03x03 - A Hunting We Will Go

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Newhart". Aired: October 25, 1982, - May 21, 1990.*
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d*ck Loudon and wife Joanna relocate from New York City to a small town in Vermont, where they run the historic Stafford Inn.
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03x03 - A Hunting We Will Go

Post by bunniefuu »

[Michael] d*ck...

I think this sunday's guest

Can be summed up in two words.

"Josh wickett."

The man is fascinating.

He claims to have preserved
a large soap bubble,

In tact, for 16 years.

Michael, you've
done it to me again.

You promise me
interesting guests,

And... And then you bring
me this... This bubble guy.

Wh... What happened to the
congressional medal of honor winner?

Depressing, d*ck. One... One
w*r story after another.

I swear, when the
man lost his platoon

He must've lost
his sense of humor.


[d*ck] oh, hi.

Hi, d*ck. Uh, if
you've got a minute,

There's something
I'd like to ask you.

Sure. You... You all
know, uh, michael harris?


- Uh-huh.
- Yup.

Well, what... What is it?

Well, d*ck, as everyone knows,

Duck season opens
friday, and every year,

Jim and chester
and I go hunting.

It's a big event, d*ck.

Jim and I haven't missed
opening day in 36 years.

Yeah. It's like a
tradition with us.

And it's a lot of fun.

Which brings us
to the question...

Uh, george, i... I think I know

What the question is, and
may I say that I'm touched.

Uh, I've always wanted
to go duck hunting,

But, uh, my mother
would never let me.

She'd always say, uh,

"d*ck, you're gonna
blow a finger off."

Going duck hunting with you guys

Would be like a... A
childhood dream come true.

Uh, d*ck, what I
wanted to ask was

If I could have friday off.

Wha... Uh, just a second.

Uh, it sounds like d*ck would
like to come along with us.

Does he know how to hunt?

Do you care if he
blows a finger off?

d*ck, uh, we'd be honored

To have you come
hunting with us.

Well, thanks. That...
That means a lot to me.

Uh, not as much as it
meant a moment ago,

But it means a lot, george.

Wait a minute.

Light bulb.

I've just come up
with a fantastic idea

For a new t.v. Show.

You'll... You'll be
the celebrity host.

Each week we'll have a
different celebrity guest

Stalk a celebrity creature.

It's a sure winner.
Nothing like it's ever

Been seen on television before.

Well, what about
american sportsman?

That's what we'll call it.

I... I don't wanna do it.

Wha... Why not?

Michael, i... I'm sure you
won't understand this,

But opening day is like, um...

A norman rockwell painting.

I mean, it... It's special,
you know? It's...

It... It's the air,
and... And nature,

And... And... And men in
groups, and, um, hats.

You know, it... It's sacred,

And... And i, for
one, can't believe

That you would want to
intrude upon something like that

With... With t.v. Cameras.
Right? Right, guys?

I think it sounds kinda fun.


We never been on t.v. Before.

Your cooperation will really
be appreciated in this, men.

And just to show you how much,

The station is going to
cater the whole affair.

Hey, hey, hey. Free eats.

Oh, stephanie. What's going on?

Joanna was just helping
me clean the fireplace.


Well, she's never
cleaned a fireplace before,

And she didn't
know how to do it.

I'd say she found a way.

[Joanna] stephanie...

I think you can
take over from here.


Um, joanna, do you think
that I could do it later?

I'd die of embarrassment
if anybody saw me like that.

Goodbye. See ya friday.

And d*ck, don't have
duck for breakfast.

They do that joke every year.

It's still funny. [Laughs]

You know what, d*ck?

I'm gonna make that
dream of yours come true.

You're gonna have
the best doggone

First day of hunting
a fella ever had.


Yeah. Uh, george
and jim and chester

Invited me to go duck
hunting with them.

With g*ns?

Well, we could save time

And try to catch
'em in roasting pans.

d*ck, you could
blow a finger off.

Honey, I'm gonna be with
three experienced hunters.

I mean, look at george.

George has been hunting
since he was a little boy,

And he's never blown a
finger off. Right, george?

Not one of my own, no.

Now, you see, d*ck?

d*ck. Where are you going?

Thank goodness you're not going.

Actually, I am.

Someone's gotta film the hunt.

But michael, aren't
they going on friday?


But friday is the night

Of the kappa kappa
gamma alumni ball.


And you promised you'd take me.

And there's nothing
I'd rather do, cupcake.

This duck thing came up.

But turtledove, this ball
only comes once a year.

Why don't you sh**t your
stupid ducks some other day?

Would that I could, muffin.

I... I can't break my
promise to these men.

But you're breaking
your promise to me.

Well, now you're
getting rational,

And that's not an
attractive quality in a woman.

And when you get like this,

I don't wanna go
to a dance with you.

Are you trying to say
that this is all my fault?

Well, if the jordache fits...

Think about it.

Think about this.

[Men's voices]

Tie us off, michael.

Wow. Talk about a
lack of amenities.

Is there something
different about your boots?

They're shined.

You haven't shined
those boots in 26 years.

Yeah, and it was
beginning to show.

Do you need any help, d*ck?

No. I got it.


[Michael] I'm rolling.

Now, just pretend
I'm not even here.

The catchword for
the day is "realism."

Um, d*ck, could...
Could you go back

And make that entrance again?

I... I didn't quite get it.

And... And it would help...
If you would say this.

"In... In all my
days of hunting,

I've never seen such a
beautiful day as this."

I'm not gonna say it, michael.

It's dishonest.

I'll say it.

Uh, no thanks.

You're acting awfully funny.

I don't know what
you're talking about.

What are you up to, jim dixon?


A tie?

You're wearing a tie.

I hardly slept last
night. I was so excited.

I just kept thinking,
"today is the day

I get to teach my
friend d*ck how to hunt."

No, I didn't get
much sleep either.

And mainly because
joanna kept muttering,

"You're gonna
blow a finger off."

Okay. Could you
tell our viewers now,

How long have you been hunting?

Since we were 13.

I've been hunting
since I was four.

When the two of us were 13,

I said, "I've been
hunting for nine years.

Wanna come along?"

And could you tell us,
uh, how duck hunting

Differs from, say, bear hunting?

Well... Bears can't fly.

Would you let me finish?

As I was saying, there's
really no comparison.

First of all, hunting
bears can be dangerous.

Duck hunting isn't.

A duck tried to k*ll me once.

What? Ducks don't attack people.

I think this one was a rogue.

Now, when you spot a
duck off in the distance,

You use this.

A duck call.


You use it to
attract his attention,

And to lure him
towards you. There.

There's one out there
now. Do you see it?

Yes. Yeah. I sure do.

Watch this.

[Duck call]

[Duck call]

[Duck call]

There's not much you can
do with those deaf ones.

I... I think I get the
picture, george.

I think we can go as far
as... As loading the g*ns.

Now you're talking.
Where's the a*mo?

In the boat, next
to your tuxedo,

Mr. Show business.

Uh, fellas?

Wh... Where's the boat?

Looks like the
boat floated away.

Well, how... How
could that happen?

Maybe one of those
rogue ducks took it.

Somebody must have
forgot to tie it up.


Uh... It... It... It
doesn't matter who.

It isn't gonna do
anybody any good

To... To start
blaming each other.

What we should be thinking about

Is how we're gonna
get outta here.

I mean, it's gonna be dark soon,

The temperature's falling,
and we don't have any shelter.

All right. Who is the bonehead

Who forgot to tie off the boat?

Michael was first out.

First out always ties off.

News to me.

Someone could've said something.

I said it.

I said, "michael,
tie off the boat."

Oh, that wasn't
just idle chatter?

Let's... Let's not argue.

There's... There's
still some light left.

I... I'm sure someone
will find us.

Uh, that kind of
hurts my feelings, d*ck.


I built this blind myself.

Nobody's supposed
to see you in it.

I'm... I'm sorry, george. That
was... That was thoughtless.

Prob... Probably
nobody'll see us,

And... And we'll be
stuck here all night,

And... And... And
we'll freeze to death.

So, you're saying it's
kind of a mixed blessing?

Well, uh, why don't we, uh,

Start a signal fire.

Is there anything around
here we... We can burn?

How about the guy who
forgot to tie off the boat?

That would be michael.

Guys. Bear in mind I'm the
fellow who remembered

To bring the food.

Nourishment that will...
Will give us a fighting chance

Against the cold.

There's nothing in
here but a lot of wine.


Oh, great. When
they find our bodies,

They'll say we had great taste.

Wh... Where... Where's the food?

Well, that would
be, uh, in... In the boat.

Thank you very much, officer.

I will. Goodbye.

What did they say?

They're sending
over a special team

That rescues people
lost in the swamps.

And what did you say?

I said, "good."

Stephanie, I'm so worried.

d*ck isn't accustomed
to the wild.

What about michael?

He's not even accustomed
to wearing flannel.

What if we never see them again?

How could I live with it knowing
my last words to d*ck were,

"If everybody jumped
off a cliff, would you?"

You know, all this worrying

Just makes me realize how
much I care for michael.

I mean, sure he has his faults,

But now that he's in trouble,

I just wish I could be with him
to hold him and comfort him.

Not in a swamp, of course.

Maybe in rio.


Nice crystal.

Level with me, d*ck.

Why is it everyone
is always on my case?

I mean, first this... This
party thing with stephanie,

And now the guys with
this life and death business.

Well, maybe it's because
it's... It's your fault.

I mean, did... Did you
ever think of that?


Well, take this
fight with stephanie.

Was I wrong?

Well, I've... I've only
heard her side of it,

But she said that she was
looking forward to this party,

And then you broke the
date at the last minute.

But I'd be glad to
listen to your side.

That is my side.

Well, then you were
wrong to break the date.

Well, d*ck, I had to do it.

You wanted to do
this duck hunting show.

No, you wanted to do
the duck hunting show.

That's your problem.

You won't take responsibility
for things you do.

I mean, just once I would
like to hear you say,

"It's all my fault."

Well, d*ck,

Just show me something
that's my fault.

The... The thing with stephanie.

The... The... The bubble guy
you tried to stick me with.

The fact that you
didn't tie off the boat,

And... And we're
all gonna die here.

Well, d*ck,

It's a poor workman
that blames his tools.

[Car door closes]

Good. Maybe that's
the rescue team.


I'm larry. This is
my brother, darryl.

This is my other brother darryl.

Hi, larry. Did you happen to see

A police search team out there?

Uh-huh. We're it.

Oh, my god.

Evenin' miss stephanie.

You're lookin' particularly
radiant tonight.

Well, I can't think
about that right now.

The man I love may
be freezing to death

In some god forsaken swamp.

May I say it agrees with you?


Larry, could you please hurry?

Ma'am, don't worry.

Alive or dead,
we'll bring 'em back.

Borrowed a bloodhound
and everything.

Oh, by the way...

Would you mind if we borrowed

An article of your husband's
clothing for the dog?

Oh, certainly not.
Here. Take this coat.


This oughta keep
ol' rocket warm, huh?

I didn't wanna die this way.

Is anybody else
as tired as I am?

Well, I'm gonna
catch some shuteye.

I wonder what
the end will be like.

I read somewhere
that freezing to death

Feels exactly
like falling asleep.

Okay. Everybody
up. Calisthenics.

Who died and made you king?

This is for our own good.
We have to keep moving.

Mi... Michael.

Ah, you can keep doing that.

Okay. Let's begin.




Stop hitting me.

Stop taking up so much room.


Oh, you're impossible.

You've always been impossible.

Ever si... Oh, no.
You're not gonna

Bring that up again. Not here.

Ever since the sixth grade...

Don't. I warn you.

And you ruined my scout knife.

I did not.

Yes you did.

I leant it to you.

I said, "use it on anything."

Use it on diamonds, smash
it on a rock, anything.

Just don't use it
to open a coconut.

And what's the
first thing you do?

Open a coconut. You ruined it.

All right. I did it.
And you know what?

I had to go 16 miles
to find that coconut.

And you know why?

Because you were always
a whiney-faced little thing,

And you made me sick.

Listen, blimpo...
Oh, oh, oh, oh...

All right. Cut it... Cut it out.

You're acting like babies.

He started it.

Did not. He started it.

[d*ck] it doesn't matter

Whose fault it was.

It's my fault.

I admit it. You're right, d*ck.

It's all my fault.

Well, what is?

Everything. I forgot
to tie off the boat,

I forgot the food,

I broke my date with stephanie,

I stuck you with the bubble guy.

I'm to blame for everything.

Michael, this is... Is
partially my fault.

I mean, I mean, the
thing with stephanie...

Was... Was your fault,
and the... The boat,

That was... Was
certainly your fault.

But if you're talking
about the fact that

We're... That we're
all gonna die here,

That's... That's part...
Partly my fault.


Well, um...

You... Uh, you're...
You're my producer.

And if... And if I hadn't agreed
to... To do this stupid show,

You would... You
wouldn't even be here.

Yeah, and if chester
and I hadn't wanted

To be on t.v. So much,
you wouldn't be here.

I'm probably most to blame.

If I hadn't rowed you out here,

You definitely wouldn't be here.

I don't deserve to live.

You... You guys are trying
to make me feel better, right?

[All] mm-hmm.

You guys are... Are
the best damn friends...

A fella ever had.

Too bad in a couple hours

We're all gonna
be lifeless wads.



d*ck, if we don't pull through,

My only regret'll be that

I didn't make this a
great trip for you.

And that I rowed
michael out here.

How about you, d*ck?

Any regrets?


I don't... I don't know.

Well, come on, d*ck.

There... There
must be something.

What's the first thing
that crosses your mind?

There's... There's nothing.

Oh, yeah. There's something.

Well, there's just
this silly thing...

I always wanted to do
more than anything else

In my... In my
whole entire life.

Don't be shy, d*ck. Tell us.

Yeah. We wanna know.

Well, i, uh...

I always... I always
wanted... Wanted to play...

Professor harold
hill in the music man.


I... I always wanted...
Wanted to play profess...

Professor harold... Harold
hill in... In the music man.

And i... And I never did.

And i...

I think I would've... I
would've been pretty good.

Do it.


Yeah. Do it.

There's no time
like the present.

There may be no
time but the present.

Here in a duck blind?

Yeah. Don't die
with regrets, d*ck.

I guess I could... I
could do a little singing.


Well, you... Yeah you
got trouble my friend.

Right here, I say, trouble
right here in... In river city.

Why, sure I'm a billiard player.

Certainly mighty proud to say...

I'm always mighty
proud to say it.

Sell it, d*ck.

I consider the hours I spend

With a cue in my
hand are golden.

Help me cultivate horse sense...

And a cool head, and a keen eye.

Did you ever take and try
to give an ironclad leave

To yourself from a
three-rail billiard shot...

That's the last time you
ever upstage anybody.

But it's my part. I...
I... I played that part

In community theatre 84 times.

It was his dream. I'm
gonna have to k*ll you.

No, no, no.

But he was terrible.
We all saw it.

That's it. I'm swimming.

Hi. I'm larry. This is
my brother, darryl...

We're saved.


We're gonna get outta here.

How did... How did
you... You guys find us?

We heard singin'.

Darryl loves dinner
theatre, so we came this way.

I knew that voice of yours
would come in handy sometime.

A natural foghorn.


You know, about that knife,

If it makes you feel any better,

That coconut gave
me a stomach ache.

Ah, jim.

I've been waitin' a
lifetime to hear that.

Nice number, d*ck.

Here, uh, darryl?

Could you get a
hold of this? Here.

Just for the record, d*ck,

This was not a
typical opening day.

Thanks, george.

No. Really. It was
nothing but trouble.

With a capital "t," and
that rhymes with "p,"

And that stands for "pool..."

Geor... George...
Get in the boat.

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