04x10 - One Pull Up

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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04x10 - One Pull Up

Post by bunniefuu »

Okay everyone.

Unfortunately the government just passed a new law.

Starting today, all park employees must pass an annual fitness test in order to keep their job I know, I know.

I don't wanna be here anymore than you do.

So let's get this over with so we can get back to work Alright guys, last part of the fitness test.

Just do one pull up and we can get out of here Dude, this test is so easy!

I know right!

What a waste of time Do you wanna go play some video games after this Yeeah I do!

Mordecai, Rigby!

Quit talking and get on the bar!

See you on the other side.

Time to show all you chumps how to do a pull up like a real man!

Stop talking!

Come on dude.

Quit messing around and just do the pull up!

I'm trying!

Oh man!

You can't even do one pull up?

Yes I can!

It was only because you distracted me with that stupid noise Ohh, so it was the noise's fault that you can't do a pull up.

Is that it?

Yes, yes!

It was that stupid noise!

Fine, then go again Don't make that noise again I won't.

I promise Cool it Muscle Man.

Let's go Rigby, just do the pull up Oh, how embarrassing Dude, come on!

Oh man!

You can't even do one pull up!

I'm sorry Rigby, but I can't give you a passing grade on the test.

If you can't do a pull up by the end of the week, I'm gonna have to fire you But.



I was just tired!

I'll be able to do a pull up.

You'll see.

Time to warm up with some Gym Class!

Because you know it's better than the real thing.

Dude, what are you doing?

What does it look like?

I'm training to do a pull up!

Dude, that's not doing anything.

If it's not doing anything, then how come I'm already breaking a sweat?

Um, I dunno.

Maybe cos you're really out of shape?

Does this look like I'm out of shape?




You gotta take this seriously!

Oh, I gotta take this seriously?

Is this serious enough for you?

Benson, I'm ready to do my pull up now Alright, let's get this over with.

Here's how we do it in Gym Class losers!


I'm trying!

Come on Rigby, just get it over with!

You have until Friday.

Hey Rigby!

Is anything wrong?

No I'm fine Are you upset because you can't do a pull up and you might get fired?


Who told you that?

Muscle Man was in here earlier.

He was selling tickets to watch you fail.

Aww, maybe he's right.

I can't believe I'm gonna lose my job over a stupid pull up.

You know, maybe I can help you.

I was on the pep squad in high school.

Thanks Eileen.

But I'm gonna need a lot more than pep to do a pull up.

Training starts after my shift.

Alright, give it a try.

Uggh, this is too hard!

I think I see the problem.

You're not visualising your own success.


You need to see it.

Close your eyes.

Now visualise yourself doing a pull up.

I can't.

Come on, you're not trying!

Close your eyes and really concentrate.

What do you see?

A grilled cheese sandwich.

Okay, okay.

Picture that sandwich.

Now picture your goal.

Doing that one pull up.

Can you see it?

- Not cool, bro,

- One pull up, can you see it?


I'm almost Man, I almost had it You'll get there.

Come on, Rigby.

We're almost out of time!

You can do this!

I can do this!

One pull up!

One pull up!


Pull UP!

This is hopeless!

I'm never gonna be able to do this!


Rigby wait!

I know you can do it.

This is so lame!

Lame government fitness test!

Lame arms!

Why does it gotta be so hard?

Feeling weak?

Looking pathetic?

If you're watching television, you probably are.

Luckily this TV commercial can save you.

If you want muscles fast, but keep working out, then you need The Russian Yeah I do.

The Russian uses electro therapy to shock your muscles into growing.

There's no effort from you.

Just switch it on and you'll be stronger in no time.

Thank you The Russian!

That's exactly what I need.

Do not operate The Russian for more than ten minutes a day.

Well I wanna get extra bulk!

So I'll need it on for eleven.

Those jerks better think it's for the g*n show tomorrow!

Thanks The Russian!

Where the heck is Rigby?

We're almost out of time!

Maybe his nerves got the better of him.


He'll be here.

He better.

Cos I got a lot of people here, who paid good money to watch him try.

Let me remind you.

There are no refunds in the event of a no show.

This is weird.

Rigby trained really hard for this.

He wouldn't just blow it off.

I'll go check on him Rigby?

Oh there you are

- You gotta

- It worked!

What did you do?

I used The Russian to get totally ripped!

This is awesome!

Now to go bust out my pull up!

My muscles are too heavy.

I can't stand up!

Oh Rigby There are no shortcuts to physical fitness.

Oh no, I'm gonna lose my job!

No no no no no!

Come on, you can still make it!

Aw it's hopeless!

No it's not!

There's still time!

Do what I say!

Close your eyes!

Now picture that pull up bar!

Do you see it?

I see it!

I see the pull up bar.

Then go do it!

You're doing it!

Just use your arms!

Keep going!

That's it!

He's late.

What IS that?

It's Rigby!

You've only got thirty seconds left!


Rigby, you have fifteen seconds to get up here and do a pull up!

Fifteen seconds?



You did it Rigby!

You can stay at the park!


Rigby, you were wonderful.

Thanks Eileen!

I couldn't have done it without you!

I'd hug you but I should probably wait 'til these muscles go away.

I don't wanna break your spine.

I'll take my chances Totally worth it.
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