02x02 - Revelations

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Babylon Berlin". Aired: February 22, 1993 – November 25, 1998.*
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Series follows the human military staff and alien diplomats stationed on a space station, Babylon 5, built in the aftermath of several major inter-species wars as a neutral ground for galactic diplomacy and trade.
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02x02 - Revelations

Post by bunniefuu »

This is Team 3. We are in position
and ready for transport.

Team 3, ready that.

This is madness.

How much longer will this Council
be held hostage to its missing members?

- Their behavior is inexcusable.
- Ambassador Delenn remains indisposed.

Indisposed. She's in a cocoon!


And you.
Do you have any idea...

...when Ambassador G'Kar will decide
to grace us with his presence?

For that matter, do you
have any idea where he is?

There, you see? One deserts
his post without any explanation.

The other picks the most breathtakingly
inconvenient moment possible...

...to explore new career options.

Like becoming a butterfly.

I move that we reprimand
both governments...

...and demand that they assign
new representatives to this Council.

Is there a second?

Seeing that the motion isn't carried,
and the agenda's been tabled...

...I recommend that we adjourn
for the rest of the day...

...and reconvene tomorrow at 9
and try this again.

you never answered my question.

- Where is Ambassador G'Kar?
- I've told you all I know.

He left to investigate the attack
on our base in Quadrant 37.

You've had no word
from him since?

Ambassador G'Kar is more than able
to take care of himself.

Stay together.
A little further to the gate.

- We're not going to make it.
- Yes, we will.


Leave us.

Tell the others.

Warn them!

In death, we salute you.

Honor our names.


G'Quan bless your names.
You will be remembered with honor.

Set jumpgate sequence.
Destination: Babylon 5.

The Babylon Project was our last,
best hope for peace.

A self-contained world, five miles long,
located in neutral territory.

A place of commerce and diplomacy for
a quarter of a million humans and aliens.

A shining beacon in space,
all alone in the night.

It was the dawn
of the Third Age of mankind.

The year the Great w*r
came upon us all.

This is the story of the last
of the Babylon stations.

The year is 2259.
The name of the place is Babylon 5.

Doctor, how's it going?
I thought you'd be off duty by now.

I'm running a little late.
Can I talk to you for a minute?

Yeah. I can afford a minute.

My sister's coming for a visit,
and I have time before she arrives.

How's Mr. Garibaldi?

Frankly, not great.
That's what I want to talk to you about.

I've pulled out every trick I know,
and nothing works.

He's not coming out
of that coma.

Now, there is one other option...

...but it means performing
an unauthorized procedure.

I see. Have you tried
contacting his next of kin?

Tried and failed.

And I'm afraid if we wait any longer,
it won't do any good.

What's the procedure?

I came into possession
of an alien device...

...capable of draining the life energy
from one person...

...and giving it to somebody else.
It was used as a kind of death penalty.

Sounds nasty.

But it can be used safely
at lower settings to heal people.

Are you speaking
from personal experience or...?

No. I haven't done it myself,
but I've seen it used that way.

Still, there is a risk, and I wanted
your permission before trying it.

There's no other way?

It's his only hope.

We don't have much choice,
do we?

Who are you going to hook up
to the machine?

I can't ask anyone else to take the risk
if something goes wrong.

I'll do it.

Welcome to Babylon 5.

We are at your disposal
with a range of onboard facilities.

Johnny! Johnny.
Excuse me.

Lizzie! Lizzie.

- Hi, big brother.
- It's good to see you.

- How was your flight?
- Fine.

A little bumpy coming out of hyperspace,
but otherwise, no complaints.

You look like you've gained a little
weight since the last time I saw you.

What can I say? After three years
in deep patrol eating synthetics...

...I took one look at the garden
and completely lost control.

- Sounds great. I'm starved.
- Good, let's get you something to eat.

I'll have your bags sent
to your quarters, all right?

I understand you were looking
for me, ambassador.

How can I be of service?

The destruction of the Narn base
in Quadrant 37...

...is drawing quite a lot of attention.

Yes, that was the intent.

And you are absolutely certain
that it cannot be traced back to me?

Beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The Narns will never be able to prove
that it was done at your instigation.

And based on your promise
to take care of it, your government...

...accepts your responsibility
without question or hesitation.

Perfect symmetry.

I believe that this little demonstration
will bring you interesting propositions.


But what happens if I'm asked for
another of these little demonstrations?

Then we'll provide it.

Simply choose your target.
A colony, an outpost...

Why don't you eliminate the entire
Narn Homeworld while you're at it?

One thing at a time, ambassador.
One thing at a time.

One last thing.

Small favor in return for our
good efforts on your behalf.

A person in an important position
like yours hears many things.

If you should hear about anything
strange happening out on the Rim...

...I'd appreciate being informed,
even if it seems unimportant.

Good day, ambassador.

And it's certainly a big change
from running the Agamemnon.

It's more like being a military governor
of a small, self-contained country...

...with its own rules,
1000 different languages...

...everyone coming and going
at all hours.

Still, there's a terrific energy here.

A sense of really being
on the frontier.

- How's your salad?
- It's fine. Fine.

You don't look fine.

It's just...

We haven't seen each other
in two years...

...and from the moment I got here,
you haven't stopped talking about work.

This is me, Johnny, remember?

I'm sorry. I just...

Seeing you again...

...it brings it all back.

I know.

That's why I'm here.

Nothing has been the same between us,
not since Anna passed away.

- I need more time, that's all.
- Johnny...

...it's been two years.

Then why do I still have
to remind myself that she's gone?

Why when I see something interesting
on the news, I'll say to myself:

"Oh, I gotta remember
to mention this to Anna later on."

Sometimes I will turn to say something
to her, she's not there...

...but just for a second,
I don't know why she's not there.

And then I remember.

I miss her, Liz.

I miss her and love her
as much right now...

...as I did when she was still here.

I know. It's not easy.

She was my friend longer than you were
married to her, and I miss her too.

But if she were here right now,
she would be mad as hell at you.

She'd want you to get on with your life
and stop burying yourself in your work.

- It's not about work.
- What's it about?

I don't want to get
into this thing right now.

Can't we just table this
for a while, huh?

I mean, can't we just...

...talk for a while,
get to know each other again...

...just catch up a little?


The discussion is tabled.

Until later.

Soon now.



Captain, you're up late.

Couldn't sleep. Started
thinking about life and death...

...what we can do,
what we can't do...

...and maybe what we should do
when we have the chance.

- This is the device, huh?
- Correct. I was just about to...

- Plug me in.
- No. I thought we agreed...

I can't have you giving
your life energy...

...and operating this machine
at the same time.

What happens if you pass out
during the process, huh?

Lt'll just keep taking your life energy
until you're dead, correct?

- I don't know.
- Exactly.

Better you run it,
and someone else is at this end.

- He's my patient.
- But when I took over B5...

...he became my responsibility.

I don't think losing my head of security
two weeks into the job...

...will look good on my r?sum?.

We split the difference. We'll both
do it in shifts, but I'll go first.

Make sure the
configuration's correct. Deal?

Done and done.

Close the door.


Weep for the future, Na'Toth.
Weep for us all.

Are you all right?

I have looked into the Darkness.

You cannot do that
and ever be quite the same again.

When you told me about the destruction
of our base at Quadrant 37...

...I knew that only a major power could
attempt an as*ault of that magnitude.

None of the governments here could have
done it, which left only two possibilities:

A new race...

...or an old race.

A very old race.

G'Quan spoke of a great w*r, long ago,
against an enemy so terrible...

...it nearly overwhelmed
the stars themselves.

G'Quan said that before the enemy
was thrown down...

...it dwelled in a system
at the Rim of known space.

I searched for days,
going from one system to another.


...on dark, deserted worlds,
where there should be no life...

...where no living thing has walked
in over a thousand years...

...something is moving...

...gathering its forces quietly.

Hoping to go unnoticed.

We must warn the others.

After a thousand years,
the Darkness has come again.

What's up, doc?

- Franklin to lvanova.
- Ivanova. Go.

You and the captain need to get down
to Medlab. Garibaldi's awake.

On our way.

Sector 2, we're
all green down here.


- Yeah.
- How do you feel?

It's not important.
Did you stop them?

- They're gonna k*ll the president.
- I'm afraid the president is dead.

Earth Dome is saying
it was an accident.

No, no. I gotta see the commander.

He's not here, all right?
He's been reassigned.


Oh, God. I'm out of it for a few days,
the whole place goes to hell.

Well, I hope I can prove otherwise.

Capt. John Sheridan, your new CO.

I don't know you.

No, but I think
we'll get along just fine.

Garibaldi, I know you're tired,
but do you remember what happened?

Do you remember who shot you?

I keep trying.

No, I don't remember.
Shot from behind.

I never saw who.

Central, this is Security...

Ambassador G'Kar, back
from your little expedition, I see.

Did you find anything interesting?

Yes. I'm going to call for a meeting
of the Council to discuss it.

Mollari, the grievances
between my people and yours...

...will never be resolved
except with Centauri blood.

- Accept that as a given.
- It's good to know we're appreciated.

But there may be some dangers
that thr*aten both our peoples.

Not to mention the Minbari,
the Earthers, the League...

...and everyone else around here.

Except possibly the Vorlons. I don't
know what could thr*aten them, really.

Very soon, I may require your help
in the interests of all our governments.

Help? My help?

Well, this is astonishing.
Have you spoken to the others?

No, I was just on my way
to speak with Delenn.

Well, you may find that
rather difficult at the moment.

You see, just after you left, we
discovered something happened to her.

Is she still alive?

That is a very good question.


Help me.

Dr. Franklin, could you please come to
Ambassador Delenn 's quarters at once?

I'm in the middle of things.
Mr. Garibaldi is awake.

Please. This is urgent.

I think something may be wrong
with Ambassador Delenn.

Dr. Franklin, before we
can allow you to proceed...

...I must insist that anything you
learn here in the next few minutes...

...be kept strictly confidential.
- Of course. You have my word.

But if she's sick, I'm surprised
you didn't call your own doctors.

I am not ill, doctor.

What I have become...

...what I suffer...

...requires you alone.

Granted, I still get
stir-crazy sometimes...

...but the wonderful thing is,
if I want to see aliens...

...I don't have to go looking
for them. They come here.

All I have to do is go out that door,
go down two levels...

...and there's always something new.
Some new race...

...I've never heard of
and never seen.

The only thing
that could make it better...

...is if Anna were here to share it.

With that scientist mind of hers,
she would've loved it.

What is it, Johnny?

Damn it, Liz,
it's my fault she's not here.

Johnny, stop that. You've been carrying
this guilt around for two years.

She died on a deep-space
exploration vessel that exploded.

You had nothing
to do with that.

No, but I am responsible for her
being on that ship in the first place.

We were gonna get together
on our anniversary.

She'd arranged to meet me
when we pulled into space dock...

...off of Centauri Prime.

Well, we hadn't seen much
of each other the year before.

You know what
the military life is like.

Well, I'd gotten real busy.

I was up to my ears
in inspections, drills.

I had to call her...

...and tell her I couldn't make it.

I was too busy.

Too damned busy.

Well, right after I canceled, she took
that science officer's job on the Icarus.

Just a two-week survey.

Said she'd be back before
I even noticed she was gone.

Well, she didn't come back.

And I've been noticing she's gone
every minute of every day.

- You can't blame yourself, Johnny.
- Yes, I can!

If I hadn't canceled out,
if I hadn't driven her away...

...she'd be here right now.

But the thing is,
the real k*ller is...

When we used to talk
to each other over long distance...

...we would say
"I love you" at the end.

The last time I talked to her...

...I don't know, I was rushed...

...I didn't say it,
and I didn't even realize it.

And I figured I'd make it up
to her later on.

I never even got
to say goodbye to her.

Lizzie, I miss her.

I just didn't want her to go
without telling her I loved her...

...one last time.

Is it supposed to do that?

I do not know.

What am I?

What am I?

- Which leads me to believe
that the ancient race...

...described in our holy books
may have returned.

If true, this holds grave danger
for all of us.

You say the dead worlds
previously controlled by this force...

...are inhabited again.

Maybe they've been colonized
by someone else.

No, it's them. I'm sure of it.

The configuration of the ships
that fired on us...

...was too similar
to the drawings made by G'Quan.

Why have we heard nothing official
from the Narn Homeworld confirming this?

- The Kha'Ri have certain reservations.
- Then we're back where we started.

- We need proof.
- I am prepared to give you that proof.

Despite the misgivings of a few
in the inner circle of my government...

...I have convinced them to send a ship
to the heart of the enemy's old domain.

Located at the Rim of known space.

A dark and terrible place
known as Z'ha'dum.

It has been dead for 1000 years.
No one goes there. No one.

Our ship will arrive in 12 hours,
coming out of hyperspace...

...as close to the enemy's
Homeworld as possible.

They will scan the planet
for signs of life...

...and return to hyperspace
before anyone can attack.

And if someone is living there?

Then all our races stand
on the edge of extinction.

You wanted to see me,

You said I should tell you
if I heard about anything unusual...

...happening out on the Rim.

The Narns have sent a military ship
to investigate the world called Z'ha'dum.

I see you know it.

Only in passing.

Do you, by any chance,
know when it's scheduled to arrive?

Yes, in a little under 10 hours.

Chief. Chief.
I brought her like you asked.

Hey, Lou, good work.

- He tell you?
- Yes.

Mr. Garibaldi, you have to understand
that even if I do go into your mind...

...even if I do find anything,
it's not admissible in court.

I know.

Look, I gotta find out
who did this to me.

If there's anything in my memory,
anything that I missed or forgot...

...you can find it.

You may be placing too much faith
in my abilities, but I'll try.

Given your condition,
this will have to be a deep scan.

It may cause you some discomfort.

Let's do it.

I told you not to poke around
in things that are too big for you.

Well, it's a little late for that.
Now, up against the wall.

I think not.

No! Oh, God, no.

What? What did you see?

- You gotta come see this.
- What is it? I'm kind of busy here.

Ambassador Delenn's
out of that weird cocoon...

...and she's got wings, just like
a butterfly. You gotta come see.

Go ahead, go for it.
Make my solar year!

That was for the chief.

All right, that's enough.

He's all yours, sir.

Unless you wanna walk around the block
a few times and leave him to us.

I appreciate your enthusiasm, Officer
Welch, but that won't be necessary.

Put him in lockup, maximum security.
I want checks every quarter-hour.

Yes, sir. Take him.

- Hey! What are you doing?
- I have to get out of here.

You are in no condition.
They caught the guy who shot you.

Yeah, I know, but I have to see him.
I have to talk to him myself.

- Look, you can see him later.
- No, I can see him now!

Come here.

Look, why are you
doing this to yourself?

Because I have to.

Now, you can help me,
or you can get out of my way.

I trusted you.

I taught you everything I knew.

I gave you every break.

I even treated you
like my own brother.


My God, why'd you do it?

- I had my instructions.
- From who?

There's a new order
coming back home, Garibaldi.

You can either be part of it,
or you can be stepped on.

A winner or a loser.
I'm with the side that's gonna win.

Home Guard?

Home Guard.
They're a bunch of misfits.

You really don't have a clue,
do you, Garibaldi?

If I were you, I'd talk straight because
right now, you're in a world of trouble.

You don't even know what trouble is,
but you're gonna find out real soon.

Yeah, well, while I'm worrying
about that...

...roll this one around
in your head:

sh**ting a senior officer
is an act of treason and mutiny.

The penalty is spacing.
They put you in an air lock...

...seal it,
then open the space door.

You spend five minutes chewing vacuum
until your lungs turn inside out...

...your eyeballs freeze
and your heart explodes.

It's the worst death
you can imagine.

And when that day comes,
I'll be there to push the button.

Hey, Garibaldi.

Be seeing you.

- Yes.
- Captain.

I know, the Council meeting.

I'm trying to finish up
a few things here before l...

It's the president. He's on Gold
Channel 1, wants to speak to you.

Unless you'd like me to have him
call back later... Yes, sir. Stand by.

Mr. President, to what do I owe
the honor of this call?

Capt. Sheridan, I've just read
the report on your recent arrest.

Do you really think this individual
was involved in a conspiracy...

...to assassinate my predecessor?
- It's a little early for that, sir.

All we have on him now is attempted
m*rder of the senior officer...

...who uncovered
the alleged conspiracy.

This is very serious.

If there's the slightest chance this might
be true, we need to investigate fully.

- I agree, sir.
- Good.

I want him put on the first
prison shuttle to Earth.

I'm not sure I understand, sir.

We can 't risk this
being mishandled.

During the time I served
as vice president under Santiago...

... I grew to admire
and appreciate the man.

I owe it to his memory
to personally oversee any inquiry.

The first shuttle out.

And I want all transcripts, vid and
background material sent with him.

I need to have everything
right at my fingertips.

Yes, sir. Of course, sir.

- You're a good man.
- Thank you.

Good work on this.
To you and your chief of security.

I'll keep you informed of anything
we find. Earth Dome out.

We're at the hyperspace intersection,
which corresponds to the target area.

Very well. Initiate jump point
into normal space.

Pull back! Pull back!

I'm afraid to say...

...that the ship dispatched to investigate
Z'ha'dum has been destroyed.

They're reporting it as an accident
with the jump engines...

...since it happened
just as they left hyperspace.

The Kha'Ri says it cannot afford
to send another ship for some time.

No. I won't accept this.
This cannot have been an accident.

When a warship jumps to normal
space, it's briefly out of contact...

...because of the energy drain. It might
have been att*cked during that period.

But that couldn't happen unless...

Unless they knew the ship was coming
and were waiting for it.

But no one knew except...

What exactly are you implying,


I am too late.
Everything is too late.

If I may address the Council?

Yes, Mr. Lennier?

Ambassador Delenn
has been unavailable of late.

She has now returned...

...and wishes to know if she may
take back her seat on the Council.

Why, yes. Of course.
Please have her come in.

I've been looking forward
to meeting her.

Ambassador Sinclair has been allowed to
live on my world as an act of good faith.

To create a greater understanding
between Minbari and humans.

In return,
I have undergone this change...

...with the blessings
of my government...

...so that I may become a bridge
between our worlds...

...in the hope that we will never
know w*r between us again.

And all I could do was sit there,
my jaw on the floor, looking at her.

I can't say as I blame you.

Has her genetic structure changed
as well, or just her outward appearance?

I don't know, but she didn't seem
too inclined to talk about it.

God, what a day.

Garibaldi, the president,
and now this.

And it's not quite over yet.

When I decided to come see you,
I brought something with me.

I've been debating over whether or not
to show it to you.

Not sure if it would
open up old wounds.

But after our talk the other day...

...and you blaming yourself
for Anna taking that job on the Icarus...

...I think it's something
you ought to see.

It's part of a message Anna sent to me
about a week before she passed away.

I'll be in my quarters
if you want to talk.


Well, maybe we'll have the chance
to try again later.

I am really excited about signing
onboard the Icarus next week.

John and I were supposed
to spend time together...

... but Dr. Chang thinks
he's found the ruins...

... to an ancient civilization
nobody's ever heard of before.

The chance to be there
when the discovery is confirmed...

... is just too good an opportunity
to pass up.

I had already decided
to put off our vacation...

... when John called to cancel,
so it worked out just great.

The poor dear looked so upset
about breaking the news...

... I wanted to tell him
I was going away anyway, but I...

We had so much to cover,
and there's never enough time.

I'll just have to fill him in
when I get back.

You've got quite a brother there, Liz.
I can 't tell you...

... how lucky I feel sometimes,
even when he's not here. I just...

Someone said that love
knows no borders...

... and ours certainly proves the point.

Well, I'll check in with you
when I get back...

... but with any luck,
you'll hear it on the news first.

My love to Danny
and the kids. Bye.


I love you, Anna.

- I want to thank you again for helping.
- It's not a problem.

- Still not admissible in court.
- Don't worry about it.

Now that you jogged the old memory
loose, I can take it from here.

And speaking of taking it from here,
can I have a minute?

Sure. I'll see you later.

- If you want, I can...
- No, no. It's okay.

I just didn't want her to hear this.

I trust her, as much as I trust any
telepath, but she's still Psi Corps.

What does the Corps
have to do with this?

I've been thinking about this salute
Jack gave me in his cell.

Same as that Psi Cop Bester gave.

It's like he was rubbing my nose in
something he knew I could never prove.

Remember the big scandal about the
Corps endorsing Vice President Clark?

Sure, it was big news.
Made all the nets.

Their charter prohibits recommending
candidates to their members.

Exactly. Now, Jack
didn't admit anything...

...but he did say the Home Guard
wasn't behind...

...President Santiago's assassination.
But what if it was the Psi Corps?

What if they wanted someone in office
who was sympathetic to the Corps?

Before Earthforce One exploded,
the vice president got off at Mars...

...saying he had the flu.
That's pretty convenient, isn't it?

You'll write once in a while
and let me know how you are?

Yes. Of course.

Earth cruiser Von Braun announcing
final boarding. Please proceed to Gate 3.

That's my ship.

Take care, Johnny.

You too, huh?

Thanks for coming.

Thanks for everything.

You're my brother.

Ivanova to Sheridan,
you're needed in C & C.

Be right there.

Things have changed,
and they will never be the same.

But we are Narns.

We have learned to cope with change.
To triumph in the face of adversity.

We will overcome this as well.
We have no other choice.

- What is that?
- A human book.

I've been studying their literature
for a while, and I came across this.

It would seem they may be wiser
than we had thought.


"Things fall apart,
the center cannot hold.

Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
the blood-dimmed tide is loosed.

And everywhere, the ceremony
of innocence is drowned.

And what rough beast,
its hour come round at last...

... slouches toward Bethlehem...

... to be born. "

So, what's the problem?

On a hunch, I checked on the ship
taking the prisoner back to Earth.

He was transferred to another ship
a half an hour ago.

It had Earthforce security markings.

It knew all the right access
and identification codes.

Had papers authorizing the transfer, but
I just backtracked with Earth Central...

...the ID codes don't match any ship
registered to Earthforce.


So he's gone
and all the evidence with him?

I'm afraid so.

- Have you notified President Clark?
- He's not taking any calls.

Gets cold up here sometimes,
doesn't it, lieutenant commander?

Yes, sir.

It does indeed.
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