth gets first dibs...

...prevent anyone from
sending down a team...

...and protect Babylon 5 when they' re
told they can't take what's ours.

I don't know if you appreciate
how messy this can get.

I appreciate the fact
that we had this under control...

...until you blew in
with a heavy cruiser.

- Everybody's wondering what's going on.
- A show of force...

...is required.

If they know we' re here, they'll be
less inclined to start something.

- What's the status of your prisoner?
- The patient is in Medlab.

Go put a g*n to his head.
Maybe a show of force will help.

This isn't a backwater outpost...

...where you bare your teeth
and we fall in line.

This is a diplomatic station,
and you'll just make our job harder.

This kind of help we don't need.

Enjoy the accommodations.
I'll make sure your stay is brief.

That's all.

Earth Alliance President Santiago
is bowing to pressure...

...to use force to subdue
the Mars rebellion.

About time!

Elite shock troops are en route
to areas outside the capital city.

Go get 'em, boys!
Show them crummy Marsies.

- They' re humans too.
- They don't think so, why should I?

Bunch of damned ingrates
and crybabies.

We get taxed so they can get
all the best atmosphere reprocessors.

They ought to be grateful,
instead of pulling this garbage.

Okay, fine. Whatever.

The solution's simple.

Pump in morph gas,
go in there and break some heads.

Teach them who's in charge.

Nuke them till they glow,
then sh**t them in the dark.

That'd take care of them like magic.

Magic? You wanna see magic?

I got a magic trick.

I make your head pass through the bar!

I need silence,
or I'll ask for another volunteer.

What was that magic word again?

That's not it.

I'll go look in my books.
If you're still talking trash...

...we'll try it again and again...

...until we get it right.

This decision comes from higher
in the chain of command.

There is nothing I can do.

Since the w*r, Earthforce has been
obsessed with new technology.

Now that they-

When I assumed command
of Babylon 5...

...I was assured by President Santiago
that I had final authority over this sector.

I won't surrender control
without his orders.

The president is rather busy.

The revolt on Mars is taking
up much of his time.

That's not my problem.
This is.

Until I'm officially told otherwise,
it's still my jurisdiction.

I'll resign if I have to.

All right, commander.
I'll try to secure that confirmation.

Maybe I can get Captain Pierce
to accept shared jurisdiction.

It's the best I can do for now.
Commander, I will be in touch.


Something's happening on Epsilon 3.
Take a look.

On my way.

A flight of ships left the Hyperion,
headed for Epsilon 3.

- Did they get through?
- No. Show tactical display.

They' re encountering fire
from the surface.

Four of the ships have been disabled.

- The counterattack looks heavier.
- Yes, definite escalation.

- They' re retreating.
- Captain Pierce on the link.

Put him through.

What's the idea of sending a team to
the planet without consulting me?

We had your log,
your flight pattern-

It didn't work, did it?

You can't reach the surface
without a jamming device.

What? Why wasn't I informed?

You didn't ask.

I demand you turn over
this jamming device at once.

It's being repaired.
Babylon Control out.

Commander, we don't even have
a jamming device.

He doesn't know that.

It'll discourage him from
sending any more ships down there.

What's that?

We're picking up increased seismic
activity inside Epsilon 3.

It started when the Hyperion ships
launched. They' re not natural quakes.

It's a massive artificial disruption.

- How serious?
- Serious. And growing.

According to our projections,
the planet will break apart...

...until it explodes.

If that planet goes,
it'll take us with it.

The Hyperion can move.
We can't.

We'll be ripped apart.

Our latest scan confirms
my suspicions.

Epsilon 3 has a network
of advanced fusion reactors...

...some of which are 10 miles across.

The scale of it is outstanding.

There's power down there
we've never dreamed of.

We've monitored a definite change
in all of the reactors.

- They' re at critical mass.
- Doomsday machine.

Exactly. We have, at the most,
48 hours before they blow...

- ... taking the planet and us with it.
- How long to evacuate?

250,000 humans and aliens.

Even with every ship in the sector,
it'd take five days.

Have you informed Pierce?

He says it's one more reason
they have to go down.

Your opinion?

Not a chance.

This reaction started
when they tried to land.

The planet's rigged to keep it
out of the wrong hands.

- If they land, we may not have 48 hours.
- Why didn't it start with you?

There was still someone
running the show.

- The guy you brought back.
- Yes.

If he's unconscious,
it runs on a*t*matic...

...heading toward self-destruct.

We'll give it another 12 hours.
Look for a way around this thing.

If not, we'll evacuate
as many as we can.

It'll be a panic.

I know. We'll hold back
an announcement...

...but you better tell
your own people.

Get something to eat and try to catch
an hour or two of sleep.

If we go down there, it blows.
If not, it blows anyway.

Good thing I'm Russian.
We' re used to hopeless situations.

- Just the person I'm looking for.
- Ambassador, this is not a good time.

I imagine not.
You've been holding out on me.

I don't know what you mean.
We're status quo.

An Earth w*r Cruiser
parked alongside the station.

Mysterious trips to the planet.

Rumors that you found someone
and brought him here.

This to you is status quo?
You must lead an interesting life.

You did find something down there.
Something valuable, perhaps?

My government contributed substantial
amounts of money to this station.

We' re entitled to an equal share
of anything you find.

Do you really want to know
what's going on?

Yes. Absolutely.

Boom. Boom, boom, boom.

Boom, boom. Boom!

Have a nice day.

You can never get a straight answer
from anyone around here!

I knew you would say that.

Draal, help me.


- Draal?
- Help me.

Draal? Are you all right?


It's strange.
I heard someone call my name.

It came from this way.

Yeah, come in.


Jeff, what' re you doing here?

- Thought I'd see how you were doing.
- Fine. Have a seat.

- I just made some dinner. Want some?
- I grabbed something in the mess hall.

I heard about the incident today
in the Zocalo.

The magic trick thing?

- They file a complaint?
- No. But they could've.

I know. I know.

It was stupid.

You didn't hear them.

People are dying on Mars.
It's a game to them.

On top of that, I'm worried about Lise.
I just snapped.

You can't go off like that.

What am I supposed to do?
I've never felt this helpless before.

The one woman who meant
anything to me is on Mars.

Maybe she's alive, maybe not.
Either way, I can't do a thing.

This planet is about to blow up.
What can I do?

Arrest it?

I never should've let her go.
I shouldn't have waited to call.

Then why did you?

I was afraid.

Afraid she'd hang up on me.
Afraid she wouldn't.

Afraid to find out that she hated me.

That it really was all over
and I could kiss my dreams goodbye.

And just as afraid to find out
that maybe she still loved me...

...like I still loved her.
We'd have to do something about it.

And I still don't know if I can.

- Does this make any kind of sense?
- Yeah, it does.

Some brass on Mars
owe me a favor.

It's about time they paid up.

I'll get a clear channel to Mars.

That'd be great. Thanks.

It's okay. I've been there.

One last thing.

A favor.

If we have to evacuate,
we'll never get everyone off.

Ambassadors, women,
children and civilians first.

Some of the command staff
will have to stay on board until...

See that Ivanova gets on the last ship.
She'll want to stay, but...

- She's got her career ahead of her.
- Understood.

She'll be on it if I have
to drug her and toss her in.

Look, this is a restricted area.

No, he's the one.
I heard him call my name.

That's impossible.
The patient is comatose.

I'm going to have to insist
that you leave now.


Don't try to move.


Stay right there. Stay still.




...the planet below.

Do not land. Do not approach.

Will explode.

Destroy you all.

Without the heart...

...without another...

I got your message.

The patient is confirming
our information.

If any ships land,
the planet explodes.

- Did you tell the Hyperion?
- They know there's no jamming device.

- How can you tell?
- They' re about to launch.

- Get Pierce on the line!
- Done.

What the hell are you doing?

The planet's set to blow.
We got confirmation-

From a source with
every reason to lie!

Our people have been monitoring it
and assure us we can safely land...

...as long as we 're careful.

I won't let you jeopardize
the lives of 250,000 people!

Commander, it's not your decision.
We 're going.

- What'll you do? sh**t us down?
- To protect the station, yes.

Excuse me?

Put Delta Flight on alert.
Stand by for launch.

- Orders?
- Planetary blockade.

Commander, if you order your ships
to fire on my fighters...

...kiss your career goodbye.

If you go down there,
we' re dead anyway.

You 're bluffing.

- Open fighter bay doors.
- Fighter bay doors, aye.

Stand by to launch.

It's up to you. As far as I'm
concerned, we have nothing to lose.

- Status?
- They' re canceling the launch.

Tell the fighters to stand down,
but keep them ready.

We have a ship coming
through the jumpgate.

Tell them to stand by.

They' re accessing our language files!

- Everybody all right?
- Yes, sir.

I think so.
We've got a signal coming through.

This is Takarn.

We have your language files.

Taken to learn...

...to speak.

We have been 500 years...

...searching for this place.

We received its call-signal.

- Must be the beacon that went off.
- This world...

...belongs to us.

We are last of our people.

Searched 500 years.

We will take.

Give you 10 of your hours
to move aside.

We do not wish to k*ll.

But we will if you will not
let us take what is ours.

Open channel-

This is Earth Alliance Cruiser
Hyperion to intruder.

This sector's under Earth jurisdiction.

Any attempt to seize this planet
or launch an attack...

...will be met with deadly force.

You have nine hours
in which to withdraw.

Worst case of testosterone poisoning
I've seen.

Is it true this world belongs to them?

No. Outcast.


My people cast them out centuries ago.

Signal was not meant for them.

Was put here to hide from them.

Given to me when the rest
of my people died.

Sacred trust. Legacy for the future.

I am guardian. Protector.

I live in the heart of the machine.
We are one.

Five hundred of your years
have I waited in the machine.

You've been here all this time
and you haven't contacted us?


Only listened to your people.

Watched this great place being built.

Learned your words.

Please, you must stop them.

Do not let them take the machine.
It's not for them.

It's not for this time.

Varn, the planet is falling apart.


Without guardian...


...destroy itself.

If it blows, it'll k*ll everyone here.
Is there any way to stop it?

- What's your prognosis?
- He's dying.

He's been dying for a while.
That explains the seismic disturbances.

The more he suffered,
the more the system failed.

But without him,
the planet is dying...

...and taking us right along with it.

I'm told you were there when Varn
regained consciousness...

...and that he spoke to you.

He told us nothing more
than he told you.

What were you doing there
in the first place?

His spirit cried out to me
in the night.

He appeared before me.

- So you also saw him?
- Yes.

The machine is tuned to his condition,
and sent a kind of distress signal.

Well, all we can do is hope
he comes to pretty soon.

We've got eight hours before
all hell breaks loose out there.

You know what Varn meant by "another."

Don't you?


Varn could not ask it,
could not say the words...

...but it was in his eyes.

He is probably forbidden
to ask directly.

But the answer is there,
if you have ears to hear it.

And what answer is that?

Ambassador Mollari.

I'm astonished, Delenn. Truly.

Of everyone here, I never thought
you would hold out on me.

I believe we should talk, yes?

Where the hell have you been?

Trying to solve it.
Any word from Earth Central?

Negative. They're jamming us too.

We can still work this out.

Weren't you paying attention?
They gave an ultimatum:

Surrender or be destroyed.

I won't sit here quietly.

We have the firepower.
We can take them.

If we coordinate our firepower...

...we can launch a preemptive strike.

I can't do it without your support.
Will you commit your forces?

I don't see any other choice.
We'll be ready.

Yes, he called to me as well.

Appeared to me, out of nowhere.


I wonder why he appeared just to you,
Draal and the commander.

Perhaps because we are familiar with
the third principle of sentient life.

You can be of great service
if you are willing to dare greatly.

I'm the Centauri who led
the raid on Fralis 12.

That was a long time ago, but perhaps
it is time to return to old habits.


I don't think you fully understand
what Draal is asking of you.

Of course I do.

One of us will not return, yes?

That much is certain.

As a young and foolish Centauri...

...I swore I would die on my feet...

...doing something noble
and brave and futile.

Perhaps it was not so wild a dream
as I thought.

Or as foolish.

It is better than waiting
for the inevitable.

We will go. Together.

- Another ship is asking to leave.
- Clear them.

The more we get out now,
the fewer we have to evacuate.

Garibaldi to C & C.
Somebody just grabbed the patient.

They created a diversion.
When we got back, he was gone.

Stop all traffic.

It's too late, three ships
already left and one's about to-

Where the hell did it go?

Signal coming from the enemy ship.

You have ignored our warnings!

You send ships to our world!
No more lies!

Now we take what is ours...

...and we stop your people.

He's right. The transport's
heading to the planet.

They've opened fire.
They're targeting my ship!

I'm launching fighters!
We need your support!

- Launch fighters. Fire at will.
- Launch fighters!

My God! Whoever's piloting
that shuttle is a madman!

Just like Fralis 12!

Close blast doors.

- Where is that transport?
- Entering the atmosphere.

This is where the planet's defense
system opened fire last time.

It's letting them in.

We've got a shuttle coming out.

I didn't authorize a launch.

- I'm in pursuit of the transport.
- Garibaldi.

Somebody has to bring that guy back.

- It's too dangerous.
- If they can make it, so can I.

I've got to do something.
Beginning descent.

I can catch them.
Buy me some cover.

Tell Deltas 2 through 6
to watch Mr. Garibaldi's back.

Who said the good old days are gone?

Now, landing thrusters.
Landing thrusters.

If I were a landing thruster,
which one of these would I be?

Hyperion's forward g*ns powering,
preparing to fire. Locking.

- Range to target?
- Closing. 300 kilometers. 250.

Defense grid, prepare to fire.
Alpha Flight, engage.

Affirmed, Control. Engaging.

What the-?

What are you two doing here?

I figured we had hijackers,
or tech stealers, or-

You may have noticed, but things
are not going well down here.

We believe we can help.

Finished. Have created
a pocket of air for you.

The machine controlling this planet
needs a mind to run it...

...or it will destroy itself
and Babylon 5.

- So you' re going back in, is that it?
- No. I am.

I will take his place...

...in the heart of the machine.

Fire defense grid! Maximum range!

- There has to be another way.
- There is no other way.

Please believe me. All my life I have
searched for a way to serve others.

There is no higher calling, no greater
destiny than to live for another...

...and if necessary,
to die for another...

...to somehow make the world
a better place.

I had done all I could on my world.

I came looking for a reason.

A way to live
with direction and purpose.

Here, I have found it.

I will save lives.

And the wonders of this place
will take me centuries to explore.

Let my life have meaning.

Help me to do
what we both know must be done.

Direct hit. Cobra bays damaged,
hulls Blue A through C buckling.

- The forward section might blow.
- Where's the Hyperion?

- Enemy ship's keeping us between them.
- It's coming around.

Weapons system powering.
They' re locking on.

This is it.

What the hell?

I am addressing all three parties
struggling to control this planet.

It belongs to none of you.

It belongs only to itself,
and to the future.

Commander Sinclair.

The secrets buried here
must remain secret.

They would give any race
an advantage over others.

Thus, it is in the interests
of all races...

...that none should gain
exclusive control of it.

We entrust the safekeeping
of this place...

...to the Babylon 5 Advisory Council.

We'll rely upon your guidance and
the Council's enlightened self-interest...

...to make sure this world is left
alone, until the time is right.

If enlightened self-interest should
prove insufficient to the cause...

...understand this:

The defensive systems on this world
are now fully operational.

Do not attempt to come here again. Any
approach will be met with resistance.

Any ship attempting to land
will be destroyed.

When the time is right,
we will be here, waiting for you.

But not until then.


Better get Pierce.

The enemy ship is headed
for the planet.

- Did they get the message?
- They didn't believe it.

Delenn, we're finished here.
We should go.

He's right, ambassador.

I know. If I could...

If I could have just a moment.

You will take care of him?

I have few days left to me,
but I will watch him until the end.

We should know very soon...

...if the machine
has truly accepted him.

How could it not?

Tell me that it's a wonder...

...so that I may sleep when all
I can see in the night is this place.

It is a wonder.

The machine will extend his life,
as it did for me.

He will see all the tomorrows.
Hear all the songs.

Touch the edge of the universe
with his thoughts.

And my thoughts will ever be with him.

I hope that he can hear them.

"The third principle of sentient life
is its capacity for self-sacrifice.

For a cause...

...a loved one...

...or for a friend."

Goodbye, dear friend.

Perhaps, some day,
I may see you again.

We'll be putting into dock for repairs
at Earthport. ETA nine days.

With luck, they won't be as eventful
as the last couple of days.

So much for R and R.

You should know we received
a communiqu? from Earthdome.

President Santiago confirms
you have jurisdiction...

...over Babylon 5
and this sector of space.

My, uh...

...regrets, if I exceeded
my authority.

- Apology accepted. Have a safe trip.
- Will do. Hyperion out.

We finally got a secure
line to the Mars colony.

But before you tell Mr. Garibaldi,
there's something you should know.

Yeah, I'm coming, I'm coming.


We've got the Mars colony relay.

- We located your friend.
- Is she-?

She's wounded, but okay.
The doctors say she'll be fine.

Oh, that's great. Put her through?

Coming in. And if you want to talk
later, you know where to find me.

Michael. Hi.

I hear you turned Mars
upside down looking for me.

I had to know if you were okay.

Yeah, I'm fine.

I got caught in a crossfire
trying to get some food.

The fighting's died down.

The government
has the upper hand.

Good. Good.

These relays get weird.
We don't have much time.

- I wanted to say-
- Michael-

Please, let me finish.

I've made a lot of mistakes
in my life.

And you' re one of them.

I never should've left you.
I realize that now.

I have some leave coming,
and I'm gonna take it on Mars.

- I thought we could work things out-
- Michael. I can't.

- If it's the job-
- I'm married.

His name is Franz. We 're expecting
our first baby in September.

That's great.

I'm glad for you.


Mr. Garibaldi.


I see you come here also,
to lose yourself in the stars.

It's quiet.

I like quiet.

Ask you a question?

Why the end run around us?

When you figured out Varn had to be
replaced, why didn't you come to us?

Because if I had...

...I know in my heart that Sinclair
would be the one down there right now.

He's looking for a purpose.

But his destiny lies elsewhere.

How did you get Londo
to go along with this?

An exchange of promises.

I now owe him a great favor.

He will come to collect,
sooner or later.

But I think he enjoyed it.

He discovered something inside him
that he thought was buried long ago.

Yeah, well, one thing I discovered...

...is that some things
are better left buried.

Good night, ambassador.

Franz. What the hell
kind of a name is Franz?

Good night, old friend.

Sleep well.
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